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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Ghost Town? Are you people OK? All servers except a few are either heavy or standard on the weekend.... I'm always checking cause I always see this crap being posted. Now there are 20-30 servers that do have light populations who were at the end of server selections when the subs began to slow down some. These need to be merged. You can tell when your dealing with a dishonest poster who is obviously shilling for another game company, just look at there prior post to confirm this.


There is so much dishonesty on these forums though I don't know why I bother to come here. I normally go too OldRepublic.net for some good discussions and not a whole lot of nerd raging.


But all this sanctimonious anger is beyond ridiculous.

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In any case, stop raging, go have a drink, relax and realise this is for the greater good and it will not be much longer before it is deployed.


You fallen to the other side of the horse. Being silent about issues is just as bad, as raging about them, threatening with unsubbing.


If you dont talk they will think furthermore they will SAY everything is okay, as noone is complaining.



Just dont go radical right? :D

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BW there are 2 ways this went down & ONLY 2 WAYS!


1. You are liars


2. You are imcompetent


Either way, it looks bad for you, your team and your game


The third way is that they are both, which at this point is probably most likely since they wouldn't have to lie about anything if they were competent in the first place.

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yes why can't they just push it out all broken like so we can play? I swear we won't complain when it doesn't work right. :rolleyes:


How about they make sure they release ranked warzones as opposed to allowing Chiss Jedi Knights?


Stop defending them. This game is bad and they have no idea what they are doing.



Its time to come to terms with the fact that there just will never be a good Star Wars MMO... move on.

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Being a HUGE Star Wars (and ToR) fan-boy I've waited 5 years to enjoy the fruits of what could have become the best MMO.


It's pretty clear that BioWare has now become polluted with the mannerism of EA, and that this game won't ever manage to live up to what it could have become.


Making an announcement such as this, as well as the complete failure which it entails, has left my cynical and disappointed in regards to this game, and those who have been and currently are developing it.


IMO, to put it frankly: You don't know **** about what you're doing.


Thank God Diablo 3 is coming May 15th, because I sure won't be paying 15$ a month for the epic stalemate of false promises which SWTOR has become.



And I also sign on this post (which was extremely well written):


And what could it have become exactly? you're playing it, scared to admit you enjoy it ever so slightly? I'd love to see you 1 person make a better mmo. Go on amaze me

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This is how i feel. My main goal was to have open world pvp and have 50vs50 and more open world pvp fights. Instead like in lotro i got lied to through the teeth about that.I will most likely unsub next week im waiting to see if people come back for 1.2 from guild if not then thats it for me. Either way ill prob unsub play gw2 for the open world pvp and watch tor and see if they ever get off thier butts and get this game going.


I agree about the bragging and PR gabe needs to shut the hell up and everyone else. This is 2 times now youve anounced pvp related things you dont actually have.


Having james ohlen say thier waiting on technology is the worst possible thing you could ever say to customers about your game. I cant even begin to tell you how bad that made bioware look. For 1 it made them look clueless 2. It made them look unproffesional saying that. 3. It makes the customer seriously wonder about the competency of the dev team.



Its not the ranked part of warzones itself that bothers me so much. (even though i am pure pvp player) ... its more of a fact there there is literly nothing for me to achieve in the game anymore...


and griding gear for 25 days of playtime... no thank you ..that is just much.. not going to do it since as I know BW.. the day i finish my WH gear with all mods and stuff (just as I did with BM) they`ll do the same thing over again and handle the gear for free to casuals.. therefore all my time spent will be gone for nothing..

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What I don't understand is this:



"Calling all end-game guilds to test end-game content on the PTS.." So you copy a few guilds so they could test the new ops, fp, and such.



"Ranked WZ testing on the PTS #1.."


"Ranked WZ testing on the PTS #2.."


"Ranked WZ testing on the PTS #3.."


"Ranked WZ testing on the PTS #4.."


"Ranked WZ testing on the PTS #5.."



Maybe if you would've called out for the hardcore pvpers to come test content on the PTS, this wouldn't happen...

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.




First of all, your word and your company's word means jack all right now. You guys have given us your word on a great many things only to fall way short.


The fact that you only made this decision recently means your team is very incompetent. This kind of thing you should know about more than 1 day in advance. You are either incompetent or liars.


You don't have an easy job. I don't wish any of your employees ill will. I'm sure you worked hard. Mistakes happen all the time. The problem here is how this is all being handled. You guys don't say a damned thing at all and when you do, you skip around the stuff that we need to know. You're responses are vague, misleading and deceptive.


Also, whoever is making the decisions to release the game or any kind of patch in the game, needs to be moved to a different position in the company. Their decisions are horrible and honestly, it appears it's all about the money for you guys. That's it. Forget quality...forget GOOD customer service.


Basically, your company is full of arrogance and it radiates in everything you say and don't say.


Although you apologized already, you owe a great more than that to your customers for all the stuff we had to put up with so far. You also owe a HUGE apology to those people who resubbed in the last couple of days after hearing that the patch was going to be released tomorrow WITH rated warzones.


You basically stole their money and I hope to God you give it back to them if they ask for it. Otherwise, you are thieves.


For those who are unhappy with this game, the best ways to fight back against this arrogance is to not just unsub, but spread the word all over the internet. Post on facebook and blogs and websites etc. Just spread the word at how bad the customer service and the game is. At how promises are broken and misleading. The more people who know, the less people who will buy this game...and then maybe, just maybe, their arrogance will be their downfall.

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While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3)


*********** total stupid ********....they had a long time since 1.2 patch notes came out, you really want us to believe that you didnt have a full testing cycle on ranked and rated wzs. Get real....

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Funny thing is every one of these same people would be raging just as loud if it was released buggy and broken. Along with the ever so predictable "/unsub" campaigns.


Funny thing is this was Biowares last chance to retain their PvP community. If they released it and it was buggy or broken, same out come people would be just as they are now and will just unsub. This was make it or break it and I think they pretty much shattered it. I only stayed for RWZ for PvE is a complete joke and war zones are getting real repetitive with no real competition. If you deny the competitive side of the human condition, you really got nothing to work with in a PvP game.

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might cancel. this is BS.


ATLEAST you could have given us the ability to 8 man queue for now. i hope GW2 recks this game now.



Really? And every single person here or who play GW2 will nerd rage on that game as well. This generation of entitlement is pathetic.

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Bioware devs,


while I agree that not releasing an unpolished feature is the correct thing to do, what you say after that part of the article is that you'll listen to players feedback etc, etc.. that's BS


Here's why: you cant trust the community, because we don't have a combat log. We dont have dps meters. Implement those simple things to help players help YOU.






how is it combat logs and dps meters help a design flaw in ranked warzones???

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