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Everything posted by HurrDurrCur

  1. lol Dinged 65 in Warzones then went to check out the new PVP gear. Was able to buy a full set of Exemplar gear with the points I had accumulated way back when. Nice. Did they nurf the amount of points you get per match from what it was at the game's launch or have I just pvp'd a ********?
  2. Immortal Jugg & Whatever the healy heal sorc is are looking for a guild We like to PvP and PvE. We're good at what we do (Abeit a bit rusty with SWTOR as we've only just started playing again) but pick up thing's quickly and it should not be too long until we figure it all out. *Kinda* casual - meaning we both work and do go outside for sunshine on occasion. We are Aussies so time zones may not be the best for US player's unless it's on a weekend. Any guilds out there that think we'd be a good fit for you?
  3. Arro Are macro's possible in SWTOR? I have small hands So key's 1-5 are cool. 6 and up becomes troublesome and reaction time is lost moving my hand to press ze buttons. There are some skills that i would like to try and macro. An example would be binding charge and intercede to the one key. An advanced macro would work (if friendly then intercede, if unfriendly then charge) or it would work with a double press basic macro (would get an error if wrong target first press but should go through on 2nd press) Also rotation macro's similar to WoW's macro system. Cast this, then this, then this, and reset back to the first skill if no press in X or if the sequence is completed so the skills you press 1, 2, 3 for anyway are done with 1, 1 ,1 . If this is not possible in game - Using the 1 key press 1 action guideline - would creating an out of game macro with my keyboard for when i press button 1, it also presses button X - then i would just move skills like charge / intercede to the appropriate action bar place and it would work that way - be legal? (actually just thought of the havoc that would cause when trying to type the things outside of game. bad idea!) I've tried the Alt+1 and ctrl +1 alternatives but my hands again make this difficult I have to rotate my hand at an odd angle to be able to press ctrl / alt with my pinkie / thumb..... For games that require a joystick for similar reasons i use a Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro that i built a serial -> USB converter for. The buttons are all close together on that thing. Modern ones are odd and i also have trouble reaching some buttons damn small hands!
  4. Have you considered putting on some clothes, stepping outside and taking a stroll around? Oh! Sun glasses may help in your situation if the sun is too bright for you. But seriously - Get outside. Take a deep breath. Take your shoes off - get your feet walking around on some grass. AND CHILL. Remember that this is a video game - and that a new expansion has just come out - that is not 100% unlocked - so seriously dude chill!
  5. Well actualy, to everyone that is saying tanks are useless in pvp, you are very wrong! You want to be able to take the biggest beating for the longest ammount of time before dying. You need a pocket healer. You need to Guard your pocket healer, when they shout someones on them, you drop what your doing and go help. You only stop defending ur healer if someone's planting the objective, then you go back to assisting them with their problem. Your absolutely worthless unless they're alive and able to heal you. Your goal in Nova/Alderan is to be the last man standing at the node being assaulted by the enemy. You pop your cd's and prevent them from capping while your team respawns and runs back. This is invaluable. again the longer you live the better you are for your team. In voidstar your a great distraction. Your entire team goes 1 side, and you + pocket healer go the other. Enemy team sends 4 people to kill you both. Allowing theo ther 6 people on your team to slaughter the enemy and plant the bomb. Then while your team runs ahead you stay in the halllways, spamming your aoe slow, stunning anyone that tries to sprint down to defend the next point. For defence your still as important, again you need to be the last one alive on the door to ensure none of the enemy can plant the bomb untill theyre back from that gosh darn forcefield, lol. In huttball your job is to run the ball. You grab it initialy, you start running it towards the goal. Pop ur cd's and go as far as you can, giving your team time to move ahead of you so you can throw. Or if theres multiple healers and they love you.. just run the ball the entire way, force charge back up after getting knocked off the ramps, and run the ball thru the finish line while spamming /rofl as you know they're raging so hard :D:D Need pocket healers tho.
