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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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The fact we are only getting the news 8 hours before the patch is going live is what pisses me off, I mean surely they've known it for a long time, could have eased it in rather than springing it on us like this.


I'm pretty sure it was to ensure we were subbed at least for the month of April. This is why 1.2 was delayed from end of March to early April, and why they waited until the last second to let us know.


Honestly, this doesn't even surprise me. I mean, look at ME3: day 1 DLCs, Steam locked out. I guess it's true, SWTOR is just another money grab by EA/Bioware.

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I think it's always hard to hear about delays to ANY feature, but at the end of the day I think it is more important that it be implemented well rather than just done for the sake of doing it.


Sure it may be upsetting to some, but being upset won't make them able to fix it in a day. I too am sad with how problem plagued PVP in this game has been, but one thing I know I can do without is more problems.

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Delay 1.2 and get it right. No one is in a hurry to swallow the multiprong nerf sandwich from 1.2 anyway. You DESTROYED any good vibe with legacy by nerfing virtually EVERY SINGLE class in one way or another. COMPLETELY inexcuseable outside of beta. WTH were you doing in beta? Looking at the wrong numbers??? Or did you just rush to milk xmas sales?


BW needs to shake up its pvp team. They are a drag on this game. The failure of Ilum was staggering. A game 5 years/$200 mill+ in development cant figure out how to provide an endgame pvp world? And still has no answer for one? And is probably a YEAR OR MORE from developing one?


So you DUMP EVERYONE INTO WARZONES for pvp. In a game where you destroyed faction balance by phoning in the republic side and being sith fan boys. Jedi toss junk. The republic side has the worst stories in the game, especially consular. Now, in those WZs we are FORCED INTO for PVP, we cant even pick our full grp...what a COMPLETE DISASTER.


Someone needs to get tossed. The whole concept of having to play in a team setting, where you CANT PICK YOUR TEAM, in order to get the individual rewards you need, is stupid, at best.

Edited by Dyvim
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Ou goodie =)


gonna need roughly 25 day of pure playtime to grind enough war zone comms to convert them into ranked wz comss to get my gear..


Weeeeee =)


<3 you BW ..





Now seriously..I`m not suprised this happened.. They simply had to throw us a bone with upcomming RPGs comming out to keep us playin the game.. the problem is that they fail hard on so many levels that when the day come that they will actually have som proper patch up and running, there wont be anyone around to play it...

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Ranked warzones are pretty much the last thing that will make or break this game, the self-proclaimed elite PvPers are a tiny fraction of the playerbase and usually the most fickle one at that, jumping ship every time a new game comes out. They're kinda cute when going into forum rage mode though :p


Still, pulling the feature just hours before the patch is being applied ( and probably causing a mess regarding the gear changes ) isn't what you'd expect from an AAA title and developer.

Edited by Blurps
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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


BAHAHAHA 77925 WZ commendations to get full WH, assuming you are already full BM. This is some *********** innovating PvP, BW!

Edited by Zimms
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Not releasing ranked warzones is not so much the issue as is the poor communication announcing the delay.


I don't mind waiting; it just would've been nice for everyone to have received notice far earlier. The people who make these decisions need to be in better communication with your PR department.

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Id bet you in RL that most of the community DOES NOT PvP... most MMOs have actually stated that, though the one who do are very hardcore/vocal about it, a lot of people don't PvP


Just after launch, BW attested to being surprised that over 50% of the player base participated in PvP and that they were committed to making SWTOR a good PvP game. Look the press release up yourself, it's very old news.


Either way, your bet is wrong. Can I haz your stuff? Although it's probably carebear garbage that would do me no good in PvP. Nevermind, you can keep it.



i really hope server transfers come soon. im on a lightly populated pvp server and after this im sure ill be seeing single digit numbers on the fleet soon.


Don't wait for server transfers my friend. Reroll on a good server now, while it's very simple to do and catching up to endgame is easy. You will make up your legacy in a month or two. Don't sweat it.



When people think back about what went wrong with this game and why it became another failed mmo, this is the moment they'll remember.


Actually, those of us that were there will remember Patch 1.1 as the day that really killed PvP in this game. That's the day that Valor went up in smoke. SWTOR PvP hasn't recovered since.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Testing (internally and on the PTS) was part of what led us to the decision we've had to make. We know that it is disappointing that we've had to push the feature back, but we have done testing.


We do want everyone to be able to join us in testing on a high-level character on the PTS, but for this testing period, it wouldn't have been as easy as granting characters experience via an NPC. We are continuing to work on improvements to our PTS testing and appreciate your patience.


Give me my money back

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So tell us BW, will you be instituting emergency measures like mergers or transfers for those of us on low populaions servers that have obscenely long queue times since this is no doubt going to ruin any chance that 1.2 had to bring back our servers' populations? Where and when does the stubborn pride and avoidance of stigma end, and the real business sense and effort to please ALL your customers begin?
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How dare Bioware choose not to release content that isn't working properly.


As opposed to dealing with a million posts along the lines of "RANKED WZ BUGGED *** TOTALLY UNSUBBING NOW".


it was too important to get the legacy patch out so smugglers can shoot lightning every 20 minutes lol

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