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Nerf Scoundrels


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I'm an Operative with half champion and half Battlemaster gear while I hit roughly 3.5K crits on lesser geared Scoundrels while they take off 3/4 of my health with their opener. Please stop nerfing Imps while ignoring far my overpowered Repubs.


On the particular server I play Repubs win 85% + of the War Zones both in 50s and lowbees. Just by chance Imps should win more often, if it weren't for much stronger classes on the repubs, mostly because Imps are constantly nerfed while Repubs are ignored. I don't have an issue with the nerfing of my class and others as long as the equivalent class on Repubs are equally nerfed, which clearly isn't the case.


i agree they do need nerfing some more.


5k armor 18k hp 670 expertise


an operative opened up on me and i was dead before the 1.5 second knockdown was over he lituraly killed me in under a second.i even had trauma probes on me and fully buffed.



there opener needs to be drasticly nerfed the back attacks need nerfing and other abilitys for them need buffing some.


for those of you that cant play an Operative/scoundrel dont even bother commenting because you have to be able to play your class :)

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Where is the logic in the starting post? They are obviously doing something you are not. Op and Scoundrel are mirror classes, meaning they do everything the same. Only thing one could actually complain about is an animation advantage versus the mirrors. IE: BH DfA vs Commando: MV.



Saying that a scoundrel does flat out more damage than a Op is complete garbage.


Mirror class my *****, you clearly haven't played "mirror" classes on each side. Just because they're supposed to be doesn't make it so. It seems to me most of these replies are from repubs that have never played a lvl 50 Imp if even gotten to lvl 50 on their Repubs. I've played lvl 50s on both sides and the Repub classes are stronger.

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for those of you that cant play an Operative/scoundrel dont even bother commenting because you have to be able to play your class :)


Don't worry JediDuckling as soon as they introduce rated warzones you will never play against anyone who knows their class ever again

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i agree they do need nerfing some more.


5k armor 18k hp 670 expertise


an operative opened up on me and i was dead before the 1.5 second knockdown was over he lituraly killed me in under a second.i even had trauma probes on me and fully buffed.


Aye, if im lucky my opener hits for 20k non-crit. If im not lucky - about 18k. No expertise, but I have all the greens from 40+ quests!

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Simple fact if you've played both a lvl 50 OPs and scoundrel, you'd know that OPs were nerf far more than scoundrels regardless what Bio-Ware told you. This goes for all Imp chars compared to Repub chars.


My favourite part is how he casually tosses around stuff like this. Bioware are LYING TO YOU in the patch notes, and ALL IMPERIAL CHARACTERS are weaker than their Republic counterparts.


Two sentences, two crazy proclamations without a shred of evidence presented. I like this guy.

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lvl 50 Scoundrel and lvl 50 Operative, lvl 46 Commando and lvl 49 Mercenary, lvl 45 Sage and lvl 43 Sorcerer here. To complete the set, I have a lvl 15 Sent and a 22 Mara.

None of them are massively high up the valor ranks and all are pretty much geared as you'd expect for PvE at their level - orange gear with mostly blues, the odd green mod and a couple of purples.


They do not play identically to their mirror classes (without a combat log I cannot be sure, but I put the damage variance at 5-10%), but they are not absolutely at the same level. Their performance is close enough that I am 100% confident that if I leveled all to the same level as their mirror and gave them equivalent gear, then the mirror classes would be within <1% of each other.


IMO, anyone who says otherwise is either lying, trolling, coming up against some very good PvPers or somehow manages to be good at playing one side and ragingly incompetent on the other.

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i agree they do need nerfing some more.


5k armor 18k hp 670 expertise


an operative opened up on me and i was dead before the 1.5 second knockdown was over he lituraly killed me in under a second.i even had trauma probes on me and fully buffed.



there opener needs to be drasticly nerfed the back attacks need nerfing and other abilitys for them need buffing some.


for those of you that cant play an Operative/scoundrel dont even bother commenting because you have to be able to play your class :)



Not sure if trolling.....

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lol you're the one trolling bud...


Simple fact if you've played both a lvl 50 OPs and scoundrel, you'd know that OPs were nerf far more than scoundrels regardless what Bio-Ware told you. This goes for all Imp chars compared to Repub chars. I have lvl 50 chars on both sides so I know the difference from each faction. Ever class on the repubs are more tanky and deal more damage than their Imp counterparts. Either the classes are bugged or Bio-ware favors Repubs because they're more prevalent on the forums thus cry more, thus get their way more often.


You must be joking. :rolleyes:

Regardless of your claims of differences in defense and damage, the dirty kick root was BUFFED, and op version left alone. At least ops weren't nerfed to make it equal.

Maybe you're on one of those rare servers where the Reps outgear the imps?

Edited by Stenrik
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Mirror class my *****, you clearly haven't played "mirror" classes on each side. Just because they're supposed to be doesn't make it so. It seems to me most of these replies are from repubs that have never played a lvl 50 Imp if even gotten to lvl 50 on their Repubs. I've played lvl 50s on both sides and the Repub classes are stronger.


The fact that you are justifying your logic and blowing other's way by saying they are republic shows you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.



Get over yourself. I don't play either of them, but I know when they both open up on me, they do around the same damage, of course gear being a factor.

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Keep fighting the good fight. Pubs have been saying since day one that the classes aren't mirrored, now the truth comes out that pubs have been enjoyed the fruits of free buffs while the imps slave in the hot sun of nerfed into the grounditude.


OP for president.

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I can say without a doubt,well my opinion that is,that Operatives have alittle more speed in the blade attacks than Scoundrels do.

When you hear the blade making those slash hit's and the damage too you have to try and get in a Dirty Kick to stop them in their tracks because 90% of Op's run these little circles around yah (Or any stun that you have up) because your blaster whip,backblast etc just are not gonna keep up with them slashing yah in a prolonged fight.


I havent looked at the Operative tree i admit,but the bleeds they use seem to work better with their blades or whatever it's called.


FYI my main is a Scoundrel since day two of this game and currently Valor 63,i have played all three tree's,and mixes of all three and have que'd in WZ's every day since about week three,give or take maybe 10 days i didnt log in here or there but about everyday id say.

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