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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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Thank you, as PvP servers in a game go these are pee wee league yet I've never seen people so viscerally incensed as to insinuate all manner of real life anti social behaviors of those who do engage in ganking lowbies. Accusations to the point of criminal no less.


Did someone attempt to draw the correlation between ganking a lowbie in an MMO and physically punching a child in the face?!?! Did I really see that?


No. What you saw was an illustration of the stupidity of the logic behind these self-justifications.


The only reason why people even make these arguments to begin with is because it's a video game, there are no stakes - none - so anything (other than, I guess, logic) goes. But the arguments are still so fail as to beg for ridicule.


In other words: stop trying to justify this, because there's no need, and all of your attempts are ridiculous. Just say it: you're a cockmonger, you monger ****, that's what you do. It's a video game, who cares why?


PS - I feel bad having to hold your hand through this thread. You can do better; I believe in you.

Edited by hairlessOrphan
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Every time I enter a warzone, the rest of my team interferes with my ability to enjoy playing. I guess I should be reporting all seven of them, huh?


If that happens -every- time you enter a WZ and its -all- of your teammates causing it...then perhaps the problem isnt them =P

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A sociopath well on his way to full-blown psychopath.


You are right, anyone who kills another player for laughs in a video game has mental issues. Just like people who plant C4 on snipers in bf3 or others that troll on the internet! These people need to be stopped. Actually if you relate so much to your digital character that you feel so offended by getting ganked, and therefore associate your attacker with someone who actually has mental issues, you might actually be the one with the problem.

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You are right, anyone who kills another player for laughs in a video game has mental issues. Just like people who plant C4 on snipers in bf3 or others that troll on the internet! These people need to be stopped. Actually if you relate so much to your digital character that you feel so offended by getting ganked, and therefore associate your attacker with someone who actually has mental issues, you might actually be the one with the problem.


Come on, guys. This debate isn't a difficult one. There's a distinction being made between fair fights and stomping on helpless nubs, in this thread. Get on board.


Yeesh, guys. No wonder election debates are so stupid. You people will fall for any straw man out there.

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This is either a lie or a matter of remembering incorrectly. Bug Town is on Balmorra, and on Balmorra it is not possible to run into players of the opposite faction.


It was Balmorra. I also saw a lvl50 rep on the steps of the GTC there. It took a lot of ppl to kill him. This might have been during beta, it was a while ago. At the time with the no fight back responce I got from him I thought it might have been a CRP or one of the Dev. team but they were there for sure.

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Yeah in a proper PVP sandbox mmo ;)




You cannot can flip and get waay with it in the new player starter systems, you get banned for it.


Plus, if you ignore the great big "WARNING: you are going to steal something and piss off the owner" then you deserve a face full of Scorch. All part of the learning curve. A good thing as far as I am concerned; people should take responsibility for their actions.


Which is why you do it in the systems around the starter systems. ;) Killed a mining Domi in Umokka with my Tristan. My favorite kill. :D

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It was Balmorra. I also saw a lvl50 rep on the steps of the GTC there. It took a lot of ppl to kill him. This might have been during beta, it was a while ago. At the time with the no fight back responce I got from him I thought it might have been a CRP or one of the Dev. team but they were there for sure.


Balmorra and Taris each have two versions, each version of which are only accessible to one faction. As a republic player, I cannot travel to imperial Balmorra or Taris, and as an Imperial player I cannot travel to Republic Balmorra or Taris. I do not know for certain, but given how intricate this fact is to the story feature of the game, I do not believe it was any different in beta.

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Balmorra and Taris each have two versions, each version of which are only accessible to one faction. As a republic player, I cannot travel to imperial Balmorra or Taris, and as an Imperial player I cannot travel to Republic Balmorra or Taris. I do not know for certain, but given how intricate this fact is to the story feature of the game, I do not believe it was any different in beta.


I don't know of this ever happening in Beta, but people definitely got on the enemy fleets during Beta before it was "Fixed", so it wouldn't be impossible if maybe someone found a way to glitch their way into somewhere they didn't belong on Balmorra too. But yeah, I really doubt it.


As far as the moral debate going on here, c'mon folks.


Morality, and Justice are 100% subjective. Open your minds. One man's Justice is another man's oppression. Haven't you seen enough real world examples of this yet? You can argue 'til you're all blue in the face, and the fact is, everyone arguing it is both right, and wrong, so you might as well just drop it.

