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So you want us to test....


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funny part is its not hard for them to add a NPC quest to the starting area's that give enough xp to max out level, aswell as hand you 50mil and 1000 of every token and set all class chapter quests as complete.


for love of the force do this.

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Heck even Warhammer Online had maxlevel templates you could choose or char-copy in order to test stuff on the PTS.


I would have thought that with so many devs from Warhammer Online gone to this game this would have been given from the start. Sadly not.


This really confuses me, seeing as Bioware wants to be taken serious as a game developer.


Another drawback is that their testdata will be VERY limited. Another thing that just blows my mind.


yup this. Never played a swordmaster but grabbing a free level 40 one to test on was hilarious, ended up rolling one cause the class was so fun.


Also note guys they said at guild summit and in the forums somewhere (troll through if you like to find it), they are bringing character copying in very soon. It's obviously not the easiest thing to implement but it's coming.

Edited by Lordgeneral
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My thoughts in an another thread:


The only way to get your characters copied over is by being in an active guild with around 8+ members who will be devoted to testing. This really does limit those of us who are in smaller guilds, that are rather active in end-game content, but simply do not have the kind of shared interest to test. I may make a character just to check out the new vendors at the fleet, but I will not be able to test some changes, like the skill tree changes and PvP content at end-game.


I've always enjoyed testing and have beta tested considerably for SWTOR. Sort of feel it is rather pointless without the character transfer.

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I also created new character on PTS server and got to 10 but thats about it.


Testing patch 1.2 is basically this:


* UI interface and call it preview

* low level warzones

* Skill tree changes preview not full testing

* New gear preview

* Crew skill preview (very low level)

* High quality graphics preview and some individual testing



I left out end game testing because when i was online i saw only 7 lvl 50's who cant do pretty much anything who were the lucky oens to have copys done.

So its pretty much an preview than intence testing.


Majority testing only happens in starting area (do we really need to do that?). I already saw major sound bugs and "leaving body" bug where you run around being invisible. I hope there arent that many bugs in the end game.


I aslo hope by patch 1.3 the character copy will be available for all who want to really test game.

Edited by Divona
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Some ppl is lost on the basics... Lets talk about an hypothetical game...


...A game were every1 can copy their characters between servers without problems...


...A game that has announced one of the most ambituous changes affecting only 1 server from the more than fifty overal...


...What would happen if EVERY from the rest of the servers decided to go and check "just a moment" those ambitious changes?


What will happen with the "native" population of that server? Queues? Latency?


Now suppose that you are the owner of such a game and NEED ppl feedback on those ambitious changes... But you want your players to be able to test them on a scenario as close as possible as any other server... Think... Think a bit more and then... What would you do?



This is what happens with test servers... Are natural population concentration spots. Sadly the fraction of the population that will jump freely into testing a batch of changes is proportional to the extension of them AND to the created expectatives...


...Any of you remember such an anticipation created around a patch as we have seen on 1.2?


If BW would allow free transfer on such an "hyped" content as 1.2, the only thing the average Joe tester could report is how boring the queue is ;).

Edited by ragamer
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I believe the testing is mostly intended for the high-end Operations/PVP/HMs. That's where the focus is. So only putting in groups that have a track record of being able to tackle such content adequately and with their considerable attention is a good move.


This is to test bugs and provide feedback for end-game content. I don't think it was intended as open season for everyone to get free 50 levels/credits/comms to play around with.

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I believe the testing is mostly intended for the high-end Operations/PVP/HMs. That's where the focus is. So only putting in groups that have a track record of being able to tackle such content adequately and with their considerable attention is a good move.


This is to test bugs and provide feedback for end-game content. I don't think it was intended as open season for everyone to get free 50 levels/credits/comms to play around with.


For Ops, that makes sense. For PvP, it only does for pre-mades, but you can still test as a solo PvPer too. I think guilds who do have 8+ players that will test should get first priority with character transfer, but individuals who are interested in testing should also be given an opportunity to transfer over.

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funny part is its not hard for them to add a NPC quest to the starting area's that give enough xp to max out level, aswell as hand you 50mil and 1000 of every token and set all class chapter quests as complete.

As neat solutions go, this one hadn't even occurred to me.


Whilst a starter quest that rewarded a huge XP boost, a mass of credits and maybe 2x tier tokens for each slot might be easily added. The ability to flag the class quests strikes me a nigh on impossible.


Based on some of the stuff mentioned during the guild summit, I don't think people reach level 50 with a simple "Class quests complete? : [Y/N]" marker. There's all the "did you kill NPC-X?", "did you complete quest-Y with a lightside or darkside choice?", "Which companions did you earn reputation with and which did you ignore?".


Every credit to you for a creative choice. I don't see it happening that way sadly.

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Totally agree with OP.


The devs have been audaciously condescending about us creating a character to hit 50 (on a PTS mind you) before they will even consider what we say about it.


Other games have made PTS servers easy access or start you at 50 so that we can actually test stuff that alters the way the endgame content is played

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You know, all of you complaining about this, it really, really pisses me off. I think this is more a case of people coming here and WHINING because they were not a chosen level 50 and don't feel "special".


Do you not understand the fact that with a huge content patch such as this that literally everything has to be tested? From the character creation process onward! The changes they made even start at the character select screen with the new Legacy system.


The 50's have their part to do here: test the end-game content that was added; this is LESS important than those NOT selected. testing new end-game content is only a very, very small fraction of this new system and BioWare more than likely has all that squared away, but they are just looking for advice and comments regarding balance/difficulty tweaks for bosses from top-tier guilds before releasing the patch live.


