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Everything posted by Spaj

  1. These are the first BoL weapons available. As such it means that only Tech users are able to use this to utilise any spare weaponry for alts, alts companions etc. ie Barrel only. Not hilts. A bloody poor choice imho. This first introduction of BoL weapons should have been for everyone. Failing that they should have been regular BoP items. Lets wait another 4 months before you will allow force users the ability to get a BoL weapon. Enjoy f2p.
  2. Here is a little newsflash: Power gives a lot more +heal than mainstat does. For +damage per the above posts there isnt a great deal of difference. So for all those ratios specified above for +damage, it doesnt mean a thing when the OP is a smug healer. So to the OP: Every chance you get right now, go for power > cunning for healing. I am a sorc healer. I used to have ~2300 willpower yet my buffed/stim +heal stat was ~740-750. My heals were simply average. I swapped out as many mods as i could to +power and swapped most augs to +power now i sit 760 +heal with only sorc self buff only no stim. With an exotech stim and full buffs pretty sure i can top an 8k heal on myself and over 2200+ inevate ticks on tanks.
  3. Make sure your current tank deals ZERO damage to Kephess from the time they get knocked back until they are ready to taunt him back again. Start up bubbles/heals on next tank early as they will get hit hard - they should be communicating when they are taunting so heals can fire up on them.
  4. True but this does... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=501392 Is a large number of people affected. Primarily from Australia.
  5. To be fair while you arent paying a sub-fee most will still pay something. Just for the specific bits they want.
  6. It could be Fail Wars 2: The Epic Sequel for all i care but the one thing which captured me instantly: SWTOR: Maintenance for the 2nd or 3rd time this week in my primetime for a block of 4-6hrs each Guild Wars 2: In game message: An update was just performed restarting your client in 3mins. Voila done.
  7. That is how fast you vent your heat (resource bar). If your heat bar gets high 40%+ the speed at which it drops slows down. Pretty much punishes you for going over 40% heat. Punishes you harder the higher your heat gets. Guessing here at the amounts: <40% heat >>>> Full speed venting. 40-60% heat >>> Slows down 60-75% heat >> Half speed. 75-100% heat > Very slow to cool down.
  8. The point which was being made i think was with HD, shock has more purpose than just damage. Its a builder towards burst. Without HD that burst is gone and Shock becomes less important than Maul to gain back that burst. Not sure where you were going with HD has nothing to do with Shock though.
  9. I think its fairly simple. If legacy items were cheap everyone would buy them. If everyone bought them there would be none left to buy. If there was none left to buy what would they put in thier RM shop when they make this FTP? As is it they are short of people to pump out content. Best bet stall the players on existing content with ramped up credit costs. Then sell it to them /win
  10. Sadly its all too common to see in Deonva chat many people from different ops talking about the server pauses. We havnt had much problem with individuals dying to it but we've wiped many many times due to loss of dps due to server pauses. Bomber in Kephess for example. Server lag will destroy you there. I'm sick to death of trying to res someone only to discover they appear halfway along the trench towards the mine field boss. So far we've been weary about everyone respawning at once and touch wood no trash respawn yet. Still needs a fix.
  11. 1. How do you think your Sorcerer spec is perceived by other classes? PVE Heals: Excellent in groupwide damage situations. Solid healers. PVE Dps: Weaker vs other classes. On par with Assassin dps - also weak. PVP: Perceived as easy targets regardless of spec. No burst dps. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? PVE Heals: * The % hp cost of consumption penalizes higher endurance levels on Campaign gear ~21k. ~2300hp talented loss for 52 force is frustrating as the cost to heal it is most of the gain. Perhaps use base health at a higher % rather than fully geared talented 11% or cap it. It should get easier not harder. * We have no mechanic/ability to one off significantly reduce a cast time. Pray your target last 2.3-2.5s for the cast if Static barrier is on debuff (moreso a problem for 2 sorc ops). Per an earlier suggestion make a talent (high up) like Penetrating Darkness with the "to hit" % removed and make it allow recklessness to make your next Dark Infusion instant cast or next two 1 sec faster.
  12. Spaj

