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Legacy system a huge letdown. Nothing more than an Alt grinding feature


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Wait wait..... correct me if I am wrong that would mean you think the alt features on legacy is content.


I think your trolling or just stupid.


Legacy is a set of additions to help alts and your player overall endgame or leveling.


Not sure what you are not understanding...


Some people don't understand the difference between features and content. The guy who thinks Legacy is content is one of those people.

Edited by Karandor
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Legacy is intended to reward those of us who like our alts and who want to experience all of the story content provided. If you don't like to alt, no reward for you. It is pretty simple.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


as with most things some will enjoy this some won't. it's been the same way with everything so far you have people griping that their graves aren't exactly 6 feet deep or the flames were too hot when they got cremated.


i for one will enjoy the legacy system and future adds to the system from what i saw.

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Why would i wanna purchase alt related bonuses if i dont play alts?


Oh thats right i can buy a mailbox for my ship and call it endgame content. :rak_eek:



Just a flipping wild guess .. you know ... throwing it out there:



Because it allows you to get bonuses applicable to your main character?

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Just a flipping wild guess .. you know ... throwing it out there:



Because it allows you to get bonuses applicable to your main character?


What "Bonuses" are those? Sounds to me like Bioware throws out a word like bonuses and you just focus on the word without actually knowing what said bonuses are.


Me, "So what Bonuses do I get for my main character that makes legacy super cool?"


You, "Well Bioware said you get bonuses which are really useful!"


Me, "Oh ya? what do they do? Which ones?"


You,"BON-US-ES. You get them guy! wow can u not read!?"


Me, "ಠ_ಠ"

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I'm a bit torn. The Legacy stuff sounds wonderful for those that love alts and end up with all character slots filled up and could use even more. But me, I ever only have 1 alt and that'll be a bank/GTN alt. 99% of my time I am on my main and have no interest in rolling an alt all the way to 50 let alone 7 of them. Maybe after playing a year and I get a little bored I'll start leveling that bank alt, but that's always just a diversion.


So since they mentioned that the Legacy system will be a core system to the game and possibly even tied in with progression (based on the epic item quests question in the last panel), I'll have to see where that goes. If in order to get my main to the max of what it can be, I have to get a full slate of alts on both factions, then, although a very good game, it may not be the long term one for my style.

Edited by Destronicus
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I'm a bit torn. The Legacy stuff sounds wonderful for those that love alts and end up with all character slots filled up and could use even more. But me, I ever only have 1 alt and that'll be a bank/GTN alt. 99% of my time I am on my main and have no interest in rolling an alt all the way to 50 let alone 7 of them. Maybe after playing a year and I get a little bored I'll start leveling that bank alt, but that's always just a diversion.


So since they mentioned that the Legacy system will be a core system to the game and possibly even tied in with progression (based on the epic item quests question in the last panel), I'll have to see where that goes. If in order to get my main to the max of what it can be, I have to get a full slate of alts on both factions, then, although a very good game, it may not be the long term one for my style.


I'm a total altaholic, so the Legacy System really makes TOR a perfect fit for me. Well, that and the fact that I'm a total tool for Star Wars :) .


That said, I think you have some genuinely valid concerns there.


Hopefully, they'll make it a major feature but not a requirement for folks like you. I've heard (but haven't verified) that a dev said most things available through Legacy will be available (but expensive) through other means. Hopefully, that's true.

Edited by Vecke
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They want you to see most of the story lines.


They have said this from day 1.


The legacy system would be completely worth it if it was only % increases to leveling just so you can skip half of the quests you did on your first toon and focus mainly on the class stories.


I'd be fine with playing another character for the story, if I didn't have to do the same filler quests that take up 80-90% of the leveling. the legacy system is a joke :)

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


GW2 has no endgame.. gl with that.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


GW2 is a PVP that will have a heavy focus on PVP where players will mostly fight against other players. This is also known as PVP...


Did I mention that GW2 will be a PVP game?




there are no raids in GW2

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ok, for any one with negative comments in this thread i say the following to you.



SWTOR is less than 4 months old, it took a game like WoW ages to bring out new content when it was first coming out, do you really expect a MMO to be perfect from day one, of course not, games like this get better over time with new content, new fixes, new way of doing things, Bioware want you to experience Star Wars, not quickly level to 50 and then whine coz "I have got nothing to do"



The legacy system will be adding features over the next couple of months or years, depending on Bioware decisions which I am sure you will be able to do some cool things with it, at the moment, its an unfinished feature so do something else while you wait.


There is nothing I hate more then people like this, you have 8 classes to explore, visit the different storylines, participate in PVP, remake the same character but spec it tank or healer if your DPS.


There are plenty of things to do, if you really feel like quitting, then just quit, because a game like this has already surpassed World of Warcraft for me, and will continue to get better, just like any other MMO

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


I showed my wife the Mesmer (or whatever it is) and she laughed at me.

I asked her what was so funny, she then pointed out the butterflies in all of the animations.



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I know a guy on WoW.


He has 3 accounts, like 50 different characters all specced different ways.


Total nerd I admit, I dont think I could do that but if you ever get bored with a game, u backshelf it and play like ME3 until some more content comes out lol

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While I agree that name calling is a bad idea (because the opponent ends up just quoting the name-calling and ignores the actual post), I gotta say, Barracudastr gave a pretty substantial list of End Game benefits in all the parts you didn't quote. You might disagree that they have any value, but it doesn't negate that they exist.


That said, I'm still not sure why the Legacy system was a "huge letdown." What did you think it would bring?


Again, this is a BW quote from mid-January (almost two months ago): "We wanted to have a system that encouraged players to create alts and to play the game through the different story paths. So the legacy system is meant to do that."


What about their previous information gave you the impression Legacy would have anything to do with non-alt activities?


I'm not complaining that the new WZ doesn't help me in PVE and I'm not complaining that the new Flashpoint and the new Operation don't help me solo. I'm not complaining that they're adding new tiers of armor (both PVP and PVE) that won't help my low level alts.


So I'm not sure why you're complaining that a system they've always said was an alt system doesn't benefit players who don't alt.


They did not specify at all what they meant. The statement could read that the legacy system benefits encourage alts, not that one has to roll alts in order to take advantage of the most visible benefit of legacy levels. They KNEW at launch what the system was going to be like, even if it was not added. If they had let us know, I for one would have altered my play style so that I could take advantage of legacy in a way that I found compelling and enjoyable.


Again, I feel like this is just a blatant ploy to make players repeat content to distract them from the lack of innovative content.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Agree with the OP.


I"m not interested in alt grinding either. If I want stories, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. This is game, and I want gameplay and content that allows me to specialize and improve my main character.

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Agree with the OP.


I"m not interested in alt grinding either. If I want stories, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. This is game, and I want gameplay and content that allows me to specialize and improve my main character.


Thats pretty much what alts are....you get content, and you can specialize and improve your character. BW at least changes it up with class quests, instead of you making a warrior or mage or what have you and do the exact same quests as the others do.

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