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Why so antisocial?


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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.


You ran across a couple anti-social people. Like in real life, that by no means indicates or proves some generalized principle such as "this game makes the majority of players lpay in an anti-social manner."

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You ran across a couple anti-social people. Like in real life, that by no means indicates or proves some generalized principle such as "this game makes the majority of players lpay in an anti-social manner."


It wasnt just this one time last night. There just seems to be a loner vibe in this game. I can understand people wanting to solo. I do it myself, but you will go lengths of time when there will be no chat at all. Even in the general chat it will go silent for long lengths at a time. It might just be because the game is instanced and there are limited numbers of people in certain areas.


Its just strange to me. Im used to seeing people having conversations in chat in other games.


It would be nice to have a cross world chat system. Thats just my opinion though.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.

People play at a different pace and with differing priorities, some like to spacebar the cut scenes while others like to watch it all. Playing solo is preferable to the majority of players and if it wasnt for social points I probably would to.


As for the guy you rezzed he/she was just plain rude.

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It wasnt just this one time last night. There just seems to be a loner vibe in this game. I can understand people wanting to solo. I do it myself, but you will go lengths of time when there will be no chat at all. Even in the general chat it will go silent for long lengths at a time. It might just be because the game is instanced and there are limited numbers of people in certain areas.


Its just strange to me. Im used to seeing people having conversations in chat in other games.


It would be nice to have a cross world chat system. Thats just my opinion though.


Join a guild so you can shoot the shizzle with people in guild all the time, even while you solo. If you're interested in getting more social interaction, that is the single best way to achieve it.


As for chat in other games, two words: "Barrens chat." Sometimes yuo have to be careful what you wish for.

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Join a guild so you can shoot the shizzle with people in guild all the time, even while you solo. If you're interested in getting more social interaction, that is the single best way to achieve it.


As for chat in other games, two words: "Barrens chat." Sometimes yuo have to be careful what you wish for.


LOL...Barrens chat...(shudder). Yea I guess Ill just look for a guild. I just started this character a couple of days ago, and just haven't found one yet.

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Agree with you OP,,,

It is filled with solo gamers, but I dont blame them as the game design has created that. Its a shame. I play MMo for community and interaction with humans. We have to endure and weed out good from bad. Ego kids, attitudes, antisocial behaviour is all part of the game. Then out of the blue comes a gamer with your values.

Its more game design. But youre right a simple No sorry would be nice. I always reply on general to a request even If I cant do that mission. Just to ensure server reputation. If a gamer feels isolated he will roll alt on new server. Its in our best interest to be socialable for that reason. Once the ability to change server comes, then maybe communites will get worse socially but better numerically...

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I'll say I usually quest alone and not in a group. Simply because I don't need a group to complete the content and because the game is so solo friendly I usually log in and complete quests piece meal. The wife calls or wants to talk or show me something and I'll just afk for a few in a safe spot. So rather then inconvience someone with my play hard for 20 minutes, afk for 10 rise and repeate play style I just solo the things I can.


I do generally help people with quests that ask for it, and of course flashpoints are the exception to me "playing solo".

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2. You don't need to group for 99.9% of this game.


And yet, sadly, Bioware went the same route as every other damn MMO on the planet and did make it necessary for endgame character progression.


I swear, once some developers figure out that if they create an MMO that has a long but very possible method for people to acquire BIS endgame gear without forcing them to group to do so, they'll have found a goldmine.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.

this is the result of creating a single player game with lobby online features. Communities in earlier MMO's were built out of need for survival. TOR is a singleplayer game 1600 hours of it is designed for you to play completely alone. If you were looking for a true MMO you were just sold snake oil.

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I swear, once some developers figure out that if they create an MMO that has a long but very possible method for people to acquire BIS endgame gear without forcing them to group to do so, they'll have found a goldmine.


They exist, they're called single player games and the new trend there is DLC you pay for. It's even better then a sub based MMO for profit dollars.

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later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure.
He was quite possibly lying there waiting for the Medical Droid to activate.


