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Pub VS Imp dispartiy in gear


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what time of day are you guys playing, because even on days the reps arent putting up an organized fight, theres at least 20 to 30 of us there on ilum during prime time.. of course were trapped in our base getting 20 a kill and the imps are getting 200.


and i can assure you, those 20 to 30 reps get killed over and over.


and the 10-15 imps that are always in the middle get killed over and over too. difference being those imps are actually happy at getting curbstomp if it means they get 2-3 kills per life, that is how utterly desperate imps are in ilum.


just getting 10 kills would save at least a hour worth of armament grinding.


that scenario that you described, has YET to happen in my experience. in fact ive never seen an entire op go past the southern assault because we dont want to scare the repubs away. hell we get *****ed out and punted from the op if we chase them down the hill at central assault.

Edited by Ryotknife
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I tell you what. How about you take the time to roll up a pub and you can see for yourself.


To the guy that said that valor in WZ's are being increased, please explain how that has any effect on Ilum or catching up? The next move will be to introduce lvl 70 or 80 gear right. So how does the side that has a disadvantage catch up again?


2k valor AT LEAST per wz isn't going to help you catch up?


Also, there has NEVER been a time that there aren't at least 30 lv50 Reps hanging out on the fleet on my server, that I've seen. Even in the wee hours of the morning.


I do have alts, y'know.

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Ilum is large and spread out enough for you to at least claim 2 objectives before you start killing people.


If you're only getting 40 valor per kill, that's really only your fault. You can take objectives by yourself.


Then again, if you're going to start out w/ a defeatist attitude, there's really not much point in even showing up.


And that's exactly the boat you're in, isn't it?


You can't tell me that there aren't 20-30 Reps running around your fleet who could show up and stomp the Imps at mid for their daily and be gone before reinforcements even arrive.


They just don't want to go because they have Eeyore attitudes like yours, and think it's not even worth putting up a fight.




hit and run tactics work, but it gets old fast when thats all you can do.

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hit and run tactics work, but it gets old fast when thats all you can do.


This is totally understandable, and comes across much better than the "omg there's just no point" tact that a lot of Reps seem to take.


It does indeed suck to always have to use guerrilla tactics in order to win, but that is ever the plight of the underdog, no?

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hit and run tactics work, but it gets old fast when thats all you can do.


if fun is that that matters, i doubt you would see so many imps spend hours after hours grinding for armaments. in pvp, the path of least resistance usually overrides fun in large group activities.


keeping a bunch of random people on a leash for fun's sake is nearly impossible, people will do their own thing.

Edited by Ryotknife
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If they're getting killed over and over, then they aren't giving the Imps valor at all.


But honestly, this hasn't happened on my server since I've been 50; I've never once seen the Reps camped at their base.


Then again, we also realize that we have to give the Reps a reason to fight if we want to have battles, and let them keep an objective or two to entice them out to mid.


I've noticed when Reps own the area, they don't like to let us have any objectives at all while they're there, though.


the no valor on repeated kills is a recent development.

Edited by Pat-Rat
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From what I've seen, the under-populated side has a much easier time getting BM since they can force fights at their base where they only need to tag the enemy and pull them into their base for instant Valor while the overpopulated side suffers by having to compete with each other for *********** boxes in mid.


How some people claim it takes weeks to do the daily on the underpopulated side I'll never know.


Pubs on my server fall back to this if they can't even hold the turret outside (or if it bugs and despawns).

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BW you need to look at this right away. It gets worse and worse each day and pretty soon the pubs are just going to say enough is enough.


With a 3:1 population advantage the imps are getting far more valor per kill than the pubs as there is no way 10 or 11 pubs can keep objectives and attempt to kill the horde.


I did a quick inspection of the players in a pug and the gear the pubs were wearing was frightening.


I have no clue how you intend to have ranked WZ's as there are many more times the number of BM IMPS than Pubs. I guess the imps will just wait forever to get a queue and then they will quit too.


BW you created this mess I suggest you figure out a solution very quickly.


Valor doesn't give you gear.


Just a friendly FYI....


and Battlemaster is about 2.5-3% better than Champion. It's not worth getting stressed out about.

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BW you need to look at this right away. It gets worse and worse each day and pretty soon the pubs are just going to say enough is enough.


