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East/West or Right/Left?


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west for repub is the easy gun.

west for imps is the hard gun.


left from spawn is the easy gun for both sides.

right is the hard gun for both sides.


for repubs left and right is represented in the UI.

For imps its not.


So go and lead a pug and use east and west.


This conversation is pointless. If e/w way is so much better then go and use it.

It should catch on like wildfire because its so much easy and smarter.


I am betting that the more experienced 50 WZ's use E/W already right?


*** did I just read?

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To tell east from west you have to pick a north (map north =/= minimap north)


If you say 'left turret', anyone with half a brain will assume you're refering to the turret to the left of the spawn... what else?


Now if you say 'west turret', those who take directions from their map will go one side, those who use their minimap will go the opposite side.


West/east is just as confusing as left/right to not-so-smart people who just follow whatever direction their character is facing.



You just have to choose: the one that requires the least thinking (thus more effective) or the one that's gonna make you look cooler to yourself and your mom whos watching you play.

Edited by Justgiveme
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I blame the devs for putting three turrets in the game. It's just too confusing to discern left from right (mom always helps with my shoes) or east from west without a GPS :)


Seriously, in Civil War right/left is always from the perspective of your back to the spawn point. It changes for Rep/Imp. Left is always the easier side to cap for your faction. In Voidstar it's essentially the same, with your back to the doors while defending, facing the doors when you're attacking. East/west are shown clearly on the maps.


Grass, snow, sausage? Does this really need to be so difficult?

Edited by Trebarian
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If you cant realize that people are talking relative to the spawn facing and not where you individually are standing then you have some serious cognitive issues.


I'm sure you always say the drawer is east of the sink right because heck left could be anywhere depending on where you are standing.


East/West requires people to make extra aspdjustments in thinking because most people aren't used to thinking in cardinal directions. I have never once seen anyone have a problem with left right before.

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To tell east from west you have to pick a north (map north =/= minimap north)


If you say 'left turret', anyone with half a brain will assume you're refering to the turret to the left of the spawn... what else?


Now if you say 'west turret', those who take directions from their map will go one side, those who use their minimap will go the opposite side.


West/east is just as confusing as left/right to not-so-smart people who just follow whatever direction their character is facing.



You just have to choose: the one that requires the least thinking (thus more effective) or the one that's gonna make you look cooler to yourself and your mom whos watching you play.



You dont have to pick a North on any map, they are oriented with North up. Anyone with 1/4 of a brain knows this.

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Sounds like you play with dumb people.


Sounds like you don't understand the question and are just looking for an excuse to troll.


Calling "Snow" or "Grass" in Alderaan fixes all confusion.


So I'll ask it again. If you're guarding the middle turret, you can't see which side has the snow and which side has the grass because of the walls encasing the middle turret.


Because of that, if you are in the middle and someone calls out INC SNOW, how do you know which way to run to help them?

Edited by YanksfanJP
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I'm not sure why there is any confusion on this. ALWAYS orient by the map/minimap - what else would you orient by? Your position or which way you are facing?? Sorry, but that's just plain stupid.


Also, it shouldn't matter which way you call it out because east/west and left/right (well, right/left) are the same. Furthermore, there's also no reason to prefer one over the other, because the same idiots that confuse right and left are going to also confuse east and west.

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Calling "Snow" or "Grass" in Alderaan fixes all confusion.


If someone called out "Snow" or "Grass" in Alderaan, I would be extremely confused. I don't generally notice the color of the ground in PvP, I have better things to worry about. At least with East/West or Left/Right, I know which way to go without needing advance/memorized knowledge of the map's textures/coloration.

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One more time.


Left is the same tactic to both imps and reps.

East is not.


tactics wise.

2 go east and rest go mid means different things to the different sides.

2 go left and rest go mid means the same thing to the different sides.


for the gun indicator

East is on the right for repubs

east is on the left of for imps.


just go use it and stop ************.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Right / Left screws a LOT of people up from the Imperial side. Our map is reversed, so Left in spawn = Right on map, and vice versa. You may say it doesn't matter, but it has confused a ton of people and caused lengthy explanations in the middle of WZ's.


As explained before. If you are defending a point, you dont NEED directions. It is either the base you are defending or the OTHER base.


The only time you need directions is when you SPAWN. There is NO confusion that left means you should use the speeder on your left hand side.


