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Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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None of the above (but voted for pod racing, since this is closest to GL's vision that isn't currently represented in some way, and also the easiest achieved).



What I want to see, in order of priority:


1) Expanded, less linear, class stories.


2) More species choices but only if they have a meaningful affect on story or gameplay.


3) Developers wasting less time on elements that don't interest me (PvP, endgame raiding, phat loot progression) - where TOR can never compete with established MMOs anyway

Edited by FrostyDroid
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Yeah, I'm not terribly interested in any of the above, if there were any "big picture" elements added to the game I'd prefer something like adding true flight/super jumping options to standard travel. I think it's a bit lame that you can't use Force Leaps or jet packs to reach ledges higher than 6ft tall, it'd be awesome if you could get a 30ft_ vertical (different classes could have different tools to achieve this).


If it has to be something off that list, I guess I'd prefer 3D space combat, mostly just to shut people up. I rather like the corridor shooter myself.

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Too bad the options are so restricted because right now I would like to have server transfers/merges alot more than any of those options.


Those aren't in the poll because those things are already confirmed as in development.


The poll is about things that aren't currently being developed.

Edited by FrostyDroid
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Really difficult to choose from this list.. Real 3d fully space combat wins in the end, but everything else would be awesome as well. Guild vs Guild capital ship battles, Warzones or open pvp planets where walkers and tanks can be manned, competitive swoop bike and/or pod racing, I wanna see it all!
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For me, I'd like to see how BW would implement vehicle combat. Even on rails, it could be a blast, particularly if they allowed for multiple players per vehicle crewing weapons with different arcs.


..and on the note of on rails, X-Wing & Tie Fighter were fun and JTLS was pretty good too but honestly the most fun I ever had flying a ship in a Star Wars game was the "Battle Over Coruscant" mission from Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga. So yeah, I kinda like the space battles as they are now (but some extra rails for co-op would be nice!)

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Would love 3d space combat (loved X-Wing and Tie Fighter), as long as it didn't use the MMO engine. Haven't had a good 3d experience in an MMO yet (need to be able to fly through directly up or down, not hit a limit).


Ideally it should involve a group environment where one can fly the ship whilst others man guns, a la Star Wars.


If the tech can't handle it, do something else whilst you work on the tech, though, rather than do something unsatisfying.

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You guys need to develop and implement a system like Jump to Lightspeed from the now deceased Star Wars galaxies mmo. (May the Force be with that game) That had a REAL space flight system, not this Starfox ripoff that we have now in game. People want 3d flight in this game. Do it right or don't bother at all.
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All of the above!


Though full Space Combat linked with Captial ship battles would be amazing. Space combat is a masive part of the Star Wars fantasy there isn't a star wars movie that doesn't have a space battle in it (though I guess empire is a little one sided). But more than this Star Wars is in a very privileged position when it comes to adding this element to the game. The majority of AAA MMO's out there are fantasy based ones and those that aren't like Star Trek Online have very specific ideas of what space combat is. While Star wars was all about the one man fighter style space combat. This gives an opportunity to have an element of the game that is very unique and offer what the others can't.


Slightly away from the poll, my Star Wars Fantasy would also involve more meaningful choices in the story, a closer conection to my companions (along with all of them having companion missions) with more choice as to affect their personality and more recognition of what is happening in the game. An example of this would be cut scenes and really impactful elements, such as a part in the sith warrior story you see a cut scene two capital ships fighting and then land on the Imperial ship which is being attacked. That really made me feel like it was part of the star wars Universe. On the negative side there are a lot of times you are told Only a sith of your power could do this, you complete this and then its all forgotten with the barest of thanks here is some green gear.


Currently too much of the story arcs are generic and then have very little effect once that set of quests is complete. To my mind if you have spent hours and hours doing bonus quests, keeping people alive or making decisions for the good of the empire/republic rather than just maxing light/dark points. These should effect later elements in the game even so much as to make the end fight easy as your allies help you. Not where reguardless of if you get the warning you spin kick the guy who is sneaking up on you in the head.

