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10 Good
  1. Agreed. Being thrown about the place or being "frozen" in one spot over and over and over again is simply frustrating.
  2. Good luck finding some. The armour and outfits in this game are easily the ugliest I've ever seen in all my years of gaming.
  3. I have both orange bracers and an orange belt. Both were on the GTN - the belt was 150,000 and the bracers were 125,000. They were the only ones I saw on there so I was just lucky. (I had to borrow money from a friend to afford them.)
  4. Nice spoiler in the thread title for those of us who haven't played through our class story. Well done.
  5. Sorry, but I play on an EU server whose status is consistently "standard" (Dxun Battle Circle, PvE,) and while I don't know what "standard" actually translates to number-wise, I do know that there are, (on average at any given time,) about 30 players on Fleet and 10-15 on most planets. I'd regard a "healthy" number per-server for this MMO would be about 100 on Fleet and 30-40 on the planets... If that's too much to expect then my monthly subscription cost is too much for Bioware to expect.
  6. I'm playing on a dead server right now but I won't be for long. Paying a monthly subscription is fine by me but not when I'm effectively paying for a single-player game. This fantastic, expansive game that Bioware have created is completely lifeless; 90% of the time I'm questing, I never see another player. I played for approximately 3 hours tonight on Hoth and I saw 1 other player, ffs. So forget grouping, even the chance to hook up with another random player in the same area (to take down a sub-boss, etc.) is practically impossible. I'm getting tired of accumulating a list of Heroic and Flashpoint missions that I just cannot get a group for. I've lost count of the number I've had to abandon due to them eventually "greying-out." I'm missing out on so much content (that I'm paying for) when my only option is to simply forge ahead with the solo quests. Tonight at 8.30pm there were 26 players on the Fleet. On Hoth, Taris and Quesh... under 20 in total. This is more or less typical whatever time or day I'm on. As for the GTM, it's an absolute joke. Nothing worth buying and no one to sell to. Crafting is pointless. Finally, (and I feel stupid for saying this,) I didn't know the other faction shared the same planets at the same time... Tonight I saw a jedi on Hoth. The first one I've seen. I'm level 39. It was such a rarity that I didn't even register him as an enemy; I saw his nametag when he was in a fight. I jumped in to help him and it was only when he challenged me to a duel after we'd killed the mob that I realised he was Republic. How bad is that? (I battered him, btw.) However many subs Bioware say they have, (1.7 million?!?) this number is definitely not reflected in-game. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game? You're having a laugh. Bioware; merge servers/offer transfers soon or I will cancel my subscription and quit. Then you'll have only 1,699,999 subscribers left. (lol.)
  7. I'm currently level 39 and playing on a near-dead server. 30 people on Fleet at prime time? 11 people on Taris? 2 people on Hoth? etc. etc. I'm effectively paying a monthly subscription to play a single-player game. What a joke. If Bioware don't merge some servers together soon I'm cancelling my subscription. Simple as that.
  8. No, we don't need to wake up at all. Whether or not this is the fastest-levelling game or not is irrelevant. I, like thousands of other players, have spend many, many hours playing and getting our characters to where they are now. personally, I made the right class choice for the kind of gaming experience I most enjoy in choosing a marauder and I'd certainly not choose any another class. The idea of re-playing all those missions over again does not appeal in the slightest, especially as what we'd be doing is paying to play the same content we've already completed. (Not everyone makes an alt either; I never have and never will. All my time has been and will be invested into making my one toon the very best I can make him.) More to the point, why should I (or anyone else) have to re-roll? This issue is of Bioware's making, not the players, yet you're saying the players should remedy the issue by re-rolling? You may be happy to spend your time and money on a repetitive or second choice gaming experience but most of us are not. "Stop complaining and just go play." What a glib thing to say. How about Bioware sort this mess out and enable us to play with other people instead of us running about on deserted servers and then we'll stop complaining. This is not my first MMO, (it's my third,) and this is not how things go... the only "things" that will be going are the players when they quit the game if this problem is not addressed soon. I'm genuinely happy for you that you appear not to be troubled by this issue but do bear in mind that a significant amount of your fellow players are not having a good time with this game at the moment. People will leave the server you're on too, in time. Eventually, this problem will impact on everyone playing the game...
