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Server population is dropping...


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Bioware's silence on this issue speaks volumes about who is really calling the shots on the management decisions of SWTOR (hint: its EA). My account is cancelled. I love the game, but I'm not rerolling. That is not why I pay $15 a month to EA/BW. Its clear they think 1.2 will solve the population problems, but I'm telling everyone I know not to bother coming back because its clear EA/BW don't care about the issues that really affect their players/customers.


yeah i pretty much agree....i mean my entire guild had THREE OPERATIONS GROUPS....and now NOBODY IS LOGGING AT ALL. My guild and my server are completely dead.

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They know Ilum and other PvP aspects of the game are a failure in the eyes of subscribers.


There is a huge difference between "room for improvement" and "failure in the eyes of subscribers."


I'm not here to perpetuate misconceptions, I'm stating facts.


You are stating your opinion.

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Its a shame that BW don't give us a solution for those server that are most of the time "LIGHT" for do a daily its insane in my server... republic side its almost death because the good players are making new toons on full servers... this really sucks. Edited by AKIHA
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You speak with a lot of authority on behalf of a community you're not a part of. Though SWTOR's PvP elements need work, there is a significant presence within the hardcore PvP community that believe the developer's efforts up to this point are far from being a failure. Additionally, we have not left the game; we have rerolled and are now staging player-created open-world PvP events. To state that we would return to WoW in search of open world PvP is laughable; that game has never adequately supported a true open world PvP environment. At least SWTOR boasts the depth needed to build upon what is already in place and generate our own activities.


I speak of what I see and know. From playing the game since pre-retail to today. On behalf of the community - as do you I guess. Significant is in the eye of the beholder. I didn't say the state of open world pvp as you describe via WoW. While it is world pvp to some degree I'm talking DaOC release style PvP whereas you had incentives. I only referenced WoW to support PvP vs. PvE servers and their adaption of questing with faction and possible PvP. We can disagree as to what is or isn't a failure but I'll highlight some of it from "my" perspective.


1. Server population

2. Faction population - lets face it Imperial just have more of everything

3. Shards / Instance - PvP server, size of world

4. No reason to engage in world pvp - valor capped to Ilum and Warzones

5. No SWTOR portal for weekly, monthly relating to PvP, valor, ranks, anything

6. Client performance is horrible


There are 6 off the top of my head which has nothing to do with boasting. Ilum patch drop was a mess. If you play republic then you know you got farmed while the Imperial side rolled on the valor gravy train. Client performance when greater than i to 16 in area. Faction imbalance. No reason to engage in "open world pvp while questing other than grief kill or ganking". No valor, nothing. Heck, in order to gank anyone anyway you would first have to see them.


My point is this really. No incentive. Rated warzones isn't anything earth shattering. Other MMO's already have it. New MMO's are offering a game focused around pvp and rated battles which have more experience than Bioware. Factor in a zero effort to PvP instantly with all abilities removing any form of gear requirement (which isn't a issue to me per say, but it is to others) all that is left in SWTOR is this:


Star wars based theme park.

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nah, BW will doctor the numbers.

much like blizzard has done for years.


thats highly illegal, the federal trade commission and security exchange commission would have a thing or two to say about it.


I got bored was the final nail in the coffin for me.

First it started with crap customer service. Generic canned responses, deleting tickets, around 9 days off non playability due to one of rushed out patches in the first part of January.


Then after I hit 50 and in a short time I was in full Rakata this was helped due to the fact that I was the only BH that ran in my guild op group, so I got all the bh drops.


I did roll some alts but my smuggler got hit with the nerfs at around lvl 38, and then I rolled a vanguard trooper but I soon got bored with that too. I have never really been a alt-toholic.


So yeah I got bored BW made this game way to easy, especially for veteran mmo players.


Dailies suck as an "hamster wheel" especially when you dont need the gear or credits from them.

Edited by Noviru
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nah, BW will doctor the numbers.

much like blizzard has done for years.

You're absolutely correct, they will be doctored. I would be surprised, though, if they managed to do so to the extent that Blizzard has mastered. Conservative estimates of those who truly understand the situation claim that Blizzard may be stretching the number of active subscribers as much as twice the actual figure. I've seen less conservative estimates that claim they inflate their actual subscription numbers by as much as 300% for the purposes of financial reporting.


The actual figure really doesn't matter; the simple truth is that Blizzard's spin doctors are experts at reporting larger subscription numbers than WoW actually boasts. I doubt there's anyone not already on their payroll capable of accomplishing the task at a similar level.

