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Everything posted by Sunsoar

  1. Yeah looks like Bastion is dead too. Are they considering merging the servers at all? If the game servers are this dead...what is the point of subbing? According to one of the websites I googled, even Harbinger is low pop. Is it worth transfering there? Why won't they just condense the servers more?
  2. Do they even have enough devs to field an expansion at this point? What will an expansion entail anyways? Finally fix Illum? (paying for original content is a great move on EAs part) 2 more warzones? 2 more raids? 2 more planets that you visit the same way every character you level through it? I'd much rather see a developing game company, outside the confines of a megacrap publisher handle the reins of an expansion. Oh and if the expansion does get announced, rest assured it will have promises written all over it, but not delivered. Much like SWTOR ****** graphics seen in videos and such, but actually not in the end user game.
  3. I've read many times, that because of their *story elements, unless the race can speak english and is lore friendly, it will not be a playable race. *crappy
  4. Typical envious player hating on a player that bought a collectors edition
  5. News flash. We didn't quit playing because we didn't want to pay 15 dollars a month. It's we didn't want to play for a game that has no real content, pay for a game that is linear to the core, and many other reasons that have already been beaten to death.
  6. That's the thing. I don't want to give this company more money without actually trying out and seeing if they changed anything. Pretty much everything posted in this thread has gone ahead and convinced me otherwise. A broken sub model, where an original purchaser of the game has to pay to have full UI access, credit access, hide helmet, bank, etc all the little stuff, and all you white knights are defending your 15 bucks a month you pay to continue to have access to that. While still dishing out money for perks, or content. You're okay with paying a company for double dipping. That's cool.
  7. Sigh. Monthly sub before the game was F2P wasn't so you had access to the UI, your bank, your characters, etc. It was for access to the servers, content updates, and customer support. Entitled to the original game I paid for. Excuse me for trying to get what I paid for? You sound like one of those people that are told to roll over, and don't question it. You just do it.
  8. Yep I get that, but this is about all the little things. Anyways I am done arguing about it. I made my statement in the OP, if Bioware changes anything I will come check it out. Until then. Peace to you guys. Enjoy what game you have left.
  9. That's the thing though. They can charge us returning players for the new content, just like they would do for the subs. Except subs get CC handouts for being subs. LOTRO has the perfect pay to play model.
  10. Invalid. They're offering you access to their servers free already. That is the whole FREE TO PLAY model. I am not free to play player. I bought their game unlike their future players.
  11. I'm ok with that. There are plenty of other options out there and as TOR slowly sinks down to a game that EA will be unwilling to support, I will embrace you in the next "big" thing.
  12. hmmm, no I don't expect full subscriber "benefits". I expect a playable game to entice me to come back and subscribe for future content.
  13. Cheapskates that dished out 150 for collectors and months of subs. Yeah you go ahead and keep eating the horse poop EA is feeding you. Convenience features I already paid for and asked to pay for them again. I'm sure many drones will do it regardless and EA knows that. Greed/Money > game > support
  14. You're getting the same deal before the game went "F2P" The game was built from the ground up according to previous statements made by their Executives. They had back up plans just in case their premium model wasn't working. (Like that's what the problem is with this game in the first place) The only people getting the best deal here is EA.
  15. I just want access to the full game (besides warzone caps and future content updates). I'm not going to bother playing if I don't have my character slots, full credit bank, full bank, full UI access, etc. Making me pay for title unlocks, hide helmet....that's crap you charge people who are coming to the game for free. Don't care about cosmetics when I am so limited on what I can do. Equip gears? Nope, gotta pay for that, want your abilities on your bars? Nope gotta pay for them first. Want your cartel credits you've "earned"? Nope, gotta give us more money first.
  16. I get your point, but no. A sub is for "tons" of different things. Like access to company funded servers, constant (lol) updates, support (lol) among other things. I bought the original game. I should still have access to it, and all new content they should charge non subs for (with subs being able to buy it with their monthly allotted cartel creds. They should be nickle and diming players who are coming into this game without having had to pay for the game.
  17. I did give them something though. That's the point. I bought their game. I'm not a freeloader F2P player.
  18. No you won't. You can't add to your credits and will have to burn down your credits before you're able to actually start storing credits again. As you spend the 350k amount it will keep pulling from your stored credit until under 350k.
  19. Rest assured it will be on the rails and involve lots of hand holding and grinding.
  20. For free? I already paid for the game. To be clear, I paid 150 dollars. I'm glad your mom was in your life though.
  21. Hello devs, I feel this is a very valid question. I already purchased the collectors edition and I was previous subscriber. I have purchased your full game. Why am I only getting access to part of it now? I get what F2P is all about. I get the lock outs for warzones and all that other hub bub. Here's the thing though. I bought your game. I don't get charging me again for things like title access, bank access, hide helmet access, hot bars, all these little things add up to a game that I still don't want to come back to. Just to be clear: I didn't quit my sub because I don't want to pay monthly. If you want me to pay monthly you have to make a game worth paying monthly for. EDIT: Good luck to everyone. I can see that going Free to play hasn't changed anything that made this game not worth a sub in the first instance.
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