Ding level 50 today. Ding Valor 50 today.


After one day of this mess....I ain't paying for it. Yep...playing Repub. It's a waste of time. Couldn't meet the dailies. Ilum was a bloodbath. Warzones were just watching terribad imps faceroll. Today was a joke.




Yes, you can have my stuff. Infinity Gate server.

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The upcoming patch 1.2 with the valor change should help a lot with that.

500valor i think for each of the first 4 medals ....


It more than doubles the valor output of each warzone AND counts towards the ilum objective.

I think the times of ilum valor grind are over and long gone already, but with this change overpopulation of one side would hardly matter anymore, since the increased valor gain for warzones is practically a gab closer.

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the no valor on repeated kills is a recent development.


Oh, I'm sorry, were we only discussing the past?


I thought we were talking about the present, that people actually care about.


And in the very near future, nobody will care about Ilum itself much either.

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Got any suggestions? I agree it sucks but fail to see a good, fair way they could go about it.


Except giving more valor per Republic kill according to some function of the imp/rep ratio maybe? We'd still get a lot of whiners from that one though.


You should get more Valor for being outnumbered rather than for outnumbering your enemy (which is how the current system on Ilum effectively works.) Making it so that the side with the numerical advantage (who are much more likely to hold all the objectives) gets more of a reward is a bit silly. If both sides were balanced then giving rewards to the side that was 'winning' would be a good incentive but they aren't and so the system only widens the imbalance.

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A lot of the gear disparity between the sides probably comes from people like me who eventually re-rolled to the Republic side after getting sick being on the side that outnumbered the other 3 or 4 to 1. We play our Imp toons fully geared in Battlemaster sometimes but most of the time we're messing up your teams playing our Republic ones still getting geared out in Champion.
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Every 1 knows that any Imp with half a brain was in ilum the day the valor was given out free

and that is the only reason most Imps are BM the jump alone from 50 to 60 is staggering very few played up to BM legit:p

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Every 1 knows that any Imp with half a brain was in ilum the day the valor was given out free

and that is the only reason most Imps are BM the jump alone from 50 to 60 is staggering very few played up to BM legit:p


Hitting Valor 60 via WZs is a joke. If you level via WZs, you'll be Valor 50 when you hit level 50.

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Got any suggestions? I agree it sucks but fail to see a good, fair way they could go about it.


Except giving more valor per Republic kill according to some function of the imp/rep ratio maybe? We'd still get a lot of whiners from that one though.


Absolutely, it's an easy fix.


Cap number of players in ilum. This is what has caused the mess in the first place.


The side with the most population on server wins ilum, racks up valor far quicker, gets battlemaster gear quicker.


Then they start owning WZs which slows down the other side with the lower population. Problem has already been caused by bad planning :(


Equalising the number of players in ilum will also sort out the ridiculous lag and impact it has on gameplay.


This one error has broken the PvP for me on imbalanced servers. Learn from WoW....Wintergrasp....capped after a few weeks.....

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This is complete BS....any gear discrepancy is by its nature getting less each day since the big leap is from no gear to champion gear not from champion to BM. The only possible way the gear gap could be increasing is if there are more new pub players coming through than imps which would be a very good sign not something to whine about.
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The only good pieces of BM are the earpiece and implants, +3 to stats on the relics. lol.


BM gear is trash for the most part. I wear 4 piece Rakata for the set bonus, 1 piece of BM. Between the rest of my gear I'm hitting the soft cap on expertise anyways.


My Shadow destroys in 2v1 situations, on Ilum and in Warzones. BM gear is not as big of any issue as people make it out to be, unless you want >20k health and 1,000 Accuracy - it's not worth the time.

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Every 1 knows that any Imp with half a brain was in ilum the day the valor was given out free

and that is the only reason most Imps are BM the jump alone from 50 to 60 is staggering very few played up to BM legit:p


I hope you really do tell yourself this every day.


That every single Imp player was not only 50 for 1.1.1, but in Ilum, exploiting the valor bug.


Every last one of them, no matter when they joined the game.


PS) You can hit Valor 50 by 50 w/out even trying, and if you like to pvp, BM is incredibly EASY to get.

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