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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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So not much love for the vehicle combat? Shame, That was easily my fave.


I'm sure that will find its way in. The fact that they added it to this list in the first place tells me they already have some kind of plan for it. Guess they just want to know which to put more development time into first. I would love to see that too. I just want full 3D space battles more. :D

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Glad you are not a designer.


So very glad.


Oh and Suggestions is ----->


I respect that you´d prefer quicktravel / "Star Trek" type beaming from planet to planet on a railroad ride, getting rid of orbital stations and so on. Chances are good you´ll get exactly what you want. There is still some useless immersion which could be cut out.

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Without question...Full 3D Space Battles...where I control the direction & speed of the ship that I am flying...I hope you see the eventual evolution to Full 3D PVP Space Battles, think ahead & then make sure that PVP space combat is part of the Full 3D Space Battles expansion pack. That would be smarter than SOE. Man, I'm so happy to see a Dev post & the words Full 3D Space Battles!!!


Thanks for asking. ;)

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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I voted swoop/pod racing as I feel it would be a nice change from combat and still be competative. it also leaves a great element for customisation for swoop bikes, no two need look the same


But honestly i would love to see all the above in game over time. This was a very hard choice :)

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This was a hard poll to answer! I like all the ideas. Give me all of them! haha.



In the end I voted for Capital Ship combat. As long as it involves players manning the ships and being able to run around from Helm to Stern, ie multi-player ships.


I also like the idea of ground vehicle combat. Piloting an AT-AT (or the Era's equivalent) would be fun. As would driving a Sand Crawler...I see them on Tatooine, and I want to drive one, even if it were just for a mission.

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I'd LOVE a combination of 1 and 4 - Full 3D space battles, *including* capital ship battles.


Imagine if you would:


Two guilds. One republic, one imperial.


Space. It's big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is... but anyway. Let's say you have a space war zone, with three capture points.




Asteroid field.



Each guild has a set number of points to attribute to different vessels that have different point values.


So let's say 100 points.


Command ship - 0 points.

Star Destroyer - 40 points.

Cruiser - 15 points.

Frigate - 10 points.

Bombers - 5 points.

Fighters - 3 points.



You could then make up your fleet with any combination of the above as long as they come in at 100 points or under.



So you could, theoretically, have dozens of fighters and one frigate. Or two star destroyers, a frigate and two fighters.


The idea is that you experiment with different load outs and see what works for you and your group :D


Each ship is controlled by one person.


The command ship is your 'base', so you get one of those (with one person designated the commander). It is the only ship capable of taking a capture point.


The commander sees the map as an RTS - and directs other vessels much like in an RTS. Highlight some fighters or a frigate. Click on what to destroy.


All pilots would get updates on their radar as to their objectives as dictated by the commander.


Support vessels could have their own toolbar. They could have skills e.g.


'Medical Frigate' - keeps the shield up of other ships - think of a 'healer' class.

'Shields up' - keeps damage away from other ships - think of a 'tank' class.

'It's a trap' - Allow other ships to warp straight to your location, reinforcing you immediately.

'Wall of fire' - Fires all defence turrets at once in one direction.


etc etc



Fighters/bombers would try and take down the support vessels. Fighters are weak though, and if destroyed, they respawn at any larger ship's hangar bays and launch from there.


Objective would be to destroy the enemy command ship or control as many of the capture points as possible. Think of the current 'Civil War' on Alderaan. Use your command ship to take capture point, move onto the next.


I mean, I could go on and on. But I just LOVE the idea of flying in a tiny fighter past huge capitol ships controlled by my friends while defending them by shooting down the enemy. THAT'S my fantasy! :D


C'mon. It'd be awesome :D




^ This. Yes please

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I went for Pod Racing because everything else in TOR is combat based. We need something that does not involve combat.


If we want to combat, we have all of TOR.


If we just want to hang out and have some fun... well I guess we have trolling General Chat on Fleet.

Edited by illgot
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I vote 3D space battles. But as someone already stated that it would really need to have a cockpit view.


It's like in racing games how I've never understood why people play in 3rd person view. You can't actually drive like that. Also I have yet to meet a pilot who is outside of the plane they fly.


First person is definitely more immersive/realistic. I would probably prefer it, but just getting real space combat period would make me happy.


