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CC is out of control.


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What's the one stun were your body is being electrified and you look like you are having seizures? I've been stuck in that one while getting punched in face to the point where when it's over I am half way dead or dead


It does feel like there are times that you can't do anything. I've been on the receiving end and I've taken advantage of it as well.


Maybe it's just bugs which wouldn't surprise me.

Edited by Overtone
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personally I think that resolve should have more influence... I think that you should only be allowed to use your break on full resolve, and have it refresh on full resolve, this way people will be smart on how they cc, cause if you fill the resolve, people will break and have immunity from future stuns until resolve breaks down, that way CC break actually is worth while and not a "once in a blue moon" abilities. also the way it is setup in game almost every class relies toooooo heavily on their cc's thats why so many people hate it. resolve as it stands, runs down while you are in the spawn point... its useless.
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don't worry, that troll doesn't even know that operative have a free stun that doesn't affect Resolve at all. (knockdown, animation keeps you from doing anything), but knockdowns that force you to run an animation are not stuns and shouldn't affect resolve per bioware. working as intended for operatives at bioware


Why is it that you think knockdown doesn't affect resolve, and vice versa?

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I agree with you sometimes i see my knock back and cc completely fail even though there resolve bar empty, and one thing i hate it that root doesn't affect CC at all, you can be right in front of the goal line for 10 seconds easy while your getting murdered and cant move. in my opinion everything should effect resolve bar., and when you hit your free break away you should be immune to sorts of CC for a couple seconds.
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On what kind of potato did you timed it? Maximum possible time for you to be able to do absolutely nothing ( cc break on cooldown) is 16 seconds , 2 x 8 second incapacitate.


it is appalling that the player base for this game can not even count.... WITH A STOPWATCH EVEN


Best advice i can give you is to stay in school


Yeah, because being unable to move or play the game for 16 seconds is a totally reasonable amount of time....oh, and being snared and then dead the rest of the time is much fun...we need more CC actually....movement is So overrated.. :rolleyes:



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On what kind of potato did you timed it? Maximum possible time for you to be able to do absolutely nothing ( cc break on cooldown) is 16 seconds , 2 x 8 second incapacitate.


it is appalling that the player base for this game can not even count.... WITH A STOPWATCH EVEN


Best advice i can give you is to stay in school


Stacked snares/interrupts like Force Leap would also keep someone held for longer than 16 seconds and wouldn't be effected by resolve.

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So many people don't understand how resolve and CC work and are crying about it.


System works fine, not sure what Bioware can do to fix stupidity.


Most long CC abilities can be dispelled. Especially when Sages and Sorcs were prevalent, it was a race to dispel dispel Force Lift and Force Whirlwind. Very few players outside the top teams actually dispel CC, most of the mid-tier to lower tier players just cry about it on the forums.


There should be a 10 hour PVP tutorial before new players are allowed to enter PVP or something...


What fanboiz like you can't understand is WE KNOW EXACTLY how CC and resolve works...it's not that is is NOT working as intended...is it is just WAY over the top and ANNOYING as hell and REMOVES fun from PvP...it does not contribute in anyway to the FUN!


I want to enjoy PvP ...not be frustrated and annoyed that my movement is impaired just by being in combat...and then gets much worse as snares/pushes/pulls/knock backs/stuns/mezzes/gernades....etc all keep me from playing!




CC is needed in much lower degrees.


It baffles me how anyone can defend the CC is this game...in PvP anyway.!! :confused:

Edited by Krashnburn
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What fanboiz like you can't understand is WE KNOW EXACTLY how CC and resolve works...it's not that is is NOT working as intended...is it is just WAY over the top and ANNOYING as hell and REMOVES fun from PvP...it does not contribute in anyway to the FUN!


That's because you suck, and do not how to capitalize upon what the system offers. Fortunately, people who actually take time to practice fights, review matches, and come up with ideas - ie. people who "think" in PvP - usually adapt to what the resolve/stun mechanic can be utilized to do... and then it becomes very tactical.


Personally, it took about two days of complaining griping about too much stuns. Another week of PvPing further to get the 'feel' of how things work, was enough to wipe the gripes and whines away.



I want to enjoy PvP ...not be frustrated and annoyed that my movement is impaired just by being in combat...and then gets much worse as snares/pushes/pulls/knock backs/stuns/mezzes/gernades....etc all keep me from playing!


If you want to enjoy PvP, you need to either:


(1) be very humble and accept the fact that you're not a good player and will lose very often, and just enjoying the fray


(2) become good enough to enjoy it.


Seems like you're neither.





CC is needed in much lower degrees.


It baffles me how anyone can defend the CC is this game...in PvP anyway. :confused:


It baffles me how some peeople never get it. :rolleyes:

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That's because you suck, and do not how to capitalize upon what the system offers. Fortunately, people who actually take time to practice fights, review matches, and come up with ideas - ie. people who "think" in PvP - usually adapt to what the resolve/stun mechanic can be utilized to do... and then it becomes very tactical.


Personally, it took about two days of complaining griping about too much stuns. Another week of PvPing further to get the 'feel' of how things work, was enough to wipe the gripes and whines away.