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thats highly illegal, the federal trade commission and security exchange commission would have a thing or two to say about it.
Yes and no. There are many ways of artificially inflating subscription numbers without technically breaking any laws. One that I'm aware of is the addition of several WoW accounts to the benefits package of Blizzard employees. These accounts are free, but they are "active" for an extended period of time; several 10-year accounts were included as part of the compensation for a job I applied for several years back. They get identified and counted as active accounts, and remain active even if an individual leaves the company, but they are not necessarily utilized and generate no income.
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Hey now, calm down guys. I'm sure tomorrow morning when Andryah gets in to work at BioWare* and logs into his non-moderator account here that he'll intelligently express how you're all full of beans and every one of 202 servers has 15,000 players on it! Think positively!







* Some of us here did a little experiment since it all seems a bit fishy. Anyways, if you post ANYTHING negative about Andryah, you'll get an official warning against your account within FIVE MINUTES of posting. I found this out by PM'ing a few others in this thread who had attacked him personally. Now, when it takes TWO WEEKS to get a real person to look at a game-stopping in-game petition in this stupid game, the only possible way a moderator would be doing things in five minutes is if Andryah was the moderator himself. In any event, just more massive dishonesty from BioWare. Cancel this game while you still have your sanity. Guild Wars 2 is very fun and coming soon!

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Its a shame that BW don't give us a solution for those server that are most of the time "LIGHT" for do a daily its insane in my server... republic side its almost death because the good players are making new toons on full servers... this really sucks.


Trayus academy is empty, I've been waiting for a pvp around 10-15 mins only for lose, i can't finish my dailys in the republic faction, BW it is time to offer a solution, i dont want start again in a diferent server, i will wait a little more of time for a solution or i won't renew my gametime..

Edited by hyrulewarrior
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My point is this really. No incentive. Rated warzones isn't anything earth shattering. Other MMO's already have it. New MMO's are offering a game focused around pvp and rated battles which have more experience than Bioware. Factor in a zero effort to PvP instantly with all abilities removing any form of gear requirement (which isn't a issue to me per say, but it is to others) all that is left in SWTOR is this:


Star wars based theme park.

While your assessment may be logical it is not necessarily factual. Rather than noting it was based upon your personal observation and opinion, though, you passed off your summary as general fact.


Incidentally, there are no true hardcore PvP games on the horizon. None of the prospective titles are really being taken seriously. There is also no reason that a theme-park MMORPG cannot host a vibrant and active hardcore PvP community. In fact, they tend to support such a community better than a true sandbox; despite what many proudly proclaim, a little bit of structure and grounding is necessary to foster a quality PvP community.

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I speak of what I see and know. From playing the game since pre-retail to today. On behalf of the community - as do you I guess. Significant is in the eye of the beholder. I didn't say the state of open world pvp as you describe via WoW. While it is world pvp to some degree I'm talking DaOC release style PvP whereas you had incentives. I only referenced WoW to support PvP vs. PvE servers and their adaption of questing with faction and possible PvP. We can disagree as to what is or isn't a failure but I'll highlight some of it from "my" perspective.


1. Server population

2. Faction population - lets face it Imperial just have more of everything

3. Shards / Instance - PvP server, size of world

4. No reason to engage in world pvp - valor capped to Ilum and Warzones

5. No SWTOR portal for weekly, monthly relating to PvP, valor, ranks, anything

6. Client performance is horrible


There are 6 off the top of my head which has nothing to do with boasting. Ilum patch drop was a mess. If you play republic then you know you got farmed while the Imperial side rolled on the valor gravy train. Client performance when greater than i to 16 in area. Faction imbalance. No reason to engage in "open world pvp while questing other than grief kill or ganking". No valor, nothing. Heck, in order to gank anyone anyway you would first have to see them.


My point is this really. No incentive. Rated warzones isn't anything earth shattering. Other MMO's already have it. New MMO's are offering a game focused around pvp and rated battles which have more experience than Bioware. Factor in a zero effort to PvP instantly with all abilities removing any form of gear requirement (which isn't a issue to me per say, but it is to others) all that is left in SWTOR is this:


Star wars based theme park.




Until bw learns to make changes on one rule set with out effecting the other rule set you cant make sweeping pvp changes.

Half the things you ask for for pvp would be rejected by pve players on pve servers.


Things like having pvp outcomes effect pve via bufs to faction or gating pve zones behind pvp control would piss me right off!


Right now the 2 server rules sets are the same with the exception of pvp flagging always being on for pvp servers.


They need a means to make changes to one rule set with out effecting game play on the other rule set.

I completely do NOT want daoc style of pvp on PVE servers!

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The biggest issue its to easy to hit level cap.

I did it around a month(this is includes working and handling a 16 credit hour course load) and at 2 months I had the best pve armor set you could get.

