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List of 1.2 changes that negatively effect PvP


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I've seen several threads addressing different things that 1.2 will change and a cause for concern for people who PvP. I'm not sure if anyone has address how all these things will compound on each other to cause a poor experience for PvPers.


The List

1) All low level gear has has it costs increased. IE weapons are now 900 wz coms

2) Medpac's and stims have had there costs doubled. costs 20 wz coms up from 10

3) WZ coms gained from warzones have been decreased. Winning will get you about 100 a good loss will get you 50

4) Credits gained have been drastically lowered.


Here is a video of my low level getting rolled by a higher level group and though because we had no healing and I couldn't afford medpacs it made the loss all that much worse.




So good luck saving commendations when you loose like this.


Now how does all this compound on each other you ask?


Lets take a typical PvP player and how he levels.


Your typical pvp player primarily plays warzones and only follows his class quest. In doing this He relies on purchasing the low level pvp gear/weapons or crafted/drop gear off the GTN or crafting it. With the lowered coms and raized prices of just the wz medpacs if your typical player just buy's 5 medpacs after his first win he will have 0 coms left. if in the next 2 games he uses 2 medpacs per game and those are bad losses he will only have one med pac and 50 coms allowing him to purchase 2 more med pacs in the hopes of winning the next one. The only issue the truth of the matter is that any serious PvPer uses more than 2 unless they are a player who can selfheal or in a premade where they can rely on another player to heal them. As you can see if you just buy the medpacs you will most certainly not have any WZ coms to buy any gear at any price.


So you say well just buy your gear of the GTN. Sure I'll bite. As people have already tested if you pvp and just buy your class skills and nothing else you'll run out of money by level 25ish. Lets say you weave your class story in the mix because you get credits and gear from that right. I'll admit that I haven't tested exactly how many credits you get for class quests but i know it's not enough to offset the cost since by level 25 you’re just getting off taris and I know for my JK there is only a quest chain of 3 to 4 quests and the payoff isn’t that significant. So I suppose you could now afford your class abilities. But still no gear except for the possible drops and quest items that usually over write a quest item you got a few quests ago. So you’re still can’t keep up with your gear but at least you can buy your skills. But wait don’t you want to level you crew skills? Well sorry you can’t afford that and your abilities so you’ll have to choose what’s more important to you.


So now you’ve reached the dead zone of pvping. Your level 30 you’re just barely able to buy your class abilities. Your crew skills are all at sub 100 because you only could gather when you were out doing your class quests except your mission skill cause it’s at 0 because you can’t afford to send companions on missions. I know many people will say some of this is speculation and you are right but I have personally tested most of this and can easily use the past increase to the low level gear as an example. At the current rewards and after the last increase of low level gear I wasn’t able to buy the full level 20 set till I had surpassed that level. So it wasn’t that bad but that was with the current WZ coms rewards and no increase on medpacs. So I can easily see and I have also tested the ramifications of the increased costs and lower rewards.


If there is something that is coming with 1.2 or implemented already that we don’t see please let us know because anyone who cares about PvP in this game will be greatly disappointed.

Edited by Thordomr
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Also, they drastically increased EXP from Warzones on the PTS... which is awesome for leveling purposes because it was way to low for time put in, but is TERRIBLE for being able to train or getting gear.


Combined with LOWER credits, HIGHER item costs, lower commendation gain rate, you also play less games per level (meaning less credits and commendations even if they hadn't changed the credits and commendation gain rate)... therefore you are perpetually underfunded and unable to accumulate enough commendations for the set of level 20 gear until WELL past level 20.


This effect will be multiplicative. Less games per level, less commendations per game (on average), significantly less credits per game, higher item costs.


Overall, not a great formula for making PVP leveling enjoyable.

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Exactly. I know they mentioned that they are introducing new PvP daily quest but as of right now there is only one low level PvP daily quest and it gives the same suff as the one on live.


If they plan on keeping the current prices and rewards they need to offset it by having more pvp daily quests at low levels and balance that extra experience you're getting from each Warzone into those quests. That way you could get more WZ coms for completing the dailies along with credits and xp. Also, by linking the bulk of credits/coms/xp to dailies, you would not be penalizing the looser as much and not making the winners feel like they didn't get anything for there win as long as the dailies weren't all tied to winning the match as is the current daily is. I'm not saying that this is the end all solution but as it is now its just not going to work.

