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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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You're wrong. This game is over a year old. It's almost the exact same game from early beta as launch. (Minus UI changes and other smaller things) and it released with the same bugs found in early beta and some still exist today.


When your competition has more content /features than you and future mmos planning on having more content than you (subject to change of course) than you have failed in my eyes. Standards are different from when WoW launched. At least for me.


EAMythic failed yet again and are still failing in my eyes. Time will tell if they get their heads out of their as....erm...wallets.

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A combat log is not some absolutely necessary hugely required omg I can't play without it featurethat every game needs. I'm getting along just fine without one. L2P?
Funny, I wrote that people WANT it, not NEED it, but I guess you need to L2Read


"what the heck just happened and why did I just die?"


Who cares? You get to call a freekin medical driod and pop back up as if by magic and try again! And if you're wipping your raids, then yes, L2P. What, you need a combat log so you can whine about numbers or some random glitch that popped up here or there? Who cares? Super Mario Brothers didn't have combat logs (haha). You died cuz you jumped wrong and blew it and it was noticeable. Same thing here. Every single time I've blown it on a pull while solo-ing or in another situation resulting in my toon pushing up daisies, I've been able to pop back up, retry it in a different manner and go "oh, duh, forgot to use a little CC last time haha...must be getting lazy" or some such thing.


Know what happens with combat logs...almost INSTANTLY? This: a giant increase in "ZOMG NERF [iNSERT CLASS]...HE BBQ'D MY FACE OFF IN TEH PVPs...LOOKIT TEH NUMBERZ!!!!!" As far as I'm concerned, that is the A#1 reason people want them, so they can start the nerfwars with "backup."



You dont get the point, do you? how can the person L2P if he doesnt know what he did wrong?


All you are saying is basically "WoW has it, so SWTOR must be different" so I guess no reason to argue anymore

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I like swtor, i do, however biowares ignoring its community on such a huge scale it isn't even funny.


Given the mount of feedback from BW on the forums, Twitter, development tracker, blogs, and information they've provided about what they're working on and issues they've recognized and content they're adding, etc., AND the level of effort BW is making to encourage constructive feedback and questions, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this: it's some of the players ignoring BW that's the problem, not vice versa.

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For a two month old game SWTOR has a lot of content. The biggest complaint I have about SWTOR's content is not the lack of it, it's the ease of it. In my opinion they should have tuned the leveling process to take an average player 3 months assuming they would skip cut scene's that were NOT their class quests. That way the "hardcore" levelers would have taken about a month not a week. And Operations should have been tuned to take what I would consider a "raiding guild" (that is a solid group of overly dedicated people that are consistent, play their classes well, and raid 5 nights out of the week) 3 or so months to complete.


Bug wise, every MMO I've ever played near launch has a bunch of these. The only thing we as players can really do is keep reporting them diligently and from that diligence have an expectation that BW will prioritize these bugs and fix them in a timely fashion. I have run across numerous bugs that have been annoying and problematic but nothing that I haven't been able to turn a blind eye to and work around. That my experience and everyone's will differ.


As far as features go IMO BW has no excuses. They had estimated the launch capacity of the game to be quite a sufficent number. I would have hoped that things like an LFG Tool, Guild Banks, and a more refined GTN. I'm torn about the GTN to be honest. On one hand I appreciate the fact that they didn't just copy and past Blizzards example. And with my other hand I'm shaking my fist at them for trying to re-invent the wheel when Blizzard (imo) got it right. What they should have done for the GTN is hire the teams that did the Auctioneer Add-On for WoW and have them design the GTN.


I've been getting super frustrated on the forums lately as I read more and more complaint threads where people argue there's no content and then list a bunch of features they want to have. I think everyone needs to take a look at the defination of the word features and the word content and make sure they have a solid grasp of what they're actually complaining about.


All of that being said I enjoy the game, and I have hopes that BW will improve it over the long term. Please BW make sure to prioritize things that will keep people in the game. Content will do you no good in the long run if it continues to be as easy as what is in the game right now. People will continue to power thru it and then find the features of your game lacking (which they honestly are).