  6. Aye. Its pretty damned obvious its not fair, theres no skill involved in doing it, and its definately not balanced. Was chatting with the mates i PvP with about it. Aoeing both doors continualy is not practical. And from the post above me would do nothing to help the problem. Whats the counter to it? if it realy is a valid and "working as intended" game mechanic? I'd love to hear it. Especialy from a Forum Mod, Game Master or Developer.
  7. so youre telling me people can plant the bomb while invisible - when noone else can see them - of which only the Republic can do - is totaly fair and a proper game mechanic? I call BS on that. If its not, well then, Terra is looking very very nice.
  8. So was just in a game and experienced it for the 1st time. I que with 3 friends, we work together and communicate alot. We're fighting on the doors, camera facing the door. Only 1 person close to it, the rest are far back. Im continualy hitting the person thats close to the door, and he's fighting me back so he's not trying to plant. All of a sudden, theres a bomb on the door im looking at, and the announcer confirms it. Ok... maybe i stuffed up right? maybe i missed something? ok - carry on to next room. Bridge is lowerd. Fighting on both doors again (a friend is guarding the other door - that side is clear) - again - the side with all theaction, noone is near the door - the entire enemy team is ranging us way back from the door. im standing right next to the door, camera facing it. Bomb appears on the door again. Announcer confirms it. Ok... something is up... Progress to the final room. The bomb is planted properly - we can see the person that planted the final bomb. Ive submitted a ticket about this. Other htan that - i go to google, "Voidstar Bomb Exploit" and first few searches... wham... Instructions on how to do it. It appears its a Jedi Only thing with the Smuggler class. What the hell.... Bioware you will pull the server down in our primetime to patch the # of tokens people get but you wont patch what is obviously a long standing bug by the # of google links to different sites about it???? Uncool. Hopefully this thread will encourage people to read up and learn about this exploit. The more people that know about it... obviously the more people will do it. But it also ensures you will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than ignore it. Thankyou.
  9. Harro! I'm looking for suggestions and imput, new SWTOR player, a single character, lvl 40ish Jugg. Have played tanks in many mmo's extensively, and i love to pvp with them. Looking for some advice for when i hit 50 and need to spend all my saved point/tokens on gear. My goal in pvp is to live the longest. Survivability is everything. I realy dont care if i only tickle people damage wise, thats not my job, thats up to the DPS classes. My role is to be the last standing on the cap points, popping cooldowns and preventing the zerg of enemies from capping while my team gets back. Im unsure Expertise will give me what i want in those terms, as it seems to be a broad kind of skill. Where defence and sield absorbsion seem to be the way to go. Can i have some imput on this? Remember my goals are purely to soak up damage, pop cooldowns and stay alive on a cap point while my team runs back. Thanks
  10. Translation: Wah wah i want to feel special in my special gear. I cant feel special if everyone else is wearing it. Despite the fact they've put in the same effort as i to grind up their valor while leveling, and bank points in prep for their gear. ITS NOT FAIR MOMY!! DADDY! HES GOT MY STUFF!! I demand they raise the valor cap on my gear so i can feel special for longer. And by special i mean i have little skill and rely heavily on winning via having superior gear. Anyone in crap gear that has an ounce of skill can still roll me tho, but ITS NOT FAIR MY GEAR IM SPECIAL.
  11. Notice how all the healers that are whining in these posts are centred around themselves, how well they can heal SOLO. Totaly ignoring the fact that PvP is heavily teamwork dependant.
