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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Gap Closer for Operatives


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We can talk about why people believe Operatives should be the only melee class without a gap closer (hint: they shouldn't) but all you have to do is play Huttball against a good team as an Operative and you'll see how useless they can be. Only class with no knockback and no gap closer. A shadowstep would go a long way towards improving Operative utility and would actually give Ops a chance to participate in Huttball like all the other classes beyond stealthing to the goalline and praying for a pass (such compelling gameplay!), which of course Assassins can do better. Shadowstep should become a new class skill because Operatives as a whole are underwhelming in comparison to their counterparts, not just Concealment compared to melee DPS. I think it's warranted after the nerfs.
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Operatives are the most hated class in this game.


Now isn't that the truth? Remember when people were making up lies about "13k crits" because they were so desperate to see the class get killed? And when we said, "Pics or it didn't happen" we got shouted down and accused of being "bad players with no skill" that "purposely picked a class we KNEW would be OP"?


Good times, my friend. Good times.

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operatives are a ranged class no matter how much you dont want them to be. just cause 1 of 3 trees focuses on melee doesnt mean the whole class is a melee class


also if you list the melee abilities there will be less than those ranged ones you named


take a look in the ignorant mirror


You are very ignorant of the class, to be blunt.


The lethality tree requires you to be in melee range or heal yourself over and over (if spec'd for it) to generate tactical advantages. It is a horrible design. You clearly do not understand it.


Further, if you actually look at melee classes they ALL have ranged abilities that do damage. Not a single one does not.




You can sort abilities by range and do not neglect to look at CLASS (not just AC) abilities too.

Edited by astrolite
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operatives are a ranged class no matter how much you dont want them to be. just cause 1 of 3 trees focuses on melee doesnt mean the whole class is a melee class


also if you list the melee abilities there will be less than those ranged ones you named


take a look in the ignorant mirror

Have you played an Op? Then S.TFU. You don't know what you're talking about.


I bet you're one of the guys that think PT tanks are ranged because they carry a gun.

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I tend to agree with the OP partially. A shadowstep-type ability I wouldn't agree with, because if you're in stealth then that's all the gap closing you need, but what I'd like to see for Operatives is a way other than vanish for catching people when you're already out of stealth. I'd be happy with just a sprint, similiar to Inquisitors. Would give an operative some much needed viability in huttball, as well as making operatives harder to kite (they're the easiest to kite out of all the melee classes atm).


I have a 50 operative, but I don't play him anymore.

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IMO they should just make tendon blast and flash bang 30 yard range attacks. And maybe to make tendon blast a greater than 50% snare. We don't necessarily need a gap closer (There are plenty of those in the game, and they're a bit overrated) but we really need something that addresses our problem with getting back on characters 30 yards away.
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IMO they should just make tendon blast and flash bang 30 yard range attacks. And maybe to make tendon blast a greater than 50% snare. We don't necessarily need a gap closer (There are plenty of those in the game, and they're a bit overrated) but we really need something that addresses our problem with getting back on characters 30 yards away.

Overrated? Gap closers are some of the best abilities in warzones.

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a class that walks around invisible wants a gap closer. now i seen it all.


Yep, this is clearly a ridiculous idea to even think about. Please be sure to ignore assassins and shadows though. Shouldn't be hard with your head jammed straight up your ***.

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I suggest moving the speed boost from our defense cooldown and add it to the ability we get to remove threat, cant remember what it is called.


This would be great for pve content and would make that skill viable in pvp since it currently has no use and from what I have seen all skills from other classes have at least some use in pvp.

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I tend to agree with the OP partially. A shadowstep-type ability I wouldn't agree with, because if you're in stealth then that's all the gap closing you need, but what I'd like to see for Operatives is a way other than vanish for catching people when you're already out of stealth. I'd be happy with just a sprint, similiar to Inquisitors. Would give an operative some much needed viability in huttball, as well as making operatives harder to kite (they're the easiest to kite out of all the melee classes atm).


I have a 50 operative, but I don't play him anymore.


Giving them a vanish that increases run speed by 40% would be viable, and having another class geared for hutball as sorcs are might be a bit crazy. Giving them the vanish speed buff wouldnt make them OP ball carriers since it would reset the ball, thus giving them a gap closer w/out throwing the balance out of whack.

Edited by Vincedaddy
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Giving them a vanish that increases run speed by 40% would be viable, and having another class geared for hutball as sorcs are might be a bit crazy. Giving them the vanish speed buff wouldnt make them OP ball carriers since it would reset the ball, thus giving them a gap closer w/out throwing the balance out of whack.


I am not at home to verify right now, but I am 99% sure that we get 50% increase to run speed as scrapper after activating dissapearing act (vanish).


I don't really have an issue with gap closer actually. It's the back pedaling that is killer.


The only time someone get away in a 1 on 1 situation is when they CC'd and sprinted away when my CC break is down. All other times, due to 15% increased spead and blaster, I can just slowly eat away at their hp as I close the gap.


