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Most of the new legacy features cost lots and lots of CREDITS?!?


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This is bull, I know Im still got lots of work to do. This game costs to many credits for everything. I can never keep more than 10k on hand. Even sending my companions on missions that you would think would be a little profit cost me more in the long run.
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So a good way to get lots of money is to do a lot dailies. Doing lots of dailies will get you a high legacy level. So..you need a high legacy level to be able to afford low legacy level items...I am confuse.
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Part of that is the commerce/GTN on a Heavily populated server vs. a Low populated server. i.e., Put a popular restaurant in the heart of Times Square in NY and the same restaurant in a rural community in Iowa... the restaurant in Times Square is going to be doing so much more business it isn't even a comparison.


That's a good point, thank you. I rarely sell anything on the market - the stuff just expires. I noticed this way back and even made a post expressing my concern but didn't get any replies. Maybe this is a bigger issue than it's given credit. Haha, credit. :D

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Part of that is the commerce/GTN on a Heavily populated server vs. a Low populated server. i.e., Put a popular restaurant in the heart of Times Square in NY and the same restaurant in a rural community in Iowa... the restaurant in Times Square is going to be doing so much more business it isn't even a comparison.


Of my 5 mil I currently have none of it was gotten through the GTN. You don't need to have a huge GTN economy to make money. Myself and a few guildies just run through the dailies occasionally.

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"The grind". You get Legacy for EVERYTHING you do. Dailies, Flashpoints, Questing, Bonus Quests, single mob kills, PvP----hell, I'm surprised they don't give Legacy just for logging in. If you're a low legacy level, I'd imagine you're a "Fleet Sitter". The whole time you spend online is spent on Fleet, watching idiotic chat and "LFG" messages, amirite?


Even if you just did your dailies, you should be rolling in it. 200K plus a day for a 1.5 hour chain of quests that award a massive amount of legacy....Even faster if grouped. I can't stand to hear people whimper about a "grind" that is only a "grind" because your butts are stationary on Fleet waiting for someone to agree with you.


I'd hand you a tissue but I charge 400k per on the GTN.

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It's not about the population of the server, it's about dailies.


Even on a high population server, the money you earn from the GTN had to have come from somewhere. Somebody out there had to have gotten the money from the game itself before they can spend on stuff you're selling. Where are they getting the money?


Most likely from running dailies. You can literally earn 200-300K a day running the full set of dailies. And that's how people have tons of money. You don't even have to do it every day, doing it twice a week and you're making 500K a week, 2 million a month. In a few months you'll have every perk you wanted.

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"The grind". You get Legacy for EVERYTHING you do. Dailies, Flashpoints, Questing, Bonus Quests, single mob kills, PvP----hell, I'm surprised they don't give Legacy just for logging in. If you're a low legacy level, I'd imagine you're a "Fleet Sitter". The whole time you spend online is spent on Fleet, watching idiotic chat and "LFG" messages, amirite?


Even if you just did your dailies, you should be rolling in it. 200K plus a day for a 1.5 hour chain of quests that award a massive amount of legacy....Even faster if grouped. I can't stand to hear people whimper about a "grind" that is only a "grind" because your butts are stationary on Fleet waiting for someone to agree with you.


I'd hand you a tissue but I charge 400k per on the GTN.


I don't understand your comments. I have a high legacy level, and I'm never on the fleet. I level up alts, which is expensive. I do some dailies, yeah, but I also have to decide when to stop doing dailies (because they could take all day if I let them) and move on.


Are people complaining that their legacy levels aren't high enough or something? Because I haven't really seen much (any) of that. If anything, people get dissed if their legacy is too high.

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I think what a lot of players are upset about, and IMO rightly so, is again the complete lack of communication on the part of Bioware. Why else would so many people be shocked by this?


I logged in today and noticed that everything in the "Other" section of legacy (all the cool stuff. . . ) required Legacy and Creds. I said it in to my guild and almost every one of them said B.S., then were surprised when they saw that I was right. You can say that it was on websites for weeks or whatever, but most people who saw the guild summit, saw Georg asked REPEATEDLY if it was either / or, and he said it was.


What it comes down to is a new system they've been touting for a while, that is completely unaccesible to the "average" player.


Again, it comes down to a terrible lack of communication.

Edited by Maglen
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I don't understand your comments. I have a high legacy level, and I'm never on the fleet. I level up alts, which is expensive. I do some dailies, yeah, but I also have to decide when to stop doing dailies (because they could take all day if I let them) and move on.


Are people complaining that their legacy levels aren't high enough or something? Because I haven't really seen much (any) of that. If anything, people get dissed if their legacy is too high.


