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Most of the new legacy features cost lots and lots of CREDITS?!?


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In the Star Wars universe: Luke--"Ten thousand! I can buy a ship for that!"

GTN: a beat up old junker one-seater vehicle, costs, $1.5 million. [Obi Wan: "My SWPad (iPAD) costs 2 million."]


Prices in MMOs have always been insanely high. No matter how you spin it, there is no excuse. What is it? 1.5 million for a mailbox? Heck, in our universe we get free email. [shiver]. Our ship has a holoterminal, but no mailbox? Yet, our cargo hold follows us around--ship, planets, space station....


It's the little things that make a person say, "Wait. Vader can move objects around, but can't catch Luke when he jumps?" The Sith Warrior ios based on Vader, yet, unlike Vader the SW cannot: toss objects around or deflect blaster bolts. Little things. Except when buying items...then it's really bad inflation. Imagine if your extra energy drink costs $100 instead of $5. And what's with 100 credits to buy a token for the jukebox? Now that's crazy. :rolleyes:

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And all the gold farmers in china and korea rejoiced.




devs dont seem to have the foresight to realize decisions like this pretty much force players to buy gold. but when they do they get banned..


ok i guess?!?


not to mention i have no interest in any of the unlocks they offer. if the race unlocks were supposed to have been any use they should have made them free and not require lvl 50. for several reasons, not the least of which being: i dont have a lvl 50 yet but i already play all the classes i care to. so extra race unlocks are meaningless to me at this point. the only thing that would interest me is a betrayal quest so i can play a bounty hunter on republic. but republic questing is boring so maybe even that wouldnt interest me this late in the game.

Edited by Anathar
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I've been here since beta, and I have waited years for this game.


I am not happy with the insane cost either. I don't have alot of time to play so grinding for credits is not how I want to spend all my time in game.


The longer this goes on the less I am liking the game. I am inspired to





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Legacy Items and rewards should cost Legacy points and not credits...


How do you get legacy points?


Easy make a character and play the game: do quests, participate in pvp, flashpoints or operations, make alts, etc... AKA, enjoying the game.


Gold farming is a bad ideas cause i forces people to repeat and repeat one specific content (whatever gives the most amount of credits), eventually leading people to be bored with the game.


Let me give an example of what would i do:


You start at lvl 1 playing the game and start earning legacy points. To reach legacy lvl 2 you need 10k legacy experience. For me 1 experience points = 1 legacy point being able to be spent in rewards, so by the time you get to lvl 2, you already have 10k points, and allows you to buy something, but if you do it then you lose the points it cost, so by the time you reach legacy lvl 3 (needed 30k legacy exp) you will not have 40k points to spend, you will have 40k minus X amount of point you already spent on rewards, so maybe you will not be able to afford the rewards unlocked at lvl 3. Continue this until legacy lvl 50.


The important thing here is not to make the rewards at lvl 50 way better than the ones offered at lvl 2. Make them different. For example at lvl 50 you can reduce the cooldown of your travelmap by 75%, but at lvl 10 you were able to buy the repair droid, and at lvl 25 you could buy the GTN console for your ship, etc...


Another important thing is that, even if you achieved legacy lvl 50, you continue to gain legacy points by doing flashpoints, operations, dailies, heroics, etc. So eventually you will be able to buy all the rewards. This will be a further incentive for players to keep doing the end game content, or creating alts, etc.


Just and idea i just had by reading this thread.

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While I fully uderstand the need for money sinks in a game such as this, I would argue that Bioware has taken it to the extreme, and some of that thinking needs to be re-evaluated.


Case in point:


Level 27 - Paid ~10,000 credits for 1 single skill upgrade at the trainers


Level 28 - Paid ~ 15,000 credits for 2 skill upgrades at the trainers.


When I slotted my Level 27 mods, I removed my Level 23 mods to give to my companion, before slotting my new ones. Cost was approximately 4,000 credits.


So in the span of 1-2 days, I spent close to 30,000 credits, but in the missions I did, I didn't make even close to that amount. The only reason I could afford it was because I have been aggressively farming Aluminum and Laminoid for the Trader on an alt, and did a fund transfer to my main.


I personally think that some of the "day to day" costs in game, could be toned down just a bit.


Oh, and nearly 1,000 creds for a single medpac? Just a little overblown in my opinion.


