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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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This is something that should of been #1 priority. Here's what I would of done had I been in charge of PTS.


Things to do:


#1) Allow players to become instant 50 to test end game content


It's true, but I'm glad they're doing something about it.


With a feature like this on the PTS new content will be tested and implemented much better.

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As disappointing as this news is, I would rather them release a polished season then a broken one. Bad community connection though, Bioware. I'm not even qualified and I know not to say something with hype backing it and at the last moment, pull the plug.
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I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a million nerds cried out in anguish. Seriously thought if they rolled it out next week would that make it alright? if they rolled it 2 weeks from now how bout that? Their doing the right thing here in terms of releasing a working feature, and i'm not overly upset about it. I will say they could have released this information somewhat earlier and maybe be a bit more informative about what exactly the problem was and in what time frame it will be corrected in. In fact that's the key question because when they says "phases" that could very well mean next week, or the week after. I think more context is needed and BW should come out and give us a time table. Other than that rage on trolls...
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This is something that should of been #1 priority. Here's what I would of done had I been in charge of PTS.


Things to do:


#1) Allow players to become instant 50 to test end game content


**** like this makes me laugh a little inside. Yeah, so you think you know everything? I bet if you were in charge of the PTS we wouldn't get ****. It's not as easy as you might think.

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


If possible, can you please make the "Warzone Commendations" to "Ranked Warzone Commendations" at a 1:1 rate?

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Let's just get down to brass tacks and translate what BW just said here:


"To all of you on low population servers who were hoping that 1.2 would help fix the problem.....PSYCH!!!! We sincerely hope you enjoy the lack of transfers, mergers and ever-increasing PvP queues!!! However, as a consolation to show you how sorry we are, we will gladly allow you to spend another 300+ hours and 3 months of subscription fees re-rolling on another server and always having to play catch-up with people who are already there."

Edited by Meluna
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It's true, but I'm glad they're doing something about it.


With a feature like this on the PTS new content will be tested and implemented much better.


that feature isnt on PTS, and likely will not be anytime soon.


if bioware cant internally test properly, and wont let us test it for them, theyre screwed

Edited by Meluna
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Don't be an idiot


50% of the player base play for the pvp, try seeing it.


You could have given a free **** job, but if I don't have *****, why do I need it.


Damn pve players don't see it, I have no problems with your pve stuff, but don't begrudge us the pvp content which is the only reason most stayed around.


Oh and with less subs, where do you think your pve content will come from when they can't afford to pay for the staff to make the content?


50%???? more like 5%

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I want to know how long BW has known they weren't going to release ranked wz's and how much money they would have lost if they would have announced it NOT the day before the patch.


I know they wouldn't have got my $15 for this last month if I had known. I feel like I just got stole from.


awww /hug


My guild and I totally agreed on this too, if you told us "players" sometime sooner about you not coming out with the ranked matches I'm sure more the half our server would have said fudge this.. and unsubb instantly. ( Rakata Mind Prison-pvp server, we all pvp and we all care more about pvp then pve... hence why we choose to be on a pvp server...) Bad move Bioware bad move.....

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Is it wrong of me to want this game to "fail" in the medias eyes so BW can merge servers on focus on the community that really matters?

I know they have marketing and EA overlords who tell them to do stuff but with the lack of opening up to the community they do when we ask questions(Q&A's are pretty nice but alot can just be fluff text,a repeat of the question, and then maybe) it's very frustrating. I would care more about 1.anything over any other update ifthat said update merged servers not "Transfers" which they haven't said would be free or not. DOubting they will be :/ all that does is focus a couple servers and making alot more servers dead. I may be wrong but the majority im sure would transfer only to a bigger server. Idk..



Bioware please read this, the community that is playing Right Now at this very second, is the most important people in your world literally nobody matters more than us, and when all the people on low servers want is to still play just with more people that THAT ALONE is the Most Important thing in the world. seriously


I cant stress enough that our word of mouth beats the medias any day. You dont want rage quit players joining up anyways. You want us who've stuck out these early months cause we know you guys are trying your best at getting it together over there. But seriously don't live in Acadamia its not all about statistics and theories its about the fans I beg one of you higher up devs to plead to your bosses telling no server merges and push it over and over again with this statement. I promise your true community the ones that dont post on the forums cause theyre having fun will be extremely happy.