  9. The population of the server I'm on is abysmal. Dxun Battle Circle - European PvE server. (I'm level 39, incidentally.) I was on earlier tonight and the place was deserted. There were 40 people on the Imperial Fleet, 12 on Alderaan, 10 on Taris, etc. A Sunday night at around 8pm. This is pretty standard for any day of the week at any time. Quite frankly, it's not much fun at all, which is a shame because the actual game's really good. I don't know what the average amount of players on each server is, (Dxun is apparently "standard") but running about and questing with no one else around most of the time, (occasionally someone will float by on a speeder,) is rubbish. Everywhere just seems so lifeless. When solo questing it's bearable as I just get on with it but the Heroic and Flashpoint missions? Forget it, unless you don't mind standing about for a long, long time. The worst aspect of this for me is that I've got a fair amount of money... but there's not much to buy in the Galactic Market. For example; Mods - 4 pages of Enhancements. That's 32 items. most are duplicate, (8 of the same item, 4 of the same item, etc.) The selection of crafted goods is extremely poor as fewer players means fewer crafters means fewer goods. I'm looking forward to the changes coming in patch 1.2 but I'm afraid if Bioware don't remedy this issue [merge the servers] then I'll play until I reach level 50 then quit and cancel my subscription. As I said, the game right now just feels so empty and lifeless. I'd just like more people to play with. Please merge some servers Bioware - we're all here and we're all willing to pay to play this game. If we have to do so on dead servers we won't be here for much longer.
  10. The population of the server I'm on is abysmal. Dxun Battle Circle - European PvE server. (I'm level 39, incidentally.) I was on earlier tonight and the place was deserted. There were 40 people on the Imperial Fleet, 12 on Alderaan, 10 on Taris, etc. A Sunday night at around 8pm. This is pretty standard for any day of the week at any time. Quite frankly, it's not much fun at all, which is a shame because the actual game's really good. I don't know what the average amount of players on each server is, (Dxun is apparently "standard") but running about and questing with no one else around most of the time, (occasionally someone will float by on a speeder,) is rubbish. Everywhere just seems so lifeless. When solo questing it's bearable as I just get on with it but the Heroic, Flashpoint and group missions? Forget it, unless you don't mind standing about for a long, long time. Even hooking up with a random other player in the vicinity is difficult... because there's no one around. The worst aspect of this for me is that I've now accumulated a fair amount of money... but there's not much to buy in the Galactic Trade Market. A random example; Mods - 4 pages of Enhancements. That's 32 items. Most are duplicate, (8 of the same item, 4 of the same item, etc.) It's the same for pretty much all goods. The selection of crafted items is extremely poor as fewer players means fewer crafters means fewer goods. I'm looking forward to the changes coming in patch 1.2 but I'm afraid if Bioware don't remedy this issue [merge the servers] then I'll play until I reach level 50 then quit and cancel my subscription. As I said, the game right now just feels so empty and lifeless. It's such a shame and I really cannot see any reason not to merge some servers...? I hope this doesn't read like I'm QQ'ing because I'm not. I'd just like more people to play with.
  11. Hello all! I'm a new(ish) player, currently at level 17. I've been reading the discussions on which spec is the "best" one to invest points in but to be honest, I'm lost as to which one to go for. I don't want to invest my points unwisely and have the cost of re-spec'ing later. So, in hope of getting some straight forward guidance, I'll first tell you what sort of player I am: I'd like to do the highest amount of damage that I can, preferably instant damage as opposed to damage-over-time. Area-of-effect damage is fine but I'd rather be able to pile all my attacks into one enemy. Self-healing isn't a top priority as I'd sacrifice survivability for raw damage output. At the moment, I'm not interested in PvP, only PvE. Suggestions as to which spec to go for are much appreciated. Thanks!
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