Edited by AstralProjection
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I really don't know. Although I don't as a rule gank lowbie's I don't mind if it happens to me, jeez....Its a game! I dont like being camped but if it happens I dont fight the second time, I take the time to write down the toons name. (since theres no combat log) Make an atl of the opp faction and add him to your friends list and to the list of things to do when your lvl50 hehehehehe. As an Assassin on Tat I attacked a group of 4, 8 lvls above me camping a mission. Instant death but who cares it was fun. Im not saying the OP is right in his attitude but cripe! If you like the game and pvp enough to roll on a pvp server you should enjoy what little open world pvp we have even if its loseing to a ganker.


When I saw the opp faction on Balmorra it was in an early closed beta. (finding glitches was our job) I was in the second round of closed beta testers so I've been playing a while which prob. has a lot to do with my " Its just a game " funs comes first attitude.

Edited by Malefik
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Expect there to an abundance of elitist jerks on pvp severs that want nothing more than to ruin your day. Just like a high school bully. Hes doing it now because he can't compete once you're his level. Let him be the virtual bully, knowing that it's the only good thing going for him in his life. At least he killing you in-game instead of defenseless animals IRL.
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After taking some time to reflect, the OPs post could very well be a "troll post" for this reason:


It is not possible to "camp" newbie zones in SWTOR. Since travel is controlled by fleet and your personal ship's astrogation chart, it is impossible to go to the worlds that are starter zones. Those planets do not appear on your chart.


I know camping newbie zones has and can be done in games like WoW and L2 but, I don't see it possible in SWTOR.



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Killing lowbies is not the way, but the game itself is indeed lacking the pvp content.


This is "star wars" but I don't see any wars. There are warzones but you can't lose a thing inside; and you can only win some gear tokens.


This should be a game where you can conquer planets as a faction which makes leveling for the opposite faction very hard or different on those conquered planets.


You want to pve on Hoth? Well, you need to get a group of people and take it back. Take over some bases (a pvp content), do some guerilla missions (pve content) and maybe then you can retake Hoth and do the standard pve missions and/or push away the remaining enemy forces (pvp content).


This of course would require more than one planet with the same level range, making sure the factions are pretty balanced etc.



Instead we got four small minigames that are detached from the whole universe of the game and we can grind pvp gear. Yay.

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OP is right, ganking is fun, and when I'm killed as a lowbie I think its fun because I remember the name and it compels me to play more and find them later. I enjoy actual MMORPG not e-honor bs.



I kill anyone irrelevant of level or gear (even if they are above me), because it is fun. :rolleyes: Care bears don't roll on a pvp server if you don't like it.

Edited by MrXen
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  • Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
  • May take advantage of others to reach their own goal
  • Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents
  • Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
  • Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
  • Easily becomes jealous
  • Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others
  • Obsessed with oneself
  • Mainly pursues selfish goals
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Is easily hurt and rejected
  • Sets unrealistic goals
  • Wants "the best" of everything
  • Appears as tough-minded or unemotional



Isn't it a bit scary that the above is the symptoms of Narcissistic personality disorder? =D

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  • Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
  • May take advantage of others to reach their own goal
  • Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents
  • Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
  • Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
  • Easily becomes jealous
  • Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others
  • Obsessed with oneself
  • Mainly pursues selfish goals
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Is easily hurt and rejected
  • Sets unrealistic goals
  • Wants "the best" of everything
  • Appears as tough-minded or unemotional



Isn't it a bit scary that the above is the symptoms of Narcissistic personality disorder? =D


Get out of my head you soothsayer you!

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Later Addition:

In support of these activities I point to the movies. If they taught us anything they taught us that killing Younglings is a viable tactic. In fact, large portions of the 3rd prequel movie is whiny pre-Vader walking around 1-shotting ppl.


Thank you for helping to make a pvp server a dangerous one! That's what I like. So you got killed in a video game? What are you gonna do? Get together with some people and get some revenge. That's fun times! You could cry about it, but that doesn't sound fun. That sounds more like someone picked the wrong server. Nothing wrong with that. Just go roll on one of the many PVE servers.


I want a game with danger and risk involved. So I play on PVP servers, and I expect this type of stuff! Thanks for doing what you do!

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Guards from other factions drop precious green lewtz and literally tens of credits each time. At endgame you have to gank low level areas and baserap.e med centres just to stay competitive. Edited by Diddley
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BTW isn't the whole reason for leveling up is to become more powerful then those lower than you?


I never understood why when you level up all of the fights are the same difficulty. What is the point of being a high level if you really can't use your power?

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BTW isn't the whole reason for leveling up is to become more powerful then those lower than you?


I never understood why when you level up all of the fights are the same difficulty. What is the point of being a high level if you really can't use your power?


Ever gone back to Korriban at level 50 and ran around killing the lv1 mobs there?


I'm sure that will keep you entertained for hours on end. : )

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