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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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O my God !


This is possibly best stuff u could do bioware,keep on good job and dont let people everything for free!


Yes you will have to obtain full BM gear BECAUSE I did same,yeah it takes some times ofcourse but if u want IT u will have to play for it (: No work - No money, bb


and once again GJ Bioware

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I'm a hardcore PVPer in full BM gear (PRE free valor for all patch). And I think it's a hideously bad idea. AS A PVPER I want PEOPLE to fight, and I VASTLY prefer a system where full participation in PVP isn't gated by gear. I'm also 100% certain that the fact some people have the time to mindlessly 'grind' hundreds of hours for gear does not make those people better PVPers, or that it makes PVP more enjoyable.


Please,do us a favour ( us I mean real pvpers who are now 70+ valor ),give us a break and **** from forum if ur already cancelled sub and want everything fr free...just leave it (:

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Yup, I want to play Ranked because it's competative PVP. If I have to spend lots of time "gear grinding" to get the stuff.... well, that isn't competative PvP and thus rather dull.


What's dull is counter strike, or call of duty games where its clone a vs clone b.


Basically the pvp you want is nude pvp with a rusty dagger, and you think that's skill. It's not. In the 'even gear' situation OTHER things come into play, like who gets the first hit. If two even skilled Marauders fight, the one who gets the first force leap in will have the advantage.


So did getting that first force leap in mean you're more skilled? Nope it means you were lucky to see him before he saw you. Maybe you sat around on a cliff above a pass for an hour waiting for someone, does that mean you're more skilled? No it means you have the time to do nothing and wait to get that first hit, but to you, you’d tell the story in a way where you stalked your prey for an hour before going in for a swift skillful kill! All you did is gank a guy from the rocks brah -_0.


You want pvp dumbed down to that level, where you have to think the least to overcome your opponent.


Gearless pvp turns pvp into a coin flip or a rocks paper scissors game, where the first move or two sets the tone for the fight. Whereas gear and stat scales, allow for more robust pvp that isn’t dictated at the opening move.


I know your type of player doesn’t get this, as you’re use to “I got my super cool first move off and they still beat me, if they didn’t have gear I’d have won that!” Not that you screwed up because you got over zealous, it’s because of gear.


Anyone who has pvp’d over any significant period understands my point and why ‘DCUOnline’ style PVP gets old quick. Don't be made, learn to play.

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I lol´ed. I´m in full bm. I would stop playing if I weren´t.


Good luck to all pvpers who didn´t have enough time to gather full bm gear.:(


Yeah I laughed because everyone who didn't get their BM gear was specifically waiting until 1.2 thinking they could leap frog the progress of those who did get their BM, now they need to deal with the fact they were lazy.


Oh wait, it's not lazy, just to busy doing PVE to want to be bothered with PVP.

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I don't get it, this patch seems like a good thing for newer / average pvpers. Here's my reasoning:


1) You can buy a starter pvp kit for credits which, rumours suggest, is roughly equivalent to champion gear.


2) Champion gear remains in game, you just can't earn it. It is also getting re-itemised to have more expertise to keep in line with new start kit / revamped bm / wh sets.


3) Fresh 50s / average 50s can now acquire battlemaster gear much much quicker than currently, simply through trading in warzone comms for gear.


4) The new "best" pvp set, war hero, is bought using comms and bm gear.




Where is the downside? I can understand existing BMs might be pissed off as new 50s can get BM gear far easier, but in terms of balance it stays the same surely? Those at the top get the top gear (currently bm, soon to be war hero), those in the middle get average gear (currently champ, soon to be bm) and those fresh/casual players get the worst gear (currently cent, soon to be purchased pvp set).


Balance stays the same, time to get gear is reduced.......all good right? what have i missed?

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is this a definitive change??????

or you are all crying because of something its been tested?


did anyone of u really thought that the grinding will end?

did anyone of u really thought that we are gonna have decent PvP paradigmas in the short term?

it is what it is

love it or leave it

Ps: im feeling close to the 2° choice, im tired of depending on having a leveled geared group to enjoy a WZ and the lack of world pvp makes the game not so enjoyable

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I knew BW would do the right thing. Considering we "all" had to play a lot to get full BM gear, all still have to do so, even if it is much faster now then it was before. No one will be able to get WH gear, even the non-ranked one without playing ranked warzones.


The WH gear even not having more status on it will have more damaging and mitigation on it and more expertise (which has more importance now). So a full WZ gear compared to a full BM will have a bigger difference than a full BM to a full Champion one.


