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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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I would have to say the most annoying is when people either dont pass the huttball for obvious scores, or when you ask them to pass it they stand there for like 30 seconds and you just know they are trying to pass it. Meanwhile they get destroyed from full health to dead while "trying to pass". Then when you ask why, they say they were stunlocked for 30 seconds straight.


I swear some people have no clue how to pass lol.


Another issue I have is when people do not communicate in Civil War. Like 2 people go and defend generator...They both die then say "help at east" after both of them are dead and the other team is already capping. Then when you go to help immediately the other team caps it while you're on the way.


Hmm...Let me think of more...


Also REALLY annoying when people dont attack the enemy clicking the objective and just beat on someone standing right next to them. Some people get such hardcore tunnel vision that they spam auto attack skills on a tank standing right beside the clicker...Then when you ask why they wouldnt attack the guy clicking they say they were "stunlocked" lol. "I was stunlocked" is like the most common excuse for baddies...Sure sometimes you ARE stunlocked, but other times it's obvious they werent.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Oh oh oh oh!!!!


How about when I have the huttball...I tell people to "get ahead of me for a pass". And "that guy" sprints through the fire but doesnt stop, just keeps going like he thinks you can throw a hail mary across the map. Then you die, the other team gets the ball. I swear he will run all the way to the endzone then stop, look at his chat then type "why didnt you pass? I was open..."

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Im always baffled how i get stuck defending 3v1's on one side of Voidstar... and winning... just to see the other door get taken :/


or how i get fed up with a losing team 1/2 into the match then just AFK at a node for 7 minutes and still take top damage over other Rep by 100k...


Or when i look at the map and it looks pokedotted with everyone running around solo and seeing "defeated" spam.

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Backpaddling idiots, who do this from one end to another of a whole WZ. Sigh...


2,3 or more people chasing ONE guy (most of the times me lol) around corners etc. wasting like 2 minutes and beeing kited by just one guy, instead of focusing on WZ objectives. or while enemy team is scoring etc.


Killing blow h0rny people.

Edited by nodq
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Because the majority of the time their resolve bar gets filled, which means that the guy behind about to do a pull gets an "Invalid Target", or the guy in front about to do a knockback which would otherwise put the ball carrier into the pit does nothing.


If someone is in a position to get that guy away from the end zone, stunning the guy first does not help, and more often than not will result in him having any subsequent cc not work at all.

There is so much wrong with this statement, it makes me wonder whether you're one of the "bad" players. (btw, i'm not ripping you, I just don't see the reasoning behind it).


If you're asking someone to assume that there is a force pull or knockback waiting at the end zone, then you're also saying that any player that uses Force pull or knockbacks at any other time in the game except at the end zones is a bad player, because they would be on cooldown for those "prime opportune" times.


Players can only control what their toon can do. If you don't stun the enemy before he hits the end zone, and no FP/KB comes, he's gonna think you're a bad player because you just let him walk right into the score.


Now, if you know the rest of your team isn't going to use their FP/KB cooldowns except in those end-zone situations, then your rule would apply. However, there are so many other situations in the game where a FP/KB might prevent the other team from positioning themselves for an easy score, so you can't honestly expect every player to sit idly by on their FP/KB's for only end-zone situations.


If communication is good, and you know your teammates will have your back on such situations, then by all means, it's a stupid move to stun the enemy at the goal line.

Edited by olagaton
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The one that really pisses me off the most is voidstar when someone dies, you sitting there watching the door tickdown casually, then the bomb alarm goes and and you know you standing next to the idiot that didn't call incs, didn't call when he died, and is basically singlehandedly responsible for the bomb.
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- Guy being lept at by the enemy Ball carrier into the endzone 3 times in the *same* match.

- Needless resolve bar filling of the ball carrier who waits next to a grill. I love when that happens to me.

- Carrying the ball and walking over the grill *with other options available* (Walking the Ball over the grill is always the last option for me unless my resolve got filled)

- trying to use the jumppad multiple times in a row with the ball (Also the last option)


With my main being operative I am not a prime ballcarrier, but when I end up with the ball I try to make the best out of it.


Some people can be new and learning, but being learning resistant is what makes a true baddie.

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Yelling at the ball carrier to pass when they are stunned out of their mind.


Yelling at the ball carrier when who had it passed it to a guy that was at 10% health.


Yelling at the ball carrier to pass when there is no one near or in front of him to pass too.


Filling up the carriers resolve bar on the last ramp to the endzone.


Running around with the ball in your own pit area.


6 people going to the same turret on the outside, and 2 going mid.


Not fighting on the turret.


Leaving a turret completely undefended

Edited by Paralassa
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Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.

2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.

3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.

4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.

5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.

6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.

7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.





I noticed that most of these problems would be solved if Huttball didn't exist. But as for bads, bads gonna bad.

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1. They keep paying companys for inferior pvp products thus making said companies think its acceptable.


2. Charge solo into a group of 4 enemies accomplishing absolutely nothing.


3. 3 chase 1 away from an objective they held while another enemy caps it behind them. But hey, they all got a huge 1/3 of a kill.

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"1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score."


why in the world would you complain about that? Happened many a time where the BC was stunned near the goal..then pulled back or knocked back into the pit.


complaining because they used their stun as if it HELPED them score...good lord


the problem is... by the time they're that close to the goal line, that stun is almost guaranteed to fill their resolve bar and now i can't force push them into the pit.


add to the misery, the times you see people pull this sort of thing, the carrier is ALWAYS supported by a healer, so there's no way the carrier would get burned down in a single stun.


even better... if by some miracle you do burn down the carrier, the healer behind him has usually been totally ignored, so a quick pass before the carrier goes down, and the healer scores, because now everyone's cc was wasted already.


people just don't understand the utility of knocking players in the pit, and more broadly, how to work with other classes to truly devastate the other team.

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