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Most of the new legacy features cost lots and lots of CREDITS?!?


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Huge waste of credits. Bioware just doesn't get it. First they create a game base around playing alts, essentially destroying community and guilds, and now they turn it into one big credit grind. 2 million credits for a 12 second +110% speed buff that cant be used in WZs.. Yea I'm going to grind credits or that. :rolleyes:
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Sell it to me then. Make me believe that this is something that was worth the wait and anticipation.


The whole point of the system is to bring all of your server-wide toons into a single unit that you can progress. When you level a new character you get benefits for the things you've done on your other characters. It gives you new abilities, you gain the buffs of your other toons, the ability to create more of the same species under other classes as your other toon.


There are other things you can pay for that is server-wide too. They're mostly convenience items. And if you look at the stuff they've listed as upcoming it's obvious they plan to expand on it in the future.


If you don't like what they're offering to buy then don't buy it, but a lot of people will. Not every feature they implement is for everyone; I don't even touch the pvp, but I don't complain that they spent time working on it.

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Absolutely irrelevant.


The legacy system is way out of whack, absolutely overpriced and not worth the grind to obtain them.


Perhaps there are others like you that made piling up credits their manifesto, but I am not one of them. It makes legacy out of reach for me as I do not have 35 million credits piled up nor do I plan to grind to get them. My level 24 legacy is useless to me. I don't care about leveling my companions, as I am mostly interested in pvp. I don't care about other races, or an heroic moment skill I can use one time per hour. Everything else is millions of credits. So all the work I've done on my toons that contributed to Legacy is of no avail to me.


I think it is important the Bioware understands this.


You state that you only take part in a portion of the content and then complain that they added content that is aimed at people who do?


Buy what you want and ignore the rest. You're not supposed to get every goody day 1.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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If I'm not mistaken you can reduce the fleet pass by 6 hours total. Purchases are for 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. That brings it down to 12 hours.


Quick travel is 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins. Bringing it down to 26min.


I am talking about the 30min one you get from the Security Vendor.

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you do realize that is permanent right? and for all characters? do you even have one 50? it will take all of one day to make 300k go farm T5 a couple times, there is 100k in about an hour, then go do dailies there is another 200 in about 3 or 4 hours.



Yes I have A 50 and some 30's. But i really don't think doing daily missions on 3-5 different characters is fun.

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Stuff that requires credits:

ship upgrades

transport perks


Stuff that does not require credits:

family tree

unlocking species

unlocking class buffs

unlocking companion buffs

unlocking alignment buffs

unlocking heroic moment abilities

unlocking new speeders

unlocking emotes

unlocking bar brawler abilities

unlocking dances .


On the tooltip will be listed Unlock Requirements and Purchase Requirements. You do not need both. If you don't want to pay the credits then you can do what is stated under the Unlock Requirement.





Stuff that does not require credits:


unlocking species -- COSMETIC AT BEST

unlocking class buffs -- THIS IS A NICE FEATURE



unlocking heroic moment abilities -- USABLE ONCE AN HOUR, SO MINOR BENEFIT

unlocking new speeders -- THIS MUST BE ON A SECRET PAGE, CUZ i COULDN'T FIND IT.


unlocking bar brawler abilities -- REALLY, HONESTLY, SO WHAT.


Edited by Appletaz
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Gold farmer will never exist in this game because it's too dead. You don't open a coffee shop on the moon.


That's not what all the "Hello" 1 credit emails that I report as spam tell me.


I think that the cost of things in this game are way overblown. There have been times during the leveling of my 50's that I had to "save" to learn how to ride a new speeder. the only way to "save" means to not train. Personally, I think that a 30% reduction in costs across the board would be nice.

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That's not what all the "Hello" 1 credit emails that I report as spam tell me.


I think that the cost of things in this game are way overblown. There have been times during the leveling of my 50's that I had to "save" to learn how to ride a new speeder. the only way to "save" means to not train. Personally, I think that a 30% reduction in costs across the board would be nice.


It really depends on how you manage your money. I had 1 million credits when I hit 50. I also had all of my skills trained, had the level 40 speeder, and all of my crafting trained. I never even really tried to make much money. First thing I did at 50 was buy the speeder training and a new speeder. I was still on Voss at this point.

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Posting here since the other thread was close.


Quote: Originally Posted by KrittaB

because not every joe schmoe is supposed to get them, obviously. some things aren't handed to you.





Quote: Originally Posted by lineschmidt

Considering the unlocks are luxuries it makes perfect sense to make them money sinks too


Mmos need money sinks


/sigh again.



The issue is that BW/EA has been bragging about this legacy crap as revolutionary and game changing. It is not.


BW/EA hyped it up SO much and it is all just another grind. In this case a double grind.


I must first GRIND up my legacy level to have the privelage of spending my credits.


Not all of us are really interested in playing the aution house to grind credits. Not all of us want to just mindlessly grind dailes for credits. etc. etc. etc.


So much for Legacy enhancing role playing. Won't have much time to role play since I will be grinding to get things to enhance the role playing I won't have time to be doing?


