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Clicker is fine.


Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.


The only advatage you have at binding is that you can use skills and move at the same time. That can be useful in encounters and PvP, but if you're a skilled enough clicker you can do good enough to not make it a huge difference.


In the end: play the game whoever you want. If you want to maximise your performance then you're gonna have to bind a few skills though (main combat ones).


All 36 of my skills are bound to some hotkey, and trust me, its 20x faster and more precise.

Edited by Esaru
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I used to agree about the keybinding thing (I use a hybrid method + gaming keyboard) UNTIL I realized that my former guildie in WoW, the GM and main tank, AND raid leader of the server's #2 progression guild was a clicker, and keyboard turner.


So its really BS, i bind 8 abilities, click the rest, which are all situation and still pwn in PVP.


Sorc "thats the first time i lost a duel in a long time"


Me (sniper) "thats cuz u cant run from my gun"

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I switched from clicking to keyboard about a year ago but I still have trouble strafing and backing up during combat as there is no mouse control for either. How do you elitist keyboard users strafe/back up while using abilities?


You might be well served to get a gaming keyboard like a g13. The world of SW and any other MMO will open up to you like never before.


Use the joystick for forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right and use your mouse for turning all while having four fingers on your left hand available to hit as many as 20+ keys.


Whoever designed it, played mmo's.

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Well, everyone that clicked and then tried (successfully) to keybind, never turned back. While no one that keybinded, switched to clicking.


Anyway, it's just a playstyle, if you are used to it, and you are good with it, keep it up. Give it a try to keybinding though, to see how it's like (some clickers NEVER tried it, and refuse to try it..)


I'm not a clicker anymore, but stop saying to people "click is bad ecc", let them play how they want..(especially if they are on your opposite faction! Just joking :p)

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I don't see the big deal with clickers. I'm a clicker and I always get great stats... it could be that I'm extremely fast with the clicks and I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold. Is the term "clicker" aimed towards people who are more slow or everyone who clicks in general?


I can understand if its towards the slower clicking people because I know a few people like that and it annoys me to watch them play :p


I used to be a clicker.


Then I wanted to pvp back in WOW.


I learned not to click and actually managed to stay alive AND heal my comrades.


Now I just casually pve and never pvp. I don't see how I ever managed to do it with keyboard turning. Oh wait....I really was terrible at it when I keyboard turned. :eek:


It took me about a week to fully train myself to use the mouse to move and keybind my abilities. I went through the process kicking and screaming but my husband insisted I at least try. I'm glad he did.


If you are a clicker then you keyboard turn. If you keyboard turn then you will always be slower. It's physically impossible not to be.

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I switched from clicking to keyboard about a year ago but I still have trouble strafing and backing up during combat as there is no mouse control for either. How do you elitist keyboard users strafe/back up while using abilities?


you should never back up. Move with your mouse. If you ever are walking backwards on your toon you are doing it wrong.

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Clicker is fine.


In the end: play the game whoever you want. If you want to maximize your performance then you're gonna have to bind a few skills though (main combat ones).


There are levels in binding and clicking and I think this sums it up.


In this game there is no way to Key bind everything and be efficient. A combination of both due to the nature of the game "just my opinion" seems like the best option.


As the poster said above, Main combat ones.

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I don't have anything against clickers, but I will never understand why they insist on that since it's waaaaaaay easier to use keyboard for abilities.


Cause for most Gamers its not besides the general 1-6 abilities. Anytime a player is having to Mash CTRL or ALT + another button, fat fingers, mashing wrong ability, wrong keybind, cant reach it, uncomfortable.


Same for the other side, if you are having to click, how are you watching the fight? paying attention to all that is going on, moving, strafing, etc etc.


I am not arguing either way as I play a Hybrid style of both which I would assume some players do to some extent. There are a few players who keybind EVERYTHING which is crazy in this game with all the things I use as a Marauder.

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It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


The problem is that the mouse is very bad for moving in swtor its actually much worse to move with mouse than to click your abilities.


atm i'm using my KB for most skills and movement while the mouse is used for both turning and clicking some of the extra skills/items ( buffs, relics et c.) i also have some stuff bound to its keys like tab target to the wheel and interrupt to the thumb so while i'm looking around i can also use those.


Unless the mouse movement is significantly improved moving with the mouse only is not an option ( even if you map your movement keys on a mouse like the naga)


So this argument is invalid imo. You have to use the KB and the mouse for both skills and movement (looking around is part of that) you cant exclusively dedicate one of them to either.

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what a bunch of BS.


play how you want, it isnt a gamebreaker.