    Healers :( Tanks :(

    So who leads? Should the healer follow the guarding tank or should the guarding tank follow the healer? Someone has got to go first. Seems kinda stupid to me the healer should lead the players into the battle? So yeah your argument is not roles/class based but between two people refusing to give up control of what they do and where they go.
  13. While in practice this is technically true, its probably more accurate to say armoring set bonus will apply over shell set bonus. End result is the same, cannot have more than 4 components of any set bonus combined. ie. 2x 2 pce or 1x 4pc
  14. What do you think i assumed? When i sleep? When primetimes are around the world? What time it is around the world? Thinking of reasons why something is the way it is isnt assuming. Picking one scenario as fact without information is.
  15. Actually i'm in the mood now for some assumption. More people are affected by the downtime than the original problem which the downtime "attempts" to fix. Often the cure is worse. People with cancer have drunk water. Ergo water causes cancer!! BioWare said something therefore it must be true! Nothing changes over time.
  16. Now if you repost without assumption that would be fantastic. You've quoted my post but you obviously didnt read. I didnt post any numbers as i dont guess. Biowares numbers DID (past tense) tell them when the popluations were the least. Since then there has been an official release in a new region of the world. As there has been no change in times you can only assume that is still the case. There could be other factors: like it hasnt been relooked at since; its too much a pain in the arse for us to change it now; it has been looked at and its still good. By all means assume whatever it might be. Yes we are the minority but i was making a suggestion with the possibility of making those affected an even smaller minority. Note - possiblity as i dont pretend to know either way. Maybe you meant this with the statements of assumption removed?
  17. As much as i wish this wasnt the case, i gotta agree with you.
  18. I would love to know for sure if what you are suggesting is remotely accurate that primetime total APAC server population is lower than 1-2pm Euro during the week? So yeah i call bs on your 11 heavy servers at that time.
  19. Awesome someone who respects facts. I wont assume the op is in the Oceanic region as that isnt fact. I am in that region. I work during the day. I sleep at night. Mainenance windows always start just after i finish work and finish just as i go to bed. 7pm-11 for 4hr maintenance, 7pm-1am for 6hr and tonight i may just squeeze in an hr or two for a 2hr maint. I have lost a weeks worth of my gameplay in the last month. There was an Asia Pacific Official release of servers based in the region. Since this release no changes have been made to the window of maintenance. There IS a window of time where none of the 3 Officially released regions are affected in their prime times. 11pm Sydney 1am NZ 1pm London 2pm Berlin/Paris 6am LA 9am NY A normal 4 hr mainenance skips all primetimes. A 6hr maintenance would hit only the first hour of Berlin/Paris.
  20. There is more at stake here than it may seem. Given that the full set of Recruit gear is free via a quest if this is upgraded in terms of raw stats in anyway it will become the default PVE set for fresh 50s for free. Already i've been subjected to healing a HM FPs with a "tank" in full recruit gear melting in seconds. Recruit gear should not make other content/gear/items obselete else it should no longer be able to be free. If the set had a time/work/credit substantial cost then it could easily be justified to increase the expertise. I just dont see how a free item can be given a significant value without it affecting other areas of the game. But given if a new player does only the daily each day losing, he is gaining a BM piece every second day. It does not take long before the pendulum shifts and effectiveness grows such that it is unlikely to be constant losses till WH. P.S. 19-20k people are not getting there with just gear. Datacrons would have been completed. Augments sourced etc. The disparity is not just the gear set. Time spent in the game improving/preparing count for a great deal.
  21. Possibly wont find them necroing threads.
  22. JuggsGuards have Unstoppable in talent tree http://www.torhead.com/ability/gUpzuGT/unstoppable from charging someone. Assassins/Shadow have Force Shroud ability http://www.torhead.com/ability/3qAwuaY/force-shroud. **Daellia way quicker than me. There are no doubt many more.
  23. A number of weeks back Bioware Austin had some major restructuring. Following this Joveth made a statement to improve the relationship with the community. The paragraph i'm most interested to know about i've cropped. The post is linked to see the entire context. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=463321 I am curious how that relationship is viewed now by BioWare. Better than it used to be? Is it good enough per BW standards? If not what is the area tagged for improvement? Do you think the fans share the same view? Do you think there is good communication between developers and fans, provided via the CS team?
  24. The reason no Generals spread thier forces out is because they dont get little respawn popups when they die and they dont get teleported back to an easy close by point to their forces. Nice analogy apart from that though. What happens when both sides have the same 6mid 2strong side split? Rocket surgery. With 12 in the middle hammer and tongs how much watching of surroundings is going on? Did anyone notice 2 of them drop with 1 from their strong side to bash your strong side and cap? How often have you criticized your team for not executing your foolproof plan? Would i send 1 person into mid to hold up potentially 4-5 from capping? Hell yes i would. A tanksin for example can harass many cappers in the middle for quite a while with the tools available, while 4 can hammer their strong side and 3 can ensure our stronger side. The re spawning person can take a quick flight to whatever side they charge to next to reinforce. Aiming for mid 100% of the time, often does not equate to playing objectives.
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