I am simply responding here to those issuing remarks about Legacy unlocks and then having to purchase the items they unlocked. The remarks stating how they are too poor to buy a luxury item. Perhaps I went the wrong way about it, or perhaps you read me wrong...


The bottom line and the point I was trying to make... If you're out there taking advantage of what the game has to offer, there should be NO posts about low Legacy and no credits. The opportunity is there for all.....Yes, even for those with only short times to play. The problem is, people are so busy complaining about it, they aren't out there taking ADVANTAGE of these opportunities.

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Typical MMO, and typical replies from the one's that like/agree with the additions. Daily grinds are a horrid way to ensure players have something to do. I will not be doing it. As for SW:TOR, I'll not be playing in another 90 days. And no, you can't have my stuff. It seems that all BioWare is doing is for raiders, players in active guilds and PvP. The casual player is given a daily grind, or nothing to get credits, and not much else as far as the game goes. Good luck leveling if you don't sit on fleet, get in a pug, and get gear, cause w/o gear from the FPs, having a crafter make it, or buying off the GTN you're pretty much screwed.


Adding the new FPS, and OPs is nice, but not all are in active guilds, or run pugs. Personally, I've tried pugs, and they're pretty much a horrible exp. People are such ******s. They want everything HANDED to them, rather than having fun in an FP. Wait around for an hour getting a group, one wipe, and they turn into the most unpleasant person you'll not want to know. This is a GAME. Is fun not allowed?? Are people so used to being spoon-fed gear, they won't have fun in an FP any longer?


Anyway, BioWare can have their elitist game, I'm not playing it any longer. As for any reply, I don't really care what you think, you don't pay my subscription, so your opinion doesn't matter to me.

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I think what a lot of players are upset about, and IMO rightly so, is again the complete lack of communication on the part of Bioware. Why else would so many people be shocked by this?


I logged in today and noticed that everything in the "Other" section of legacy (all the cool stuff. . . ) required Legacy and Creds. I said it in to my guild and almost every one of them said B.S., then were surprised when they saw that I was right. You can say that it was on websites for weeks or whatever, but most people who saw the guild summit, saw Georg asked REPEATEDLY if it was either / or, and he said it was.


What it comes down to is a new system they've been touting for a while, that is completely unaccesible to the "average" player.


Again, it comes down to a terrible lack of communication.


Again, it comes down to a terrible lack of listening comprehension.


There is nothing that does not require a legacy level. There is no "or legacy". When he said that it would be "credits or unlock, not both" he was talking about the supplemental unlock conditions. This is things like "get a character to 50", "complete X chapter", "get max LS/DS alignment". He even gave a few of those examples.


He also gave the example that the GTN required a high legacy level and a lot of credits. Did you really think he contradicted himself in his own presentation? And it had been repeated by BioWare multiple times since then.

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The problem is, people are so busy complaining about it, they aren't out there taking ADVANTAGE of these opportunities.


Yeah maybe so. I think we have to ask ourselves "Am I having fun? Do I enjoy playing? Is it worth sweating over the details?"


I know I like to play the game, and any disappointments I personally have don't change that. But at the same time I don't blame anyone else for feeling let down either; I'm cool with discussing it. I take breaks from the forums when I feel myself starting to get surly (:

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At work and can't check, but is there anything that only require legacy exp to unlock? Not credits, finish chapter x but just legacy exp.


It's just like all your other abilities, you have to be at a certain level to be eligible, but you still have to pay a trainer cost to actually get it. Except in this case the cost is pretty high, analogous to the speeder bike training costs.

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Not from me, I bought my own Ship GTN.


Every morning before work, I would do Belsalvis Dailies, when I had enough tokens, I would go to Fleet, sell Rakata Implants for 400k. They got to pick what they wanted(It was usually 300-400k cheaper then GTN).


Just take the effort man, stuff ain't handed to you.





Dude really? no where in any of these posts did anyone ask for a hand me out....reading comp. it is awesome...the question was ,why is the legacy perks so high? nothing in this game should cost you a mil creds

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The problem I see is that even if the new credit sinks are meant to foster a healthy economy, the server economies have pretty much been established by this point. I find myself forgoing all these new features because the reality is that everything is still expensive--people still expect pre-1.2 prices on everything.
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This is probably going to come across as mean, but it is the reality.


Part of any MMO is learning the economy of your particular server and the game in general. Figuring out what you need to buy/vs can do without. What you need to do to earn money to fund the fun parts of the game. This is all part of any MMO and always has been. No MMO can be built without it, simply put because they cannot develop content fast enough that people would burn through if they just gave it away.