I've been playing at lvl 50 endgame for a long time with the default key settings.


no problems. no gimps that keep me from completing 'anything' with any problems. Can hold my own, weird huh? I know right?


nada. Very successful in using defaults in my experience.



play how you want,

this argument is just another stupid thing giving players something to whine about.

Just another thing to try and discredit other players about...... just like public combat logs.


default settings dont gimp you, but other players do it seems.


Well said and I agree. :cool:

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Clicker is fine.


Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.


The only advatage you have at binding is that you can use skills and move at the same time. That can be useful in encounters and PvP, but if you're a skilled enough clicker you can do good enough to not make it a huge difference.


In the end: play the game whoever you want. If you want to maximise your performance then you're gonna have to bind a few skills though (main combat ones).


Misnormer. You most certainly can move while clicking. You can strife. What you can't do is turn as fast as someone using a mouse for turning.


Most people using a keyboard use the keyboard for moving forward and strifing and the mouse for turning and selecting targets because tab just isn't good enough.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I think it is fine, I knew a guy IRL that just was not good with using keyboard macros... he just was REALLY bad.. He would always fatfinger what he wanted to do, or not hit the right one, or whatever...


He told me he didn't want to use the mouse instead because it made him a worse player. Poor guy... I personally use my keyboard, but that is preference only.


I have nothing wrong w/ clickers, unless you are very slow with it, and you have at least given the keyboard/bindings a try to see if it is something you like.

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Everyone who clicks because you have 0% chance to turn your character/strafe whilst clicking abilities. Players seasoned with mmos are always goibg to nove away from such behaviour as soon as they are confortable enough to try.
No, people can certainly can turn their character and strafe while clicking... so 0% isn't accurate at all.


I mean, a + e with the default keybinding = turn left while strafing right.



As a tank, I need to not be running around like an idiot anyway... the amount of efficiency I get out of keybinding vs mostly clicking, but using the mouse to move when I really need to is pretty infinitesimal.

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Clicker is fine.


Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.


The only advatage you have at binding is that you can use skills and move at the same time. That can be useful in encounters and PvP, but if you're a skilled enough clicker you can do good enough to not make it a huge difference.


In the end: play the game whoever you want. If you want to maximise your performance then you're gonna have to bind a few skills though (main combat ones).


I got all my skills binded


F1-F12 for the top bottom slot


1-= for the lower bottom slot


shift1-= for the left slot (only have like 7 abilities on there)


num1-0, alt- and alt= for right slot (this slot has stuff I don't need to hit much, stims, medpacs, class buff, stance, sprint, vehicles and my debuff remover at num0 for quick hitting).


But there's nothing wrong with clickers. I used to click alot more but I don't in this game, I do in Guild Wars though. Play how you want to play, clicking can be just as good

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There's nothing wrong with clickers. People just tend to think in black and white. "Keybinding is good, clicking is bad." "Clicking is good, keybinding is bad."


Most people fail to realize that what works for them, doesn't work for everyone else. Some of the best PvPers in previous MMOs I have played turned out to be clickers. Some of the best raiders I've known have turned out to be clickers. On the flip side, some of the best PvPers and raiders I've known use keybindings.


Using keybindings doesn't automatically make you better. Skill, practice, and training does.


I, for example, cannot play an FPS on the console. I suck at aiming with joysticks but I'm better than average with a mouse and keyboard. My friend? He can't play PC FPS games, but give him an FPS on a console and he'll do very well.


Anyone who says clicking is "wrong" and "makes you less effective" are wrong. It just makes THEM less effective.

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Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.


Not true. I can bind all my abilities, I bought the tools I need to do that in any MMO.


I don't care if someone clicks, but it is inefficient. It doesn't make someone a bad player necessarily, but they would be even better if they moved to keybinds.

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Well said.


In addition, clicking means you have to turn with your keys and this is completely gimping your ability to perform any "quick" changes of direction. Now, if all you are doing is solo content in PvE, then by all means, do what you will.


But if you want to be competitive in PvP or do any group content like Ops or FP's, then I would suggest you learn a better, more efficient method. Or get yourself a G13 and G700 with all kinds of combos and a joystick for movement (and still learn not to click).


Why do I have to turn with my keys? I'm already using the mouse, I can't turn and then click real fast?


Oh, I think you're talking about attacking someone and doing circles around them. When did that start being the thing?

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


For me, it's acutally quite the opposite. Have certain hand problems, so the left hand really can't be used for anything other than WASD, and mouse use is preferable on the right. I've always done it this way, and never had a problem with it.

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