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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Will new craftable custom (orange) items for armormech and synthweaving be added in the game (such as gloves, boots, belts and bracers which currently can not be crafted)? And will schematics for custom (orange) items be made available for purchase from the crew skill trainers?
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When will we see the previously promised "Class-specific item bags" that was supposed to drop from bosses of Flashpoints/Operations/etc to prevent useless loot situations that we're still seeing ingame now? Edited by Talorya
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What do you plan on doing about the growing problem of more and more over sized speeders on Fleet Stations? They look pretty bad, and break a lot of logic and sense. The station isn't built to allow such a mob of large speeders. It will only get worse over time the more people get bigger and bigger vehicles.


Forbid what how absurd it will look if you ever introduce ANIMAL mounts.

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Fresh 50s are relatively underpowered compared to Champion and Battlemaster-equipped players, particularly because of expertise. Are you thinking about making gear a factor in matching for pvp. i.e. match expertise for each team?
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When will the dev team open up keybinding? Especially for the CTRL key. As it currently stands we can't change CTRL + A from toggling ambiance and it makes any CTRL modifier binds bordering on unplayable in a movement intense environment via WASD since doing so stops you in your tracks. Edited by DarthBastila
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Please tell us about the future of space missions. (I said MISSIONS... they don't have to be ALL battles). Do you plan to do a space implementation that we could all enjoy? removing rails? We got a character called smuggler. If he can't smuggle on his ship, he/she should be called SPY or something similar. :) A good idea: wouldn't be nice to own small spaceships, starfighter class? With that OTHER spaceships you could do actual missions and OTHER missions related to space with the larger ones we own. It would have some logic to do dogfighting with a ship that size, now we are dogfithing in corvette class huge houses, well, I mean, ships :)
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Is there any chance of getting at least some basic adjustment options to the default hotkey bars? Specifically I would like the ability to resize them and get at least a 3rd bar option for the bottom center. But of course more UI options is always better.
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Recently I have felt the Roleplayers got the short end of the stick with this MMO. The amount of emotes is enough (even if there needs to more variation in the sit animation.) Is there any chance you could maybe allow use to actually sit in chairs in Cantina's? Or maybe something else entirely.
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Quite literally, anything on same-gender romance arcs.


How soon can we expect them (ball-park idea)? Will they be for current companions, or only newer ones? Will it be added in a patch, or through an expansion pack?


Any information whatsoever beyond the vaguely-worded quote given in September would be much appreciated.

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Are u about to do something about the healer specc classes like sage, trooper, smuggler, sorc?


If u are in a group and the group take loads of dmg the group will die because u are out of "ammo/force" when u are zero only u can see your group dies becuase u had to spamm to much heals.


i got a 44 sith sorc (600 force) full heal specc incl. -9% on skilluse tree. and really hard get a group up because i need to spammheal to much and run out of force.


What i miss mayby a buff u use 50% less force/ammo on heal effects.

Edited by nettan
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In the first Q&A, you stated we will be able to transfer characters to a new server.

Can you provide more details?

When will this occur?

Will it cost? If so, how much will it cost?

Will there be a limit to how many characters I can transfer? (other than the limit of how many characters a single user may have on a single server)

Will there be guild transfers? (maybe the owner of the guild initiates transfer and each player is asked if they wish to move? or a vote could take place among the guild members? if there's a cost associated with individual transfer of character, maybe it's lowered for each member of the guild, or higher for the guild owner? Maybe there's a set price for moving a guild and an implementation to spread out the cost, perhaps among the yes voters... with no cost to the character owners who refuse to move...)

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Are there any plans to allow the transfer of commendations between characters within the same Legacy? Specifically for those who prefer a single "main" character and don't really like rolling alts; it may be enough incentive for them to level alts as they can easily gain the same rewards for the same effort/time but dish it out from their main to their alts for example.
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two questions about personal starships:

1. Is anything going to be done with C2-N2/2V-R8, because at the moment they either do crafting or stand on your ship doing nothing.

2. Could the interior of the personal starships be personalisable, such as certain themes and looks, bought from security key vendors, but don't change the exterior or the internal layout.

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When will we be able to add people to our friends list who are not online? The main point of the friends list is to let you know when friends are online. Right now, I have to already know when friends are online to add them, which kind of defeats the purpose.
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