But you oh SWTOR were supposed to bring ballance to the MMORPG sphere! Your legacy was supposed to change everything!


woohoo glad I am plaing "Star Wars The same Old credit gRind".

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I think it's dumb that I have to buy my bonuses, I rarely see 1mil little lone 2 or 3.

I'm no hardcore player, don't have the time to grind dailys or play the ah game so I don't earn much for credits as is, but now I want a mail box or training dummy's on my ship I have to pay out the wazoo?

To make it worse they reduced credits gained from wzs witch was my primary source of credits. They should make it as originally stated and keep it lvl or pay. That way all the hardcore people can buy their way thru legacy and the casuals can play the game and alts to get it.

I mean isn't the point of legacy to get you off your main 50 and on to alts? Not keep u on ur 50 grinding credits like a brain dead tool.

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not even remotely true. They always said that most legacy items would be either/or but some would require both.





Not to mention that the items that require both are all quality of life stuff that is in no way necessary to enjoy the game. They're there strictly for people who have more money than they know what to do with.


I think what most people's problem here is that while the dev's said most legacy stuff would be either/or, it turned out that just about everything currently available requires both legacy level and a vast amount of credits.


I'm legacy 33 and was kind of surprised that all I got, without having to spend credits, was the Sacrifice ability that my Sorcerer had in 1.1.5.

Edited by Penguinman
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It really depends on how you manage your money. I had 1 million credits when I hit 50. I also had all of my skills trained, had the level 40 speeder, and all of my crafting trained. I never even really tried to make much money. First thing I did at 50 was buy the speeder training and a new speeder. I was still on Voss at this point.


Managing money in this game became a problem for me long ago. I've never seen a million credits in this game. What crew skills are you all using that is generating these gobs of cash? Having to send companions out for stuff so that i can get my professions up has burned through so much of my income that it is dizzying. People talk about dailies. I'm sorry, but doing the same set of missions day after day is tedious. I would rather play a lowbie through a planet than do that. And even when I do my dailies, I don't approach the numbers that people say that they make.


sux to suffer from alt-itis I guess

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I think what most people's problem here is that while the dev's said most legacy stuff would be either/or, it turned out that just about everything currently available requires both legacy level and a vast amount of credits.


I'm legacy 33 and was kind of surprised that all I got, without having to spend credits, was the Sacrifice ability that my Sorcerer had in 1.1.5.


I'll respond again with this.

You only think he lied because you misunderstood.


ALL legacy unlocks require the requisite legacy level. There is no way around it.


There is nothing that requires an unlock condition AND credits. His statement is completely correct.


Some require an unlock, but you can't buy them (legacy heroic abilities).

Some require an unlock or credits (legacy species).

Some require credits (Ship mailbox).

Some have no unlock (can't think of anything).




Managing money in this game became a problem for me long ago. I've never seen a million credits in this game. What crew skills are you all using that is generating these gobs of cash? Having to send companions out for stuff so that i can get my professions up has burned through so much of my income that it is dizzying. People talk about dailies. I'm sorry, but doing the same set of missions day after day is tedious. I would rather play a lowbie through a planet than do that. And even when I do my dailies, I don't approach the numbers that people say that they make.


sux to suffer from alt-itis I guess


I went cybertech, but it cost me more money than I ever made. Mainly because I didn't sell anything I made. I just used it to upgrade my gear.

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Funny how people are only complaining about the rewards that cost money and not the rewards that were given. I logged on my Sorc, casted sorc buff, and since I have an agent past chapter 2 my sorc also received an agent buff. I am very pleased with the legacy rewards I have received that cost zero credits. For those that do, I have no problem putting in a little extra effort to obtain those as well.
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it's really no big deal. like i said in another post. this update is for players who have that kind of money from all the mindless grinding they did since launch. thats why the comments are "shadup and grind for it if ya want it" because when you have the cash people that don't seem like lazy people to you.


Not bitter as ive said i'm pretty happy and enjoying the game very much. I have many months to go before I will even have the cash to unlock the cheapest reward so i'm still pretty happy.


I got the feeling this was content that should have made release. but even so the cost are out there and far beyond folks who don't have the time to grind hours on end to get these rewards.


Still i'm hoping for new chapetrs new companions and more class story so i'm pretty excited about Tor.

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Many people would like to own a sports car than ride a public bus as well. If certain things are wanted, there are numerous effective ways to accrue Credits for a normal level 50. Standing around RPing is not a good solution, nor is running terribly unsuccessful ops and flashpoints (repairs). The same people wanting instant gratification are the same ones who would say things are too easy and repetitive...
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Managing money in this game became a problem for me long ago. I've never seen a million credits in this game. What crew skills are you all using that is generating these gobs of cash? Having to send companions out for stuff so that i can get my professions up has burned through so much of my income that it is dizzying. People talk about dailies. I'm sorry, but doing the same set of missions day after day is tedious. I would rather play a lowbie through a planet than do that. And even when I do my dailies, I don't approach the numbers that people say that they make.


sux to suffer from alt-itis I guess


This is probably going to come across as mean, but it is the reality.