The rest of the player-base, actually, has the most important part: test the entire game system as if this were a new beta phase (starting at level 1) as the amount of changes they made COMPLETELY change the dynamics of how many things work. Completely.


Now, can we stop the whining because you weren't selected as one of the people to test on a 50? It makes no sense to me because this was never an issue before. Nobody complained before about not being able to transfer their characters. It was only when they felt "left out."


Either shut up, or just go start a new toon, enjoy the new game features as I have done, and try to finish level 10 and maybe up to Act 1 completion (I doubt I'll finish Act 1, but I did manage to reach 13 and reported some reproducible bugs). That will get you a title (or two if you finish Act 1), plus you get to help with the invaluable process of testing a system where you are doing good for the community - especially if you actually help and report bugs.

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I didn't bother reading the thread because it got into some really weird arguments, but point of the OP is still valid.


The vast majority of these changes are for higher level characters. Soooooo... is there even a point to playing characters from 1-30? Are the devs looking at that data at all? Why did they offer this incentive of a title to folks who created new toons on test when all the focus is on 30+ gameplay balance and content?


I downloaded the mega PTS patch and I'm ready to dive in and make my contribution. But... what is it? What good am I accomplishing by "testing" the low level game (in air quotes because by appearances, there is nothing to test down there beyond the UI editor).

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The rest of the player-base, actually, has the most important part: test the entire game system as if this were a new beta phase (starting at level 1) as the amount of changes they made COMPLETELY change the dynamics of how many things work. Completely.



Yeah, and we all realized how usefull the beta testing was when they released the game.


What makes you think it will be usefull this time?

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If BW would allow free transfer on such an "hyped" content as 1.2, the only thing the average Joe tester could report is how boring the queue is ;).


Seems to work just fine for WoW. Create 2-3 test servers if overpopulation on a single one would be a problem.


The current system is pathetic. They don't give us ways to test the content, then chide us when we complain about the announced changes without testing them first.

Edited by Illidor
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I have been on the PTS and tested a few things, had a look at interface etc. Looks awesome, but I am afraid these guys are right, you need to be able to test this stuff with a high level character. I cant test the class changes, crew skills changes, gear changes or legacy changes without spending weeks levelling a character that will just get deleted.


It will not be deleted, it may be deleted if they manage to screw something up really bad and cannot fix it and it affects your character.


People have been playing on the PTS since it came out, there have not been (AFAIK), any deletions at all.


Non-manual character copy is coming, as it says in the sticky at the top of the forum. There is no need for auto-leveling devices, it creates an unrealistic testing environment which is a bad thing.

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Things you can realistically test by starting at level 1 before the patch goes live:


UI.. yes

Class quest changes.. yes

Companion changes.. maybe

Legacy.. nope

Crafting changes.. nope

Gathering changes.. nope

Reverse Engineering changes.. nope (mostly affected high level schems)

Orange gear/mod removal/bonuses changes.. nope

Class Changes.. not effectively

New 50 Dailies.. nope

New Voss Worldboss.. nope

New Operation.. nope

Operation/FP changes.. nope

Item/stat cap changes.. nope


Well there are a few. I hope the 50's who got copied over test all of that because I'm not spending my entire life's free time starting new characters to do it.


I have many characters that could test a lot of those changes. The crafting ones are going to require a lot of massive testing across every crafting/gathering class. That isn't going to be possible in the time provided without a large number of recipes.

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The test server has been up for a while. You all knew 1.2 would hit it soon. If you wanted higher level characters, you should have created them weeks ago.




The point is no one wants to level to 50 just to test. Doesn't matter when we could start.

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Those of us that got copied are testing end game. I submitted close to twenty bug reports yesterday.


We cannot test Legacy right now as our copies did not include legacy levels. So that's on all of you who play the PTS regularly. You say you don't have time to level to 50? I don't have time to clear Act 1 on a separate character to open legacy on PTS.


Do your part. Stop whining. Help make this update better and stop creating these crap threads that have nothing to do with problems in the build. We started a thread yesterday and within minutes it was on page three, drowned out by all the complaint posts by players who aren't even on the PTS.

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The test server has been up for a while. You all knew 1.2 would hit it soon. If you wanted higher level characters, you should have created them weeks ago.




Yeah because everyone has time to level a mirror of their live character(s) on a test server. If they want more people testing (and they've said they do) then they need to make it easier for people to help.


I can see they might be worried about the PTS becoming flooded, so the solution is to limit the amount of copied characters you can have active (two would seem reasonable) and put a cooldown on the service to prevent it being flooded with people copying too frequently.

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When they say 'Copy manually' it seems like they're literally creating the character from the ground up on each account, down to the gear and inventory/storage contents, gold total, pet affection totals, everything down to quest flags.


The fact that they didn't build the test server with the capacity to allow automated character copying to begin with before rolling out a patch like this is marginally appalling.

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When they say 'Copy manually' it seems like they're literally creating the character from the ground up on each account, down to the gear and inventory/storage contents, gold total, pet affection totals, everything down to quest flags.


The fact that they didn't build the test server with the capacity to allow automated character copying to begin with before rolling out a patch like this is marginally appalling.


Pretty much this.


Also, there are workarounds to pre-mades as well. Limited ops testing is the kind of thing that should be happening internally. 40 people can not recreate the kind of testing 200 people can.

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