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Thats bad news. Level 12-49 PvP gear is already too expensive and money gain is rather low on live aswell. I don't like those changes at all, except for the experience gain, PvP should be a viable way to leveln, which it curenntly isn't on live.
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Here's the definitive list of 1.2 changes that negatively effect pvp


#1. All of them.

#2. Seriously, all of them.


Agreed. The only change that makes any sense is the increased experience gains from warzones. Bioware has specifically stated that they want PvP to be a viable way to level, yet everything they are proposing with this patch is contradictory to that statement. Additionally, for endgame PvP, regardless of what the trolls and QQers would have you think, the classes are pretty well balanced as they currently are. 1.2 is going to be WAR all over again.

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Agreed. The only change that makes any sense is the increased experience gains from warzones. Bioware has specifically stated that they want PvP to be a viable way to level, yet everything they are proposing with this patch is contradictory to that statement. Additionally, for endgame PvP, regardless of what the trolls and QQers would have you think, the classes are pretty well balanced as they currently are. 1.2 is going to be WAR all over again.


Pretty much this.


1.2 needs to drastically change or it will be an utter disaster.

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I think, that wz's should be nerfed to previous level... 3k (vs 600-1300) of valor per wz and 4 medals - top for valor/commendations... strangiest idea ever.


Ilum is dead after these customizations (Because there is no point in visiting this ice world) + there are 50% of War Heroes on our server... and these players are still using Centurion/Champion armor.


Pure imbalance. What's the idea of valor, when it's easy to get? And players, who got to BM/WH level before 1.1.5 ("Ssory guys, that was for nothing?")? What should they say? I know, that a lot of people are going to leave this game because of its casuality.


I understand, that it's fist MMO for BW... but it's not serious. For me, a hardcore PvP player, there is nothing interesting now. I'm just doing story quests for my twink characters... and that's all.

Edited by ArxUnKanesh
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900 wz comms for a weapon? They're out of their mind.


I've repeatedly written to them to reduce the prices for the level 14 weapons and the level 20 gear. Even bug reported it the first time I saw it because I assumed it was a typo - it couldn't possibly cost ALL my warzone commendations from level 10-14 for ONE weapon! So now they make it even higher?


Seriously, stop making low level pvp as expensive as level 40. This is ridiculous.


Are they TRYING to make the credit spammers happy? People are going to HAVE to purchase credits outside of the game if they want to level through pvp.


Very not good, totally not thought out. We're going to see more spammers and even begging if this goes through. Yuck.

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This is how pvp should have been http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VKhrCDWfg


Holy crap, I just pooped my pants and threw my wallet at my screen.


Sadly I now smell and don't have GW2.....


EDIT: I am also blown away that ArenaNet has stepped out of the line and realized you can make PvP and PvE completely separate and viable in the same game.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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This is how pvp should have been http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VKhrCDWfg


If Star Wars:TOR didn't crush my hopes and dreams completely, then I probably would have purchased GW2.


I'm probably going to stop playing video games in general. Companies are only in it for the money, and don't care about the customers anymore. Sadly, it seems Bioware only cares about the money also.

Edited by SithEBM
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I'm probably going to stop playing video games in general. Companies are only in it for the money, and don't care about the customers anymore. Sadly, it seems Bioware only cares about the money also.


Every company cares about money, it's the ones that care more for their game and providing maximum enjoyment that makes them stand out. Bioware/EA seems to have a hard time learning that.

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I've seen several threads addressing different things that 1.2 will change and a cause for concern for people who PvP. I'm not sure if anyone has address how all these things will compound on each other to cause a poor experience for PvPers.


The List

1) All low level gear has has it costs increased. IE weapons are now 900 wz coms

2) Medpac's and stims have had there costs doubled. costs 20 wz coms up from 10

3) WZ coms gained from warzones have been decreased. Winning will get you about 100 a good loss will get you 50

4) Credits gained have been drastically lowered.


Now how does all this compound on each other you ask?


Lets take a typical PvP player and how he levels.


Your typical pvp player primarily plays warzones and only follows his class quest. In doing this He relies on purchasing the low level pvp gear/weapons or crafted/drop gear off the GTN or crafting it. With the lowered coms and raized prices of just the wz medpacs if your typical player just buy's 5 medpacs after his first win he will have 0 coms left. if in the next 2 games he uses 2 medpacs per game and those are bad losses he will only have one med pac and 50 coms allowing him to purchase 2 more med pacs in the hopes of winning the next one. The only issue the truth of the matter is that any serious PvPer uses more than 2 unless they are a player who can selfheal or in a premade where they can rely on another player to heal them. As you can see if you just buy the medpacs you will most certainly not have any WZ coms to buy any gear at any price.


