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Everything posted by SDFX

  1. So it happened in the Chamber of Speech. It is no revelation, that light and dark side choices as presented in game are inherently stupid and likely based on how a naive kid felt about an issue rather than any true code of ethics born outside of a tainted brownie party in Berkley California. There are so many we could pick on. However, today I desire to stand up for Avamarivash simply because I would love to read his story. You see, philosophy is not inherently more valuable than documentary or history. Saying that the philosopher’s work is a more valuable and ethically sound contribution to modern histories is akin to saying that Ann Rand’s Atlas Shrugged should be preserved over The Three Musketeers as written by Alexander Dumas because well… she was a thoughtful woman. Even though Dumas’s work provides an accurate insight into the people, places, and thoughts of the times it is set within that a philosophical work never could. More than that, it inspires us! One work lives. The other simply thinks about living from a chair. We all know that philosophy on its own merits as a collage major is amongst the most useless of degrees only good for acquiring a stash of weed and chips until you are thirty rather than a real job outside of the rare spot granted in academia because someone liked you enough to allow you to live off government money. We all know that the stories of real life men and women of accomplishment be they good or bad motivate future generations to success and teach us lessons we can relate to and carry with us. Philosophical discourses? They are left to the bored insomniac needing a “put me to sleep, please god” de-buff of their neurological state of being. If we must assign a light and dark point award for the Chamber of Speech Heroic, then please be sensible and change it so that saving Avamarivash’s life story is a light side choice too and provides a higher bonus than saving Maravada’s pontificating which has likely been thought better by others before. I’d not discard the history of a Julius Caesar only to be left with the philosophical ramblings of an L. Ron Hubbard… If you need a darkside option then allow people to choose to save nothing out of spite. It would be better than what's there.
  2. I guess it’s kind of like what happened in the NFL when the ownership decided that the audience cared more about seeing someone score than they did about seeing a skillfully played game. They changed the rules to favor offense and passing. A similar thing happened in the NBA when they changed the rules regarding dribbling the ball.
  3. SDFX


    Pop the tabs on a six pack of Red Bull and you'll be alright. Well, at least for work after while I dunno.
  4. What do you expect OP? It's a theme park MMORPG and you've taken all the rides. We live in a day and time where most people play an MMO for a few months and then move on to the next big thing. They only come back for new content releases on occasion if they had fun. It is what it is. Theme park modeled games are notoriously bad for "end game" content. Sand box MMO's get around the issue by making the whole experience "end game" but they have their own issues too. Such games typically have longer appeal if you can get into their play style though.
  5. My only problem with your suggestion OP, is that on a basic level it admits that the only reason to do anything in game be it PVP or raid isn’t for fun but rather to farm medals and gear. I mean you could have asked for new flashpoints, new operations, new warzones but you settled for asking for more gear. I guess I am tired of things being like WOW where it seemed like your worth was defined by your shoulder pads rather than the entertainment had in acquiring them. It would be nice, if they fixed things so that I always heard in chat "guys lets go do X" because they love it rather than because they need a new gear drop.
  6. I dunno OP. Little kids make good points sometimes. I mean it's like when I was passing through Walmart and overheard a little girl ask her parent: "But Mommie! If Barbie is so popular then why do we have to buy her friends!?" It is what it is.
  7. I thought the same on occasion OP. I am assuming that you are not “just” trolling. To make Jedi and Sith play like the movie and book descriptions of their abilities would render the other classes in game somewhat useless outside of support. I guess compromises were made to prevent that from happening but perhaps “too many” for truth to source material to hold true. According to Lucas the Star Wars property is all about the Jedi. Just ask Karen Travis… Only that won’t work for an MMO. Sure, I got some class gripes with them I could whine on. Times in leveling I feel they are too vulnerable to CC for a class set lacking so much CC in PVE and have some issues in building enough threat to hold attention vs AOE when you’ve so many trigger happy gun shooters playing. But I guess my biggest gripe is that knights lack enough variety and versatility in power set while requiring too much button binding and mashing for what they do in play. I mean just look at what a shadow or assassin can do and still tank or DPS… The Knight and Warrior are left with a grab, a jump, and 10 different kinds of saber whacking be they tank or DPS. Sure, a bit of hyperbole but the basic idea stands. They are kind of boring unless you like being a lawn mower with some grass to clip… But I wouldn’t call them wussies. They can take a beating and even survive it if a healer is near. Hmmm… Wait a minute. Should we just give sages and sorcerers a tank tree? I mean they can already do everything else but wear pants without grinding social points or space comms already.
  8. SDFX

