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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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The solution is not to punish players for leaving, its to add an incentive to keep playing even if the match ends in a loss. Theres no point to stay most times if you are guaranteed a loss.


To get people to stay working hard on trying to win needs to yield more benefit then leaving and doing another daily or collecting illum armaments.


I do not wait to see how the round starts usually, if we are in the starting area, and full buffs are not going out. I leave.


If we have 3 or more players with less than 14k hp and we are playing the Republic (who glitches in 10-12 players in all champ/BM). I leave.


All other times I will stick to the end even if the odds of us losing are high because I like to pvp, I just don't like pvping when I can sense every fight I will be in I will be outnumbered because the other team either glitched or my team just hopped off the special bus.

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Quitters will make an excuse to quit if they are losing. You misunderstood. Quitters don't like losing. Everything they say is fluff, they just don't like losing. If they have premades on their side they don't quit, if they have bads on the other side they don't quit, if their side is over geared, they don't quit.


They just have issues dealing with losing.


I have absolutely no problem with losing. What I do have a problem with though, is wasting my precious game time that I don't have much of. Therefore, quitting instead of slogging out a losing match that gives me nothing. And that's the crux of the matter. Winning advances you towards the daily, losing does nothing. Therefore people will quit no matter what.

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Ya know, it's funny, I see, "L2P" or, "I quit because my team sucked and I don't have time to play with people not as good as I am."


The funny part about this is, these quitters never stay long enough to prove how good they are and show everyone they mean srs bizniz. So, again, it's another excuse for bad players and /nerdragequitters to make themselves feel better about leaving.


Imagine if things were like when I was a kid, and we didn't have MMOs; we played outside from sunrise to long after sunset. We were all on little league baseball and football teams, and all our families came to all our games to watch us play, have fun, and compete, win or lose.


Imagine if someone on our team - heck, I can just imagine if it was me - walked off that baseball diamond in the first inning after the other team scores the first run. While walking off, I yell out, "My team sucks. I don't have time to play with a bunch of terrible players. I paid for my baseball glove, bat, shoes, and uniform. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. It's not THEIR money."


I wouldn't have been allowed to EVER join a little league team again, at least not without a whole lot of counseling and probably an embarrassingly long summertime grounding to my room by my parents for embarrassing them and my entire family in front of their friends (small town, everyone went to school together, worked together, and everyone's parents did, too). I can probably think of a few more punishments to go along with it, including the pummeling by my ex-friends the first day back at school (ex-friends, because they were my team mates I walked away from, at least some of them), but then I would just be over-embellishing and TL;DR would commence.


Kids today, and sadly many of them are adults by now or fast approaching it, didn't grow up with those kinds of consequences preventing them from being jerks. Facelessness of the intarwebs lets them do it and at the same time not feel any remorse for having done it.


edit: ok, so TL;DR probably would suffice, but I enjoyed reminiscing about my childhood enough that I won't try to sum it up for anyone who feels they are too good to really pay attention. Probably /nerdragequitters anyways.


Perfect i am glad you brought this up.


This shows how you guys don't think through your own examples well enough.


If you were playing in a team of players that you knew. It's a team that you pratice with or play with often. The actaully equialent in this game is a pre-made.


yes you got it a premade of players who play together often. If i'm in a pre-made of 8 players i know and i trust. I'll never leave even if the score was 5-0. Cos of the same reasons you stated.


However would you enter the team of a random baseball team. Halfway through the match they are losing cos they are idiots.


no you wouldn't


another example in real life.



your random stuck with a bunch of people in the middle of a war. And they all insist on opening their grenades in the middle of your base.


Would you leave the base and try and not waste your life or your time. Yes you would

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Meh, just make the daily need 5 games played. That way, people would be less likely to burn through 3 easy wins in premades then stop, having completed the daily.

Leaving should apply a "reserves" debuff, meaning that for 5 minutes you are at the bottom of the PvP queue list, this way if matches need players and no one else is available you get in, if not then unlucky, serve your penalty. This would be cumulative, until you completed a game start to finish, 3 leaves in a row would equal a 15minute "deserter" debuff, thus banning you from play for 15minutes.


I imagine wins would also give more valor than losses aswell as additional medals, to encourage people not just to idle in the WZ but to actually play to win. And to stop the endless huttball mid medal/valor grind fest.


Perfect solution? not by a long shot. But a damn sight better than what it is now where people can just up and go as soon as they fall 1 - 0 behind.

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You dont have to be a rocket scientist to guess what will happen when you do that.


Do you think anyone will even care about winning if there is no incentive in the whole game to win a PvP match?


