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Everything posted by TheTheifLord

  1. It seems weird, i used them on my alt the other day and i finished my first 2 planets under level. But my first time through the planet on my main i was either on level or one ahead, so idk why it is doing this. For some reason they almost seem to work in reverse for me. and i am a sub, have been since a year ago
  2. Will their be any new color crysrals added to the game? Like maybe gray, viridian, rainbow, clear, brown, gold, black, and maybe have all these be schematics for artfice crafters? Also, will their any events like maybe a dueling tournament, pazzack, and speeder or pod racing? And when we remove anything from armor why do we have to pay to remove that mod/crstysal/armoring/misc? Since the stuff in the armor is bound why should their be a cost to remove the piece you want to put into the orange gear you want?
  3. Thanks for telling us about this *********** server restart!!! I am sure everyone was in the middle of something important!! Come on bioware i bought this game and i pay a sub every month so this **** don't happen. Why pull the plug on everything and i am on customer service for a rep and its been 15 minutes since i called.
  4. Why don't people like pug groups? i think its fun to go and do different things with new people. Plus i queue for a tank and dps and still nothing! I know dealing with people that don't know what they are doing is tuff and haven't done the op before, but thats a good way to teach them since some guilds (including mine) don't always tell you about the op nights and sometimes don't pick for the op because they like the current people they always do it with.
  5. My server was full last night and i was queued for the group finder for about 4 hours for the ops and nothing. Why don't people want to do the group finder for these ops?
  6. Is their any chance of adding new colors crystals to the game? Also will we be able to get the schematics for the white,cyan, and purple crystals i am at 400 artifice and the only good thing to craft is either the rakata relics or the magenta, blue, and red crystals. I know you are adding green to the end game list but will any other colors will be added to the game?
  7. What new color crystals will you be adding to the game? And also will these also come with schematics to make these for artifice crafter? And will you be able to buyy crystals in the game from vendors like you can any other modifaction to your amor/weapon?
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