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Grapple in hutball...!$#@(*!*#@


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It is OP period.


CC breaker is 2 mins long. U use it to get through the fire. Or out of the acid or away from the mob. Only to get pulled to the fire for a one shot kill.



Now we aren't talking about noobs here. We are talking about people good at what they do. With the range for the pull they just wait for ur resolve to go down and pull u into the fire. 1 shot kills.


Personally I can tell you that as a ball carrier in one match I was prob killed 7 times that way.


With force leap or knock backs that I have require perfect timing and positioning to kill them in the fire. Smart Ballcarriers avoid crossing through the fire pit period. Passing over it, leaping over it, getting pulled over it.


How do u componsate for getting pulled into the fire effortlessly?

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It's not OP.


What about Sages who stand on the bridge in VS and knock 3 people off it for an instant 3 person kill?


Either leave it as is, or if they are going to remove it/nerf it, hit everyone else hard as well.


This whole thread is just totally foolish.

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Have you played against an organised team whos tactics entirely revolve around the fire/acid pits?




It went something like this...




Two assassins of theirs run straight for you're base, stealthed.


Two powertechs stop just behind their acid pit.


Rest of their team avoids the middle, runs up the side ramps then up onto your'e main ramp (above the acid pit)


they wait for you to take the ball (they show no resistance or care for it) then the powertech pulls whomever has picked up the ball into the acid pit. Ball handler dies. they get the ball.


Ball gets chucked up onto the side ramp in the middle, immediately again to one of them thats on the ramp above you're acid pit. Should there be any resistance they just use a sorc to aoe-knock everyone off the platform.


Ball gets thrown to someone thats standing over the side of the first fire pit. Anyone that chases after is promptly stunned and crispy bbq'd.



Ball is thrown again either onto the lower platform with the firepit or to one of the assassins thats stealthed near your'e entrance. Assassin runs the ball over the goal, vanishes after. If he dies, no prob, 2nd sin is there.





2nd ball



one of the two powertechs down teh bottom is standing on the ball spawn point... chucks to first platform...



i think you can guess the rest.



After the first ball people start to leave. The match list at the end is 3x the size of normal from all the leavers.





What i would personaly like - all aoe knocks, pulls, pushes, disabled for huttball.


Im dreaming tho, i know.

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You are talking about changing a whole class mechanic based on one warzone.



And yes I have been knocked into fire and acid by classes that do NOT use grapple. I have even had one inquisitor manage to get out of the acid I pulled him into, then knock me into it for the kill.


I'd suggest people take a breath, read the ability tooltips, and work out how to over come it.


I still stand firmly by what I said before. You guys just don't like BH class, you all cry everytime you can't faceroll something, oh it MUST be OP if it kills me!




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It is OP period.


CC breaker is 2 mins long. U use it to get through the fire. Or out of the acid or away from the mob. Only to get pulled to the fire for a one shot kill.



Now we aren't talking about noobs here. We are talking about people good at what they do. With the range for the pull they just wait for ur resolve to go down and pull u into the fire. 1 shot kills.


Personally I can tell you that as a ball carrier in one match I was prob killed 7 times that way.


With force leap or knock backs that I have require perfect timing and positioning to kill them in the fire. Smart Ballcarriers avoid crossing through the fire pit period. Passing over it, leaping over it, getting pulled over it.


How do u componsate for getting pulled into the fire effortlessly?


if you have full resolve when crossing the firepit, chances are pretty good that by the time resolve fades, you will be close to 30 M away. if someone tries to grapple you at that distance (and keep in mind you will be elevated as well) there is a better than 50% chance that grapple will not send you into the firepit, you will either land well outside it or slightly behind the grappler.


the only way to counter this would be for the grappler to stand in the middle of the firepit, killing himself in the process but vastly increasing his odds that grapple will pull you into the pit.


grapple is a terrible ability if you try to use it someone below you above you.


force push is infinitely more useful than grapple. can do everything that grapple can do with slightly more work, AND has a plethora of other uses as well that grapple does not.

Edited by Ryotknife
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okay im not really raging right now but its pretty *********** stupid how easy you can grapple/stun someone in the firepit for an instant kill.


im getting flashbacks from 10 years ago when little bastards would camp the Golden Gun in GoldenEye for N64...damn trolls loling from the 1shots herp derp


So just to be clear it's this reason why so many classes get nerfed in 1.2



This is a fact.

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okay im not really raging right now but its pretty *********** stupid how easy you can grapple/stun someone in the firepit for an instant kill.


im getting flashbacks from 10 years ago when little bastards would camp the Golden Gun in GoldenEye for N64...damn trolls loling from the 1shots herp derp


I swear to god that's my Fav thing about Huttball. If I don't kill at least 5 people a match in the fire or acid I'm not enjoying myself.

I had one of the best Huttballs the other day I was wearing a Sorc bubble and ran though the firs. When it poped it Blinded the 4 or 5 guys behind me and they all died LOL.

Edited by KrotanaThrall
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When you could still grapple into the starting area before they stopped it, got over 30 kills in one game insta killing 2 lvl 50 when I first got the skill.


The beauty was the 2 lvl 50s were guild members of mine, though the character I was on wasn't in guild and they didn't know it was me at the time. Their rage on Vent was so funny I still laugh just thinking about it.


Grapple is a guilty pleasure that at 50 gear and skills have largely watered down but the goal line insta kill was grand while it lasted.