There IS confusion that EAST means you should use the speeder on your left hand side (if you spawn on the ship located north on your map). Nothing wrong in using East, but when you spawn you don't have to wait for a door to open. You just want to grab a speeder as fast as possible. You can't know if east means you should use the speeder on your left side or the speeder on your right side unless you first open up the map and then spend a few seconds thinking to figure out that east actually means you should use the speeder on your left hand side. A lot of people will fail on this. Trust me.


Ohh. And no, there are no such thing as left or right on a MAP. On a MAP its west or east. If someone tell you to go left and you bring up your map to see which side is "left on the map", then you are doing something very very wrong.


Left or Right obviosly mean the direction you should run when you spawn or when you land on the center speeder. I think we all can agree on that one :)




East / West & Snow / Grass are the only two that are consistent when on Imperial side. I believe Snow / Grass is better because it is visually recognizable as to why, and you can identify quickly if you got yourself backward. East / West works also, but people on my server hate it and bicker between Grass/Snow and Left/right.
It only work when you are running around on the ground. If you are already on the ground you already SEE one or even both bases. You know if the base you are defending need help. If not, it is the OTHER base. You don't need someone to tell you its the left, east or the grass base that is under attack.


The only time you need directions is when you spawn. And you don't know if the left hand speeder will take you to the east base without first looking at the map and do some thinking. You dont know if the left hand speeder will take you to snow or grass as you don't see the base from the ship. But you DO know that left mean you should use the speeder on your left hand side.

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why add any element of thought to it? Snow side and grass side. It's that simple. No one needs to check maps or pay attention to direction.


Snow side, grass side. Middle.

I agree. It's simple and more intuitive this way. Otherwise, you have people wondering if they're at East or West and wasting time opening their maps trying to figure it out. Snow/grass works better because they don't need to think about it at all.


In Voidstar, one door is near a shuttle. The other door is near a fighter. Shuttle/fighter makes more sense to use there. It's more idiot proof than left/right and east/west. Otherwise, you have people calling left/right, and you don't know if their left/right is relative to the spawn point or their perspective facing the door.

Edited by belialle
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Sounds like you don't understand the question and are just looking for an excuse to troll.




So I'll ask it again. If you're guarding the middle turret, you can't see which side has the snow and which side has the grass because of the walls encasing the middle turret.


Because of that, if you are in the middle and someone calls out INC SNOW, how do you know which way to run to help them?


Are you seriously going to tell me that you can't remember which side is snowy and which side is grassy? I'm not even in the game right now, and I know which is which. People will learn which is which, just like they learned where Blacksmith, Farm, Stable, Gold Mine, and Lumber Mill were in Arathi Basin.

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I seriously had people asking "lol, what west? just say left or right!" in chat after informing them about an inc...


As others seem to be oblivious to cardinal directions and I myself cannot say from memory which side in cv is the grassy or the snowy one, let alone voidstar - the easiest fix would be colourcoding the doors and adding landmarks to the turrets.


Just like arathi and SotA.

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I personally prefer to call out east/west over right/left. Seems to reduce confusion slightly.


I've seen many instances where players are confusing their left and their right. I'm assuming this results from judging which side to go to based on looking at the screen and not the mini map?


Example from Alderaan yesterday:


Someone announces "Incoming left!" You look at the map and see that nobody on your team is on the left (west side), the person is, in fact, on the right (east) side.


This is also an issue on Voidstar where you can easily get turned around, especially if you're a defender coming out of the spawn area.


I say snow or grass on alderan.

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I seriously had people asking "lol, what west? just say left or right!" in chat after informing them about an inc...


As others seem to be oblivious to cardinal directions and I myself cannot say from memory which side in cv is the grassy or the snowy one, let alone voidstar - the easiest fix would be colourcoding the doors and adding landmarks to the turrets.


Just like arathi and SotA.


I agree landmarks are better but the map is so simple and so left/right intuitive for republic.


The biggest problem here is the CW empire side gets the crap side of the UI.

The guns indicators are reversed from their locations in reference to spawn.

the mini map is reversed and upside down when in reference to the direction a person is actually going in reference to spawn.


as an imp runs out of spawn Move the camera over your head and the direction arrow is pointing the opposite way of travel. Go towards either gun and its same.


Thats why people say left and right are confusing.


on republic its all in line.

some one says trouble left, or the left gun indicator starts flashing, you can look at the minimap and turn your facing left in relation to the UI and you are going to the problem

Its very intuitive for republic to use left/right.


Not so for empire. In fact it is damn near crazy making.

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