Never should the whole entire server be filled with 7 50s and were hoping one more fifty signs on so we can have a full group for a WZ it took more time the other night for my guild to set up a group for a normal mode EV run then it did to finish it:/


We ended up making our own content because we couldnt playthe games.

(We raced around the station in our speeders:D)


ALl im saying is this is my all time favourite end all be all game. I will Forever be subscribed as long as i dont have to do microtransactions for better gear or content.

I am that guy BW and all I wanna do is keep my first max level character on any game ever on my server with the people ive made friends with.


Cross server queing disgusts me that should be a fallback on a server that is a standard or lower population that may be severely outnumbered in faction sizes. Not because the populations are spread to thin jesus just think of that instead of making a consistent population that would make OWPvP better instead you guys would rather have servers feeling like ghost towns with random people. I used to worry the game would fail and EA or BW would give up on it and it go free to play. Now I hope it fails stays pay to play and servers merge.


In simple pros and cons read this


Server Merges: PROS- Healthier community as a whole, more content being played and more chances to make friends.

CONS- Bad media, and a lot of work for you guys.(Hence why we pay $15 a month, cause most of us know its a lot of work)



Cross Server Queing: PROS- Faster queing, hapier pvp community (except for those who like to play with only their server)


CONS- Still unhealthy server population, PvErs still being left out, No rivalries, and a joke to some MMO focused media because mmoers know that that means the games population isnt that great.


I tried being unbiased but seriously.

I'm done raging on an off topic thread anyways.:D

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I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.

If I could +1 this post, I would. Wow.


I give BioWare a lot of grief on a couple of specifics near & dear, such as appearance, species & customization options, but on the broad strokes I have been giving them a pass. I use the usual excuses---MMO development cycles are long, content is difficult to balance, people should have patience, etc.


But I have to agree with your points. The PVE development, while not revolutionary, has hit most of the boilerplate MMO benchmarks, but PVP development on this game has been comparatively unimpressive. Class balance is decent, the classes are fun to PVP on, and the warzones we have are good. Beyond that, however, I see little to laud.


Maybe it's time to wonder that the PVP team doesn't know how to make PVP meaningful.

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Wouldnt it make sense to lower the conversion rate on Warzone Comms to ranked comms from 3 to 1 to 1 to 1 for the time being?


Early PVPers are gonna be punished by the lack of bioware getting a feature ready. So later on people can get their war hero stuff nice and easy with ranked comms flowing like water while early players have to get gear by doing insane amounts of warzone comm conversions.

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Don't be an idiot


50% of the player base play for the pvp, try seeing it.


You could have given a free **** job, but if I don't have *****, why do I need it.


Damn pve players don't see it, I have no problems with your pve stuff, but don't begrudge us the pvp content which is the only reason most stayed around.


Oh and with less subs, where do you think your pve content will come from when they can't afford to pay for the staff to make the content?


Dude I'm a pvp player... But all those rage unsubs are acting like spoiled children, sure it's disappointing, but don't you think they've given it the best they had? For such a late cancel something most really have went wrong and that stuff happens. We shouldn't kill them for having high ambitious.


This forum thread is making me sick, I can't believe it!

Edited by Meluna
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**** like this makes me laugh a little inside. Yeah, so you think you know everything? I bet if you were in charge of the PTS we wouldn't get ****. It's not as easy as you might think.


Not everything, just common sense. My common sense and years of gaming experience told me having instant 50s on the PTS was most important thing to do.

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Ok, this isn't a "I quit, you suck Bioware" post. I have a legit question:


Does this mean Champion gear and such stay? Will we still be able to buy the bags now and collect the same as we have in the past few months?


Also, what is this "alternate method" to obtain war hero gear?

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