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Id hope that no one is complaining that this game doesn't have the number of dungeons that wow and its expansions have, because that is silly to complain about. But a basic feature like a combat log; are you guys really defending it was never in at launch?



I don't care about combat logs, so I sure don't care if it is in the game or not.


See how this works?


Your 'must have' items differ from mine and both of our lists differ from everybody else's.

Unless you want to wait for forever the developers have to pick and choose which to include at launch and which will have to wait.

But don't make the mistake thinking that your personal 'must have' list is the ultimate milestone for multiplayer games, and even less so for this particular game. And no, I am not going to argue that my list is better or contains more crucial items than yours.

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You dont get the point, do you? how can the person L2P if he doesnt know what he did wrong?


All you are saying is basically "WoW has it, so SWTOR must be different" so I guess no reason to argue anymore


1. Trial and error. I.E., the way you learn everything in life.


2. I never said that and that's not my point. My point is that the absolutely inconsolable rage from you people constantly complaining that this or that crutch isn't in the game, this or that bell or whistle hasn't been added yet or whatever the complaint meme du jour is....you're so overboard and hyperbolic you completely and utterly miss the forest for the trees.

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You will see. 1.7 out of 2.0 million is an absolutely amazing retention rate. I read somewhere that the subs got about 2 million for the first time recently, though I forget where. This game isn't going anywhere for a Loooooooooooooooong time. The subs will increase.


O'Really.. You forgot.. How convenient.

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too bad you didnt try Cata leveling, because, while not being at the same level as SWTOR class stories, the zone stories are just as amazing as SWTOR planet stories, if you actually spent the time to read the text and listen to few convos between NPCs, especially up to 35-40 level, after that, you get to the neutral cities and the story somewhat takes the back seat. But there were only a few moments in SWTOR as good as Horde fleet invading the Twilight Highlands.


I am not trying to bust anyones nards or what have you here, but that was the problem with WoW for me. The story. I personally could not get into it. I felt like every time I went to go grab a quest it was just yes take quest go get stuff turn in, get xp's and lewt, go to next guy get next quest, rinse repeat. That is what I got used to doing for a fairly long time. So to add stories late in the game that might or were captivating meant nothing as I would just have overlooked it and said "Where be my xp's and lewt?!"


At least with SWTOR I was given a story right off the bat and it set a precedent for the whole game. And the fact that some choices I made affected either my light side or dark side rating or how much my companion liked me it made them that much more fun. It also made for a lot more RP (role playing) in my opinion. Nice change to point, click, kill, xp, lewt, turn in.

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1. Trial and error. I.E., the way you learn everything in life.


2. I never said that and that's not my point. My point is that the absolutely inconsolable rage from you people constantly complaining that this or that crutch isn't in the game, this or that bell or whistle hasn't been added yet or whatever the complaint meme du jour is....you're so overboard and hyperbolic you completely and utterly miss the forest for the trees.


I think you're over-reacting. Maybe cut down on the cookies or something..


What people are saying is that for a $300m game, with 6 years development, launched in late 2011, it is sadly lacking in even the basic features which some MMOs had years ago.



If you don't agree, and are willing to accept what you bought, then fine. Other's are not. And contrary to your opinion, their opinions are as valid as yours.

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1. Trial and error. I.E., the way you learn everything in life.

Trial and error is medieval approach, do you honestly expect cars to be done by trial and error without any sort of data analysis? or medicines? or heck, you dont even get good in sport, unless you learn from the mistakes, but you have to find out WHAT are those mistakes. You will never be a good javelin thrower, if you train with stick on your backyard...