Blaster does a ton of dmg with 40% crit chance and 75% crit multiplier.. on squishies it hits for 300-400 with crits in the 600-650 range and it fires twice so your doing total of 500-1000 dmgish every 1.5 seconds... for free from range.. pretty darn good.


Only people that give problems right now is healers. At that, only the BH/Trooper healers are the real issue with their bubble, and insane single target heals and armor. To be fair, there is no chance in hell they can kill me either.


If anything, up the dmg on quick shot by 15%, and blaster whip and sucker punch by 5%. This will make the back pedaling issue with slow on less of an issue.



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I am not at home to verify right now, but I am 99% sure that we get 50% increase to run speed as scrapper after activating dissapearing act (vanish).


Indeed we do get a speed increase after vanish, but thats more or less used for escaping from enemies rather then trying to gain any distance on them. That and the fact its not a great speed increase, and it's on a 2 minute cooldown doesn't really make it an effective gap closer.

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operatives are a ranged class no matter how much you dont want them to be. just cause 1 of 3 trees focuses on melee doesnt mean the whole class is a melee class


also if you list the melee abilities there will be less than those ranged ones you named


take a look in the ignorant mirror


Such ignorance... You don't understand this game at all, do you? Why do people who have no knowledge of this class even post in this thread? :rolleyes:



Back on Topic: I would be happy with even just a sprint ability that can only be used out of stealth (as we all know, Shadows/Assassins can use theirs even while stealthed). Such an ability would go a long way in giving the class purpose. Instead of feeling like the fat kid from school that noone wants to pick for their team in every Huttball match.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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operatives are a ranged class no matter how much you dont want them to be. just cause 1 of 3 trees focuses on melee doesnt mean the whole class is a melee class


also if you list the melee abilities there will be less than those ranged ones you named


take a look in the ignorant mirror


Yeah no, you're clueless for sure.


Operatives work in the 4-10 range. That is not a ranged class.


Clueless people like you should not have the audacity to post ignorant nonsense.


Best change for operatives might just be reducing the cooldown on vanish to 30 secs. It fits the class and works for a minor speed boost without making them huttball crazy.

Edited by Redmarx
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Yeah no, you're clueless for sure.


Operatives work in the 4-10 range. That is not a ranged class.


Clueless people like you should not have the audacity to post ignorant nonsense.


Best change for operatives might just be reducing the cooldown on vanish to 30 secs. It fits the class and works for a minor speed boost without making them huttball crazy.


He is right on something :

Sawbone is not a melee spec.




Yeah he is clueless.

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We need gap closer like yesterday , will we get it? dont think so becuse our counter classes whine so much and dont understand our role at all , taking awai our burst and not giving anything in return (force speed will be great considering another stealth class has it) it was overnerf.


Just one more thing for all sorcs that complain here...tell me what are we suposed to do when you knockback us and root at same time, while you force speed in other direction?...start shooting with flury becuse we are range class yes?:)

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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Just one more thing for all sorcs that complain here...tell me what are we suposed to do when you knowback us and root at same time, while you force speed in other direction?...start shooting with flury becuse we are range class yes?:)

I find it funny how everyone was complaining about Scoundrels/Operatives killing them very quickly.

While at the same time everyone is conveniently overlooking the fact that when a Sco/Op gets knocked off the bridge in Voidstar or knocked off the ramp in Huttball, he has essentially been one-shotted.

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Love all the replies, have you ever played an OP. Cry all you want! YOUR CLASS IS NOT MEANT TO HAVE AN "I WIN BUTTON AGAINST EVERY OTHER CLASS". This game is not built around your OP being good at Hutt Ball (example). You can’t compare your class to dueling other Empire players in duels. The only comparison would be how do you do against republic mirror class. They took away the unique class thing back in beta and made us mirrors (didn’t say it’s not broken).


Oh! And to the idiot who says, You can't Spam Back Stab it’s on a 9 sec CD. Really well if so then explain this "when I get knocked down and I hear the excat same sound "backstab" 1 to 2 times before I ever stand up? And my health being affected. But it’s on a 9 sec CD. So it's another ability you have to hit with when someone is on the ground? Oh, ok then sorry I was wrong it's not backstab. So for me to say it was backstab is wrong. And then when I do stand up, I get knocked right back down again?


Ever think it's broke? Lag, Internet? There have been other games that spamming 1 button sends multi signals to the server regardless of the timer? No one ever wants to admit when they are playing a class that’s over powered. Everyone wants to be the best at playing games and not lose. Nothing you can say would change my opinion. Don’t you think I would love to just mow down people in my Tank? Or own face?


You’re mad your class got nerfed so you can't just 3 shot targets. Welcome to my world of being a Tank. Don't compare your class to Sorcs and Tanks. You’re not either; your class was designed to be a support class. 2 OP can devastate a Tank. Notice I didn't say Sith Tank? This aint WOW! You can't have it all; Ever think my class is broken? Or needs this? You cannot ever justify to me that OP need a gap closer...