  12. *high 5* :D:D:D:D:D:D:D The only thing that seems to ruin games for me and my mate is when the other team is a PREMADE. Meaning two 4man groups queing at the same time and getting in the same game 80% of the time. *cough warcry on Master Dalwhatsit*
  13. You cant solo BG's and expect to win just because your the one pumping out all the heals. As a healer, against a group with even a grain of common sense, you will be marked, and the enemy team instructed to keep on yo butt untill its in tiny pieces all over the floor. Your team, should they have even a grain of common sense also, would realise that without you there healing, they're all stuffed. I only play SWTOR with my partner. I'm a Jugg, he's a Sorc. Hes allways guarded. He's allways my focus. He can generaly handle people beating on him. If the person beating on him is starting to cause damage (interupting his heals, keeping him locked down preventing him from doing his job..) do you know what he does? He tells me! You know what i do? Turn around and beat the mucus out of whomever is causing the problem. Do you know what the end result is? He can keep healing, doing his job, staying alive and keeping everyone else alive. PVP IS ABOUT TEAMWORK YO. Its the same as PVE in a way. Mobs on the heals? You know whats going to happen. Healer dies, everyone else dies from no heals, wipe. PvP is no different. If you dont want to spend a majority of your pvp time bashing your head against a wall because your getting swarmed, shout out on your server. "Heals LFM to PvP with, people whom work as a team" Explain the basic rule - If i call for help you NEED to assist me, if you dont, i will die, then you will die shortly after. You will be surprised how many people out there WANT TO TEAM UP AND WORK AS A TEAM in pvp, but just CBF being the one to organise the group.
  14. Thats a common misconception. You loose because your team is unccordinated and all over the place. You win when your team works together and focus's fire.
  15. Bioware does realises that the following things, if squeezed in quickly, would nullify a good 80% of this threads angry? It realy wouldent be too hard for them to impliment, considering its allready there: The ability to que as an 8man group The ability for a non-ops group to que together, finish the BG together, and still be in a group together when they exit ouf of the WZ I mean, they've allready gone the extra mile and put in a workaround for the new gear (another big hint this had been planned for over a week, Mr Medic, heh) they can spend a few hours ensuring the above is put in.
  16. Cars and videogames are a bad comparison yes. The process behind it: watch advertisement, read advertisment that says this product will have this. Go to get product, its missing a key advertised feature. ^ That is spot on ^ Thats the other problem. You keep referring to it as a last minute thing. Suddenly removing that whole section from a patch is not something that can be done in a few hours. That takes alot of coding and changes to ensure the version wil still work without it. They knew about this at least a week in advance. They tell us at the last minute. This is a deliberate act intended to try and lessen the "blowback" they get from the customers because of it. If it was a genuine "oh no, we've just discoverd a gamebreaking bug/incompatability/somthing thus we have to pull it for now..." then we wouldent be as peeved. Something about being treated like idiots and expected to believe lies, is what alot of us are angry about. That, and moreso, our rated pvp... where is its?!?
  17. there's a Difference. When you see a car advertised on TV with power steering, when you go to the dealership to buy the car you expect it has power steering as advertised. I dont know about you, but im pretty dang sure theres video's, and informational posts straight from EA/BW that state - these are the changes coming in 1.2 I saw it advertised that 1.2 would have a new warzone, and ranked PVP. This is what i expect. You keep acting like its ok, perfectly ok, and acceptable for whats happend here to have happend. Youv'e even been cheering BW/EA on in posts for "taking it slow". Yet if you went to a car dealership and they told you that power steering had been delayed and wont be included "untill its ready", would you not turn around, and seek to buy a car elsewhere? Then encourage all you're friends to steer clear of that car company.
  18. Because we're still the kind of people who will ask nicely, in an attempt to get our message across before going the extreme rout of giving up something they obviously love because its being thrown into an ever deepening hole by the very people who created it?
  19. The players are not stupid EA/Bioware We realise that removing an entire part of the patch is not something you can just tick a box to un-include. You knew about this for at least a week prior to announcing 1.2. And left it untill now to announce it in an attempt to have players not hate you as much because "theyre just happy to get 1.2 regardless" May i start saying we should follow in the foosteps of Eve players?? CCP now jumps thru hoops at the players command, employed a truckload of more staff to keep up with expectations of their players, and now they have a flourishing buisness once more. Start up a mass unsubscribe thread, have all unsubscribers post in it. List our demands, and a reasonable timeframe. If they are not met, the unsub is permnant. The players need to take a stand because at current, companies are in the state of mind they can do what they want in terms of service and quality to the customers with no repercussions. Therefor they will continue to do whatever they wish at our expense. We're paying for a game We want to play. Right now not only are we peeved we've been following a carrot on a stick for months, but now a large reason of why we held on for so long is out of the picture with an unannounced ETA. I hear Terra/Guild Wars 2 is in open Beta now anyway, should they choose to laugh at our stand. We'll win either way. P.s - wonder how long this'll last before Censorship Squad arrives.