I think a 30-40% reduction in training costs would be warranted, as well as a 50-75% reduction in the cost associated with mod removal.




I've been thinking all this for some time now. I've found myself on several occassions unable to purchase skill upgrades. I'm not sure why upgrades are so expensive since it's not a luxury item, but a necessary aspects of playing the game. And I don't think there should be any cost with mod removal. It's not like Bioware is getting the money.


Sure, charge people through the nose for luxury items, but for needed things like skill upgrades, drop the cost!

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I was under the impression that my "hard work" gaining legacy levels would be what was required to unlock stuff. Unfortunately, legacy levels gain very little except the "right" to purchase a minor perk. The system as it is, uses legacy levels as a gate to buying perks, not an actual reward system.


The insane prices (should be free with appropriate legacy level) make attaining most of these perks next to impossible, unless you grind every day of the week. I have 1 level 50, and have about 150k in the bank, but still do not have all my skills trained (because of cost). I play maybe 2-3 days a week, and do not buy anything besides essentials because of the already numerous credit sinks.


They really went out of thier way to make legacy sound like you were earning something with the levels, but all you were earning was a "boot to the head".


"Congrats, you did the grind, and got your legacy level up, now continue to grind millions of credits for months and months, so you can get these little perks, which should have been free with the appropriate legacy level".

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I was under the impression that my "hard work" gaining legacy levels would be what was required to unlock stuff. Unfortunately, legacy levels gain very little except the "right" to purchase a minor perk. The system as it is, uses legacy levels as a gate to buying perks, not an actual reward system.


The insane prices (should be free with appropriate legacy level) make attaining most of these perks next to impossible, unless you grind every day of the week. I have 1 level 50, and have about 150k in the bank, but still do not have all my skills trained (because of cost). I play maybe 2-3 days a week, and do not buy anything besides essentials because of the already numerous credit sinks.


They really went out of thier way to make legacy sound like you were earning something with the levels, but all you were earning was a "boot to the head".


"Congrats, you did the grind, and got your legacy level up, now continue to grind millions of credits for months and months, so you can get these little perks, which should have been free with the appropriate legacy level".


I am with ya on this... i have been playing the game since lunch, and i have 1 lvl 50 and several alts, and i don't have enough money to buy the stuff i unlocked with my legacy level. Why? because i can only play a couple of hours everyday, except for weekends, and mos of my online time i spend it doing pvp.


Once again developers favor those who can play all day long, and not all their players, despise the fact that i have been paying the game since release!

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My biggest beef on costly legacy items are the modable legacy gears. There is no way to get them augmented... That seems shortsighted to me.


In regards to the bracers and belt, is there anyway to add an enhancement slot? I have a crated purple belt with augments that would be inferior to an orange modable belt if the belt could have an enhancement slot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am with ya on this... i have been playing the game since lunch, and i have 1 lvl 50 and several alts, and i don't have enough money to buy the stuff i unlocked with my legacy level. Why? because i can only play a couple of hours everyday, except for weekends, and mos of my online time i spend it doing pvp.


Once again developers favor those who can play all day long, and not all their players, despise the fact that i have been paying the game since release!


I agree. For someone who only plays a couple hours a day and who likes to play alts, the legacy rewards are entirely out of reach. I get the same feeling when I see delicious food that I know I'll never get to taste. Just a bit sad.


But I guess the Legacy system really isn't for casual players like me. It's for hardcore players who need something to grind. So it goes.


On the bright side, having my smuggler's class buff move to my alts is cool!

Edited by xukaiwen
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It's easy to do credits: daily quests give 10k credits, wz give credits, flashpoints give credits, operation gives credits and generic quests gives credits. So, with a little of work you can buy every legacy objects :rak_03:

For example I've bought all social emote, a dummy, email box just now and I going to buy droid repair :rak_04:

Edited by VanderII
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It's easy to do credits: daily quests give 10k credits, wz give credits, flashpoints give credits, operation gives credits and generic quests gives credits. So, with a little of work you can buy every legacy objects :rak_03:

For example I've bought all social emote, a dummy, email box just now and I going to buy droid repair :rak_04:


Grind, grind, grind... What happens to the mayority of the player base that can only play a couple of hours a day? We forget about doing stuff with guildmates and forget about having fun, and just give ourselves into the grind machine and repeat whatever gives the more credits, like if we were robots.

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