Yes, skill is the most important thing in PvP; but honor and respect people who has passed through hell, like me, to get my full BM gear. Also skill will matter the most now, considering all or almost all who will run ranked warzones will have BM gear. So it will be very fair and even; skill will determine the difference.


What people wanted is to compare the average PvP player to the ones who live playing it. Well the average player will get to the top level after 6 to 10 months from now. If they want Top gear they have to deserve it and to do so they will have to play (a lot) PvP.

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I am actually happy though as it will make the time i invested in full BM worth something. I know this will bring alot of QQ.


I agree. I was ok with gear grind but I do not like the concept of end game gear. It makes issues like this inevitable.


If gear were just gear, meaning what people bought, made or picked up then we would see a lot more variety in the game and not this one size fits all BS.


Gear choices would become part of the PVP dynamic. People who do not understand how the stats affect their game play would be at a severe disadvantage while those who made it a science would gain the benefit of real expertise not a stupid stat on the armor.


I would love to see and hope that orange crit gear may be the back breaker for "PVP" and PVE gear.


As it stands now their is some variation but most of it is set within the parameters of what the devs have put out.


I know alot of Hardcore PVPers don't like the PVE aspects (I personally hate OPs/Raids) of the game so they resist anything which would force them out into the "world", but if we want to end all of the gear grind through endless warzones then I see no other way, except maybe the good old communist way of 1-49 warzones where everyone is artificially made equal.

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I knew BW would do the right thing. Considering we "all" had to play a lot to get full BM gear, all still have to do so, even if it is much faster now then it was before. No one will be able to get WH gear, even the non-ranked one without playing ranked warzones.


The WH gear even not having more status on it will have more damaging and mitigation on it and more expertise (which has more importance now). So a full WZ gear compared to a full BM will have a bigger difference than a full BM to a full Champion one.


Yes, skill is the most important thing in PvP; but honor and respect people who has passed through hell, like me, to get my full BM gear. Also skill will matter the most now, considering all or almost all who will run ranked warzones will have BM gear. So it will be very fair and even; skill will determine the difference.


What people wanted is to compare the average PvP player to the ones who live playing it. Well the average player will get to the top level after 6 to 10 months from now. If they want Top gear they have to deserve it and to do so they will have to play (a lot) PvP.


i cant understand why u passed trugh HELL playing a game

u pay to duffer

i thought it was a game

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I love how all the qqr's are completely ignoring the fact that it costs a lousy 11k creds to get FULL BM GEAR, WHICH is about 2% better than champ gear, WHICH everyone can get a full set of at lvl 50. This is also the same bunch of people qqing about a patch they havent seen implemented yet, or even tested to know exactly how it works.


It will take casual players around 2 weeks to get full bm gear, hardly a grind, u can then get the rated gear (which s again probably only about a 2% increase in stats going on previous gear and how much everyone likes to rage on these forums) by competing with the people that took a month or 2 to get the full bm gear in the 1st place.


So as far as i can tell, the people who have dedicated 3 months of playtime to get where they are will b the first to get the SLIGHTLY better gear with about a 2 week head start of any new 50's. After that 1st 2 weeks the gear progression will sort itself out with everyone more or less on the same playing field.


How does this sound bad to anyone?

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I love how all the qqr's are completely ignoring the fact that it costs a lousy 11k creds to get FULL BM GEAR, WHICH is about 2% better than champ gear, WHICH everyone can get a full set of at lvl 50. This is also the same bunch of people qqing about a patch they havent seen implemented yet, or even tested to know exactly how it works.


It will take casual players around 2 weeks to get full bm gear, hardly a grind, u can then get the rated gear (which s again probably only about a 2% increase in stats going on previous gear and how much everyone likes to rage on these forums) by competing with the people that took a month or 2 to get the full bm gear in the 1st place.


So as far as i can tell, the people who have dedicated 3 months of playtime to get where they are will b the first to get the SLIGHTLY better gear with about a 2 week head start of any new 50's. After that 1st 2 weeks the gear progression will sort itself out with everyone more or less on the same playing field.


How does this sound bad to anyone?


It sounds completely reasonable to me. Whatever they choose, people complain. The majority of people who put in a lot of time would be angry if they gave everyone equal gear, and the people with less time think everyone should be on an even playing field.

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I am so sick of listening to you gear grind whiners.


They're handing out crap for free these days and STILL people threaten to unsub over 1/10th the old grind rate.




You're in the wrong game, genius.

Edited by Paralassa
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As it is now, with every warzone being a minigame, you would HAVE to gear grind in order to give incentives to keep playing.


It's the carrot at the end of the stick. TOR and WOW are treadmills (and threadmills like these).