One of the longest grinds pre-nerf in WoW was the Wintersaber rep grind to get the Wintersaber mount. It litterally took a month of non-stop play, of at least 4 hours a day to get that mount. I did it, you know why?? Because I wanted that mount, very few people had it.. It was a status symbol. Nothing more, nothing less.. It was for virtual e-peen.


This game has taken the grind to an extra step.. Not only do you need the reputation (Legacy), but you need to earn the credits. However you can earn credits as you earn your legacy reputation. For killing each creature doing the dailies you get legacy points.


But then here is my confusion with you.. You would rather create an alt and run through the leveling experience again.. Rerunning the same quests that you did the first time, but not go through the same quests daily? I don't see where that makes any sense at all. I have alts, in fact I have 2 50's and 2 almost at 40. I am legacy 27, and have over 2 million in credits. I also run my dailies on the days when i have time.


There is nothing the same when you are repeating a planet as a different class and spec. I have one of each type of everything that they offer. A little background, I played another MMO for 6 years. I am well versed on surviving on a low pop server. I am also very well versed on what a grind is. In the other game, I would grind things that were fun for me to do. In this game, well, there is not much fun to doing open world dailies where someone will come snatch the supplies while you are taking down the boss. The dailies aren't as much fun as the other content. In fact I find them down right stale and boring.


I currently have three 50's a few 30's and a lot of 20's on two servers (one Imp on Pub). I know what the intention of the dailies are, they just bore me to tears. I'd rather do something that I find fun rather than something that I find boring and tedious.


Does that clear it up any?

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Typical MMO, and typical replies from the one's that like/agree with the additions. Daily grinds are a horrid way to ensure players have something to do. I will not be doing it. As for SW:TOR, I'll not be playing in another 90 days. And no, you can't have my stuff.


Oh darn, I really wanted your stuff.


It seems that all BioWare is doing is for raiders, players in active guilds and PvP.


Ok, you don't like ops, warzones, or being in organized groups. Sure, that's fine.


The casual player is given a daily grind, or nothing to get credits, and not much else as far as the game goes.


Last I checked all quests give you money, it doesn't have to just be dailies. I hear there are a few quests to do when you make a new character. Mobs also drop money.


Good luck leveling if you don't sit on fleet, get in a pug, and get gear, cause w/o gear from the FPs, having a crafter make it, or buying off the GTN you're pretty much screwed.


You can do the entire leveling experience by yourself if you don't want to find groups. Let's ignore that you just listed 3 different ways to gear up, you also forgot that random drops give you gear. You can run around killing whatever you want and still make money, and still get gear. Again, missions give you gear. You can also make your own gear through crafting.


Adding the new FPS, and OPs is nice, but not all are in active guilds, or run pugs. Personally, I've tried pugs, and they're pretty much a horrible exp.


So then don't do them? They work on different stuff for different people


People are such ******s. They want everything HANDED to them, rather than having fun in an FP. Wait around for an hour getting a group, one wipe, and they turn into the most unpleasant person you'll not want to know. This is a GAME. Is fun not allowed?? Are people so used to being spoon-fed gear, they won't have fun in an FP any longer?


Kind of like how you're complaining that you have to work to get your money and gear? That all 6 or so ways to get gear is far too little?


Anyway, BioWare can have their elitist game, I'm not playing it any longer. As for any reply, I don't really care what you think, you don't pay my subscription, so your opinion doesn't matter to me.


Wait, come back and tell us how people are such b****** and want things spoon-fed to them some more.


I also really hope you're not suggesting that end-game should consist of more story and differing quests, because you just did 50 levels of that. And there's plenty more of that you haven't done if you haven't done all of the classes. It's impossible for them to make an endless amount of quests.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Yeah, I'm super disappointed that I can't just log into the game the day of the patch and get every option for next to nothing :(. Now it looks as though I'll have goals to work towards which take time and effort to achieve. All that's going to do is make them seem meaningful, blah! :mad:
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I was also shocked after logging in today, all this after reading Summit news, and reading Zoeller's posts. I've always been willing to work hard in an MMO as long as the game presents some sort of challenge.


At end game the challengs are:


Operations and PVP.


Leveling alts can be fun, but is generally pretty easy once you get the hang of the class.


None of these provide anywhere near the credits needed to unlock most of the legacy features. In fact Operations are extremely hard on the pocketbook, costing upwards of 60k credits for a full repair.


If BW made Raiding or PVPing or leveling alts profitable enough to unlock these - that would be great. As it is, I'm highly discouraged.


Running quests at level 50 that you could do in much lower level gear is ridiculous and completely boring.

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