If you want to enjoy PvP, you need to either:


(1) be very humble and accept the fact that you're not a good player and will lose very often, and just enjoying the fray


(2) become good enough to enjoy it.


Seems like you're neither.





It baffles me how some peeople never get it. :rolleyes:


Wow...you are incredible...you can tell all that just by reading my words....tell me what color underwear am I wearing?


And now take a big bite! And say hello to my ignore list since you have nothing but personal insults to contribute

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There's nothing to "get". You're supposed to be immune to CC when your resolve bar fills. Unfortunately that doesn't apply to a whole swath of stuff that clearly falls under the CC category in every other MMO I've ever played, and that is just as effective at shutting someone down as a mez or a stun. Edited by Gungan
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The only thing that bothers me in this game is amount of knockbacks/roots, I mean 90% of knockbacks is random. You get in melee range and get insta knockedback because the ability is on such a short CDs people don't think twice about using it.
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I agree with you sometimes i see my knock back and cc completely fail even though there resolve bar empty, and one thing i hate it that root doesn't affect CC at all, you can be right in front of the goal line for 10 seconds easy while your getting murdered and cant move. in my opinion everything should effect resolve bar., and when you hit your free break away you should be immune to sorts of CC for a couple seconds.


You do know there are skills that render certain classes immune to CC and knockback, right?


In my time playing I've seen hundreds of bad players spam CC on targets that are temporarily immune to CC. Juggernauts, Assassins, Powertechs, for starters, can make themslves immune to certain CC for a limited time. Even I've made that mistake on occasion: sometimes you reflexively hit the CC button without thinking.


Until you bother to learn the classes and realise the problem is that you don't understand the game, you will never get better.

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You do know there are skills that render certain classes immune to CC and knockback, right?


In my time playing I've seen hundreds of bad players spam CC on targets that are temporarily immune to CC. Juggernauts, Assassins, Powertechs, for starters, can make themslves immune to certain CC for a limited time. Even I've made that mistake on occasion: sometimes you reflexively hit the CC button without thinking.


Until you bother to learn the classes and realise the problem is that you don't understand the game, you will never get better.


What skill makes a Powertech immune to CC? Cuz Vanguards have no such thing.


They have a "remove one root or movement impairing effect" in the best PVP talent tree, which doesn't remove stuns or mezzes or make them immune.


Or are you talking about the "8 second immunity to movement impairments, knockdowns and physics" but again not stuns or mezzes? I'm thinking this one... the one in the talent tree that is almost never used for PVP.

Edited by Gungan
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From my experience the Resolve system just doesnt seem to work correctly. I am often CC still with a full resolve bar. I have also experienced the looong CC chains although I dont normally last 20secs once I get in that state! :)


Why they can't simply have it so if you have been CC'd that you have immunity for xx time is surprising.


Or I think you could also remove CC completely from PVP and still have a much better experience.

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What skill makes a Powertech immune to CC? Cuz Vanguards have no such thing.


They have a "remove one root or movement impairing effect" in the best PVP talent tree, which doesn't remove stuns or mezzes or make them immune.


Or are you talking about the "8 second immunity to movement impairments, knockdowns and physics" but again not stuns or mezzes? I'm thinking this one... the one in the talent tree that is almost never used for PVP.


You said you've seen knockbacks fail on people with no resolve. I simply gave an example of how your knockback could fail against a powertech. My friend uses that spec and it allows him to run across the firepit to the goal without fear of being rooted or knocked back.


Is it a bad spec? Arguably. But because it is rare, I've seen so many players being completely unaware of it existing, and I've seen so many knockbacks and roots and pulls spammed on him as he casually saunters over to the finish line. Yes, he needs to save his CC breaker for an actual stun: for some other mezzes, he can be dispelled.

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Look here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

While Purple, Resolve does not decline while the CC is active and starts declining at a rate of 25 points per second once the CC is over.


While White, Resolve declines immediately at a rate of 100 points per second.


If you wanted to stun/mezz/stun an enemy player you would need to do this:

1. Use your stun granting him 800 resolve

2. Wait 4 seconds for Stun to wear off. His resolve is still 800 but now in decline

3. Wait 25 seconds for his resolve to decline to 175 and use your mezz. His resolve is now 975

4. Wait 8 seconds for the Mezz to wear off. His resolve is still 975 but is now in decline.

5. Wait 32 seconds for his resolve to decline to 175 and then stun again.


I.E. You would need to wait a total of 69 seconds in order to CC an enemy for 16 seconds. It makes much more sense to simply Stun for 4 then Mezz for 8 gaining 12 seconds of CC and giving him 20 seconds of immunity.


I have seen my own resolve bar diminish while in the middle of a stun. I know how it's supposed to work. Intent and Reality aren't always the same thing.


Edit: White Resolve should not diminish while the spell is active either.

Edited by RayJ
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Agree with OP. In a melee with 4+ enemies I can't move 5' without getting knocked back, rooted, mezzed or stunned. By the time my resolve is up I'm at <25% (if that - unless I've got heals on me).


In a fast-paced game like this is trying to be there needs to be far less cc.

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