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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. we all loved our broken excuse for a pvp planet thats why it went over so well.....oh wait.
  2. Addons are training wheels for MMORPG's if you need them your just slow or bad.
  3. too busy crying about 10% movement speed.
  4. if they make me pay becuase they moved all my characters to one server I'm taking my money and going somewhere else, I already pay them monthly I won't spend a dime to play a character they forced moved.
  5. Titan is not out yet, Blizzard is famous for flip flopping on things they said never will happen or will go this way or the other way. if P2P didn't work there would be no P2P MMO's left on the market, there are a decent number of them and they tend to be the better games overall.
  6. Saying that subs don't work anymore doesn't really make sense, I mean if they didn't work why isn't World of Warcraft free to play yet? don't blame the sub model for companies releasing sub par MMORPGS.
  7. that doesn't change the fact that it is still up and is it P2P
  8. The Realm online came out in 1996 it is still P2P it is one of the first MMORPG's.
  9. you don't your class has a tanking tree you should be using it. if you wanted to dps you should have rolled sentinal
  10. get a stronger processor? upgrade to an SSD? in the end my rig loads this game quite fast and I don't understand how people can complain about loading screens when they are there for a minute or less :\
  11. am I the only CE owner who doesn't give two ***** about a worthless banner I'm never going to use? I'm going to go put a ton of them on the GTN for 5 credits each just to watch you guys cry over it more~
  12. I've been getting the "cartel coins have been added to your account!" message but have yet to see a single coin :\
  13. Meh F2Pers will cry about restrictions and I will keep treating them as hobo's on the street, stop being so cheap people.
  14. why waste time gearing companions when in the end game they serve no purpose other then sending out on my crew-skills and crafting :\
  15. because someone took the time to file a ticket about the names, I don't see anything wrong with them off the top of my head but I can most likely twist and contort something into making them look bad, and thats what someone most likely did and Bioware read said ticket and took action o.o
  16. I won't play for free because 15 dollars a month to me is not much for a game I can log on to and play for a couple of hours.,
  17. This game has no sense of realism so thats no real argument.
  18. a character who in the end fails at his greatest goal, not once, but twice! is your definition of a great hero?
  19. Most gyms I know tell you to bring your own cup, but hey you can go to your discount cup sharing gyms if you want :\
  20. I love posts like this claming bugs have not been fixed yet they don't list a single one. good job FTPer good job.
  21. meh its not worth upgrading till they at least release service pack 1 for it, but if you want a trendy OS then I guess windows 8 is for you :\ first thing I would do with windows 8(and infact any other windows version) is turn off all the extra garbage they start with like fancy looking windows who the hells needs those.
  22. no it wasn't I recall reading this and keeping my sub active because I wanted my coins, if I didn't read that I wouldn't have so your lieing to get attention good job.
  23. If they remove restrictions from FTP players why would anyone pay? FTPer's should be restricted a ton they are not paying monthly if they want they can buy a pass and remove some restrictions for a week or two thats fine, they paid for that but just giving that away for free? no thats just wrong and as a paying customer(unlike you) I would take my money and go elsewhere.
  24. Hmm I suppose I would be fine if only players with an active sub could grind for the coins, giving them to the FTP players would just be caving to people who won't give the company a dime.
  25. nah there FTP model is more to give a taste of the story content. a few Warzones and such its not to play the game fully its just a taste, if they changed it where they were not restriced at all, why would anyone pay? Also being an old player whos returning your not exactly very important you left once, your going to leave again we dont want and or need you here.
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