Your class was O/P from the beginning and your use to be able to 3 shot targets because of the Surge Nerf you can't now! Troll away I won't lose any sleep

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Love all the replies, have you ever played an OP. Cry all you want! YOUR CLASS IS NOT MEANT TO HAVE AN "I WIN BUTTON AGAINST EVERY OTHER CLASS". This game is not built around your OP being good at Hutt Ball (example). You can’t compare your class to dueling other Empire players in duels. The only comparison would be how do you do against republic mirror class. They took away the unique class thing back in beta and made us mirrors (didn’t say it’s not broken).


Oh! And to the idiot who says, You can't Spam Back Stab it’s on a 9 sec CD. Really well if so then explain this "when I get knocked down and I hear the excat same sound "backstab" 1 to 2 times before I ever stand up? And my health being affected. But it’s on a 9 sec CD. So it's another ability you have to hit with when someone is on the ground? Oh, ok then sorry I was wrong it's not backstab. So for me to say it was backstab is wrong. And then when I do stand up, I get knocked right back down again?


Ever think it's broke? Lag, Internet? There have been other games that spamming 1 button sends multi signals to the server regardless of the timer? No one ever wants to admit when they are playing a class that’s over powered. Everyone wants to be the best at playing games and not lose. Nothing you can say would change my opinion. Don’t you think I would love to just mow down people in my Tank? Or own face?


You’re mad your class got nerfed so you can't just 3 shot targets. Welcome to my world of being a Tank. Don't compare your class to Sorcs and Tanks. You’re not either; your class was designed to be a support class. 2 OP can devastate a Tank. Notice I didn't say Sith Tank? This aint WOW! You can't have it all; Ever think my class is broken? Or needs this? You cannot ever justify to me that OP need a gap closer...


Your class was O/P from the beginning and your use to be able to 3 shot targets because of the Surge Nerf you can't now! Troll away I won't lose any sleep




If you guys want the skills another class has, rerollolololol.

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Nothing you can say would change my opinion.


So you admit that you have never played the class and basically don't know anything about it. And then you write this sentence.

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from this discussion.




I also like this quote a lot:

You’re mad your class got nerfed so you can't just 3 shot targets. Welcome to my world of being a Tank.

So basically you are saying that Operatives should not do more damage than a tank. Nice one ;)

If we shouldn't do more damage than you, can we also get your survivability and utility?

Don't compare your class to Sorcs and Tanks

And yet you compare your tank to an Operative. Maybe you should have taken your own advice (which was actually the only sentence in your entire post that made any sense).



Edit: You appear to be the only mad person in this thread btw. :D

Edited by Ich_Bin
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Love all the replies, have you ever played an OP. Cry all you want! YOUR CLASS IS NOT MEANT TO HAVE AN "I WIN BUTTON AGAINST EVERY OTHER CLASS". This game is not built around your OP being good at Hutt Ball (example). You can’t compare your class to dueling other Empire players in duels. The only comparison would be how do you do against republic mirror class. They took away the unique class thing back in beta and made us mirrors (didn’t say it’s not broken).


Oh! And to the idiot who says, You can't Spam Back Stab it’s on a 9 sec CD. Really well if so then explain this "when I get knocked down and I hear the excat same sound "backstab" 1 to 2 times before I ever stand up? And my health being affected. But it’s on a 9 sec CD. So it's another ability you have to hit with when someone is on the ground? Oh, ok then sorry I was wrong it's not backstab. So for me to say it was backstab is wrong. And then when I do stand up, I get knocked right back down again?


Ever think it's broke? Lag, Internet? There have been other games that spamming 1 button sends multi signals to the server regardless of the timer? No one ever wants to admit when they are playing a class that’s over powered. Everyone wants to be the best at playing games and not lose. Nothing you can say would change my opinion. Don’t you think I would love to just mow down people in my Tank? Or own face?


You’re mad your class got nerfed so you can't just 3 shot targets. Welcome to my world of being a Tank. Don't compare your class to Sorcs and Tanks. You’re not either; your class was designed to be a support class. 2 OP can devastate a Tank. Notice I didn't say Sith Tank? This aint WOW! You can't have it all; Ever think my class is broken? Or needs this? You cannot ever justify to me that OP need a gap closer...


Your class was O/P from the beginning and your use to be able to 3 shot targets because of the Surge Nerf you can't now! Troll away I won't lose any sleep


Let me clarify some things:


1 We were suposed to be counter class(not support) for healers, range dps not anymore becuse of 3!!! nerfs and surge nerf

2 Fact that you dont know much about our abilities but complain with retarded arguments like i dont know what it was but it hurted me dont help your arguments at all, just makes you look silly and butthurt

3 We dont want you to agree we need gap closer its very clear that if it was your call scoundrel/op dont even deserve to be created in first place

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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