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Im sorry but the amount of CC is ruining the fun


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I did an Alderaan yesterday with 32 kills (12KB), and ZERO (0) deaths and 9k objective poiints.....as melee.


Just don't play like an idiot and try to Rambo, use your team.




Apart from that people tend to stick together there fore it is impossible to avoid CC. And those who cant CC back are effed. Wasnt the first time where I thought "uhh gonna sneak up this lil sorcerer" and got caught in lightnings, stuns and whatnot. use your team? Ye right.



Still waiting for a class repsonse.

Edited by neocoma
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Apart from that people tend to stick together there fore it is impossible to avoid CC. And those who cant CC back are effed. Wasnt the first time where I thought "uhh gonna sneak up this lil sorcerer" and got caught in lightnings, stuns and whatnot. use your team? Ye right.



Still waiting for a class repsonse.




Edit: and for the record CCs don't bother me, the knockbacks (mostly Huttball) do.

Edited by Grimhand
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Well then this statement excludes every sentinel/marauder and DPS Juggernaut/Guardian from PvP as these ACs dont have CC at all except ONE AE fear which lasts 6 secs and breaks by damage.


Great game. All your statements coming from the fact that all you people play classes that have CC abilities.

no, I play a guardian


guardian can be specced to have a lot of CC (defense tree)


you get:


push back and 2 second stun

AOE 6 second mez

2 second stun on force leap

non-channeled 3 second stun with stasis

4 second stun




I'm sure your response will be "BUT I PUT EVERY POINT IN VIGILANCE WHERE IS MY CC"

Edited by reofjsof
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I can't speak for everyone, but from my own personal experience the real problem is it seems the resolve bar doesn't always work.


I know, I know, you're going to tell me to stop going off on my own and trying to be Rambo, etc. The thing is, I'm not. I play a healer, I follow a group of people around and just heal them. I'm never alone. And for much of the match it also feels as if I'm never not stunned. I have, more than once, seen my resolve bar filled, yet sadly I'm still quite stunned.


I'm not sure if it's a lag problem, if the resolve system itself is just buggy, or if I truly am quite incapable of understanding a simple, little grey bar around my portrait. I suppose the latter could be true, however unlikely. It seems other people have had similar problems with the resolve system. Enough that I have begun to long for the diminishing returns system found in other games.


As it stands now, the resolve bar empties too quickly, doesn't always seem to work, and takes far to many stuns to fill up. With one person attacking me (and another throwing in their stuns), and me futilely attempting to spam heals on myself (along with using pots), I'm dead long before the resolve bar hits even halfway.


Now I get it, I shouldn't survive if I have two people attacking me. Even when I'm spamming heals on myself. Fine, that's an annoyance for another day. The problem I am having, however, is that I can hardly even get a heal off in the first place. Healers are worthless when they literally spend the entire match CC'd. It is a very frustrating situation. I don't have the survivability to outlast two people's stuns. My resolve bar doesn't seem to work. And at the end of each match I usually end up with close to or more than 10 deaths. Yes that's right, most of my time spent in PvP is respawning.


All this boils down to is, CC in PvP is good and fun. Spending your entire time in PvP CC'ed is not.

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Too bad, pvp is fun but I guess you noobs cant handle it. If there really was a problem I and others would not be scoring 30-0 to 30-2. The fact is if your getting cc locked your just making poor decisions in combat and you don't know how to play your character. learn how to pick fights you can win and not running into a giant group like Leroy.
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no, I play a guardian


guardian can be specced to have a lot of CC (defense tree)


you get:


push back and 2 second stun

AOE 6 second mez

2 second stun on force leap

non-channeled 3 second stun with stasis

4 second stun




I'm sure your response will be "BUT I PUT EVERY POINT IN VIGILANCE WHERE IS MY CC"


I stated my opinion about jugg/guard about their pvp utility and that there's no point in rolling a dps jugg if you want to pvp. In fact tanks are viable in pvp and pretty good in huttball. But this is only positive for players that love to tank the whole thing.