Players will go zerg a few games, get their daily, get their T3, unsub cause they beat the game. Everyone who is a real PvPer that likes winning and hates losing and plays for fun will quit doing PvP and it will eventually die.


Then, as soon as players are full T3 you will have leavers again, and even more rampant. They dont need the daily anymore, they dont need to win, they dont need equipment, they are just there to roflstomp enemy PUGs. If they dont have a premade and the enemy is not a PUG, they will leave.


As long as leaving a game is possible, people WILL leave games. You have to stop them from leaving games for a good amount of time after they left one, so that they can not leave more often than someone that plays all matches through.


The only way to fix leavers is to stop them from leaving games.


Sure people will care about winning still. You'll get more rewards, more comms, and gear up faster than losing all the time. Hell, it might PROLONG some peoples' subs because they lose all the time.. ha ha! It will also be better once Bioware implements a real Seasonal system with brackets, stats, etc...


Innocent people will get caught by a "deserter debuff"... Bugs exist that boot people from WZ games by no fault of their own (Bioware's fault, actually). There needs to be a multi-pronged approach to address this problem. Changing the daily to "full games played" is a good step... one of several that should be taken to fix the broken PvP system in this game.


I am not fully against adding a deserted debuff, but some serious thought needs to be put into it and there needs to be a 1 game grace period per day.. no debuff for the first drop, but the rest for that day will...

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LOL fine with me, I just hope you are a healer, because:


I am quite sure no one will heal anymore, other than a 2.5K, 5K and 75000... the rest will probably be DAMAAAAAAGE.


BTW... healing and damage is not participation.... in huttball you can easily score a 6:0 without ever healing or damaging.

I frequently get Huttball matches where I only get 1 or 2 medals because I spend the entire match running the ball and scoring, which earns ZERO medals. And those 2 medals I get are for using guard on team mates, or from my shield procs blocking damage.


I could score 4 out of our 6 goals (and have done this many times), and have very few medals. Of course, no MVP votes, either, because I'm not at the top of the scoreboard. :(

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Dear Morholt, you're a muppet.


I generaly finish my dailies/weeklies in plenty of time and then continue to do warzone afterwards because I don't really do PvE. That may either be solo or in a premade. This is not the purpose of the topic. What I object to is getting into someone elses cast off warzone that they failed at and bailed out.


You nob'ed.


There are a great deal more important issues to be fixed than this for sure. BGs are winnable and even if one or two don't count.....I still get my daily and weekly done in under 2 hours.


What needs more love is Ilum for sure. Making that balanced. BG's are already balanced.


After that, making ability delay equal for both sides period.


As imperial you are probably too dumb to realize that your faction has had numerous advantages hardcoded into the system that haven't been fixed yet.


I find Imps whining about 12 man Bgs to be the most amusing since it is at least that for us in Ilum, they should make BGs like that for a week to show you how 'balanced' this game has been. I've been in one of those games, but also at least 7 against as the Imps try and cheat to win at any cost.


Don't ever EVER complain to me about being outnumbered as a baddie Imp period.

Edited by _Morholt_
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A 15 min debuff isn't long enough. If you are leveling that is. Basically you can just quest pop in see if you want to be there and leave with a 15 minute punishment. The WZ was about 15 minutes anyway.


Maybe the 15 min penalty hurts a 50 more but I would just do something else. Jump on a alt for a bit perhaps. Just doesn't seem like anything time related is enough these days. Need to have some penalty on a persons Valor rank! Leaving a warzone early will cost you a total valor rank in addition to the loss of points and a debuff locking you out of wz for 1/2hr.


Might seem severe but I think it could be more then even what I said.


Srsly are you people this serious?


What about a DC/Client crash (I've had both, or in huttball I've jet cahrged/Been pulled into the empty space bug that causes me to either die and then can't run back in so get ported out/or DC) and I've lost a valor rank?


In the 60's which is where I am it's 54k per level, i believe the 70's are 58k. I did not exploit to reach BM (well I did get it before patch so some would say I was against low levels but I digress, I could only earn valor the way BW allowed me to and that was in WZ's).


Do you think these things through? The reason people leave is because the daily requires wins. I hardly ever quit (i have in tight time limits that I have to leave and need 1 more win quit but that's been maybe 5 times in a month that has happened). But most of the people quit because it's a loss and doesn't count towards the 3 win count.


Make it 5 games played. I dont' know but your penalty is just too much. It's crazy.

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Perfect i am glad you brought this up.


This shows how you guys don't think through your own examples well enough.