I have refused a number of grouping offers because although I was working on quests, I wasn't really putting a lot of work into them, focusing rather on scavenging for crafting supplies. I wouldn't want to make group members stand around while I wait for a node to pop, or for me to attack and scavenge every * droid we come across.


Quite often I am semi-afk while questing, perhaps killing a few mobs during commercials while I am watching something on TV.

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They exist, they're called single player games and the new trend there is DLC you pay for. It's even better then a sub based MMO for profit dollars.


I have played many and enjoy them very much. No single player games have the breadth, scope and life that MMOs have. I like seeing people running around, I like using the auction house, and I like the OPTION to group up when I feel like doing so. I simply don't like that to be the ONLY option for endgame progression.

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Or consider also the following.


When some friends quests together, they usually can communicate together by voice. Because :


A. They are in the same room, making vocal communication possible;

B. Using Ventrilo, Teamspeak or some 3rd party Communication software.


When communicating by voice, the need to use In-game chat is rather secondary.

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I avoid people in this game because from what I can tell they are absolutely vile. Arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant, and all seemingly with a low brow sense humor I simply cant relate to.


I presume most of the TOR players come from WoW and I have always heard how awful those people are. I suppose now I know.

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I have played many and enjoy them very much. No single player games have the breadth, scope and life that MMOs have. I like seeing people running around, I like using the auction house, and I like the OPTION to group up when I feel like doing so. I simply don't like that to be the ONLY option for endgame progression.


I can understand that. PvE wise I feel like you should need to group up for BIS in an MMO. PvP wise it is possible to obtain BIS without grouping. I don't know how you could do PvE BIS without grouping in an MMO and still call it an MMO. Hell it's hard to call SWTOR an MMO, I more think of it as a co-op game with a sub, ha.

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I avoid people in this game because from what I can tell they are absolutely vile. Arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant, and all seemingly with a low brow sense humor I simply cant relate to.

If you avoid peolpe in this game how can you know they're absolutely vile, arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant people with low brown senses of humor?


I presume most of the TOR players come from WoW and I have always heard how awful those people are. I suppose now I know.

I did come from WoW, and many other MMO's, but take offience to your generalization which kinda seems ignorant now that you mention it...

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I avoid people in this game because from what I can tell they are absolutely vile. Arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant, and all seemingly with a low brow sense humor I simply cant relate to.


I presume most of the TOR players come from WoW and I have always heard how awful those people are. I suppose now I know.


Every game has it's more "colorfull" people, I come from WoW (well the latest before this that is) and we had a awesome comunity, both server and guild alike, own IRC channels, active forums, general voice servers, the lot.


This game is so far away from that as I can imagine, it's a coop game, I play it with my real life wife and her ingame husband (companion incase you missed that) and other people are either in the way or generaly not needed (we trying the whole good samartian, lets bring the lonly dude hanging outside the heroic area, but after 4-5 groupings, with different people we realized that it was better to just do them ourselves).


TL;DR this game, as people said, is less of a MMO and more of a MP/COOP game (untill end game *snicker* atleast)

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I avoid people in this game because from what I can tell they are absolutely vile. Arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant, and all seemingly with a low brow sense humor I simply cant relate to.


I presume most of the TOR players come from WoW and I have always heard how awful those people are. I suppose now I know.


im betting people avoid you more than you avoid them because you sound like a total downer

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Join a guild so you can shoot the shizzle with people in guild all the time, even while you solo. If you're interested in getting more social interaction, that is the single best way to achieve it.


As for chat in other games, two words: "Barrens chat." Sometimes yuo have to be careful what you wish for.


Until your guild kicks your for chatting in.guild chat. Have had and seen happen. People did want talk or see the green chat and kick people for it. There is an extreme anti social environment to this game

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Because the game makes it a pain in the *** to group with people. Between the bad UI and not knowing whether someone is going to listen to dialogue or no it's just too much a pain in the *** to be bothered grouping with someone. Also a larger majority of people play this game because it's more like a single player game and ergo they're not expecting to group with others and be social.



It's not anti-scoial until they're ganking you and screaming obsenities, until then it's just not wanting to group.

Edited by Cepheid
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