2. I never said that and that's not my point. My point is that the absolutely inconsolable rage from you people constantly complaining that this or that crutch isn't in the game, this or that bell or whistle hasn't been added yet or whatever the complaint meme du jour is....you're so overboard and hyperbolic you completely and utterly miss the forest for the trees.


oh the irony, considering your last post :p

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Please show me what MMOs have come out recently that have had as smooth a launch as SWTOR. I'm going to laugh when these "AAA MMOs" disappoint you because launch isn't as perfect as you expect it to be. lol GuildWars or Tera or whatever games you are talking about will pale in comparison to SWTOR and the numbers will show it.


RIFT had a launch that was smoother than SWTOR without huge issues like Illum and Ability delay plus in almost the same two month time frame had double the content we have now as we wait for month three to hopefully bring something. You can be dismissive or outright ignore the facts but based on how slow Bioware is moving the only numbers you will be looking at will be the lack of subs and server mergers.


oh the irony, considering your last post :p


This Blotter, you should pick up by now he can see no wrong. The classic forum defender.

Edited by Tenceriker
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too bad you didnt try Cata leveling, because, while not being at the same level as SWTOR class stories, the zone stories are just as amazing as SWTOR planet stories, if you actually spent the time to read the text and listen to few convos between NPCs, especially up to 35-40 level, after that, you get to the neutral cities and the story somewhat takes the back seat. But there were only a few moments in SWTOR as good as Horde fleet invading the Twilight Highlands.


So basically after SWTOR features were announced, WOW implemented some of them.


Well then.

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No, but they should be less buggy than this game is. And many of them are.



Right now, my expectation is that it will be basically the same, they'll have fixed some of the bugs hopefully.




If I buy a new car, I expect it to come with air conditioning. If your excuse is that it's a new model this year and has only existed for 2 months... that's not going to fly.


I just have to respond to your first statement. WOW has bugs and they are pressent from day one, some got fixed before the first expansion, some got fixed due to the revamp in cata. but cata introduced many new bugs that have to be fixed.


BUGS are there and they happen. no program can even stand against one user using it. let alone thousands. now one bug may crop up on one server but not another because the use of the servers are different. but they deal with one bug for ALL servers.


your reference to a car does not stand up to scrutiny. look at it this way. when AC was a luxury and new it took YEARS before it became standard, and even then car models didn't all have it right away. it was almost 5-10 years before it became a standard and still some didn't have it. and those models still sold quite well!


I can't see these whiners accepting even a wow clone from the start if it's not what is wanted by one person they will whine about if they were expecting their own personal wants to be fulfilled. even if there was a server lfg tool from day one, they'd have whined about the queues, and other things.


I agree with the OP, this game is new, it has bugs, and they WILL be worked out in time. this game gave everyone warzones from the start. no other game has done this. this game gave people attack pet/companions from the start. other games gave that to only a few classes. this game has made story lines for each class and huge amounts of voice overs, no other game has this from the start or even something as in depth as it is.


Darth Freki

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I like swtor, i do, however biowares ignoring its community on such a huge scale it isn't even funny.


ignores? I have to disagree with you on this. I've dealt with some indie MMOs that the devs ignored the community...and i mean ignore like an angry 14 years old girl ignores her drama queen friends kind of ignore. If you want to see some blatant disregard for community check out Earthrise......oh wait....it shut down.


WoW revolutionised the MMO genre and brought it mainstream, you could argue that it launched with problem and ill agree yes it did.


I think i have to disagree with "revolutionized" the genre. Even when WoW came out it was still recycling mechanics from its predecessors. It has done a good job over its life of fine tuning and expanding on mechanics for its particular niche. Definitely no arguments about Blizzards ability to market the game to the mainstream audience. One thing they did do well (and maybe not always for the better [see general discussion forums]) is make the genre less "geeky" and have more mainstream appeal.

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If cinema tics is all it takes to make a game the best you ever played, well I can't argue with that. From someone who has spent 9 years raiding, I think it's a total flop.


Yes, well, if a raiding game is what you are looking for then I recommend EQ.

SW:TOR most definitely is not that game. It is not designed to be that game and to be honest is unlikely to be that game any time soon.

That however does not make it a bad game, nor a flopped game. Just a different game than what you are looking for.


