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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Its Bioware's secret plan to fail real hard at this game so EA drops their seemingly dead weight, then come back like they were before they were bought by EA.


Don't tell anyone though, you'll ruin their plan.

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Funny thing is every one of these same people would be raging just as loud if it was released buggy and broken. Along with the ever so predictable "/unsub" campaigns.



you look allover these furom,and let me know if you find me raging if even.........last time i posted was at headstart ; /

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Why doesn't Bioware just remove PVP from the game already.


Well...they have removed half of it. OPvP gone in 1.2. Be careful of what you wish for... ;)



I bet we don't see rated until cross server queing can be implemented.


I think you are right. Ranked WZs without cross-server queuing makes zero sense, one of the main reasons the preseason would have been a colossal joke.




Aion over this? Seriously?


Now that's desperation if I ever saw it. lawl

Edited by Meluna
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Nothing more needs to be said. I think you represent a vast majority of the pvp'rs with your post, I'm one of them.


Very well spoken - can't wait for BW to respond...




I'm going to quote this as it reflects my thoughts as well. My guild was gutted with the Illum screw ups. I've been solo PvPing, after a 2 month PvP break, and I'm a sliver from rank 59. I was looking forward to the rank system. I know everyone has to learn but, there are some (a lot actually) that just don't get it. It frustrating to watch my team ignore the ball or enemy ball carrier to mindlessly kill. Watching them throw out random stuns that fill the resolve bar and basically give them the score. To watch them get drawn away from the door or, watch an ungaurded door not get bomb planted as I draw away the enemy that is supposed to be gaurding it.


It's tough for me to just join up on a different guild. My play time is extremely randomized and I have to get up constantly becuase of the kids. Ranked WZs would have put me with others that actually coordinate.


Well, at least I have the crafting changes to look forward to...unless we get a "it's not in, deal with it, post for that also...

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Some of you need to stop posting as though there were only two options for Bioware: release unpolished content or delay a major feature hours before it was supposed to go live. Option 3: This content should have been tested and ready to go with 1.2 release. Bioware/EA are looking like a bunch of conmen. Edited by Addisyn
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BW needs to get into the habbit of not saying anything about projects being worked on until they are confident it will be released.


BW.. look.. your pulling something from the patch without stating why your pulling it. Just simply saying your pulling it doesn't mesh with the community. STATE WHY YOUR PULLING IT and maybe they'll have a better understanding of why its been pulled. To simply say were taking it out after some long thinking does not satisfy those who are important.. which is your entire clientel.


If the pvp development team screwed something up, I suggest writing each and everyone up for a bad performance rating. This situation will cause a drop in log-ins.


You don't promote something and not follow through. Don't promte unless your 100% sure its going to be put out. In the advent that you do pull this crap... You need to facilitate a detailed explanation of why. We are your clients and we who pay for this game.. either completed or not deserve that respect.


If you, BW, were a client and some one pulled something they promoted to you and you were paying for it, and they in turn didn't tell you why, how long would you be their client?



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They should just outsource all the games PVP to some other team that actually knows how to do it since BW clearly have absolutely no clue. Maybe a bunch of hamsters, even that would be better than whoever they have now.


You do know that is already the case?

EA/Mythic is responsible for the PvP part.

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In the MMO PVP world the PVPers are the content!


You lose them you lose the CONTENT!


Give us ARENAs and all is forgiven...Don't and you can add my name to the Un-sub list.


Pandas are better then this PAID BETA you all have me playing!

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Its not the ranked part of warzones itself that bothers me so much. (even though i am pure pvp player) ... its more of a fact there there is literly nothing for me to achieve in the game anymore...


and griding gear for 25 days of playtime... no thank you ..that is just much.. not going to do it since as I know BW.. the day i finish my WH gear with all mods and stuff (just as I did with BM) they`ll do the same thing over again and handle the gear for free to casuals.. therefore all my time spent will be gone for nothing..

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Its reasonable.

They changed the way healer works since the release 4 months ago and forcing healer to play more conservatively different than they are used too. And core mechanics of those easy mode dps unchanged (but buffed at 100% scaling over healing by expertise) so healers need to re-learn how to play while dps which is already easiest to play in game gets do do whatever they've been doing for the past 4 months but BETTER.


How is it fair you roll out ranked at the same time you roll out a big class changing patch that requires a group of the player to relearn how2play yet leaving the others along?


Use your brain and think. Good PvPers will not leave due to unable to play rated coz of class unbalance (due to iditoc 1.2 patches). Baddie dps will probably quit because they expect to be be on top of the leader-board because they rolled a dps class and nothing else.

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You are right, there is no PvPer in their right mind that would continue to play this game after the cluster**** of massive failures by BW in terms of PvP... enjoy your horrible PvE game.


if you dislike the game unsub.


Not me or anyone else who stays concern believe it or not i'm afraid.


All the ragers need to take time out and get over it. It's a game. A very large game that IMO is brilliant and i thank BW for giving us this awesome patch. Yet across the gulf of space, minds uncomprehendingly inferior to half of the forumers plot and troll, and slowly and surely they drew their rage against us...


In any case, stop raging, go have a drink, relax and realise this is for the greater good and it will not be much longer before it is deployed.

Edited by Lordgeneral
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get called out on Mass Effect 3 by the better business bureau in the same day you bait and switch rated warzone WOW. GW2, TSW, D3, WoW exp pac are all looking better. i know whats not ready for release too... my credit card
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Being a HUGE Star Wars (and ToR) fan-boy I've waited 5 years to enjoy the fruits of what could have become the best MMO.


It's pretty clear that BioWare has now become polluted with the mannerism of EA, and that this game won't ever manage to live up to what it could have become.


Making an announcement such as this, as well as the complete failure which it entails, has left my cynical and disappointed in regards to this game, and those who have been and currently are developing it.


IMO, to put it frankly: You don't know **** about what you're doing.


Thank God Diablo 3 is coming May 15th, because I sure won't be paying 15$ a month for the epic stalemate of false promises which SWTOR has become.



And I also sign on this post (which was extremely well written):



I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.

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