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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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So your fuzzy math trumps his anecdotal evidence?




Frankly, I don't care who provides me with the numbers; I can see for myself with my own eyes. The game sucks. The people who realize this are quitting, and they are quitting quickly. 1.2 can't save this stinker.


As much as I'd tend to agree with your assessment of the games quality not being exactly where a lot of players would have hoped it would be given it's dev time and cost, lashing out this was just isn't going to do anyone any good AJK.


We can't know the exact stats, but trends show a downward movement that should be cause for great concern. Anyone who simply disregards the notion really doesn't care if this game dies off, sits at a tepid low sub count, or grows. They only care about themselves and it's a really sad thing to know.


I'm sure you wanted the game to be great, let go of the disappointment and try to enjoy what you can.

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After launch, servers are full of people.


Now, servers are mostly empty (in the US, EU is more popular I guess)


Figure it out...


Dunno what you're talking about. I log on and I see pretty much nothing but standards and a few heavies.

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I take it, then, that the official explanation of "we expanded the sizes of the servers so they hold more people than they originally did at launch" can in no way explain why servers which were heavy, very heavy, or full are now light, standard, or heavy?


Or does that make too much sense for you?


The fact that ther is a visible decrease in online players at every planet since launch is also a telling factor.


Used to be 60-80 ppl rep fleet prime time. Now? 35-60 top. And that's in maybe a 2 hours window each night.


If you don't want to admit that population is decreasing bcause you have some sort of weird attachment to the game that's your business.


I'm just calling it the way I see it. And to me it is obvious that the game is losing subscriptions fast. I don't get any satisfaction from it, nor do I want it to be true. I can however see WHY things are going downhill.

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What real proof do we have other than our theories? It is all math related.. but what if our math is wrong? Anything is potentially possible if you look at it from that perspective. Again with the educated guess.. just like the stars being real is an educated guess.


Yes, it's all math related. Math is provable. A lot of people much smarter than you and I have done the math and all have come up with the exact same answer. Is it possible that the math is wrong? Sure. Of course, that would mean that everything we know about physics and astronomy is completely wrong but we somehow managed to accidentally figure out a way to make our technology work despite being wrong. It's possible, sure, but there would be a much better chance of you spontaneously teleporting across the room than there would be of accidentally getting everything to work according to our flawed understanding of physics.

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I'll resub until I stop having fun, or something else catches my attention. So far it's fun.


Well..except for the geniuses who made a group for Colicoid War Games without a healer, and after a few deaths, I asked about that fact, and they said we didn't need one for that flashpoint, it was easy. Or, in the Alderaan PVP, where the noobs fight at one location, and don't help get any other cannon and we end up with losing all three. That at some point might force my hand. Hardly BW's fault though.

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The fact that ther is a visible decrease in online players at every planet since launch is also a telling factor.


Used to be 60-80 ppl rep fleet prime time. Now? 35-60 top. And that's in maybe a 2 hours window each night.


If you don't want to admit that population is decreasing bcause you have some sort of weird attachment to the game that's your business.


I'm just calling it the way I see it. And to me it is obvious that the game is losing subscriptions fast. I don't get any satisfaction from it, nor do I want it to be true. I can however see WHY things are going downhill.


But the population should decrease. It always does after release. Oh, that sounds dirty. But it's true.

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No one knows how many people are in fact playing this game and personally I don't care if there are 200.000 or 2.000.000 people subscribed. I will play this game as long as I like to play it and for now I still enjoy it. Edited by Ghaiana
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Round and round and round we go. My fleet has 80, my fleet has 20, my fleet has 190. Really guys and gals it doesn't matter until BW let's us all know how many people they have subbed. Just forget it for now and wait for them to let some info out.


That's all there is to it.


Hence why I strike anecdotal evidence.


Also, if some servers have such a low pop, they will either merge servers/allow free server transfers, and shut some down, like every other MMO out there.


They have plenty of players, but FAR too many servers, from the conclusions I am drawing.

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As much as I'd tend to agree with your assessment of the games quality not being exactly where a lot of players would have hoped it would be given it's dev time and cost, lashing out this was just isn't going to do anyone any good AJK.


We can't know the exact stats, but trends show a downward movement that should be cause for great concern. Anyone who simply disregards the notion really doesn't care if this game dies off, sits at a tepid low sub count, or grows. They only care about themselves and it's a really sad thing to know.


I'm sure you wanted the game to be great, let go of the disappointment and try to enjoy what you can.


Tghere is no reliable data with which to establish a trend. This has been debunked 9 ways to sunday. Anyone with a rudimentary undersatnding of high school math and remedial statistics understands this. Get over it.

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Well, it's primetime in most of the EU and a whopping 10 servers are heavy, with none very heavy, 9 light servers, and the rest standard. Seems like quite a drop from before the Feb 20th renewals.


No one knows how many people are in fact playing this game and personally I don't care if there are 200.000 or 2.000.000 people subscribed. I will play this game as long as I like to play it and for now I still enjoy it.


You should care. 2,000,000 subs = lots of resources devoted to keep new updates flowing. 200,000 subs...not so much.

