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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone Else NOT Care About Legacy?


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It's not fluff. It's just not more operations.


As somebody who's been playing MMOs for the past fifteen or so years, this is a good thing, in my opinion. Somebody, somewhere, decided that from then on, MMOs were going to be about getting together a big group of people and killing virtual dragons.


Now, don't misunderstand me. I enjoyed raiding in WoW, and I imagine I'd enjoy operations here too. I just enjoy so many other things too. Some of my first MMOs were very event focused, with ongoing storylines that you as a player could get involved in, etc. All of this was supported by plenty to do gameplay wise as well. Crafting, leveling, community events, and other social stuff.


Now a days, games have none of that, and it's saddening. If I really wanted to do nothing other than take part in "epic" fights, I'd play God of War, or Devil May Cry, or any one of the myriad of other spectacle fighters. What I want from my MMOs is a world, with various content to keep me interested, where I can make my character and make him into whatever I want.


Operations are fine. "end game" is fine. It just needs to be one of many options, and not the sole focus. Thus, I'm really excited to see where these other, more social, and more "game wide" features will go.

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It's not fluff. It's just not more operations.


As somebody who's been playing MMOs for the past fifteen or so years, this is a good thing, in my opinion. Somebody, somewhere, decided that from then on, MMOs were going to be about getting together a big group of people and killing virtual dragons.


Now, don't misunderstand me. I enjoyed raiding in WoW, and I imagine I'd enjoy operations here too. I just enjoy so many other things too. Some of my first MMOs were very event focused, with ongoing storylines that you as a player could get involved in, etc. All of this was supported by plenty to do gameplay wise as well. Crafting, leveling, community events, and other social stuff.


Now a days, games have none of that, and it's saddening. If I really wanted to do nothing other than take part in "epic" fights, I'd play God of War, or Devil May Cry, or any one of the myriad of other spectacle fighters. What I want from my MMOs is a world, with various content to keep me interested, where I can make my character and make him into whatever I want.


Operations are fine. "end game" is fine. It just needs to be one of many options, and not the sole focus. Thus, I'm really excited to see where these other, more social, and more "game wide" features will go.

Yeah i got what you saying but that is the diference between themepark and sandbox.

This might be the MMO you might like.

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Rift's planar attunement system.


Rift's planar atonement system is hardly original, it's just a badly designed riff on AA systems that go all the way back to EQ. The Legacy system, for all that I have zero interest in it, is a different beast. Unlike AA systems in games like Rift and, long before it, AoC, it's server-wide and shared between alts. Standard AA systems heavily discourage alting, this will encourage it.


Also, at least for now, The Legacy system is fluff, mostly meaningless and nothing you'll particularly feel left out of if you don't pay much attention to it. Rift's AA system, on the other hand, is one of the worst I've ever seen. It has a significant impact on character development and, unless Trion can come up with a way to reset things -- something not built into the system and frankly I don't see a way to do it without vets screaming so loud they rend the heavens -- newbies are going to end up so far behind they can never catch up. Never a good situation to be in, especially not in a themepark MMO.

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


I care, it's just there are things I care about even more like new orange schematic drops (such as a craftable black bisector smuggler chestpiece or flashy) and class balance. So looking forward to buying droid crafting upgrades, woot!

Edited by Agemnon
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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


Different development teams working on multiple projects for the game including fixing bugs, adding new content, and fluff.


I for one am looking forward to the Legacy System. As stated, it is a nice new twist to the MMO genere. At least I have not seen it used in any other MMO I have played.

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Imagine bounty hunters for example with that consular and inquisitor aoe thing that pushes you back.


Oh it will affect pvp.

PvPers beware. :D


Afaik it's only available during Heroic moment wich requires the companion out.. so not in PvP

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I'm not sure I understand these types of post. Someone somewhere isn't going to like 1.2. So what? Who cares? Stop playing...if your all about end game and PvP the 1.2 update won't make you completely happy...duh. You people realize this MMO is based on a Book and quite a few movies, cartoon series...bla bla bla. Hence the story being important.
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I'm not sure I understand these types of post. Someone somewhere isn't going to like 1.2. So what? Who cares? Stop playing...if your all about end game and PvP the 1.2 update won't make you completely happy...duh. You people realize this MMO is based on a Book and quite a few movies, cartoon series...bla bla bla. Hence the story being important.


Love how the general forum is full of negativity while the rest (except for the "omg my class got nerfed" threads) is either the opposite or just plain discussions regarding the game :)

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I'm with the OP. Patch 1.2 is going to be nothing but fluff and nerfs... in fact I'm not entirely sure that the fluff wasn't added just to sugarcoat the nerfs.


Awe... they nerfed my class into the ground... oh... but look... now I can put a restraining bolt on my annoying ship droid. Excellent! Sign me up!

Edited by Musezy
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1.2 in late April when Diablo III comes out in May Hahahaha, GG!


Yeah I'll come back to be frustrated with ridiculous game changes that made the already boring game even less fun. Pvp was the only thing this game had going and with dead servers so is pvp dead.


I'll be playing D3, Why would i come back for 1.2? for the UI every other MMO had at launch?


Legacy is like data-codex, it's there, it's cool - but who cares,,...

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There is no reason to come back for 1.2, any serious raider isn't playing SWTOR with all of the top guilds are gearing up for the MoP beta and leaving. SWTOR can attempt to win them now but releasing with no nightmare mode is a dangerous mistep. Again, I don't want SWTOR to fail but you better hope the end game content exceeds expectations if you want it to last. No successful MMORPG has been built on the leveling process that takes this little to complete, lets see what happens.


For the Legacy stuff, I'm really not sold. New races and some unique abilties that ruin the flavour of classes, doesn't sound too interesting. However, boosts to experience in other activities sounds really interesting. Unfortunately 1.3 may be too late for many gamers. I know several who have an active sub but don't log on, that's insane when you consider how long this game has been out.

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However, at such an early stage in release, extra little features like this that will not add much to gameplay but will still require a large amount of resources are unneccessary.


I would rather have them simply add more operations, flashpoints, and more MMO features in general rather than in essence expand on the single player experience, which they in no way need to do. It's the multiplayer they need to focus on, whether it's the lack of endgame or the population problems, and I think pretty much the whole TOR community speaks in unison on this.


They can do both at the same time, you know.

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.

So which is it? Fluff or "things that should have been available at launch"? If you feel that it should have been available at launch, then spending resources to complete it (since it wasn't available at launch) would be warranted.

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I could honestly care less about the Legacy system. It adds nothing to my game play, it isn't content that will keep me playing for the next few months. 1.2 is really pretty laughable if BW thinks it will bring people back to the game.
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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


holy **** OP, I thought I was the only one... I'm not gonna level 10 alts to so that I can say "This is his dad, and this is her cousin, and this is his brother and..." and so on.

Edited by BCBull
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Its a neat feature, but definately something they could of waited on compared to other basic MMO features we will still be waiting on after 1.2 is out.


It definately won't keep me around. I'm already down to playing 6-8 hours a week, which for a 4 month old game is sad.

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lets not forget that Legacy isn't the only thing comming out in 1.2. they are also giving us a new WZ and a new OP and a new FP. Also retooled crafting, new gear, and new game mechanics. Even if we all agree that Legacy is only fluff, is that really so bad when it also comes with content? I think it's great. Edited by Brickabrack
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