    Most fun 1-49 class

    The definition of fun is subjective. That said, I would point out the following classes. Gunnery Commando – It’s kind of fun being a mobile artillery piece as long as you can keep the melee guys away (particularly operatives out of stealth.) It’s a very straight forward play style without a lot of twists for when you are in a run and gun mood (okay I mean run, plant, and gun.) Blow it up. Arsenal Merc – It plays like a buffed gunnery commando in that the animations are faster and the spam abilities seem to hit harder. The Infamous Sorcerer Hybrid build – You can heal and DPS while bringing a ton of utility to the war zone. For PVP it’s a hybrid that out preforms 31 point builds “on a team.” But this is not so true in PVE leading one to wonder if it will ever be nerfed. Honorable Mention: Kinetic Shadow – It’s harder to play and uses more binds but you end up with a ton of utility and can bring it out of stealth. You have noticeably less mitigation than other tanks and while you can melee and range you’ve a limited base rotation for DPS.
  9. I am in the middle of the class story. So far, my only real gripe is that it doesn't feel written to fit a shadow very well. It is playing out like it was meant for a jedi sage spec'ed into heals. That leaves me feeling let down and like I don't fit in the plot. I won't comment on the overall quality until I finish it. I can say it felt a little more thoughtful at the start and I liked what occured on Tython. Coruscant and Nar Shadda were more of a mixed bag without the same build up to a conclusion and I look at them as ... "filler."
  10. SDFX