So you say well just buy your gear of the GTN. Sure I'll bite. As people have already tested if you pvp and just buy your class skills and nothing else you'll run out of money by level 25ish. Lets say you weave your class story in the mix because you get credits and gear from that right. I'll admit that I haven't tested exactly how many credits you get for class quests but i know it's not enough to offset the cost since by level 25 you’re just getting off taris and I know for my JK there is only a quest chain of 3 to 4 quests and the payoff isn’t that significant. So I suppose you could now afford your class abilities. But still no gear except for the possible drops and quest items that usually over write a quest item you got a few quests ago. So you’re still can’t keep up with your gear but at least you can buy your skills. But wait don’t you want to level you crew skills? Well sorry you can’t afford that and your abilities so you’ll have to choose what’s more important to you.


So now you’ve reached the dead zone of pvping. Your level 30 you’re just barely able to buy your class abilities. Your crew skills are all at sub 100 because you only could gather when you were out doing your class quests except your mission skill cause it’s at 0 because you can’t afford to send companions on missions. I know many people will say some of this is speculation and you are right but I have personally tested most of this and can easily use the past increase to the low level gear as an example. At the current rewards and after the last increase of low level gear I wasn’t able to buy the full level 20 set till I had surpassed that level. So it wasn’t that bad but that was with the current WZ coms rewards and no increase on medpacs. So I can easily see and I have also tested the ramifications of the increased costs and lower rewards.


If there is something that is coming with 1.2 or implemented already that we don’t see please let us know because anyone who cares about PvP in this game will be greatly disappointed.


Grind is a developers crutch.


They realized MANY people are playing PvP.


They decided to increase the GRIND in PvP.


They think subs will continue.


Cancel you sub and get heard!

Edited by Cempa
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Every company cares about money, it's the ones that care more for their game and providing maximum enjoyment that makes them stand out. Bioware/EA seems to have a hard time learning that.


Exactly. There is nothing wrong with a company being in it for the money. As long as they do it by providing a stellar product.


I don't even really care about the customer service, because if the game is stellar, I don't need customer service.


The problem is, now days, the producers just throw slop out there and scream "Eat" ... and if you complain, they point to the the salt licks they are offering at $12 a pop in their transaction store .... so you buy it, and find out it didn't make the game any better at all.


And there is no such thing as customer service in MMO's anymore. Because they have no investment in customers. The way they see it, they already got your money when you bought the game .... if you keep coming back to the counter for more (subs) great, but if you don't, great, cuz they are already building the next game down the street.

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Every company cares about money, it's the ones that care more for their game and providing maximum enjoyment that makes them stand out. Bioware/EA seems to have a hard time learning that.


EA has always had a hard time with this ever since they went to being a publically traded company. Must fulfill those greedy investors desire to see an unrealistic 75% return after EBITDA.

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I've been leveling my Assassin as of late and unlike my prior characters I'm doing nearly exclusively WZs for my XP. I'm not sure how much of an XP boost they are implementing in 1.2, but the current XP is a tad grueling. Anyone who isn't grinding WZs repeatedly wouldn't find the XP much to write home about.


Perhaps casually PvPing while doing planet missions results in not enough Warzone commendations, because the concerns of the current prices already being too high certainly isn't the case for someone leveling off Warzones like I have been. I've had 1000 Merc commendations since the 20s range. I buy medpacs and adrenals nearly every other match - usually by the dozen or higher just to get rid of comms. I had all the level 20 PvP gear lined up well in advance and I've had the level 40 PvP gear burning holes in my bags for the last several levels (and even then I only bought it so soon because I lazily wanted to dump lots of commendations with one click).


I have no idea if the XP boost combined with a WZ commendation reward nerf will result in leveling that far outpaces the WZ accumulation rate, but I do know that at present the exact opposite is happening. It's certainly not hard to get commendations while leveling right now.

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If you loose and got 8 or so medals you'll get around 40-50 coms if you win with the same number of medals you get 100 coms. If you loose and were guarding a node or for what ever reason couldn't build comms you'll get 25 comms. Edited by Thordomr
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