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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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All of the other changes to gear and commendations (currently listed in the PTS 1.2 Patch Notes) will still be going into the game. The only change we're making at this time is that players won't be able to queue for Ranked Warzones.


You will, however, be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations in order to purchase War Hero gear.


Will the trade in ratio be looked at? Right now its very unfair to PVPers. I will need 10,000+ warzone commendations just to buy a single War Hero piece. This means people who pvp now are being unfairly penalized by a broken system.

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What an absolute joke that you would wait till 5 hours before the patch to announce this. "Giving us time to plan our groups" is what you have been doing since launch (5 months).


I don't mind a feature not being completed in the announced timeline due to technical or design problems. But this is deceit, you lied to string people along. All of the communications up until this very moment have been hyping ranked warzones as a major part of 1.2.

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All of the other changes to gear and commendations (currently listed in the PTS 1.2 Patch Notes) will still be going into the game. The only change we're making at this time is that players won't be able to queue for Ranked Warzones.


You will, however, be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations in order to purchase War Hero gear.


Do you have any informations about the solo queue feature, please?


That 8v8 will come is mentioned in the blog, but what about solo ranked? It was THE feature for me and I am sure many others that dont have the time for fixed groups.

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It was never intended to let you queue with more than four in normal warzones, this was a ranked warzone only feature.

Unfortunately, this is the case. You will be able to queue in an eight-man team when Ranked Warzones are implemented.


Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.

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Does their alternate method mean the 3:1 conversion of warzone:ranked comms?


Because they don't honestly expect us to grind 10k+ comms for a weapon do they?


Yes, they do. They have to keep dangling the carrot in front of your face so you resub.

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No Solo que as well when ranked warzones do come mean that half the servers will be excluded due to population loss and the rest will just be spamming general trying to even fill up a team Edited by Icysunx
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that feature isnt on PTS, and likely will not be anytime soon.


if bioware cant internally test properly, and wont let us test it for them, theyre screwed


I know it's not, and they just said...


Testing (internally and on the PTS) was part of what led us to the decision we've had to make. We know that it is disappointing that we've had to push the feature back, but we have done testing.


We do want everyone to be able to join us in testing on a high-level character on the PTS, but for this testing period, it wouldn't have been as easy as granting characters experience via an NPC. We are continuing to work on improvements to our PTS testing and appreciate your patience.

(Hi Allison *hugs*)


Inferior PTS capabilities is part of the reason this feature is delayed. They realize it.

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Bioware has obviously known this would not go live for a long time now. They didnt just wake up this morning and say "hmm lets not add ranked wz's, they arent ready."


they did it in order to keep people subbed up until the last possible day

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So just to point some #'s out. With the current PTS system, it would take approximately 25 warzone matches a day, for 30 days to get a full set of Rated Warzone commendations. (With the system not being implemented)


If a 3:1 ratio with the same costs is put into place, it would therefore triple the amount of time to do it, so about 3 months of grinding to get a full set of gear. No thanks ;_;


I may just focus on PvE if the grind is too excessive.

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Bioware has obviously known this would not go live for a long time now. They didnt just wake up this morning and say "hmm lets not add ranked wz's, they arent ready."


Yeah I think that's a fair criticism.


Someone was likely weighing up when to release the information, but I think they'd have been better paving the ground for this weeks ago, but I guess they maybe went with leaving it to the last second and hoping the rest of 1.2 smooths it over.


But then I never understood why they hyped Ilum like they did, when clearly it was not fit for purpose.

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Watch your game quickly die now. This is completely a joke that the one thing that most people are waiting for you change the day before patch day. PVE is a joke in this game and nobody cares. Ranked PVP delay = You just lost a lot of money. Unsubscribing now, thanks for wasting my time.
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Losing customers should make you sick, because that's what will happen, you know it, I know it, they know it, everyone knows it.


The have just made a massive fail, that will be remembered for a long long time in

Other games far far away.


Perhaps, but I think it more likely that I'll remember how the forum community overreacted, and the game quickly recovered, since it has so many great features, that some of the single minded consumers clearly can’t comprehend. However, have fun in your far far away game…

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This move has made a lot upset with how your managing this game. You should have never used the Star Wars theme, your destroying it giving it a bad name. All the money you poured into this is all for nothing. You keep saying one thing and do something totally different.


You need to make server mergers PRIORITY, do you not see YOUR GAME IS DYING and taking out ranked pvp in 1.2 just threw another nail into the coffin. Your Legacy system yeah different is totally stupid and huge waste of money and time everyone see's as a gimmick now to try and make people roll alts to keep them paying for your failings.


Stop what your doing and merge all the useless servers, regain a stable pop. Roll 8 man groups/ranked pvp. This has to be number one, if you don't see this might as well stop patching the game it's just a huge money loss and I feel sorry for the shareholder of this company. Also fire the clown who lead you down this road.

Edited by Meluna
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