If you were playing in a team of players that you knew. It's a team that you pratice with or play with often. The actaully equialent in this game is a pre-made.


yes you got it a premade of players who play together often. If i'm in a pre-made of 8 players i know and i trust. I'll never leave even if the score was 5-0. Cos of the same reasons you stated.


However would you enter the team of a random baseball team. Halfway through the match they are losing cos they are idiots.


no you wouldn't


another example in real life.



your random stuck with a bunch of people in the middle of a war. And they all insist on opening their grenades in the middle of your base.


Would you leave the base and try and not waste your life or your time. Yes you would

You just proved the second point of my diatribe: the anonymity of the internet makes people think it's ok to quit on their team.


It matters not whether the team is comprised of only your close friends (or teamspeak buddies, for that matter), or random joes from your server. That's not the point at all and you know it. What matters is that folks use this as an excuse to blame everyone else for a failed, broken system that allows quitting to be rewarded, because there's no personal accountability for one's actions, and there's no names to faces, etc.


I hope when you grow up and have to go to work for a big company, you decide to do a half rear-end job because the CEO doesn't know you from the guy on the chicken packing plant assembly line next to you, and a half rear-end job pays just as much as 110% effort. That is what you're saying, after all. You only have to care when people you know are watching.

Edited by Nangasaur
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So in other words you don't want anyone to play a healing class in PvP with the current medal system.


No wonder you lose.


I wasn't aware that pugs contained healers that often. This is typically why I leave in the first 50 seconds.


No wonder people leave WZ when your name pops.




LOL fine with me, I just hope you are a healer, because:


I am quite sure no one will heal anymore, other than a 2.5K, 5K and 75000... the rest will probably be DAMAAAAAAGE.


And that changes from now in what way?


BTW... healing and damage is not participation.... in huttball you can easily score a 6:0 without ever healing or damaging.


You do realize that huttball isn't the only WZ in the game, right? Obviously you didn't read the part of my post that spoke about objectives, or you wouldn't have spouted this derp.

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Srsly are you people this serious?

What about a DC/Client crash (I've had both, or in huttball I've jet cahrged/Been pulled into the empty space bug that causes me to either die and then can't run back in so get ported out/or DC) and I've lost a valor rank?


In the new system with penalty you would be able to go back into the BG where you just D/Cd, you would only get a penalty if the game is OVER when you get back.


So no harm done in this case.

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My main gripe, is that a bunch of people quit when they're losing and I end up joining the warzone in the middle with 10 minutes still on the clock and a bunch of points on the board. This wastes my time because the daily only counts wins, I have a limited amount of play time, and I was just put in an unwinnable situation through no fault of my own. I generally stay, though, because I don't know how to leave the warzone (are people using /stuck?) and if we're getting totally clobbered, I can get some easy comms when we are mercy booted after 6 points.
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And that's a big problem right there, the pre-mades. A PuG has next to no chance of beating them and more and more ofton, at least on my server, that's what we end up going against. Hell, I consider the 3 win "daily" to be more of a weekly because it ofton takes that long to get 3 wins because of the pre-made squads.


I'd like to see a queueing system where if you queue solo everyone on both sides in the next WZ also queued solo and those who queued as a group were pitted against another group in that WZ.


Get some friends and q premades?


Or if you really want, and I have done, q'd up 8 quildies, 4 in each group. 90% of the time we face each other, so we let 1 side win. 6 matches dailies done for all 8 of us.


It's the system that's broke on the gear progression. BM can only get tokens from the daily/weekly. The daily (discounting Ilum) requires wins. Until it requires something else or participation, you'll have the quiters, the win traders, the whatever.

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My main gripe, is that a bunch of people quit when they're losing and I end up joining the warzone in the middle with 10 minutes still on the clock and a bunch of points on the board. This wastes my time because the daily only counts wins, I have a limited amount of play time, and I was just put in an unwinnable situation through no fault of my own. I generally stay, though, because I don't know how to leave the warzone (are people using /stuck?) and if we're getting totally clobbered, I can get some easy comms when we are mercy booted after 6 points.


just go to char select screen and log back in

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In the new system with penalty you would be able to go back into the BG where you just D/Cd, you would only get a penalty if the game is OVER when you get back.


So no harm done in this case.


Yea until I jet charge the ball runner wwith 1 min left cause he's about to score and I get booted to the skyline and get ported/DC'd.


I mean I've been ported for no reason, when i was on the other teams goal line, cause someone yanked me up to fire and I got put in the skyline area.


until these bugs are fixed I don't support any penalty system. And yours is TOO extreme. Loss of valor rank is ridiculous. 54k 58k 62k for 60's 70's 80's is ridiculous to loose when it wasn't anything you could control.