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Round and round and round we go. My fleet has 80, my fleet has 20, my fleet has 190.

Just forget it for now and wait for them to let some info out.

and when info out


fleet 20 become what?


Still "fleet 20".


or i miss something?


and about 190

sadly that is still near nothing

Edited by navarh
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I canceled my sub just after the free month ended. IMO ToR is an amazing single player experience, and if they called it KOTOR3 with enhanced multiplayer it would be one of the best games I've played in a long time. Unfortunately its marketed as an MMO, and there's very little MMO feel to it, at least to me. Grouping is a pain, raids are freakishly easy to anyone with a background in it, and PvP turned into a kill swap environment in Ilum. There's just zero end game right now, and not much to do outside of it. For those people that are new to MMOs I imagine TOR is downright amazing, and provides a very good link between single and multi-player experiences. As a long time MMO vet, I just find it very lacking.


As an FYI to anyone else that did an extended sub and then quit, you can call us CS and have them put your account on hold. I have another 5 months paid for, and I can call them when I'm ready to play again and they'll reinstate my time.

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With (at least) hundreds of thousands of players spread across over a 100 servers, there's simply no way that we can base any conclusions about the state of the game on our own in-game experiences.


Whether this game has taken a 10% drop, a 20% drop, or a 50% drop, the anecdotal evidence is going to be the same. There will be people talking about how incredibly full the fleet is and people talking about how incredibly empty the fleet is. There will be people with extremely full guilds and people with extremely empty guilds.


I'm not saying subs are steady, dropping, or growing. I'm saying, this early in, the numbers are simply too massive for a /who count in the fleet to be any indication either way. If people aren't in the fleets, it's a stronger indication of this game's pug popularity than an indication of the game's subs.

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So uh ... ever heard of APB? Yeah EA isnt Funcom. EA is an unstoppable plague on gaming... the Fox of the gaming industry. They are very likely shut down if it doesnt meet their high expectations. They wont run the game off a few servers like Funcom. Most likely they'll just cut their losses and give all their loyal fans the finger like they do so often.


Not saying that will happen, or that TOR is actually low ... just that worse come to worse we'll be shut down before the game drops to AoC's kind of subs. Then all we can do is hope for SWTOR Reloaded or some crap.


What does EA have to do with APB? EA was just the publisher. RTW tanked hence APB shut down and was sold to G1.

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Because its not a true MMO. Ive played all the games you described . Even AOC for all its flaws launched with the a true MMO expierence. the guild system was light years above even some of the most matured MMO's. even its disjointed and instanced feel did not detractfrom it feeling like a massive adventure. It at least had soul and felt like a true MMO.


TOR is not a bad game by any means and my main gripes are not about more end game content . Its about not having MMO content it is a single player game through lvl 50 . then it lobbies you off. So many thing worng with the game and the integrity of this Dev team with issues like high res pacs , FPS issues and the general design concept has convinced me TOR is not for me. Ill continue to post on the forums until my 90 day sub runs out.


Did it ever occur to you that 300k units could be sitting in stock at Target, Best Buy, etc. The fact that they aren't active subs is somewhat meaningless. :eek:

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Round and round and round we go. My fleet has 80, my fleet has 20, my fleet has 190. Really guys and gals it doesn't matter until BW let's us all know how many people they have subbed. Just forget it for now and wait for them to let some info out.


That's all there is to it.


BW could say they have 200 Million subs, but if my server is dead, the game is dead to me... So, my personal experience does matter. Doesn't it?

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for me it is quite simple, i received absolutely HORRID customer service.


and i believe many others have as well.


i subitted a ticket, waited over THREE weeks only to get a reply that i did not provide enough information.


if they're going to be so lazy and simply close tickets out because you didn't provide the information they want/need, maybe they should format the tickets in the way they want them filled out:


Character with trouble:




but no, they decide to take the LAZY and simple way out and close out tickets an an untimely and completely unacceptable manner.


the other BIG reason is the BUGGED end game content.


i've literally been on raids where people rage quit (and haven't come back) because EV was SO FRIGGING BUGGED.


EV was this hyped raid, shown at all the pre-release convention and it is SO terribly bugged people simply couldn't take it anymore and quit.

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With (at least) hundreds of thousands of players spread across over a 100 servers, there's simply no way that we can base any conclusions about the state of the game on our own in-game experiences.


Whether this game has taken a 10% drop, a 20% drop, or a 50% drop, the anecdotal evidence is going to be the same. There will be people talking about how incredibly full the fleet is and people talking about how incredibly empty the fleet is. There will be people with extremely full guilds and people with extremely empty guilds.


I'm not saying subs are steady, dropping, or growing. I'm saying, this early in, the numbers are simply too massive for a /who count in the fleet to be any indication either way. If people aren't in the fleets, it's a stronger indication of this game's pug popularity than an indication of the game's subs.


You and me seem to be at the same conclusion, then.

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Just waiting for my sub to expire.... I wasn't playing any last month and forgot to cancel my sub. Guess BW got a free $16 bucks from me.


Maybe that will help them keep the lights on awhile longer.


Game will not survive the summer.


Do what I did. Call and ask for a refund and for them to close your account. They will refund and close.

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