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    Houston Tx
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    TOR, Golf, Beer Drinking
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  1. good luck w/ that. No one has any need for a DPS Merc in rated WZ
  2. Fix your guild tag FFS!!! LOL!!! And for the OP its grass and snow on all 3 servers I play on so suck it up and move on. No one cares about your crying because you think you have a better idea.
  3. Found this gem on Reddit about sums up this entire thread "I really don't understand why everyone is losing their **** about their server not being on the list yet. They said "server transfers start on tuesday" not "we're going to make sure everyone gets on the fatman an hour after maitenence and then we will send a designated Bioware employee to your home to fellate you until you are satisfied". Seriously guys, let's have a little patience. I read some of the replies on their dev thread about it and I lost a little faith in humanity this morning."
  4. I'm wondering if this is all that will be up for transfer today...Good start BW and here's to hoping we get more rolled out today!!!
  5. Do you play a Merc...I want you to tell me where Heavy Armor helps AT ALL and this so called Survivability you speak of...please explain how this works post 1.2
  6. As you can see it seems Bioware knows about the issue, but lets not fix it... We will just move your thread and ignore the entire Merc community... Bioware you are making it really hard to justify giving you my cash every month when you completely ignore a portion of you subscription base. Please give us some kind of response to our issue. All we want is to see you are "working" on it and not just ignoring an entire section of the SWTOR family. I don't think is too much to ask for loyal paying customers.
  7. We had the same issue on 16 HM. Lightning spires would spawn and the only way to know its there is seeing the proc on your toon. Its a real pain to deal with and should be fixed asap please!!!
  8. First people QQ about TM spam and they nerfed it, so you got what you asked for. Now HSM hits harder and you all QQ about that. Should we just run around with a wet noodle blaster just to make you bads happy...L2P
  9. Wow here you go again...
  10. Did you graduate from high school?.?.?.? Math R HARDS!!!
  11. The devs really need to let us know what the reason is for waiting until less then 24 hours till patch to announce this. Is it you intention to dupe your loyal customers into dropping more cash then pulling the rug from under them. This is underhanded and to be honest an out right slap in the face to the PvP community. Bioware had an idea that this was going to happen but instead of being honest with the community they decided to lie to us and then toss out a sideways "Sorry please be patient with us". I'm am just truly stunned that Bioware would screw over its community in this way. So Bioware: 1. What do you plan to do for all the people you screwed with this stunt? 2. Why did you feel the need to lie to us all for months about this feature. That's just plain and simple shady as hell? I'm sure Bioware will continue to spit out mindless dribble on this subject but never the less figured I would try to get someone with a brain over there to help explain the lack of (for lack of a better word) respect you show to the people who keep you in a job. CAN WE GET A REAL DEV RESPONSE AND NOT SOME SIDEWAYS "SORRY, WE WILL FIX THIS SOON"...
  12. The amount of fail in this post is truly astonishing...If you can't gear yourself in normal/hard FP you are just a bunch of terrible. As for you crying about the 2 man heroic all I can think of is ITS TOO HARD!!!!!!!
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