    Dirty afk in warzone

    Dude! You sure he wasn't just practicing his religion?
  11. I am not sure there is a viable way to "nerf" the class and its mirror at all. The real issue isn't any one ability. It's the way the class was put together by the design team in that it simply has too much utility in PVP. The only way to fix it is to redesign the entire class which would lead to redesigning the others... Until that becomes an option, then consulars and inquisitors are what they are.
  12. Gabe should keep his keyboard turned off, his team speak off, and not move his lips near windows where people can peer in. We all need some developer to troll here in the forums for our game issues and I can't think of a better one. I mean if he spoke to us directly I might have to look at him as a person rather than an internet name / picture and it would be harder to make fun of him that way as I might actually feel guilty...
  13. The vote to kick system will be abused. I am of mixed feelings about it. It feels like a corporate cop out to save money in that they don’t want to have hired CSRs policing the warfronts via an improved report function to nab hackers, AFK’ers, and what have you. They are passing the buck on maintaining the integrity of their own game to us. However, it’s sad that you can’t trust the community to police itself.
  14. It seems that too many design teams feel “clicking bunches of buttons” is what makes for an addictive game rather than granting good output for a select number of needed abilities is what sells lately. I’ve come to feel this game could benefit from a degree of ability consolidation and conversion to passive boosts in some cases. While it might get me shot at, I’d even turn class “energy builders” into auto-attacks. It’s about having fun in the strategic management of one’s limited resources rather just banging on fifty keybinds. The amusing thing about the typical learn to play argument in regards to ability consolidation in order to combat ability bloat in MMOs is that it boils down to someone telling you to buy a multi-button gaming mouse and gaming keyboard so you can pretend to be skilled cause you’ll click keybinds faster than the average PC user. Who says gaming isn’t pay to win for many, right?
  15. OP, I really want to see a screen shot of the warning from in game and/or a copy of it from email. If what you are saying is the whole truth then you have a legitamate gripe if this occured on a PVP server and should be posting here and writing a ticket of your own. I can see a whole guild writing a QQ letter to support and getting this sort of hot button respnse from a CSR that didn't think it through. No matter the game rules, if enough people whine about one person that some one is getting a shaft... Fair or not. Appeal is your only option.
  16. I need more details and I want to see how the community on my server uses it before crying "it fowl, t4r & f3ath3r GABE man." My hopes aren't high though. The sad truth is that no exploitable game mechanic survives contact with a jaded and self-centered player base. I expect more of a crap storm from this change than it's worth. I appreciate that they are thinking about these PVP issues and looking at doing something about them but trusting in people's good nature in these times is naive.
  17. I need more details from the development team before forming a substantive opinion on the medal system revamp. It could change how people play in a negative way if point farming becomes more important than play as seen with Illium. I know the vote AFK mechanic will see abuses. However, I want to see how the community on my server uses it before crying "it fowl, t4r & f3ath3r GABE man." The frank truth is that no exploitable game mechanic survives contact with a jaded and self centered player community. So my hopes are not high.
  18. Take your own advice before posting noob... Melee have adequate counters of their own. Nobody siad it was a solo game. Your QQ is weak.
  19. LOL, with the current "reach" of some melee attacks you might as well call light sabers mid range weapons. If you sit back and let a ranged guy pound you from the edge you are going to die. If you can get close to the typical ranged class you will shut them down and have the advantage. Learn to gap close, LOS, and pound. You shouldn't be there solo. Being focus fired is just part of the game...
  20. Sounds to me like you needed a commando (or BH) to scout the goal line. With or without the probe they have a pretty easy time finding stealthed characters. Any time a stealth comes within 10M of my commando he can light em up like a Christmas Tree.
  21. Maybe when they have cross server ques for war zones but the so called servers (shards) are really too small in population to support more brackets right now. We would hardly ever get a match. It would fix a lot of issues people complain about though. Let's give it time to become a practical reality...
  22. SDFX

    How much time?

    I don't care OP. I knew what I was getting into when I paid for the product. In this case, if you did not then it was your own fault. Sure, there are some things I am less than pleased with but for the moment I am managing to find enough fun to stick around. When that changes I'll quit. I am not going to post a frustrated "loser leaving town now" message to vent at other folks here or rage about the state of the game. SWTOR is what it is and that's not gonna change. If you hate it that much or feel that frustrated take a deep breath and GO PLAY something else while leaving folks who are having fun with this game alone. I feel bad for being suckered into reading this thread as I felt it would be a more productive than it is. My fault.
  23. I am fine with the current side speeder rates. They simply need to speed up the middle speeder now to keep it fair. More than that, they need to fix the vanishing speeder in spawn bug.
  24. OP... I am certain they do read and occasionally post on these forums in their unofficial ID's. They do listen. They simply have a differing take on the "real" issues and how to solve them than the average fan and that is to be expected. The game will succeed or fail based on their vision. Game is what it is at heart and isn’t changing on forum whine or all of our wants. Learn to love it for what it is or leave. RNG, Speed Hacks, Warzone Drops, it’s all here to stay. Frankly, I am not sure I’d want their honest and direct feedback on some issues. They are likely wise to keep the dev tags off and mostly keep quiet based on past experience with other games. They did start a blog to provide some politically palatable feedback. What do you want? One of them to come hold your hand through these trying times to reassure you? Pffft… I might let one if she were hot and fun but otherwise keep em over there dag-gummit. Why do people post when no one "appears" to care to your eye? May as well ask why the sun rises each morning. For me its good to interact with other community members.
  25. IDK... for some people I've seen as of late it has turned into collecting beer bottle caps on their desk while they look at the screen feeling all unmotivated to move from spawn.
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