Pvp warzones got old due to the fact of faction imbalances forcing me to que into huttball over and over.


To me all my characters feel hollow because I really didnt invest any real time in earning anything.

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Yes and no. There are many ways of artificially inflating subscription numbers without technically breaking any laws. One that I'm aware of is the addition of several WoW accounts to the benefits package of Blizzard employees. These accounts are free, but they are "active" for an extended period of time; several 10-year accounts were included as part of the compensation for a job I applied for several years back. They get identified and counted as active accounts, and remain active even if an individual leaves the company, but they are not necessarily utilized and generate no income.


that way would add at most several hundred accounts, lol. That's a stretch to then use this as evidence that Blizzard has manufactured 5 million accounts.

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Hey now, calm down guys. I'm sure tomorrow morning when Andryah gets in to work at BioWare* and logs into his non-moderator account here that he'll intelligently express how you're all full of beans and every one of 202 servers has 15,000 players on it! Think positively!







* Some of us here did a little experiment since it all seems a bit fishy. Anyways, if you post ANYTHING negative about Andryah, you'll get an official warning against your account within FIVE MINUTES of posting. I found this out by PM'ing a few others in this thread who had attacked him personally. Now, when it takes TWO WEEKS to get a real person to look at a game-stopping in-game petition in this stupid game, the only possible way a moderator would be doing things in five minutes is if Andryah was the moderator himself. In any event, just more massive dishonesty from BioWare. Cancel this game while you still have your sanity. Guild Wars 2 is very fun and coming soon!


Oh give it a rest. You come off sounding completely paranoid. You do realice that, right?

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While your assessment may be logical it is not necessarily factual. Rather than noting it was based upon your personal observation and opinion, though, you passed off your summary as general fact.


Incidentally, there are no true hardcore PvP games on the horizon. None of the prospective titles are really being taken seriously. There is also no reason that a theme-park MMORPG cannot host a vibrant and active hardcore PvP community. In fact, they tend to support such a community better than a true sandbox; despite what many proudly proclaim, a little bit of structure and grounding is necessary to foster a quality PvP community.


Yes, my assessment is logical. Not necessarily factual? Incorrect. I'm currently logged into the game, server is Dragon Trail, and there are a total of 21 people showing in the republic fleet. Oh, wait. It just went to 26 since I've been typing this. Oh, bummer, back to 23... So maybe you don't see it has factual because you don't play on the same server or you play on the Imperial side which has more people. There are others who have posted in this thread stating similar facts based on the time they play or just randomly logging in. So it isn't an opinion regarding the state of the game across many servers.


You want to know what is funny about our discussion? I actually downloaded the GW1 client last night just out of curiosity and the starting area had more people in it than what is currently being displayed in the republic fleet(currently showing 27 people).


Another fact - not fiction. 1.2 patch drop does not contain any information regarding server mergers or addressing the imperial vs. republic faction imbalance.

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Yes, my assessment is logical. Not necessarily factual? Incorrect. I'm currently logged into the game, server is Dragon Trail, and there are a total of 21 people showing in the republic fleet.


This may be a fact, but it is one anecdotal data point.

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Most servers are at standard, which is fine.


Why do people persist in saying stupid things like this? Sorry, but no. 'Standard' in SWTOR server terms is a very broad descriptor, go onto a couple and check the populations, it's easy to see.


And what qualifies as 'standard' can be far from fine. For example, at one point one of the servers I checked the population on today had 301 people on Imp side and 368 Rep. Was pretty much the same for both factions, but to break it down further there were 115 people between Hutta, Korriban, Dromund Kaas and the Fleet. Thats 186 Imps left to split between being on ships, the other 11 planets and all the flashpoints and ops. Half the fp's weren't being run at all; only 3 planets had a population in double figures.


Been checking every day, and this is the second highest count of the week. On each occasion the server has been listed as 'standard'. Granted, not every server that is standard is that low, but quite a few are. The point is; less than 700 people total, one faction over 300 only by the smallest margin, most worlds with single figures of people on them and half the 'dungeon' content unused counts as 'standard'........ and you think this is fine?


If you actually think that, you don't get to have an opinion. Also, since I'm using actual numbers and they don't add up to 1.7 million, I assume someone will be along soon to claim I made them up. Not that this will make a difference to those people, but for anyone honestly interested, data gathered are server pop numbers from log on at around 16:45 this afternoon, Rogue Moon (EU), and wasn't appreciably different when I logged off around 17:30.