I also always liked SWG space flight, being able to walk around and look out my windows while people are fighting outside. There were probably some interesting physics in that game to determine camera orientation. I'm still of the opinion SWG space flight is about the only thing they did right.

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Capital Ship battles for sure. I assume this would be interactive, and not just a mini game. Even if it was it would be cool I think.


Maybe make it a bit of strategy type of play, rather than just click this button at the right moment. I also see this being added into the Guild Capital ships thing if that ever comes out, where you would be able to board, and do PVP battles and the like.


I can see in the future having to manage part of the war assets of your faction, that would be kind of cool and different than other MMO's.

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On the list i voted for vehicle combat since it seems like it would be the most enjoyable of the four. But to be completely honest none of those options give me any excitement whatsoever.


What I would love to see would be actual player housing. I don't really consider ships to adequate for this either. All you guys are adding in legacy is convenience items to the ships. I'd like a place to be able to buy goods to furnish my home and be able to earn trophy items from out in the world to display in my home.

Edited by HeavensDemise
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i put capital ships because the natural assumption with that we would have smaller ships included in the battle like the movies. what good is a capital ship battle Star Wars style if nobody can control their smaller ships during the battle
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When I first watched Star Wars, I was pretty into it once I saw blasters firing on the Tantive IV... then I saw a lightsaber and I was hooked. But what really converted me into a bonafide Star Wars nerd and essentially rearranged my DNA into a full blown Star Wars fan was the Battle of Yavin. I want so bad to get my best SWTOR friends and guildmates into a Squadron and assault a "Death Star" type battle station, or escort diplomats into hostile territory, and have an enemy Sith fighter on my back and call in a guildie to shoot him down... /drool
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Since we have to choose one response out of four, I think the "3D Space Combat" and "Capital Ship Battles" choices are splitting some responses. Both could be considered elements of "3D Space Combat." Still, it's heartening to see that both are leading this poll.


But, since I'm being asked to choose one, I'll go with the "3D Space Combat" option, because to me the concept of doing combat in a single-person starfighter is one of the most iconic elements of the Star Wars mythos. It's one of the things that differentiate Star Wars from capital-ship-focused settings such as Star Trek. But cap-ship combat's definitely up there in my mind.


It'll be interesting to see if BioWare can overcome the inherent latency issues with web-based PvP to pull off a space-combat PvP effort. But if not, I'd still be delighted if I could fulfill my longing to be a starfighter pilot in a PvE-only 3D-flight-equipped version of Space Combat. The current version of Space Combat can be mildly amusing, but it's still a railshooter, and it still is a lead-me-by-the-nose experience.


At any rate, I'd still like to toss in a plug for my #2 most-longed-for feature:




I still miss my mount-trained kaadu from SWG. And my mount-trained tauntaun. And my mount-trained falumpaset. And my mount-trained dewback. And I still yearn for a mount-trained dactillion (the flying reptavian mounts seen on Geonosis in Episode II), and now that I've travelled to Alderaan, a thranta of my own.


At any rate, with every second I spent on Taris, I found myself wishing I'd been given a kaadu instead of the "Sprint" skill at level 14. (I would have also configured "Sprint" to have a fatigue factor to keep it from becoming the default movement speed as it currently is.) But Taris (or on the Imperial side, Dromund Kaas) would have been the perfect place to be given an organic mount to speed us along. And it would have added a much bigger "StarWarsy" element to this game than a speeded-up running ability.

Edited by Spectus
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I voted for full 3D space battles. But what I'd really like to see is full 3D space battles that incorporate capital ships with multiple crew members. I wasn't sure whether the capital ships idea would be shoehorning them into the current rail shooter model (which might be quite fun if done well), but thought it'd've been mentioned... And building your free flight environment is the first step to adding capital ships to that activity.


Edit: could this be worth stickying? Front page can churn over very quickly, and I know I can't be bothered to plough through more than that regularly.

Edited by Baelish
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If you have POD/SPEEDER racing and advertise it you could possible bring in millions of people who play car race games online.

If you could customize speeders like people do in Nascar, IRL racing games do with the Star Wars history behind, I think you would bring more people to the game.


I also like all your other options in your poll. I think the 3D spaceship fighting would be a main priority because a lot of people were disappointed already it isn't in the game, or at least to the extent Star Trek Online has, rail fighting is fun but space pvp is what everyone is waiting for.

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