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Everything posted by sevev

  1. That becomes a matter of opinion and not fact.. I can get on one of my flying mounts. shoot up into the sky as high as possible, and completely avoid the gaming world. How does one become immersed into a gaming world if one does not SEE that world?
  2. Sorry, I probably didn't express myself properly. I should have used the term "Accessible" instead of "Explorable". Essentially, every questing area within the various SWTOR zones are "accessible". Every questing area within the various WOW zones are "accessible". What Bioware did was put up a lot of separating barriers within their various zones. Like the barriers from Anchorhead and mos Ila before you go to Jundland (I think that's its name). Blizzard didn't do this with their zones. However, there are sections within various wow zones that are visible, but not accessible (baring a flying mount). Which is almost the same as the zones in SWTOR.
  3. I played WOW since launch.. There is no exploration in the game. Never has been. The continents, as we understand or see them as, are all basically ONE very large zone that is broken up into several sub-zones. There is no exploration in any of these zones at all. Here is map of ashenvale http://wow.gamepressure.com/map.asp?ID=30 This is a zone where you can access any part of the zone at your leisure. There is nothing within ashenvale (along with all the other zones within WOW) that are "TECHNICALLY" explore able. All zone in WOW can be walked around in and there are no boarders that prevent you from seeing all the quest areas within a a zone.
  4. I vote no... Even if they provided full combat logs for OPs groups you will still need some type of API to properly read the logs and export them into an understandable and readable format. I don't see bioware allowing this. This will turn into the Recount addon, which in turn results into the "you can't pull 2k dps, you loser" flame wars that have over taken ALL WOW SERVERS. After 6 years of playing wow I have reached the level of being tired of hearing the pointless diatribes from all the teenagers that play MMOs and drag down the communities into cesspools. So no.... No to and DPS/Healing logs or addons. You get a log for yourself. Learn from that.
  5. rated warzones will be the focal point for top level PVP gameplay... Ilum gets relegated to sand box area where it really doesn't matter what happens there.
  6. GW2 is a PVP that will have a heavy focus on PVP where players will mostly fight against other players. This is also known as PVP... Did I mention that GW2 will be a PVP game? there are no raids in GW2
  7. Lord of the Rings Online, Age of Conan, World of Warcraft are not sandbox MMOs. I think you may be mistakenly using the definition of "sandbox" for the environment maps/zones used in those games. I played all 3 of those game (WOW the longest) and each game uses instancing/zoning to a certain degree. To answer your question on "themepark" versus "sandbox"; you only need to look at the subscription numbers from WOW heyday. Blizzzard reached 11 million subscribers. That is 11 million paying subscription that made the choice to play the themepark MMO over, say, EVE online. Eve online has never broken 1 million subscribers. At its core, MMO developers are software developers. Software developers develop software that they can turn around and sell (turbo tax, MS Office, Quicken, etc) . At the end of the day these software developers will always focus their development goals on being as profitable as they possibly can. nothing else matter.
  8. The problem is that a lot of ex SWG players are logging into SWTOR "Hoping" that Swtor is/would be Galaxies part 2. Since it obviously isn't Galaxies part 2 (And Bioware never said that it would be galaxies part 2) the ex-SWG play spent a lot of time trashing SWTOR using the metric that SWG was some how better.... That's like having an ex ENRON employee who gets a job at apple and proceeds to trash Apple management all day long in emails saying things like "That's not we use to do it at Enron" "Apple needs to take a page from ENRONS 'books' and do things that way". Not a whole lotta people will listen to that person for obvious reasons...
  9. Based on your view on how the classes play in-game you can go so far as to say that there are technically only 3 classes in swtor; Tank Class, DPS Class, Healer Class.
  10. Damage meters (any scoring device for that matter) will always be used for ill will towards the players by a certain group of players. that is a very serious responsibility that bioware is debating internally. IT CAN HURT the player community. Please be sure you understand what you are asking for. Individual player combat logs are being added. Reading from those logs via a parser may not be added. You'll have to do the math by hand. Technically, you can do the math by hand right now though.
  11. they do it because they believe in their heads that hey are sending a message to Bioware. Their message is one of "I am an unhappy customer, therefore you no longer get my money". Unfortunately the reasons behind those people being so unhappy with SWTOR are so myriad that it would take a very long time to fulfill their wishes. A lot of people do not understand software development.
  12. having people, animals, objects, things, running all over the world requires processor power. meaning people would need strong system to run the game.. it hard to convince someone that they need a $500 upgrade to play a game. it ends up detracting customers.
  13. not entirely true.... by maintaining flashpoint and operation runs to a single server there is a greater risk of harming ones reputation on their server if they are seen as a loot ninja... having cross server LFD allows player to ninja-away with impunity. Right now, WOW is the perfect example... Make a post on your battle group forums about a player that ninja looted some gear from a LFD run and that post will get ignored. Ignored by the players (no punishment) ignore by Blizzard (no punishment), the actions are ignored.
  14. business models.... company one sells product Z that has an $8 a month overhead to maintain the product. Their monthly sales total $9... company two sells product Y that has a $15 a month over to maintain the product. Their monthly sales total $100.. Which company of offering the business model that is profitable as well as sustainable??? Or do computer networks, employees, and operational facilities all cost zero dollars in 2012... Like I said....
  15. dude... you got it all wrong.... THIS should have been the saber animations.
  16. And then the game failed because it couldn't keep enough paying customers interested in it. Business is more important then fantasy land... Sorry.
  17. Bioware is hoping that by having mirrored classes that will provide the necessary balance that will be needed between the 2 gameplay models. It might work.. it might now.... damage and healing will be looked at on a case by case basis to determine where buffs and nerfs need to be applied.
  18. The TLDR version is SWTOR is not EQ1/SWG therefore I do not like it. Until MMOs go back to EQ1/SWG method of gameplay then that game will fail... Because we all know that EQ1 and SWG were tremendous financial success stories.
  19. Bug fixes are based on priority.. Meaning if your press "Shoot Gun Rank 1" and the spell triggers off the "Dance" emote that would be classified as a game breaking bug. You mention a bug about the crew skill window appearing during game play. Can you prove with 100% accuracy that EVERY OTHER PAYING CUSTOMER IS EXPERIENCING THE SAME ISSUE? If you can't then that is not a game breaking bug. It may be a bug that you are experiencing, but that doesn't mean that it is a bug for everyone. I experience a lot of video card lag when I play. I have a low end video card. I want Bioware to drop everything they are doing and optimize their game to work at peak efficiency with my low end video card. That sounds reasonable right?? GTN works..... therefore it is not a major issue. Did you buy SWTOR to look at the GTN all day? UI features will be added in the upcoming patch. Are you impatient? I don't understand your point. 7, 8, 9, or 10 months from now Bioware will release more content to their game. Should they forego adding that content then and just add everything now? Your post is the standard "fix the things I want fixed because I say to fix them. If you don't fix what I want fixed then this is a fail game"
  20. Sorry dude, Galaxies and or DAOC are not going to come back.. If this version of MMO development does not sit well with you, quit and never come back. Maybe one day a future company will make that great big sandbox MMO with massive penalties and realistic combat. Maybe they wont.
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