@ the sentinel dude. I can tear stuff apart on my marauder in warzones, too. No problem. But it still bothers me that this AC is the only one without real cc and I mean cc like stuns that you pull off to utilize and damage your opponent. Other classes can do that, why cant we? Our damage isnt superior compared to other classes (wink @ snipers/sins for example).


Pushbacks arent a problem in huttball as every sorc/sage will try to knock you off the bridge but positiioning is important. Unfortunately somehow not even this works properly.


Oh and the lack of response time in warzones sucks especially for melee classes. Fizzeling snares and abilities while running after your opponent sucks. But well ...that doesnt belong here but in another thread :>


Btw kudos for pulling those numbers as a sent. On the other hand you're rep and I found you guys are quite capable of pvp (this I judge from the ongoing matches on my server).

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While I personally think that CC is crazy, I understand its need, What I wish, is that our Break free ability allowed for 5 seconds of immunity. That way we dont use it and imediatly get cc'd again. that way it could be used strategically more instead of a gamble that their CC's are on Cooldown... anyone agree that a 5 sec imunity be attached to Break free?
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While I personally think that CC is crazy, I understand its need, What I wish, is that our Break free ability allowed for 5 seconds of immunity. That way we dont use it and imediatly get cc'd again. that way it could be used strategically more instead of a gamble that their CC's are on Cooldown... anyone agree that a 5 sec imunity be attached to Break free?


First, this. Second, resolve ...I find it weird and not right when my resolve bar is full and the CC im stuck in is still running.

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all of my skills are keybinded that has nothing to do with the game having to much CC in it.


CC is good in pvp.. If you dont understand when to eat cc, when to break cc, and who to cc, you are a scrub... To me, it sounds like you are upset cause you are unable to understand how to properly pvp, which means you are a scrub. The best way imo for you to get better at pvping is to make as many posts as you can and complain, over time this will increase your knowledge in how to properly use the game mechanics in pvp to benefit you and make you dominate all the people who currently understand how PvP works. Good luck friend :)

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I strongly believe the CC in this game is very imbalanced; speaking from a below level 20 perspective, of course.


I play a Marauder...


My biggest problem with the cc in this game is not the ways out of it (Marauder gets a 2min get out of jail card, and I assume other classes do too) but the duration of the cc. I have to ask, are there diminishing returns? In Huttball, where CC is gamechanging, I sometimes feel like I have been chain stunned for up to ten seconds. Ten seconds of having no control over my character. It's unreal, and definitely unfun.

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I strongly believe the CC in this game is very imbalanced; speaking from a below level 20 perspective, of course.


I play a Marauder...


My biggest problem with the cc in this game is not the ways out of it (Marauder gets a 2min get out of jail card, and I assume other classes do too) but the duration of the cc. I have to ask, are there diminishing returns? In Huttball, where CC is gamechanging, I sometimes feel like I have been chain stunned for up to ten seconds. Ten seconds of having no control over my character. It's unreal, and definitely unfun.


I think 8s is about the max you can get locked down for.


4s stun, another 4s stun, and by that time your resolve should be about maxed.

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The CC is fine. It's only a problem when you are being overwhelmed by the enemy team, and you should die in those circumstances. My only concern is the amount of abilities that can interrupt a cast. There are many knockbacks, blinds, stuns, and interrupts. But, I see that not really being an issue once I get some instant heals. Also, the large health pools help a lot.
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I have no idea why all these people are crying about the cc. 1v1 its balanced, thus it only becomes more of a problem if your ramboing or getting ganked by like 5 guys. People just need to learn how how to play with their team and stop trying to be hero. The cc is fine
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Yep, the worst thing a PvP game can have is a ton of CC. The best PvP games I have ever played either had 1) a very limited number of CC skills available throughout, 2) a system that reduced the hit chance (or increased the resistance against) CC skills, or my personal favorite 3) a reasonable amount of CC skill, but all of them broke once damage was done.


Current CC in SWTOR is horribly implemented.

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