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Ahh so its ok to have teams of force users running around pushing, pulling and leaping all over the place but you got a problem with grapple.


BW should just make that WZ a glow stick only and charge a small fee for the rest of us to just watch team's of jedi and sith knocking each other all over the place. At least that way the rest of us non- force users might get a laugh out of it.



Yeah, the non force users cant do anything.


I mean, if PowerTechs for instance could grapple, charge, aoe stun, aoe knock back, and put up a damage shield that also made them immune to all movement impairing effects they might be able to compete.

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okay im not really raging right now but its pretty *********** stupid how easy you can grapple/stun someone in the firepit for an instant kill.


im getting flashbacks from 10 years ago when little bastards would camp the Golden Gun in GoldenEye for N64...damn trolls loling from the 1shots herp derp


You do know that grapple is a tank pave ability, used when needed. Why is it you PvP players always ***** about usefull pve abilities. Also guess what all those punts make for very good games that come down 2 to 2 matches! Which makes hurt all very fun for some of us.


Just my 2 cents.

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Yeah, the non force users cant do anything.


I mean, if PowerTechs for instance could grapple, charge, aoe stun, aoe knock back, and put up a damage shield that also made them immune to all movement impairing effects they might be able to compete.


What he said or pesky smugglers or ops stunning you to death.

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As an operative who has no knockbacks/jumps/pulls and as a powertech who has a grapple and a jump I vote for keeping it. Yeah I don't like it when it's done to my operative, but love it on powertech. It all evens out in the end. Both classes are effective. Playing a powertech gave me a whole new perspective on grapples and jumps, how to reduce my chance of getting pulled and more importantly to stop being that dumba.. who stands by endzone while jumping ball carrier is in the pit and giving him a nice jump target to score.
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I have said this before. I have single handedly won games as a shield spec vanguard. All my team has to do is get the ball to their side and I got em. If we lose the ball and they go into pit and stand on fire, harpoon them up and walk the ball right to goal. Easy. Or I take it in the first fire pits and storm to goal. People expect to be "force leaped" by a knight, but they typically never see the vanguard leap coming. I've had enemy players say, "I can't believe that happened" on more than one occasion. I have single handed;y won games without any support from my team. Because they enemy team can't kill me quick enough 4 vs 1.


Pull and sprint are even more powerful as sprinting over second set of fire pits doesn't require an opponent on the other side to leap to.

Edited by Dayshadow
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okay im not really raging right now but its pretty *********** stupid how easy you can grapple/stun someone in the firepit for an instant kill


what server are you, and what's your nick? i want to make an alt just to grapple you all day until you quit.

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I mean, if PowerTechs for instance could grapple, charge, aoe stun, aoe knock back, and put up a damage shield that also made them immune to all movement impairing effects they might be able to compete.


i wonder how ironic this post is, as some of the things you mention vanguards do not have but commandos and most of the stuff is impossible to have at the same time due to talent builds.

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Yesterday I was doing some matches on my Vanguard in sub-50 brackets. Our team took a 1 point lead, then ended up letting the other team score due to too many on offense and none of us really being on defense.


The brawl for trying to score next continued for several minutes, and we eventually ended up losing the neutral ball to the other team, with only 1 minute to go. Everyone started raging in /ops, as the enemy ball carrier sheltered himself in a sea of teammates in his team's pit.


With precious seconds winding down, I thought to myself "Kelsik, it's time to be a hero". I high-tailed it to the other teams side and maneuvered along the cat walks, the only Frog Dog past the theoretical 50 yard line. I stood next to my weapon of choice: the fire trap. I waited for a clear LoS on the carrier, with only 10 seconds to go.


There he is! And my vent is starting to wind up... Yoink! I run off the vent, and look at my handiwork. The carrier flying through the air like an ungraceful swan, meeting up with the fire trap as it ignites. "Oldest trap on the course Rotworm!", Baron said as if in approval of my methods. I received the ball with 3 seconds left and won us the game as Frog Dog ops channel was flooded with lawls.


Just figured I'd share one of my favorite Harpoon stories.

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Any noob wasting their grapple on pulling some random into a fire pit won't be on my team.......My all time favourite are of course the tards that grapple the ball carrier right at the start of the match into the acid pit when they obviously have all their CDs up so can just walk out the other side having been pulled closer to your goal line out of the melee scrum in the centre and LOS all the ranged on the catwalk above......who needs force pull when your local noob PT or Sin can get you moving in the right direction.....
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Yeah, the non force users cant do anything.


I mean, if PowerTechs for instance could grapple, charge, aoe stun, aoe knock back, and put up a damage shield that also made them immune to all movement impairing effects they might be able to compete.


The point is you dont have any reason to remove grapple as it counters force users. Heck Im all for giving every class thats not a force user grapple anything to balance out the play and this is comeing from a vanguard who can charge and grapple. Im not greedy like alot of force users who want to keep thier exclusive WZ to themselves and thier powers while trying to get stuff like grapple nerfed or removed lol.

Edited by Zbus
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Any noob wasting their grapple on pulling some random into a fire pit won't be on my team.......My all time favourite are of course the tards that grapple the ball carrier right at the start of the match into the acid pit when they obviously have all their CDs up so can just walk out the other side having been pulled closer to your goal line out of the melee scrum in the centre and LOS all the ranged on the catwalk above......who needs force pull when your local noob PT or Sin can get you moving in the right direction.....


That is why you do it to the guy healing the ball carrier.

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