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that way would add at most several hundred accounts, lol. That's a stretch to then use this as evidence that Blizzard has manufactured 5 million accounts.
Significantly more than several hundred. They're offered to nearly *all* Blizzard employees, and the accounts remain active regardless of the individual's employment status. First consider how many people work for Blizzard in its entirety, both domestically and internationally. Now add to that the number of people that have worked for Blizzard at some point since WoW's launch, but are no longer employees by the company for any of a variety of reasons. Now multiply that number by 2, to represent the number of free acounts an employee receives (the position I applied for included 3 accounts, but it was a leadership position). You end up with a figure in the tens of thousands, if not millions.
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that way would add at most several hundred accounts, lol. That's a stretch to then use this as evidence that Blizzard has manufactured 5 million accounts.


Blizzard does lie, or.... stretch the truth about their accounts. They still have 2m in the US/EU so it's nothing to sneeze at. But the China accounts are untrackable unless they monitor each an every person that logs in once over the period of a month. Which seems like a lot of trouble to just tell the world they lie about their 10m subs. The truth is, no one can call them on it either.

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Yes, my assessment is logical. Not necessarily factual? Incorrect. I'm currently logged into the game, server is Dragon Trail, and there are a total of 21 people showing in the republic fleet. Oh, wait. It just went to 26 since I've been typing this. Oh, bummer, back to 23... So maybe you don't see it has factual because you don't play on the same server or you play on the Imperial side which has more people. There are others who have posted in this thread stating similar facts based on the time they play or just randomly logging in. So it isn't an opinion regarding the state of the game across many servers.
Yes, but that's my point. Dragon Tail is not the entirety of the game. Your statements may be factual for Dragon Tail, but the does not make them factual for the game in general. Additionally, though there are folks reporting similar figures with regard to their servers, they do not comprise the entirety of the game either. There are server populations that are actually growing at the moment, and maintain a significantly greater population on the Fleet than the number you reported at all hours of the day.


Another fact - not fiction. 1.2 patch drop does not contain any information regarding server mergers or addressing the imperial vs. republic faction imbalance.
I never indicated otherwise. Faction imbalance is bad, but it's something the developers are pretty much powerless to correct. That said, they really need to get moving on server consolidation. The fact that they're being slow about this should not be keeping you from rerolling, though. If you're not happy where you're at, do something about it!
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Bottom line is that the endgame in SWTOR does not lend itself to long term gameplay that is either interesting or captivating. For that you need a PVP game that people will play either casually for a diversion or hardcore with a sandbox element to it with more interaction between the factions. This is so people will raid some, then PVP, then raid or then do something leisurely like crafting or cantina crawling.


You need open world city PVP to be honest, much like you had it in SWG.


You know what I REALLY miss, not just the PVP in SWG, but the drama and politics behind it. Territorial PVP does that, it turns friend against foe permanently and forges player bonds that may last a lifetime. PVP in a living city is something you can never fully appreciate unless you've done it.


People choose sides and fight for it; they live with the consequences of those decisions and either become vilified for failing or vanquish their enemy doing so. Without consequence there can be no greatness nor destiny fulfilled.


The game had soul, it had a heartbeat. It had a story that you made daily, not painted on a flat canvas that were more like colorforms than a political struggle.


It was a game the breathed.


Now that those servers are shut down they are gone like so many dust specks in the wind, swept away by the tides of time and the relentless entropy of business interests over art.


WOW and SWTOR have none of that, and probably never will despite the hype suggesting otherwise. While I feel bad for everyone that has enjoyed those sorts of high life of gaming, I feel worse for those that never experienced its highs, and its lows. They were real, they were valued. Sadly, when SWG died, a little part of myself died with it I think. I know my guild did. It just took me three years waiting for this game to realize it.


The cities there were golden clad gems on the prairie or they were dens of scum and villainy where brawls broke out in cantinas or the fronts of starports over something perhaps as trivial as a deal gone bad.


They were cities that I once called home.

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Why do people persist in saying stupid things like this? Sorry, but no. 'Standard' in SWTOR server terms is a very broad descriptor, go onto a couple and check the populations, it's easy to see.


And what qualifies as 'standard' can be far from fine. For example, at one point one of the servers I checked the population on today had 301 people on Imp side and 368 Rep. Was pretty much the same for both factions, but to break it down further there were 115 people between Hutta, Korriban, Dromund Kaas and the Fleet. Thats 186 Imps left to split between being on ships, the other 11 planets and all the flashpoints and ops. Half the fp's weren't being run at all; only 3 planets had a population in double figures.


Agreed! My server is often listed as 'standard" despite hardly anyone on, and even the fleet being very sparsely populated



Kath hound

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this is faulty logic at it's best.



Yea. Assuming people are complaining about a problem is faulty logic, sure.


What's next? You gonna log in my server during primetime and tell me that there are more then 75 people on my fleet?

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