  20. perhaps making the mark dissapear on player death would be a good initiative? Staying on after death for a respawn is a bit iffy. At least then someone has to be actively marking. DO NOT DO BEFORE MACROS DEAR GOD
  21. I'm a new-ish SWTOR player My handicap is i cannot play unless my partner is playing, so mostly weekends and some weekday afternoons. I started pvping at 10. Totaly clueless. I'm now itching to get to level 40 to jump into my full lvl 40 set, and wondering if i should try to buy the speeder, or keep my 1000 mercenary tokens and keep spending the excess WZ tokens on medkits. Anyway, yes. The # of games that have been won by just me and my partner duo-ing the entire thing is nuts. Its to the point - if i want any chance of winning AND having an enjoyable game... the following must be done: I have to do an inspirational speech I then have to spam CALL INCOMINGS = WIN - YELL AS SOON AS YOU SEE THEM NOT WHEN YOU'RE DEAD FFS - then call 95% of them myself regardless. I have to mark all the enemy healers Anything in the WZ that should have a "keep out of reach of children" sticker on it also needs to be done by me (Ie Huttball grab the ball run to their base) as you wont believe the # of people that will get the ball, or get thrown the ball, then just stand there and not move/keep fighting. Or when you're attacking on voidstar they clear out the entire enemy team then run off without bothering to start capping.... Its torture.... it realy realy is.... I've given up on the speech/trying to coordinate people as there are no macros, the G15 couldent even do it for me... Typing stuff people should know by common sense every single match is like using ultra-coarse-sandpaper to wipe you're butt. Doesnt it **** you off so much at the same time? Just the little things that Bioware deliberately did not do to save time and money... Indivudal Server Forums Like more than 2 pvp brackets. Day/Night/Weather Macros/G15 compatability The space missions. Clone more of them, call it something else buff the mobs in it? LE SIGH.
  22. Marker or No Marker. A team that doesnt consist of degenerate ewoks will still be attracted to you're healers like fly's are to rotting meat. Maybe you should start another thread about how people are greifing the ball handler in huttball! WAIT WHAT I CAN TAUNT IN PVP!?!?!?!?!
  23. Dude. Have you played against an organised team whos tactics entirely revolve around the fire/acid pits? It went something like this... Two assassins of theirs run straight for you're base, stealthed. Two powertechs stop just behind their acid pit. Rest of their team avoids the middle, runs up the side ramps then up onto your'e main ramp (above the acid pit) they wait for you to take the ball (they show no resistance or care for it) then the powertech pulls whomever has picked up the ball into the acid pit. Ball handler dies. they get the ball. Ball gets chucked up onto the side ramp in the middle, immediately again to one of them thats on the ramp above you're acid pit. Should there be any resistance they just use a sorc to aoe-knock everyone off the platform. Ball gets thrown to someone thats standing over the side of the first fire pit. Anyone that chases after is promptly stunned and crispy bbq'd. Ball is thrown again either onto the lower platform with the firepit or to one of the assassins thats stealthed near your'e entrance. Assassin runs the ball over the goal, vanishes after. If he dies, no prob, 2nd sin is there. 2nd ball one of the two powertechs down teh bottom is standing on the ball spawn point... chucks to first platform... i think you can guess the rest. After the first ball people start to leave. The match list at the end is 3x the size of normal from all the leavers. What i would personaly like - all aoe knocks, pulls, pushes, disabled for huttball. Im dreaming tho, i know.
  24. Thanks heaps Was realy hoping there was a pvp vendor somewhere i could grab one to have a "full" lvl 40 set. AH it is then!
  25. bumping as this is allmost rolled off the 1st page allready. nice to see the community can tear their eyes away from qq'ign about 1.2 nurfs/other classes being overpowerd to answer a question. heh.
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