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You guys need to develop and implement a system like Jump to Lightspeed from the now deceased Star Wars galaxies mmo. (May the Force be with that game) That had a REAL space flight system, not this Starfox ripoff that we have now in game. People want 3d flight in this game. Do it right or don't bother at all.


This! There was a whole community that just lived in space! Several servers had their own weekly space pvp and RP events.


I tried the 'on rails' system in SWTOR and found it very disappointing and lacking in the thrills that JTL could provide.


So I voted for a 3D space system, but I'd also love to see capital ship battles too, with players grouping together manning turrets, shields etc. This too was a lot of fun in SWG, whilst they weren't capital ships, the POBs had several turrets.


Even just adding turrets to player ships and increasing the group size to accept ops groups on ships would be a lot of fun.

Edited by Jeia
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I voted space battles... the capital ship battle option needs the 3d space battles in place anyways...


I'm hoping this isn't the total market research though.....I can see it now, J.O. sez: "We've polled our customer base, and they have spoken ...." yadda yadda


I'd rather see existing Raid encounters get perma-debugged, different set piece art as the current line up are horribad......

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It strikes me that the option of full 3D space battles (by which I assume you mean beyond the current 'rail-based' system) may also feature capital ship combat.


It may be a difficult balancing exercise to marry small ship combat with the presence of large ships, but it strikes me that "full 3D space battles" in the Star Wars style would feature both. Indeed, one of the most iconic Star Wars moment is the Battle of Yavin which is a mixed battle of large and small craft.


It would not be impossible to include for example, the guild capital ships, as a feature of any space battles. Presumably the trick would be to make guild capital ships similar to capital ships in the existing game, virtually immobile with targettable turrents.

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I voted for speeder-races as for only non-combat activity. This game has NO non-combat xept for crafting. And even that can hardly be an "activity" since all you do is send your crew on a missions, to do so you can simply log once a day for 10 mins. If not to practice res-farming, but that can be somewhat "combat" (for a bioanal and scav at least).


  • make it both ranked and "practice"
  • make it both pvp\pve (probably, with separate ranking)
  • take bets and allow people to custom their speeders both in appearance and in stats. But don't make another stats race (as there'll be huge gear-dependency very quick).
  • Make different pods for different styles. Some may enjoy fast and maneverous speeders but those, lets say, heat up very fast and have little "hp", some - slower and less heat producing, but have more shields and "hp".
  • either some of current companions or some of special droids could give different buffs for your speeder (but no BiS stuff, plz - just options for different styles).
  • Let guilds recruit their teams, make server charts both in-faction or X-faction.
  • Let non-guilded freelancers either join guild teams or join some "NPC" team (Czerka sure should have own team, hutts and, probably, some alderanians can sponsor one for PR etc)


You get

1. timesinks

2. moneysinks both for those who bet and for those who buys upgrades\features for his speeder (and REPAIRS it, yes)

3. non-combat and social feature (that could have tons of social\non-combat rewards - outfits, pets, pikes, titles)


As for 3d-space combat - I'm not really sure all who voted for it really need it. It's just an iconic "let me bomb the deathstar" thing, imo. But I'm not sure that it's what will make people happy and subbed. I mean...low pop server has problems with getting 4 men for a FP, but supposed to provide massive 3d space battle?..

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right now the game needs badly some other features other than these four.


1. chat bubles and heroic / operation finder


2. player and guild tools ( ladders , academy , ranks etc )


3. web tools ( ladder ,achievements , history logs for player and guilds and web access to global trading for buy and sell items and allow them to send companions for jobs out of the game )



I am not voting because i think any of these four features (all are good features if there is interaction between players ) will not make any differences if they are in single player mode for the majority of ppls .


ppls and special mmo ppls need competitions to stay online ....

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In truth? All of the above. I want them all in, and if this vote influences anything it should be in relation to what order they are implemented in.