And for what it is worth, you have my sympathies. Heavy raiding focussed games are a dying breed. Casual, 'master it on an hour here and there', games are the new black.

The amount of players willing to invest time, effort and self discipline for raiding is diminishing rapidly. There simply are not enough players with that interest to justify investing 100+ million dollars in game development for them.

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What people are saying is that for a $300m game, with 6 years development, launched in late 2011, it is sadly lacking in even the basic features which some MMOs had years ago.



If you don't agree, and are willing to accept what you bought, then fine. Other's are not. And contrary to your opinion, their opinions are as valid as yours.



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I think you're over-reacting. Maybe cut down on the cookies or something..


What people are saying is that for a $300m game, with 6 years development, launched in late 2011, it is sadly lacking in even the basic features which some MMOs had years ago.



If you don't agree, and are willing to accept what you bought, then fine. Other's are not. And contrary to your opinion, their opinions are as valid as yours.


cookies? COOKIES1?!?!?!! Pffffffffffff. How insulting. I'm a pie guy.


I know what they're "saying" because I read it all the time here. YOU said it quite reasonably...and it's been said soooo many times that one would think people would recognize it as having been sufficienlty beaten to death so that we can all move on and talk like adults about other things now. However, THEY screech what you just said like angry monkies flinging their pewp....instead of saying it in a reasonable manner, acknowledging that BW has told us, forexample, that they'll be giving us combat logs, they scream it and rant like a 2 year old whose cookies...erm, I mean pie...was taken from it. It's completely absurd. The game is NOT broken and horrible because you can't look up in a combat log to see why you still suck and need to L2P or because you get all bent out of shape for ahving been killed once and need to be told why you died, because god forbid you have to try it until you actually learn to get it right the old fashioned way. And yet, what do we see instead of "hey, we've beaten this dead horse silly...let's move on"? We see, every day all day, the same old thing over and over and over again, like ZOMG NO COMBAT LOGS, I QUIT...YOU SHOULD HATE THIS...FAIL FAIL FAIL DOOM DOOM DOOM!!!!" Grow the hell up people.

Edited by Blotter
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I think you're over-reacting. Maybe cut down on the cookies or something..


What people are saying is that for a $300m game, with 6 years development, launched in late 2011, it is sadly lacking in even the basic features which some MMOs had years ago.



If you don't agree, and are willing to accept what you bought, then fine. Other's are not. And contrary to your opinion, their opinions are as valid as yours.


But.... you are all still here? It is over 2 months since launch, and you are ALL still here. There are some feaures that would be nice to have, but the fact remains that I still have way more fun playing this over other MMOs.


When I die in game, I don't need a combat log to tell me what happened. I can tell if the healer wasn't doing an adequate job. A quick look around will tell you if you aren't holding agro.


The UI is functional, and since I use hotkeys and know the cooldowns, I don't really need to look at it often anyways.


All your QQ is moot, as I find this game more enjoyable than others.

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I've never seen a game in the history of gaming with *this many bugs*. I'm sorry but even the crash to desktops when WoW launched weren't as staggering as the vast number of bugs in this game. Once you get to endgame it just gets worse - loots broken, glitched instances that need to be reset and then you need to re-clear the trash, double spawning, players getting multiple hit by lightning fighting Soa, etc etc etc.


It's like there's more glitches than working gameplay.

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RIFT had a launch that was smoother than SWTOR without huge issues like Illum and Ability delay plus in almost the same two month time frame had double the content we have now as we wait for month three to hopefully bring something. You can be dismissive or outright ignore the facts but based on how slow Bioware is moving the only numbers you will be looking at will be the lack of subs and server mergers.




This Blotter, you should pick up by now he can see no wrong. The classic forum defender.


I bought RIFT during launch and if you want to see a WOW clone, that is it. The launch wasn;t super silky smooth like you're saying it was. Theres a reason RIFT doesn't have a ton of subscribers. It's not that great. It's a typical fantasy MMO, very boring.

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