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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seriously BW, 3 kills/WZ?


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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.

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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.


You are not required to play Wz to get those kills. You are more than able to go and pick up crates or find people in Ilum. I personally hate that awful nascar experience, and it is decidedly NOT FUN.


You aren't being forced to do a damn thing.

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I thought with their healers getting credit for kills change that their intention was to give credit for kills in warzones. I guess I understand not doing a 1:1 ratio because it would mean you would have the ilum daily done in 1 warzone, but how about a 1:5 ratio or something?


Not loving this change but I already have my BM set and have no reason to do the dailies anymore and I am playing 10 WZs a night currently so not much of a difference for me.



Edited by Yodawizard
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With the announcement of 1.1.5, they didn't mention that it will be 3 kills / WZ so that created expectations to me. On my server at the 50's wz's, we repubs win 1 out of 4 average (personal experience). Imps are more (outnumbered 1/3 minimum at Illum) so they have more "better than average" players as well. Anyway that means I need to spend lots of time in order to take these 3 wins for the daily, so I just gave up totally with warzones and chose to do illum daily / weekly only (not plenty of free time).


When I read about illum kills in wz's, I said that's cool, now I may finish both dailies, but no, it's only 3 kills per warzone. That means players who did both their dailies (wz+illum) won't need to go to Illum anymore and players like me will keep not doing wz's and also have a bigger problem finding allies / enemies on Illum. I wouldn't mind collecting crates around central assault but this is impossible when I am alone with 5+ enemies...


If the number would increase from 3 to 5, I think it would be a better solution, at least playing 6 wz's would be enough for illum daily and if lucky, also finish the wz's as well.

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Well, six per win and three per loss would've been much, much better ...


^ See I don't know why they wouldn't do that. With an incentive to win would be another reason not to rage quit in the first minute of a game because you got scored on, or lost a door, or lost 2 points.

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That's horrible. They admitted they're not going to fix Ilum for a while but you're supposed to do TEN warzones a day just to finish the daily? That's one daily I won't be doing. Not sure how this is a new option.
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That's horrible. They admitted they're not going to fix Ilum for a while but you're supposed to do TEN warzones a day just to finish the daily? That's one daily I won't be doing. Not sure how this is a new option.


You can still go to Ilum. It is not as if they disabled your ship.

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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.



LESS QQ'ing more PEW PEW'ing

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That's horrible. They admitted they're not going to fix Ilum for a while but you're supposed to do TEN warzones a day just to finish the daily? That's one daily I won't be doing. Not sure how this is a new option.


It IS pretty terrible.


You can finish the Ilum daily while in Ilum in about 15 minutes. Not.... 150 minutes.


Even if you're on an unpopulated server, where Ilum is next to impossible, this is still weak. 50 warzones a week for the Ilum weekly?

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With the announcement of 1.1.5, they didn't mention that it will be 3 kills / WZ so that created expectations to me. On my server at the 50's wz's, we repubs win 1 out of 4 average (personal experience). Imps are more (outnumbered 1/3 minimum at Illum) so they have more "better than average" players as well. Anyway that means I need to spend lots of time in order to take these 3 wins for the daily, so I just gave up totally with warzones and chose to do illum daily / weekly only (not plenty of free time).


When I read about illum kills in wz's, I said that's cool, now I may finish both dailies, but no, it's only 3 kills per warzone. That means players who did both their dailies (wz+illum) won't need to go to Illum anymore and players like me will keep not doing wz's and also have a bigger problem finding allies / enemies on Illum. I wouldn't mind collecting crates around central assault but this is impossible when I am alone with 5+ enemies...


If the number would increase from 3 to 5, I think it would be a better solution, at least playing 6 wz's would be enough for illum daily and if lucky, also finish the wz's as well.


What exactly do you need pvp gear for? you only do ilum which on my server is allot of waiting & buffing with allot of lag , so why do you need gear ? in other words, why do you need your daily done at all in the first place? if you dont like WZs then you dont like pvp in this game. So either dont play it at all , take it as it is , or find a different game.

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Engineered World PvP is a fail idea anyway. Very rarely does it lead to anything besides PvE-like farming. Better to create opportunity for world PvP for it and let the community go from there. Edited by Abanoth
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I loled and loled hard when I saw that.


If their idea to "de-incentivise" ilum was to play a weeklys worth of WZs every single day instead then... god lol.



Verdict is in, Ilum zerg fest still very much alive. Cya at tomorrows reset hydian way. :)

Edited by aeterno
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You are correct no one is forcing anyone to do anything. However this is more of an insult than a bonus. And it isn't going to prevent me to quit a warzone when I am stuck with a crappy team. No one is going to do 10wzs a day or 50 a week. It doesn't need to be 1:1 ratio but a 3:1 would be acceptable IMO.
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Man you people are never happy. First its doom and gloom, Ilum is going to die, blah blah blah. Then the patch comes out and people are mad because they don't get enough credit counted toward the daily.


Classic example of how forum people are never happy. Me personally I'll gladly do 10 warzones over Ilum slideshow or fighting for the armaments in the middle of the night because everyone has the same idea of "ill just farm the crates when no one else is on." Then there ends up being 8-10 people all running in circles looking for crates. At least in a warzone you are doing something somewhat productive over just zerging on a bridge in Ilum with ranged aoe attacks...

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