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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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On EU side last evening only 4 PvP servers were Light when I looked. Lot of Heavy servers.


My server, The Shaltin Tunnels, was Standard last evening and long into this night, and is an example how the supposedly terrible anti-Republic faction balance is correcting itself. When I was on Coruscant, there were between 101-112 people there and on Dromund Kaas 71-76. Tython had 43-54 and Korriban 32-34. Healthy numbers.


The game doesn't need a new patch to save it.

Edited by Rouge
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That doesn't contain any patch notes, nor is it the full information. Yes, it is a good source, but in addition to that, there is UI Customization, A new Warzone, Pre-season of Warzone ranking system, Social Gear for Medium and Heavy armor, Target of Target, Full armor to match chest piece color, Guild Banks, and so much more. :cool:

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OP is correct.


Not to mention the fact that Bioware made several hefty promises concerning the 1.2 patch that a LOT of us haven't forgotten (engine optimalisations, framerate improvements, texture-quality improvements) .


I'm sure they are aware of this... *looks at Bioware*...

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OP-if you do decide no to extend for the patch...can I haz your stuffz?


Either implement a finished content update, or dont implement it at all. Less hassle for the player-base and less bugs.


My 2c

Edited by Lucpol
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BW really needs to start incrementally adding in patch 1.2 and soon, or they may find themselves a bit short on players - many people did like myself, and bought a two month card to play, and it will run out.. way before the last of March and early April.


That being said, if theres no change by then, I am not about to put another two months cash while I wait - a wait that may or may not be broken by finding another game entirely. Others I am sure feel the same.


An incremental output would at least show they HAVE stuff completed, it wont interfere with anyones playtime - heck every Tuesday patch eh? It would also lower the amount of *surprise* "patches to fix the patch" that happens to every game with a major update.


Let's have a constructive discussion about this.



I already unsubbed. :)


I'll come back when/if they fix the game, but today is my last day of paying.


I'm sure I'm not the only one. Granted there probably aren't more than a few thousand, but hey, multiply a few thousand times 15 and that's how much money they lost because they refused to listen to the players and fix the freaking game.


I'm not sure if I lose access to the forums or not...not that I really care. I can PvP my but off in WoW for free. :)

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I find it funny that people buy products with the hope that they will become what they wanted later on.


Try that at a car dealership... um sir, I will buy this 20K car now, but if in a months time it doesn't have heated seats, I'm going to return it.


If it's not what you wanted when you bought it, why is it going to become what you wanted later on? You either like the game or you don't. I find most claims of quitting because x or y isn't implemented yet to be a hoax. You're still playing the game now, apparently it isn't as game breaking as you make it out to be.

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This game will get huge, don't worry about the amount of people playing right now. If you don't think wow had the same problems off the start you are extremely mistaken.


HAH! The zones in wow were packed like sardines in a can from day one. You were literally fighting other players for the quest mobs. When you hit 30 it spread out some (assuming you played the same character and didn't waste alot of time leveling), but there was always lots of people in every zone.


They couldn't bring servers up fast enough.


You either weren't there or have a very poor memory.

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People that unsub because Bioware didn't fix a (insert YOUR IMPORTANT PROBLEM HERE) immediately with an uber-hot fix make me LOL. Go to the link in my sig and read that blog. It'll inform you greatly.



Oh, BTW. Last night there were almost all servers with Very Heavy, Heavy, and a few were Full and one had a queue.



On Jung Ma we had over 140+ at Midnight in Fleet, and 180 in Fleet at 9pm.





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That doesn't contain any patch notes, nor is it the full information. Yes, it is a good source, but in addition to that, there is UI Customization, A new Warzone, Pre-season of Warzone ranking system, Social Gear for Medium and Heavy armor, Target of Target, Full armor to match chest piece color, Guild Banks, and so much more. :cool:


Such basic things that was expected be available when the game launched... :(

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HAH! The zones in wow were packed like sardines in a can from day one. You were literally fighting other players for the quest mobs. When you hit 30 it spread out some (assuming you played the same character and didn't waste alot of time leveling), but there was always lots of people in every zone.


They couldn't bring servers up fast enough.


You either weren't there or have a very poor memory.


Yup, even the devs didn't think WoW would be such a success.

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Such basic things that was expected be available when the game launched... :(



The game launched with 3 Warzones. Much more than WoW did.


Warzone Rankings didn't come til much later in WoW also.


What if they didn't include Social gear at all? Would you even know to whine about it?


Target of Target... Ok. I'll give you this one.


