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Light vs. Dark - Which do you enjoy more?


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I have a DS Marauder and a LS Juggernaut. I've been playing the Jugger alot more as the playsyle meshes with me more than the Mara, but mainly because LS is far more satisfying to me. I'm of the opinion that a LS Sith is the cold and calculating type. He's always looking to gain an edge and so frequently spares people that will then owe him later and generally avoids mindless destruction. Playing mind games with Jedi is also fun.


DS Warrior just seems so 2 dimensional in comparison. Kill all the things, you have failed so die, I'm taking this so your poeple will die, etc, etc. Also the DS Warrior is mean to Vette, so thats another dealbreaker for me. I don't know why, but I love how her character is written.


So thats just my two cents. What do the rest of you prefer story wise?

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So keeping people alive to be tortured for information, killing a Sith Lord instead of his wimpy son, and making Jedi question their own Order caused you to vomit?


Don't forget turning a padawan's master to the dark side.


But you know, of every class, I have to say, light side or dark, Darth Baras is the best mentor there is.


Baras: "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh"

me: "u mad bro?"


Seriously, I had to esc out of that a couple times because it made me giggle like a giddy schoolgirl.

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So keeping people alive to be tortured for information, killing a Sith Lord instead of his wimpy son, and making Jedi question their own Order caused you to vomit?


Eh I enjoy making jedi commit dark side acts and making them fall to the dark side than showing them that not all sith are mean people.

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I played the Sith Warrior story up to end of Chapter 2 light side and to be honest, the light side actions felt kind of forced. End of Chapter 1 was nice but end of Chapter 2 just felt strange and at times, silly.


That, combined with my RL friend to stop playing the game, made me re-roll my Juggernaut on another server where I had friends from my Battlefield clan play and blew through the story line, but this time as Dark Side. It was much more satisfying to me and I truly felt like a walking Sith terror, especially in Chapter 1 and in Chapter 3.


That made the game more enjoyable and in turn, made me enjoy my Juggernaut more.

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So keeping people alive to be tortured for information, killing a Sith Lord instead of his wimpy son, and making Jedi question their own Order caused you to vomit?


IMO, killing the lord and sleeping with his wife was way darker than simply killing that sniveling little brat of a son.


I'm around 4400 dark and 300 light.

Edited by Zilrota
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Light side sith warrior is incredibly gratifying to me so far.


The jedi fear you either way if you pick light or dark, but if you pick light side, they don't solely fear you for your combat prowess--they fear you because you represent an unknown. A sith warrior who knows reason and logic instead of hate and fear is something unexpected.


Rather than being a generic goth sodomite like the rest of the sith order, you are a tactical and intelligent individual. You're like Batman, and the galaxy is your Gotham.

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Dark Side, most definitely Dark Side, I love some of the things you can do, especially when you have Dark Side Jaesa laughing her *** off watching you do it.


Yup you nailed it DS sith warrior is awesome making jedi commit dark side acts and turning jedi knights its just pure win.

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Light side sith warrior is incredibly gratifying to me so far.


The jedi fear you either way if you pick light or dark, but if you pick light side, they don't solely fear you for your combat prowess--they fear you because you represent an unknown. A sith warrior who knows reason and logic instead of hate and fear is something unexpected.


Rather than being a generic goth sodomite like the rest of the sith order, you are a tactical and intelligent individual. You're like Batman, and the galaxy is your Gotham.


This. A million times this.

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I much prefer 'mixed'.


Sometimes the dark side choice is acutally just short-sighted and vicious instead of 'evil'. Totally not worthy of a grand Character as one of the most powerfull Sith (story).


Also my operative just isn't STUPID enough to make such blatand DUMB decisions as some of the dark AND some of the light side choices are. So, that way, I have never ever played by "alignment markers".

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  • 1 year later...

Well , it's like this :


DS : You'll use your Sword/Lightsaber more often then your 'Brain' . You'll kill EVERYONE that stands in your way , if he's innocent or not , doesn't matter . Typical 'Bady Bady' story , like many others . Act 3 Ending , was a little disappointing and very predictable , doesn't really matter tho , since the Story overall been the BEST I've played (Yes , I played the Agent story as well .) .


LS: You'll use your 'Brain' more often then your Sword/Lightsaber . LS SW story is really powerful and way more rewarding then DS . Same here , Typical 'Goody Goody' story , like many others . Act 3 Ending was really awesome , didn't really expect to end like that .


Ppl say LS is the Jedi way , not at all . Lot of Siths been more of a ' Greater Good ' then a complete ..hole , which makes sense . Why would I kill someone , if he can help , accomplish my 'goals' faster ? .


Overall , both 'ways' been good and entertaining , but LS seem far more superior then DS (my opinion) + LS makes lot more sense then DS , not just SW Story , every single Story is that way .

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Well I played my Juggernaut as nearly pure dark, however he still did some light things. Well sort of.


1. If he said something, he didn't go back on it. E.g. on Alderaan he promised the organa general that he would let her boyfriend(?) go if the info was given to him, and after getting the info he required he killed the organa general and walked out. Because not only did he keep his word, he didn't like people trying to manipulate him.


2. He doesn't kill an asset. The Sith Lord on Nar Shadaar was a good example, as leaving him alive got support from the dark council. Similarly, he let the republic squad live that helped him deal with said Sith Lord, in respect for their assistance. However he basically threw Baras's agent off the cliff, so you cant say he was all good...


Oh and there was also that incident before Corelia that made most people want to kill a certain companion, but with me I saw it as [companion] had only been given evidence of how powerful Baras was, nothing about how strong I was. And while I let [companion] live, without the choke, I made him earn his spot back on the ship. He got to fight Baras with me, and he was the meatshield :D

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All my warriors are DS, it just fits too nicely with the warrior story.


I do always get the same handful of LS points on all of them though.


Any private conversations with Vette, I'll always take the LS option. She's always the one I romance as well.


I let the guy on Dromund Kaas go, the one you're asked to kill over by the bounty hunter taxi terminal. Not because I like him or wanted to but because Vette is the only companion at the time and she doesn't like it when I kill him. This is the only one I take a LS option that I really didn't 'want to'. Just manipulating affection on this one.


The female tribal warrior on Tatooine, whom we work with via our warrior story arc, I'm kind to her and choose LS options when dealing with her.


The bonus series on Alderaan and the tribal warrior we work with through that story arc, I'm nice to her as well and choose LS options when dealing with her.


Thana Vesh, I always pick the DS "rivalry" options during the whole progression up till the end, then I let her go and took the LS hit. :o

Edited by Ridickilis
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  • 3 weeks later...

I mainly go with LS choices, just because It's my first real play through and I'm trying to make the choices that I'd pick if I was actually there. I've been going for a "does her job and does it well" type sith without going overboard with the brutality and killing just for the sake off it.


I'll have to admit though there was something about force slamming that Sith lord's wife into a wall in front of her panicky son that made me giggle a lot, I'm going to have to do a mindlessly evil Sith lord sooner or later just for the awesome DS scenes, for now though I just like playing rationally for the most part so on the whole lightside.

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