PVP players generally have some sort of competitive spirit in them, yes? Check


Skill should trump any other factor, yes? Ok


Why not give everyone equal gear then, or use the bolster system to have everyone up to par with full WH stats?


Some players just want to roflstomp others and want their gear disparity to win matches for them. Full stop. That's humanity. Some just have a superiority complex.


Others would be ok with everyone being on par, but feel cheated that everyone is now on par and they had to "grind, work, toil" for their once superior gear. Socialism! Wealth redistribution! Burn the heathen! This game is for hours upon hours of repetitive gameplay, grinding match after match!

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I still dont understand this change.

1) they are trying to show legacy feature (playing alts should be fun)

2) they introduce so horrible PvP grinding that I dont want to play anymore and you have no chance to play alts if you dont want to play for 10+ hours per day.


I will never say anything if there will be gear grind required and they have cross server queues with more tiers based on average item level.

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I am so sick of listening to you gear grind whiners.


They're handing out crap for free these days and STILL people threaten to unsub over 1/10th the old grind rate.




You're in the wrong game, genius.




Don't play an RPG if you don't like grind/progression. It is the main point of an RPG.

Edited by Paralassa
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A full BM set now costs 10,900 wz comms and the valor 60 requirement has been removed.


The ranked War Hero set has had all the mod slots stripped. It comes as a blank cosmetic piece with 3 open slots and costs only ranked warzone comms (rwz comms).




Ranked War Hero gloves cost 350 rwz comms

Non-Ranked War Hero gloves cost your BM gloves + 1750 rwz comms


So the non-ranked War Hero gloves that come with mods included cost 5x more ranked warzone comms than the actual ranked War Hero gloves that have had their mods taken out and are now just cosmetic.


A non-ranked War Hero set (that has not been gutted) now costs its respective BM piece plus ranked warzone comms as follows:


Relics/Implants: 200 wz comms + 1225 rwz comms

Bracers: BM Bracers + 1075 rwz comms

Belt: BM Belt + 1225 rwz comms

Gloves: BM gloves + 1750 rwz comms

Boots: BM Boots + 1750 rwz comms

Legs: BM Legs + 1950 rwz comms

Helm: BM Helm + 2100 rwz comms

Offhand Weapon/Item: BM Offhand Weapon/Item + 2200 rwz comms

Chestpiece: BM Chestpiece + 2775 rwz comms

Main Hand Weapon: BM Main Hand Weapon + 3400 rwz comms


A full non-ranked War Hero set with one relic will cost your full BM set(minus the implants) + 800 wz comms + 23,125 rwz comms.


A lvl 50 player on the PTS stated they were getting ~40-50 rwz comms per ranked warzone. So it will take ~500 warzones played to get 23,125 rwz comms. That's 7,500 mins if each warzone is 15 mins long or a total 125 hrs.


Are the mods in the non-ranked better than the Battlemaster ones?

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The problem is this effectively kills alts which means people are just going to quit the game if they ever get tired of their class. Nobody is going to grind BM gear twice and anyone who decides to reroll after balance changes is now more likely to quit than jump back in. How does this effect you? The PvP pool will shrink over time resulting in longer queue times. Trust me, you want less barriers to entry and more people to participate otherwise the game is going to shrivel up like WAR once people decide it isn't worth the bother anymore. Edited by CaptainInsano
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Yeah this change is seriously frakked up. So I cannot play ranked warzones for like a month because I didn't use the valor exploit? What the hell Bioware?!


I didnt use any exploit and am at 62. In fact every one I know and PvP with didnt use exploits. Guess what, it's gona take you a month, just like it took most BMs a month.

Now go run to your little 5 people cult and chant "BMs got their valor with exploits"

Edited by Agooz
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Are the mods in the non-ranked better than the Battlemaster ones?


Yes the mods in the non-ranked war hero set are better.


Even the mods in the 1.2 BM set are better than the mods in the live BM set.


The 1.2 BM set requires no valor just lvl 50. You just need 10,900 regular wz comms.


One BM comm used to cost 4000 regular wz comms. (1000 merc comms and 1000 wz comms) So for the price of less than 3 BM comms, you can now get a full 1.2 BM set without the RNG game. What more do you want?

Edited by JMKnave
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Don't play an RPG if you don't like grind/progression. It is the main point of an RPG.


ok ill gladly quit your gear treadmill (did it once several years ago with WoW, it's easier this time since i know what's coming) now all you gear grinding, pve'ers will have the game all to yourself..... how many people are on your server now? oh and why play this game instead of WoW? glowbats? ya we will see how long this game takes to go F2P. In short your right if we were looking for anything different than a RPG/WoW why are we here?


P.S. unsubbed.

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