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Poll: ships they bring back the option to kill companions?


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  • 7 months later...
One option would be to just make everyones first companion unkillable. I havent played every class yet by a long shot, but the ones I have all the first ones seem to have a good reason to bring them along anyways within the story. This wouldnt really put players at a disadvantage, so long as you have at least one companion you should be able to do pretty much any quest. Then yeah, kill or not take along others when they come up later.


One name "Kaliyo". One of my toons, my main actually, is a loyal IA. When Kaliyo betrays that toon, and admits to doing so for quite awhile, my IA should kill her, on the spot. Yet, somehow, I can't. She is the first companion, but she should still be dead. I won't give any more details so that this doesn't provide any spoilers, but anyone who has played an IA knows what I mean.

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One name "Kaliyo". One of my toons, my main actually, is a loyal IA. When Kaliyo betrays that toon, and admits to doing so for quite awhile, my IA should kill her, on the spot. Yet, somehow, I can't. She is the first companion, but she should still be dead. I won't give any more details so that this doesn't provide any spoilers, but anyone who has played an IA knows what I mean.


Still a spoiler...thanks

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Clones sounds like a bad idea to me... I'd prefer droids.

I was thinking the same thing!

Allow us to get replacement droinds for different roles, so even if you haven't killed your companion, and want a certain role filled you should be able to get a droid. More non class restricted companions would be great . . . wait . . .what am I saying more for . . . we haven't even got the first one yet!

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The droid or clone idea (or both) would have been a wonderful idea as would have fixed QQ and long term problems with killing a certain companion. This was supposes to be a big selling point, that choice mattered, which it kind does but not enough, at least to me. I think it was a quick fix rather than coming up with true solution and poor one at that. This type behavior has hurt the game and still is happen far too often.:(
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While this isn't exactly me killing them. I just recently ran my commando through to current level 45. When Aric Jorgan was injured I knew he would survive, but couldn't help thinking "what if he died?" That would have made the story more epic, I sent this man into battle and i lost a man. How real is that. Yes I'm sure we would have gotten a green grunt fresh out of boot camp to replace him, much like we were in the beginning. But I would have liked that lasting impact on my game play.


And what if a player picked a different path and he lives for them, yes they don't get the fresh meat but get to keep Aric. Diversity.

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I'd say yes - make purchasing a companion available in the cartel shop if you've already unlocked him/her and decided to kill them. People would do it for the novelty, possibly regret the decision, then buy the companion in the store.
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I'd say yes - make purchasing a companion available in the cartel shop if you've already unlocked him/her and decided to kill them. People would do it for the novelty, possibly regret the decision, then buy the companion in the store.


I think this is a great idea.


I completely understand why they don't allow it now. They allowed it for a while in beta, and realized some folks were having trouble after killing them.


That said, I'm a level 50 Guardian, and have played most of this game solo/PVE. Honestly, I've only used 2 companions extensively, have 1 I want to spend more time with, 1 I don't even want aboard the ship or near me, and can care less about the remaining. Well, they do come in handy as my little fetching minions.


I wouldn't mind knocking off a few.

Edited by Skoobie
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I remember they said something at the Guild Summit about possibly giving people to Carbon Freeze companions so it wouldn't be so permenant, heh.


Honestly I like all the companions that I've got, except maybe Skadge...he's just kind of boring one-dimensional.

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The answer to not having a healer/tank/dps companion is simple: you get sent a replacement.


This new companion would be a droid and would not have any conversations - otherwise people would complain that they miss out on conversations by not killing their companion.


Quinn? Dead

Kaliyo? Dead

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Imagine all the idiots killing them "for the lulz" and then coming here yelling how it is Bioware`s fault.

Becausee of this I would choose a middle road by option to kick them out of the ship and simply abandon them If you later change your mind you would have to do a short quest series to get them back Yes No Maybe?

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Becausee of this I would choose a middle road by option to kick them out of the ship and simply abandon them If you later change your mind you would have to do a short quest series to get them back Yes No Maybe?


Well, it defeats the purpose to which you have this idea to begin with: "make a choice and stick with it", or "make your choice matter".


In my view, this is an all or none idea, where you either don`t kill and keep the status quo, or kill them at will and live with your decisions.


What purpose will it serve kicking them off the ship?

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Before I say anything more, believe me when I say I am all for being able to kill companions off permanently. (With a replacement of some sorts. Personally, I'd prefer a replacement generic NPC as opposed to a droid. Maybe give the option for both? Then maybe get the option to buy a Spaati (sp?) cloning cylinder for your ship that you can then use to 'retrieve' a dead companion if you needed for a fee)


In addition to people whining that they want their character back after all the warnings, there is the added problem of how you account for the dead companion(s) in class story cutscenes. Say you kill Companion X and Companion Y. What do you do for those cutscenes where your entire crew is together and talking with one another in preparation for a mission? Would the replacements just use similar lines? How would other party members refer to them? A lot of re-recorded lines may have to go into it to account for all the different combinations of dead and living companions in these scenarios.


What do you do with class story missions that require you to use a certain companion? Would the generic replacement do exactly the same thing as them in the cutscenes? How would you make it all work? You could just have your regular companion 'revived' just for that one mission or scene as needed, but does that still give you the feeling you killed them?


How would you kill the companions you simply don't like in the first place, yet don't get the opportunity to knock off in stories? Do you just get a random 'Kill Them' option whenever you talk to them on the ship? Lots of questions and details that need ironing out before such a solution can be properly implemented.


Not quite so simple to implement a solution for, is it?

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Before I say anything more, believe me when I say I am all for being able to kill companions off permanently. (With a replacement of some sorts. Personally, I'd prefer a replacement generic NPC as opposed to a droid. Maybe give the option for both? Then maybe get the option to buy a Spaati (sp?) cloning cylinder for your ship that you can then use to 'retrieve' a dead companion if you needed for a fee)


In addition to people whining that they want their character back after all the warnings, there is the added problem of how you account for the dead companion(s) in class story cutscenes. Say you kill Companion X and Companion Y. What do you do for those cutscenes where your entire crew is together and talking with one another in preparation for a mission? Would the replacements just use similar lines? How would other party members refer to them? A lot of re-recorded lines may have to go into it to account for all the different combinations of dead and living companions in these scenarios.


What do you do with class story missions that require you to use a certain companion? Would the generic replacement do exactly the same thing as them in the cutscenes? How would you make it all work? You could just have your regular companion 'revived' just for that one mission or scene as needed, but does that still give you the feeling you killed them?


How would you kill the companions you simply don't like in the first place, yet don't get the opportunity to knock off in stories? Do you just get a random 'Kill Them' option whenever you talk to them on the ship? Lots of questions and details that need ironing out before such a solution can be properly implemented.


Not quite so simple to implement a solution for, is it?


Also some quests require having a certain companion out.

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