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Everything posted by Roshambeax

  1. Mostly because EA only cares about PS3 and Bioware is EA.
  2. Yeah, basically something to do that isn't getting devastated by War Heroes while waiting for people to log in to my empty server.
  3. They make it so my missiles don't even work... Should I move to another server and spend another week leveling another toon to cap and hope that they do work and then spend more time getting "legacy" so I can level an alt? Can I hope beyond hope that the 2 guildies I have left will move with me and level their toons too?
  4. They don't work. Any chance they'll get fixed? Or should I make another ship where they might work better on another server?
  5. I've canceled my sub for now. Let me know if things get better. So bored at the moment.. peace. Stolen from karrsin, respect.
  6. What do you do while waiting on the battleground queue? Other games? Talk to your parents? Homework? I've been playing manager mode on a car racing game and catching up on The Guardian on Netflix.
  7. I didn't quit, I'm afk in your battleground.
  8. A little bit...playing GT5 helps.
  9. So I have 4 50's on 3 servers, Imp and Rep. I did a little beta and suggested numerous UI and guild changes. I started on a server with my 30 person guild. All but 4 quit within a month. I rerolled early to get onto a more populated server and then had to reroll again to get onto a "better" server. After the 2nd reroll I decided to go back to WoW. Yeah, that sucked, I did one heroic and quit. I almost went back to Aion, but I'd rather have 30 viruses and donkey **** on my ocmputer. Thought about going back to Rift, but I decided to make mac and cheese instead. So basically SWTOR killed MMOs for me. I've started going to the gym again, I'm eating better and my yard is immaculate. So if your goal was to kill MMOs (for me at least) thank you EA, you are excellent at what you do. 3, 2, 1, we're closing this thread because EA is a fascist company that loves to muzzle free speech. -Thanks 23E-Rx2 Call Center Robot that doesn't understand English.... -Stiv PS ME3 ending sucked, you should be ashamed of yourselves
  10. 25 invites for each active account for a 7 day trial? Isn't Free-to-Play the next logical step?
  11. Fix Civil War so the Horde doesn't get 5 extra points at the beginning.
  12. It's an awesome idea for RP servers, but come on...Multiple extra loading screens just for immersion? Did I put on this $3,000 suit to go through extra doors? C'mon. I'm not going to resub because you make me run through an extra hallway EVERY TIME I want to go to another planet. C'mon.
  13. BW messed up with the money from quest drops as you're levelling. They're compensating by stealing your credits.
  14. I've requested UI improvements several times (beta and live), all I've gotten from the Devs are bug reports and suggestions closed without resolution and character name change requirements. I guess that's where the game's critical priorities lie.
  15. It's cool, at least the mods didnt delete your post. Baboy ka. They seem to delete everything else.
  16. It's an awesome idea for RP servers, but come on...2 extra loading screens just for immersion? Did I put on this $3,000 suit to go through extra doors? C'mon.
  17. If I'm not mistaken, it's when a fat girl falls over and inadvertently does a reverse somersault.
  18. I'd rather have gotten a free "Battlemaster" title today than get "Founder". But alas, I rolled republic. Tthe only people that will use "Founder" are the people who bought sparkle ponies and tyriel's steed and hipsters with dark rim glasses (but only ironically).
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