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Everything posted by Guian

  1. Nope. This isn't worth $200 for a lifetime sub. If this was a true MMO instead of the shadow of one, I'd be one fo the first to pony up a lifetime sub fee. Save your money. With the price of everything going up, you'll need it just to keep food on the table.
  2. There is not much of a future. SWTOR will be relegated to heap of "What if" games..My entire guild bailed after hearing F2P and are now heading to GW2 after playing Secret World. Oh well... Game had potential..just they people who developed it didn;t really understand squat about creatign an iconic SW enviroment or a true MMO. Kill all the instances, and all ow the server community to develop. But they won;t...
  3. Don;t bother rolling Mando is screwed atm. So unless you enjoy getting ripped apart in three or four hits , don;t bother.
  4. EA has always had a hard time with this ever since they went to being a publically traded company. Must fulfill those greedy investors desire to see an unrealistic 75% return after EBITDA.
  5. Actually mefit, until LA raised the licensing fees, SOE and LA already jointly announced last Spring they were happy that SWG and TOR could co-exist. When LA's stuffed shirts decided to jack up the fee for the new contract peroid starting in 2012. SOE balked, and that led to the sunset. SOE had the entire dev team adding new features up to when they took the hamsters off their wheels. Atmospheric flight, atmospheric combat, air to ground/ground to air combat was added, something folks had wanted for years. for Sony to allow a dev team to contiue adding content for a sunsetted game is unheard of. And yet they did so. In reading you posts, you have an extremely narrow minded view of what SWG was. I don't fault you for being enthusiastic over this game, which appears to bordering on fanatic/compulsive. But to reply to nearly every posters view that your opinion of Galaxies trumps everyone else's experiece and opinion makes your points invalid. and as such, you need to move along. this is not the thread you should be positng on.
  6. Guian

    Remove Expertise

    Going with Gear instead Skill based PVP is not one of the brightest ideas MMOs have come up with. lately. Hopefully they will see their folly. Gear should just enhance the PVP experience, not make it the end all be all.
  7. Silent Death Online: 3 years Ultima Online: 1 year Shattered Galaxy: 6 months Earth and Beyond: 2 Years - SWG: 7 years Star Trek Online: 6 months + 4 months Beta Warhammer: 8 months WOW: 2 days SWTOR: Since day one of pre-launch + three months of Beta. Will give it six months to see if it gets better. If not, then off to the E*u which can't be named.
  8. I'm sorry folks but all this wringing of the hands over this feature and continually griping about it being added, should take a back seat for now. Main concerns are addressing the bugs that riddle this game, and the inclusion of items that should have been in at the game's start (better ui, guild stuff, etc). I'm certain once they finish all the basics that any MMO should have at launch, then they will get around to adding the "chrome" to address the issues you have stated in this thread.
  9. SWG did a lot of things right, and lot of things wrong, mostly due to the fact that LA and SOE did not listen to the established player base, but instead listened to a small vocal minority that , coupled with LA coveting the sucess of WOW, brought about the NGE (and the most hated of all classes..the ever cloaked spylol). The game still had life in it, and could still go on. In the six months when they announced the sunset, a number of things we all wanted for years were added. Atmospheric Flight - along with Air combat and Ground /Air, Air/Ground combat Improving the GCW to make it more meaningful.Too bad they did not fully put out GCW2 befor ethe end, but what other game would a dev team still be tossing out enhancements as the clock begins to strike midnight? Neither Trek Online nor SWTOR offers the big package that would keep players engaged for as many years as SWG did. But ...SWTOR is still a young lass, and it has the potential to be a great game, given that EA and LA give BW the opportunity to fully explore this games full potential as a long-lived revenue stream has to offer. Succeed or fail..its up to them.
  10. Cmon, those server names are a joke...why the heck can't you just give them a one word name? Too silly. I mean really, the group we had set up to port to one server are now split up amoungst a few and the bulk are on a server Called Helm of Ganush? Sry, but this is a sci-fi game, can't you give the servers a one word Star Wars-ish sounding name? /facepalm
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