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To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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Marauders need heavy support to be good at WZs a good team behind them..i have never lost agents a marauder..and when you have range one him its a joke..i really dont get you people..maby gaming isnt your thing?


The people that cry marauders are OP are just bads one way or another..


I rolled a mara just to see what all the hype is about(full BM some WH) must say fun calss but OP it is not..there are two kinds of players i encountered..1st i face rolled(geard) and 2nd just found it hard to beat them..50/50..fights..makes me lol thou because bring a ranged class and life just gets 100% better you basically have 0% stress compared to melle(mara)


Not like BW dont know what there doing but even if all the bads get the mara nerfd i say to all you good players roll a face roll ranged char..and weed out all the bads..i would love to see what they QQ about next.

Edited by mayjin
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All the crying about 1.2 buffing them too much is BS, I can tell you that the difference between Mara/Sent pre 1.2 and post is negligible.
100% true for Watchman Sentinels.


Well, the changes to the Combat spec were welcomed and needed, but that was just to make us a non-gimped spec.


Watchman spec, which is what the vast majority play, may have even received a slight nerf with the damage immunity from Force Camo being removed. It's almost like nobody bothers to read patch notes.

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Oh just like the poster that said a Mara and a healer and can live for 20 seconds are the best players. LOL ok




I have seen some amazing assassins.


You might have seen amazing Assassins, but unless the six people fighting that Assassin were AFK or brain dead, that's just a ridiculous claim.


Sin tank hybrid is the most OP thing in the game right now.


It's Darkness Assassins in DPS gear that everybody is making a stink about. Yes, they're pretty awesome in a one on one situation.

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If it has been said before I'll simply reiterate the proponents of this adjustment --


GbtF and Undying should be tweaked to do what is says but also reduce dmg while under its effects by say 30% OR increase the CD and keep it as it is now (as a Mara enthusiast I would go for the former). That is the only tweak (nerf) I would suggest. The ability would still be useful in Huttball where it really shines, and less of a 1v1 godmode that's got everyone's panties in a bunch.


I don't think Mara/Sents are OP, I think they're almost right where they should be, it's the other classes that need to educate themselves, get better equipment, or both. I'd even go so far as to recommend getting gaming hardware. Going against someone who has a G13 and Razer Naga, while you're rocking a Microsoft keyboard from early 2000 is asking a lot of your button mashing abilities.


Bottomline is there are a ton of factors that determine "OP." Running countless of WZs I still see how some players use their AC and I'd consider them OP, not their AC -- and it involves a wide range of ACs.

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Ok w/e, I don't think the full story is truth, lots creative embellishment IMHO, he makes sound like he face rolls a Mara, which is not true.. Besides how do you know he's telling the truth?


Ok I don't fully know the truth, like I haven't met the guy, but he did make a post ASKING about the best class for his friend who has those deficiencies to use, so unless he is some super elaborate troll who just made that post so he could later lie and say maras were face-roll then I'll believe him.


Honestly though the hardest part about playing a mara is timing, you don't really rely on any procs so its all about getting close, staying close, and using defensive cooldowns at the right time. Proc based classes are much harder and less predictable.

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Oh just like the poster that said a Mara and a healer and can live for 20 seconds are the best players. LOL ok




I have seen some amazing assassins.


I dont think you read what was written TBH.


But go for it, search for mara pvp videos on youtube and watch mara's destroy 3 people at a time, even with similar gear. Then you can go call them bad or whatever you want, but 3v1 even bad players should kill a good player.

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I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine,.


No it is not. It is not fine. TANK CLASSES SHOULD NOT BE DPS CLASSES. No one with with HEAVY armour should be doing any kind of real DPS.

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No it is not. It is not fine. TANK CLASSES SHOULD NOT BE DPS CLASSES. No one with with HEAVY armour should be doing any kind of real DPS.


Quoting this for giggles later, for everyone else. Marauders/Sentinels apparently are tanks now, and use Heavy Armor instead of Medium. We taunt by sticking our tongue out after casting Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force.

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The cooldowns on these abilities for a DPS class is also way too OP, taking out the fact they shouldn't even exist with that class in the current capacity.


The damage mitigation skill should be a X cost of health not a % on what is left, so you keep it at say 30% cost of TOTAL health, so you know a Mara HAS to use it before they hit the 30% mark or they just can't after that.


So, kite them for 4 seconds, or knock em back and LOL at them as they die to your dot's once it wears off?


Sounds like some people need to stop defending their poor skills at playing SWTOR PVP.

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So, kite them for 4 seconds, or knock em back and LOL at them as they die to your dot's once it wears off?


Sounds like some people need to stop defending their poor skills at playing SWTOR PVP.


And the counter to that for them is so slow them and if they knock you back leap to them so you can laugh as your dots tick for more then theirs and you can interrupt every other ability they use meanwhile hitting with other abilities.

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No it is not. It is not fine. TANK CLASSES SHOULD NOT BE DPS CLASSES. No one with with HEAVY armour should be doing any kind of real DPS.


so you want to nerf BHs powertechs and juggs ?


