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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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You guys are overreacting...


I would like to stay online and see how this ends but I need some sleep, keep up the good work Bioware, and remember only the minority of your player bass are actually reading the forums.

No need to worry

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I'm sorry but by the time they deliver on broken promises the game is going to be a ghost town. Already too many dead servers and broken promises.


GG Bioware guess you kinda tried at an MMO... Unsubbed.


Only the 5th time you've said you unsubbed.


And ranked warzones being pushed back is fine if they were buggy, I just wish they did it a little sooner than the night before release.


Oh well, still looking forward to 1.2.

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Classic Bait and Switch which violates consumer protection laws. Someone should organize a class action lawsuit so the PVP'ers that resubbed from their false promises have a chance to recoup them money.


yep. im no lawyer, but i could win that court case with my eyes closed

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Its funny seeing people get mad about this. Look at half the servers? Where queues are 15mins to a hour for ONE MATCH, rated PVP would be worthless there even for some medium pop servers.


Without cross server pvp, rated wz is pointless. On my server queues can take 15-30 mins for a match and there are only 2- 3 lvl 50 matches going on at peak time. So i rather wait a week or two, let THEM DO CROSS SERVER PVP and then release the rated pvp wz.

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You guys are overreacting...


I would like to stay online and see how this ends but I need some sleep, keep up the good work Bioware, and remember only the minority of your player bass are actually reading the forums.

No need to worry


BW knows all too well where this is headed. Mass Effect 3 anyone?

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Stephen thank you for the response to what is obviously a great concern for fans. I personally feel if we could get some insight into what was wrong with the system as well as a time frame for when we can expect to see ranked warzones in games it would go to alleviate many concerns the community has. The blog post said it would be "phased" in which I take to mean it will be over the course of several patches but not necesarilly patch 1.3 or 1.4 but rather perhaps in between the major patching cycle?

While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).


And what about solo ranked? Will we be able to solo queue then, there is nothing mentioned in the blog about that. :confused:

Queuing for solo Ranked Warzones will be implemented after the eight-man queuing system is implemented.

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Bioware's failure at allowing for PROPER testing of their content has once again come to roost on their doorstep.


I'm not quitting, but I can't help figuring about 5% of their actual subscriber base will be, once they realize this.


Sure, I agree with the decision to hold off on it. However, can anyone objectively say this entire game update was tested properly? Absolutely not.


I hope for this game's health sake they get their act together- get level 50s - thousands of them - onto the PTS and give them some rewards for testing end game content. The latter they've begun implementing, that's a step in the right direction.


but honestly, I love this game, and this is just another sub drop coming. It sucks.

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I'm hoping Bioware sees how passionate people are about this feature and will let that influence how they develope it. I assume it's too late for tonight's patch, but I really hope we get some form of ranked warzones next week. If the plan is to wait weeks/months on this (for cross-server queues or something), that's just really disappointing.
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lmao, i just LOVE how they post some really breaking news like this literally hours before the patch and server downtime.



+1 to unsub, glad i started the Aion 3.0 download this morning.


I play Asmo on Vaizel (Tiamat) now as a 55 Cleric - dreksack

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No ranked warzones. No ilum. No tech to do it. I have never unsubbed from a game before. My time would just run out. This time BioWare's time has run out.


Don't lie to you customers. Don't Deceive you customer.


All BioWare seems to do is over sell and under deliver. As a company the incompetence exhibited in the implementation of systems, and the lack of honest communication, has been utterly astounding.

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People bashed me for asking what was actually going to make it in with 1.2 thinking that just because the PTS patch notes said this and that was in that indeed the live patch would be the same... yeah... Personally I'm glad they took the stance on making it right this time instead of just rushing it out. So big middle finger to the arsehats that took the time to show how stupid they where by posting before and thanks again to Bioware for doing it right this time. Still have a lot of hope for this game!
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Well if anyone lives in Austin, BioWare is hiring for QA personnel:


QA Analyst

QA Tester -- End Game


Both are temporary, on-site positions....because if they actually hired permanent, full-time people with a clue about how to properly QA a software package perhaps things wouldn't get to the zero hour before the decision was made to revamp the current incarnation of a particular feature. :cool:

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Bioware everything was going so good for about 24 hours, and then you drop this bomb?


For shame!


Guess I'm going to unsub since I'm thinking my server pop is going to plummet even more, and I can't even pay to transfer over to Fatman.

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Bioware devs,


while I agree that not releasing an unpolished feature is the correct thing to do, what you say after that part of the article is that you'll listen to players feedback etc, etc.. that's BS


Here's why: you cant trust the community, because we don't have a combat log. We dont have dps meters. Implement those simple things to help players help YOU.





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From the Guild Summit Operations/Flashpoints panel discussion:


38% of level 50 players have played in an operation


Various devs have given statements about "almost half" or "over half" of the playerbase doing warzones.


So declaring that PvE is more popular/important than PvP might not be entirely true.

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lmao, i just LOVE how they post some really breaking news like this literally hours before the patch and server downtime.



+1 to unsub, glad i started the Aion 3.0 download this morning.


I play Asmo on Vaizel (Tiamat) now as a 55 Cleric - dreksack




Aion over this? Seriously?

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ughh, I am not a big pvp'er but this is like dropping a nuke. You cant say something is going to be included in a update and then remove it at the last minute. All that tells me is that the system was rushed, not well thought out and obviously executed very poorly by people with no experience in implementing a ranked system. Bad form BW, and get some better PR people for god sake.
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