Having said that, Vehicle Combat is probably the most important because it can be used to enrich our questing experience as the game is expanded. Imagine doing a bombing run in an Imperial Fighter, maybe as part of an Operation or a daily quest. Dailies would be more interesting if I had to pilot a Republic Walker to my destination.


3D Space battles are the most fun though, but you guys have mentioned how you are working on a 'big space project' enough times for me to think you are already working on that.


So give it all to us! All of it.

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Full 3D space battles and Capital ship battles should not be separated, should be considered 2 variations of space battle and should appear ingame together.


Pod/speeder racing should also be a part on a minigames pack together with pazaak, arena fights, etc.


As for vehicle combat, at the moment, makes no sense. Maybe when guilds can own land on some planet where they can fight resources/control areas for buffs.



Quests with several different endings depending on choices made (the dream is having 4 characters not repeating one single instance in the arc, with exception of the starter quest) would be more preferable to me. Or something better at endgame instead of the damn dailies. or a real character creator.


It's very nice working on new stuff but please remember there's alot of simple basic stuff ingame that should be a heck of alot more robust.

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Well, 1.2 healer nerfs and server population issues aside, there is of course room to look into the future.


I voted for 3-D space battles but also ground vehicle combat with walkers and speeders would be very welcome for me.


Pod racing, well, not much of a fan of racing games and capital ship battles...well capital ships should be part of space battles.

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first off polls like this from a dev make the gamer in me me squee!


while i would love to see full 3d space combat at some point (big x-wing/tiefighter fan) what i realy want to see is pod/speeder raceing with corners and jumps with a real sence of speed to it.


customizable speeders with a sidegrade system would make me a very happy bunny to.

Edited by minty
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ooh decisions decisions....


Personally I want Space to open right up, kind of how JTL was for SWG.


I posted on one of these threads about capital and guild ships and how i would kinda see them working. Huge space battles in Capital ships, once the enemy ship is disabled, being able to launch Raiding Parties to hit specific sections of the ship, these could then be used to form FP/OP with the people who participated in the Capital ship fights.


Rewards at the end would allow a place for Schematics to be placed and 'parts' to build Guild Ships or enhance your own capital ship


BTW Feel free to use any of these ideas under Creative Commons :)

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Would absolutely LOVE to see Pod/speeder racing & Full 3D space battles. They'd be my #1/#2 features in the game fullstop not just from this poll. The other 2 things (vehicle combat & guild capital ship battles) sound like alot of fun too and would love to see eventually but with some conditions probably.


I think, however, that vehicle combat for the sake of it would be pretty bad with the current state of open world PVP so that needs to be addressed first.


And I'm a little unclear as to what guild ship battles could possibly be like if they didnt include Full 3d space battles to some degree too. The ideal guild ship battles would be 2 big ships (or more) battling with lots of people inside doing things (weapons, shields, whatever) with lots of other solo fighters flying around in 3d space around them taking out shield generators, turrets, each other, etc. So having guild ship battles without 3d space combat first seems kind of pointless?

Edited by drosalion
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I voted for Full 3D space battles.


However, this is entirely provided that it features:



  • Fast-paced and high-speed combat
  • Option for joystick control
  • Option for cockpit (1st person) view


Unless all of the above elements are included, then I would personally not be interested in playing tbh. I don't play the current Space Combat as it is, so if the 3D version isn't done right, then I won't bother with that either.


IMO the above listed elements are crucial features and if you skip any one of them then I'd rather you focus your efforts on podracing or something else.


If done right however, then I will most likely play it a LOT, since I'm a HUGE fan of the Star Wars space combat sims such as X-Wing vs TIE fighter, X-Wing Alliance and so on. :)

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I voted without SWTOR in mind. A Star Wars fantasy of my own. As I am a big fan of Vader's ship "The Executor".


In my fantasy that capital ship combat includes launching gliders (or maybe your personal star ships) from that ship during battle and dogfight around the ships, while others operate the ships cannons.

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