Part of any MMO is learning the economy of your particular server and the game in general. Figuring out what you need to buy/vs can do without. What you need to do to earn money to fund the fun parts of the game. This is all part of any MMO and always has been. No MMO can be built without it, simply put because they cannot develop content fast enough that people would burn through if they just gave it away.


One of the longest grinds pre-nerf in WoW was the Wintersaber rep grind to get the Wintersaber mount. It litterally took a month of non-stop play, of at least 4 hours a day to get that mount. I did it, you know why?? Because I wanted that mount, very few people had it.. It was a status symbol. Nothing more, nothing less.. It was for virtual e-peen.


This game has taken the grind to an extra step.. Not only do you need the reputation (Legacy), but you need to earn the credits. However you can earn credits as you earn your legacy reputation. For killing each creature doing the dailies you get legacy points.


But then here is my confusion with you.. You would rather create an alt and run through the leveling experience again.. Rerunning the same quests that you did the first time, but not go through the same quests daily? I don't see where that makes any sense at all. I have alts, in fact I have 2 50's and 2 almost at 40. I am legacy 27, and have over 2 million in credits. I also run my dailies on the days when i have time.

Edited by Tahana
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I am pretty disappointed in the legacy stuff. Some of this stuff should just be standard with the game. Repair droids and GTN stuff on your ship? That should be standard.


It is the costs that will prohibit me from enjoying anything though. I pretty much retire my character once it hits level 50. I have no interest in doing level 50 content to get better gear to.....do the same level 50 content, just more efficiently. Not my personal cup of tea (in any MMO I have played). I enjoy playing the 1-50 game so much more, but in this part of the game you cannot really accumulate enough money to make huge purchases. Perhaps the speeder licensing cost reductions will help my final $$ tally when I reach level 50. :/


So you don't get the money buffs, you still get the presence buffs for all your alts, also 3 extra class buffs for all your alts, heroic moment abilities from other classes. You can have force choke on your republic trooper or dirty kick for the sith warrior. Just because some o the big money stuff isn't for you doesn't mean the Legacy system isn't giving you stuff.


For example I load up my smuggler today and found that I got +130 presence as a result of playing a human to 50 and having 3 companion arcs finished, I also got a +5% damage buff for having a Jedi Knight also to 50, please a force sweep ability that I didn't have before. If you like leveling alts 1-50 these perks will help you do that a lot.

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I don't know why there seems to be such a large chasm between people who seem to have swimming pools full of credits and those that are flat broke. What is going on?


I was never rich or poor myself, I always had enough for what I needed. I never bought anything I didn't "need", meaning skill and crew skill training, and level appropriate speeders. The closest thing I can say I splurged on is crystals, and even those are debatable as being luxuries since they are part of my gear.


I only had enough to buy one of the legacy unlocks that I "earned". I'm not going to go cry because I won't be getting all the cool toys I thought I was working for, but I think I may just pass on what a different poster described as being a "double grind". It makes me feel tired to think about it.


I'm fine with not being "handed" things, but I'm not fine with being criticized for not making mountains of cash. And I would really like to understand why some people are so rich and some so poor, even though we all are playing the same game.

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I think it's dumb that I have to buy my bonuses, I rarely see 1mil little lone 2 or 3.

I'm no hardcore player, don't have the time to grind dailys or play the ah game so I don't earn much for credits as is, but now I want a mail box or training dummy's on my ship I have to pay out the wazoo?

To make it worse they reduced credits gained from wzs witch was my primary source of credits. They should make it as originally stated and keep it lvl or pay. That way all the hardcore people can buy their way thru legacy and the casuals can play the game and alts to get it.

I mean isn't the point of legacy to get you off your main 50 and on to alts? Not keep u on ur 50 grinding credits like a brain dead tool.



Not defending anything as I remain unnaffected by this outcome but IF these things are wanted budgeting and smart money management is needed. Fyi, I too will have to save since my character would need too. If they cheapen everything, it doesnt promote people to play more.

Edited by Pexxle
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I don't know why there seems to be such a large chasm between people who seem to have swimming pools full of credits and those that are flat broke. What is going on?


I was never rich or poor myself, I always had enough for what I needed. I never bought anything I didn't "need", meaning skill and crew skill training, and level appropriate speeders. The closest thing I can say I splurged on is crystals, and even those are debatable as being luxuries since they are part of my gear.


I only had enough to buy one of the legacy unlocks that I "earned". I'm not going to go cry because I won't be getting all the cool toys I thought I was working for, but I think I may just pass on what a different poster described as being a "double grind". It makes me feel tired to think about it.


I'm fine with not being "handed" things, but I'm not fine with being criticized for not making mountains of cash. And I would really like to understand why some people are so rich and some so poor, even though we all are playing the same game.


Part of that is the commerce/GTN on a Heavily populated server vs. a Low populated server. i.e., Put a popular restaurant in the heart of Times Square in NY and the same restaurant in a rural community in Iowa... the restaurant in Times Square is going to be doing so much more business it isn't even a comparison.

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