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Get some friends and q premades?


Or if you really want, and I have done, q'd up 8 quildies, 4 in each group. 90% of the time we face each other, so we let 1 side win. 6 matches dailies done for all 8 of us.


It's the system that's broke on the gear progression. BM can only get tokens from the daily/weekly. The daily (discounting Ilum) requires wins. Until it requires something else or participation, you'll have the quiters, the win traders, the whatever.

Here's an idea.


PVP for the entertainment value. It's a game. You're paying to be entertained by a game, win or lose. Some of you folks seem to be sounding like you only bought the game and are paying a monthly subscription to do 2 quests a day and put more pixels (gear) on a character via RNG, then log off.


I think your money would be better spent elsewhere, if that's the only reason you are paying to play. Buy a McDonalds happy meal and play with the toy inside; that would be more entertainment value, by how you guys seem to make it sound.

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I frequently get Huttball matches where I only get 1 or 2 medals because I spend the entire match running the ball and scoring, which earns ZERO medals. And those 2 medals I get are for using guard on team mates, or from my shield procs blocking damage.


I could score 4 out of our 6 goals (and have done this many times), and have very few medals. Of course, no MVP votes, either, because I'm not at the top of the scoreboard. :(


This is why I stopped ball running. I get my 11-15 medals and call it a day. Sometimes if it's close I'll only get 9 cause I'm helpping to try to win. But if it's looking like a win or a loose I start farming medals. More valor/comm's, why wouldn't I.


I even get the ball to pass to enemy just so I can get defender points.

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If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.


It's not a punitive measure to PLAYING. It's a punitive measure to QUITTING.


And it's well past needed.


AND it WOULD make PLAYING more fun, because those of us who don't quit wouldn't have to deal with quitters completely ruining our chances to compete and have a chance.

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I wasn't aware that pugs contained healers that often. This is typically why I leave in the first 50 seconds.


No wonder people leave WZ when your name pops.



Oh how i wish this was the case. For your information, i've taken a stand to tell quitters to alt+f4 anytime they see me start in a warzone with them. I'll take someone leaving right away, which gets someone else in before the match starts, any day over some putz that quits at the first sign of a loss. As stated previously, i'm driving this point home by throwing matches that they don't quit out of right away.



And that changes from now in what way?




You do realize that huttball isn't the only WZ in the game, right? Obviously you didn't read the part of my post that spoke about objectives, or you wouldn't have spouted this derp.



Oh my bad, healing 300k+ voidstar and getting 20 - 40 kills on the civil war while running back and forth protecting turrets is apparently derptastic.


Imma herpin' an a derpin' like it's 1999!

Edited by Evil_Santa
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This is why I stopped ball running. I get my 11-15 medals and call it a day. Sometimes if it's close I'll only get 9 cause I'm helpping to try to win. But if it's looking like a win or a loose I start farming medals. More valor/comm's, why wouldn't I.


I even get the ball to pass to enemy just so I can get defender points.


This post is EXACTLY what is wrong with PvP in this game.


This playstyle should be a reportable offense. Sad. And the saddest part? You're still better than the quitters.

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Bump for a Dev response...
They won't. They haven't responded to the other 1000 threads about it. Haven't mentioned it in a single Q&A thread. Not even a twitter /nod from Stephen Reid.




Meanwhile, rakata medpaks got nerfed three weeks into release when everyone only had 10-14K HP's and yes, the medpaks healed too much then. But now people have better gear and 4575 health (edit: just checked again) is barely 1/5th of my total HP's.

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If you are reading this thread and come across:

  • It's BioWares fault for not letting me choose a war zones
  • The other team's gear is better we need tiers
  • Premades need their own bracket
  • My team is bad
  • Well I get nothing from losing

Please be aware that these are all selfish people making excuses. They are also irrational. If we had seperate ques for 3 WZ's with two level brackets each, and seperate in each of those for gear, and seperate in each of those for premades, we would end up with 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 we would have 24 seperate ques and 2 hour waits. But these selfish people want to win and win only or they drop and screw over the other 15 people in the zone plus the guy who ends up replacing him.


Selfish is selfish. These people simply don't like losing and can not deal with it .A deserter penalty is a must. If they quit SWToR they quit, the game will be better off in the long run without them. If they AFK the match they will be forever known as the three year olds that they are. Getting rid of these people is a bonus, they are the same people who scream at bads and quit and exploit.


PS If they did have 24 q's so the babies could get what they want, they would come up with more reasons to quit matches. Quiters quit, you can not change them, hopefully they will quit the game from the pain of losing half their matches like everyone else.


This! /sign

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