Because marauders wear medium armor.


Your correct tho NERF HEAVY ARMOR DPS!!!!!!!!!! It's wayyyy overpowered.

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And the counter to that for them is so slow them and if they knock you back leap to them so you can laugh as your dots tick for more then theirs and you can interrupt every other ability they use meanwhile hitting with other abilities.


So, let's see your timeline, sir: You pop Guarded by the Force, 1.5s cd. 2.5s remaining now, you get knocked back right away and force leap a half second later... 2 seconds left... your GCD expires at 0.5s left on the 99% reduction... WOW SO OP! /sarcasm Oh and that's assuming impeccable reaction time, no latency, and that your cooldown on leap is up and the target is not out of LOS or in cover by the time you try to leap them.

Edited by Ancen
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I dont think you read what was written TBH.


But go for it, search for mara pvp videos on youtube and watch mara's destroy 3 people at a time, even with similar gear. Then you can go call them bad or whatever you want, but 3v1 even bad players should kill a good player.


I'm curious how you would know they have similar gear from the video?

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Stuns can be countered AFTER they have been cast, and don't have to be countered before. You can CC break a stun, I can't CC break GBTF, resolve stops a stun... resolve doesn't stop GBTF...


Different mechanics stop comparing them.


Ya because that 2 min CD for CC breaker is just always available...Do you know how often a sentinel CC breaker is up? The answer is never. And if you filled that sentinels resolve bar near death where he is most likely going to use GBTF...well that's your own fault for not paying attention to the fight.

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Ya because that 2 min CD for CC breaker is just always available...Do you know how often a sentinel CC breaker is up? The answer is never. And if you filled that sentinels resolve bar near death where he is most likely going to use GBTF...well that's your own fault for not paying attention to the fight.


Actually the answer is once every 2 mins, which is more then enough because how often do YOU die in PVP? I die less then 5 times in "most" even battles, so thats 1 and a bit CC breaks per death, plus why wouldn't a mara save his CC break for just before he uses GBTF?


And now we have people claiming that I as a sorc have twice as many forms of CC as a mara, and other people claiming that if I use them and give a person full resolve that I'm bad, even tho every CC ability (bar my 31 point madness) gives resolve... I wonder if any of you have even played this game.


Mara's abilities are not in line with any other DPS class in the game. And it would be nice if people would stop trying to compare apples to oranges.

~Pyrotechs die fast, Operatives die fast, Rage juggs die fast, DPS sins die fast, Maras DONT.

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Quoting this for giggles later, for everyone else. Marauders/Sentinels apparently are tanks now, and use Heavy Armor instead of Medium. We taunt by sticking our tongue out after casting Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force.

Everyone knows that they breathe with fire and killing with their eyes ;)

Edited by Surbatu
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~Pyrotechs die fast, Operatives die fast, Rage juggs die fast, DPS sins die fast, Maras DONT.

Pyrotechs have the ability to fight on their own terms, Operatives have the ability to fight on their own terms, Rage Juggs have the ability to fight on their own terms, Maras DONT.

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Please define "own terms".


I think he means since most teams still fail to target the person doing massive burst, we can run around freely killing things hardly ever get attacked :)


Oh, but on an important note, we should have stealth. Cause, why not? I'm sure being a BH somewhere has a gadget to give me some stealthiness.

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Please define "own terms".


Powertechs can pull you to exactly where they want to fight you. They're at a disadvantage if you fight them on a ramp. They can remove you from the ramp to fix this.


Operatives have stealth. They can choose who to fight and where, in addition to significantly more powerful and effective CC than what is given to the Marauder.


Rage Juggs have push that resets leap. They can leap/push/leap and fight you where they want to, provided lag doesn't cause the push to go a random direction.


Marauders? We have to fight you exactly where you stand, and you get to see us coming. If you don't understand how much that requires a different toolset, you've never played a marauder or sentinel.

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I think he means since most teams still fail to target the person doing massive burst, we can run around freely killing things hardly ever get attacked :)


Oh, but on an important note, we should have stealth. Cause, why not? I'm sure being a BH somewhere has a gadget to give me some stealthiness.


I don't understand. I'm a merc pyro - I do NOT fight on my own terms. I have a powetech pyro - I do NOT fight on my own terms. Is it something to do with range? But a jug has no range. By comparison how can a mara's defensive cooldowns NOT make it their own terms?

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Powertechs can pull you to exactly where they want to fight you. They're at a disadvantage if you fight them on a ramp. They can remove you from the ramp to fix this.


Operatives have stealth. They can choose who to fight and where, in addition to significantly more powerful and effective CC than what is given to the Marauder.


Rage Juggs have push that resets leap. They can leap/push/leap and fight you where they want to, provided lag doesn't cause the push to go a random direction.


Marauders? We have to fight you exactly where you stand, and you get to see us coming. If you don't understand how much that requires a different toolset, you've never played a marauder or sentinel.


I see what you mean now. But a powetech has a 45 second grapple, you have a leap every 15 seconds?

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