Full Armor to match chest piece? WoW JUST NOW put that in near the end of Cataclysm... In the form that you find all the armor you want so you can basically dupe it with the stats of your better equipment. Sounds suspiciously like Orange equipment to me.



Guild Banks... Ok, 2 out of 6 for you.



You act as if all programmers are in this brotherhood where they just share code so that the next game has twice the features in a tenth of the time. That is just simply not how it is and you will honestly never be happy with a new MMO. This game isn't about to reach 3 months old, not 3 years old.

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BW really needs to start incrementally adding in patch 1.2 and soon, or they may find themselves a bit short on players - many people did like myself, and bought a two month card to play, and it will run out.. way before the last of March and early April.


That being said, if theres no change by then, I am not about to put another two months cash while I wait - a wait that may or may not be broken by finding another game entirely. Others I am sure feel the same.


An incremental output would at least show they HAVE stuff completed, it wont interfere with anyones playtime - heck every Tuesday patch eh? It would also lower the amount of *surprise* "patches to fix the patch" that happens to every game with a major update.


Let's have a constructive discussion about this.

Fortunately it will only be a bit. They realize they'll lose some to imperfection like every other MMO has and will. I believe they have also been incrementally inputting changes in the weekly patches. Some are obvious while some are simply background placeholders for 1.2 which allows them to live-fire test 1.2's framework. Edited by GalacticKegger
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People that unsub because Bioware didn't fix a (insert YOUR IMPORTANT PROBLEM HERE) immediately with an uber-hot fix make me LOL.


Indeed, a bunch of spoiled whiners.


The patch isn't coming too late, just the opposite, it's timing is perfect and it's list of content and fixes is even better.

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Weren't people suppose to do a mass exodus after their free month?

And then again on Jan 20 or something like that.

And then again on March 15th.


And now you're calling April huh?

Ok, the new doomsday prophecy is April everyone.

Go tell your friends, sell your worldly possessions.

It's all over.

The other "everyone will leave" posts were just a test!


I agree with the other posters.... if this game isn't what you want, why are you playing?

I, my guild, my friends who play, pretty much everyone I've talked to in game doesn't feel this urgency of "If X doesn't happen by Y date.... I'm outta here!!"


You know when I'll quit? When the game isn't fun for ME anymore.

Not when it's not fun for YOU, of your guild, or my guild, or your dog Sally, when it's not fun for ME.


Question to the OP, why is your value as a player tied so heavily on what everyone else is doing?

Come, sit on my couch, tell me all about where the bad gaming company touched you.

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SWTOR isn't competing with 2004's WoW.


It's competing with TODAY'S WoW.


You are correct but lets not put our expectations to high shall we.


A new game simply cannot have everything a 7 year old game has as well as implement a few new things it's trying to do as well (Complete voice acting comes to mind on this as well as the amazing stories to back them up).


At least keep your expectations reasonable.

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My point though was that without some show of good faith a LOT of people who leave.. well they aint coming back. Not just me , as I would check in now and again, but for a LOT of people, once done, done. And that would kill this game in infancy fairly well.


Would like to see a prospectus on how many active subs they NEED to survive, but doubt that will ever come out. And the random numbers people toss out dont help - if a small base was enough Tabula Rasa would still be online :p


1 - Stop using "ain't"... it hurts my eyes to see that word.


2 - You attack the "random numbers people toss out", but then, in this very post, used, "but for a LOT of people". Perhaps you should take your own medicine?


3 - The actually release content pretty fast for an MMO. Your complaints, to me, seem unwarranted, as if you have never played an MMO before.

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You are correct but lets not put our expectations to high shall we.


A new game simply cannot have everything a 7 year old game has as well as implement a few new things it's trying to do as well (Complete voice acting comes to mind on this as well as the amazing stories to back them up).


At least keep your expectations reasonable.




Its 2012 and WoW's panda expansion doesnt have full Voice Overs? OMG fail!!

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1 - Stop using "ain't"... it hurts my eyes to see that word.


2 - You attack the "random numbers people toss out", but then, in this very post, used, "but for a LOT of people". Perhaps you should take your own medicine?


3 - The actually release content pretty fast for an MMO. Your complaints, to me, seem unwarranted, as if you have never played an MMO before.


Of course you are right, OP as every other good Troll always tries to present his biased subjective opinion as something that is shared by majority of others.


Bioware is doing a good job and SWTOR is indeed an excellent game as far as i am concerned, a game that will only get better in time with new content, fixes etc.


The fact of the matter is that the number of people dwelling in the forums and whining constantly about various things, threatening to quit in the process (this one really got old) is the vast minority of general playing base, most people don't even come to the forums to post, less alone complain on daily basis.

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