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Three hours of warzones - a detailed report.


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Are you guys in the single-digit IQ region or are you simply trolling for the sake of trolling?


If I decide to stick to a game, I finish it.

If I leave, it's either:

- way before the countdown ends. For that other idiot: not a single time I've been the first to enter the warzone.

- when I'm thrown into an obvious defeat already in progress.


About the red part. Yes, I leave huttball because I think it's a monstrosity wich should not exist in any form of pvp. I don't even check the teams or anything else. Huttball = I leave instantly. I'm not paying to play something I hate just because some amateurs decided we can't choose the warzone to queue for.




But you kids are missing the main point. It's not about leaving or staying.

It's about the staggering amount of games tainted by broken game mechanics, be it starting with less players than the other team, or getting thrown into a massacre already in progress.


But I'm starting to think a part of the community actually deserve this sorry excuse of pvp.




EDIT: I like how you turds take the single game I left because of the craptastic team (again, giving ample time to let a replacement in before the game starts), wich was an extreme case of 6/8 players under 13k hp.

But somehow you conveniently ignore all the games started with incomplete teams or similar garbage.


Somebody call the waaahmbulance! And huttball is awesome, l2p scrub. I'm considering rerolling Empire because I don't get enough of it (that's trolling).

Edited by Abanoth
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So you spent 3 and a half hours leaving any warzone where you thought you'd lose or didn't like and at the same time you're complaining about joining undermanned teams. Did it ever occur to you that some of those undermanned teams got that way because of people going, "Huttball with 5 sorcs? Eff that /quit"


Only thing this post makes a concrete argument for is a deserter debuff.


This i agree with this.

OP i dont understand you at all. Is playing pvp in this a game a chore to you?

if it is well maybe pvp isnt for you. just saying. I mean i like to win too, but im mostly for the fun, if i lose at least ill go down swinging.

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What a joke. Glad you are not on my server, though i am pretty sure your mom is.


I /ignore every quitter, and atleast on my server there aren't that many of them. Protest them on your own server the same way. Don't buy their crap, don't listen to them in region, don't join there guilds. You don't want to kno these guys anyways.


Srsly you guys..


First of all your mom is already on my ignore list for underperforming,second,i dont care if you dont buy my stuff since i have millions of credits already,third i dont care if you trash me in /1 since good players know me and i know them and i /care what bads think about me big time,fourth my guild isnt recruiting since our raid team is established and we have nightmare modes on farm,fifth u were saying?move along nab

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OP didn't mention what bracket it was, from what the post said, having people with 12K hp or less, I'm assuming 10-49... And people like the OP are why we're not getting daily win credit.


Nah, I think he was trying to say was that he was in the 50's bracket, and almost half the people were new 50's with 12k or less health.

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So, from what i can gather, this thread is about the OP complaining that he can't just get into a WZ with insta-win? I hate Huttball, not because the Warzone is no fun, but because as Imp it's what we get 80% of the time. What did i do? I rolled a REP. I played maybe a grand total of 10 Huttball matches all day. And i bet i played 40+ games yesterday (currently at home on disability).


Yes, it's frustrating to get into Voidstar, have to hit spacebar to get past the loading screen, then spacebar twice more to skip cutscenes. Or getting stuck on a stupid speeder, only to get stuck behind the shield after the initial spawn because the ride takes so long.


There are things they can fix regarding the warzones. The first thing they need to fix is People leaving because they are losing. The only time i leave a warzone is when the speeder's don't spawn in alderaan, or when i load in and get kicked because i can't leave the safe zone in a game that's already started.


I don't play PvP to win every match. I play PvP because i like it. Is it awesome that we can level in PvP? yes. Is it awesome that you have quest for PvP? Yes. Is it awesome that the OP leaves any game he feels he's gonna lose? HELLLLL NO.


The OP is part of the problem he proclaims to hate so much. He is a hamster on a wheel, chasing his tail. This isn't even a L2P comment. This is a play the game comment. Stop leaving warzones, and be a part of the solution.


I'm gonna say that you're probably under the age of 25, part of the Give me Give me generation. Work for what you want, don't expect others to hand it to you. Yes the mechanics are a little screwy, but it appears your biggest complaint is being undermanned or entering a warzone already in progress. So you leave. Causing the same problem you hate so much.


Oh, my team doesn't have a lot of HP, they're level 10, they have crappy gear. I had this comment thrown at myself and 2 guildmates. We are leveling through PvP on our new Rep toons. We were told we were awful, we are the problem with PvP. And in the end, we were top Damage and Heals. Doors we guarded were not the ones that went down. We were undergeared/low level, and we made the most impact in that WZ.

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Yes, Huttball sucks for Scoundrels. I know because I play one and I detest it a fair amount. I always feel like a wasted slot in my team because all I can do really is contest the middle - assuming that the enemy don't have a couple of Ranged DPS standing on their overlooking gantry because if they do... I'm basically screwed. Go up and attack them = KB and dead. Ignore them = dead. I end up playing 'hide, dot & hot'. It's frustrating but... I still never quit. Why? Because I care about my team members, I care about my reputation and I know it's annoying when people quit... so just don't do it.


Yes, there are issues that need to be fixed with games starting at 8v6 but people quitting when they are in that situation means they lose all right to complain about walking into the sorts of situations they create. Stick out an 8v6 start. Often if you do you'll get two more players who join and stick around. If one person quits and makes it 8v5 that basically makes it a certain defeat. And quitting even with 1 minute left on the clock still disadvantages your team.

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i am an operative healer and huttball is my favorite. i heal the heck out of everyone but mostly myself. yes i get knocked all over the place all game but i do have 2 cc's that i can use before someone gets to me if im faster than them. and if the whole team is attacking me i can stealth or pass the ball forward to someone or no one . no big deal
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As some have mentioned, there were a pretty shocking amount of /quits on that list, even outside of Huttball.


Starting a match undermanned isn't insta-lose. Me and my buddy got tossed into a Voidstar about a week ago in which we arrived defending the very last room with 4 and a half minutes left in round 1.


We put our game faces on, stopped the other team dead in their tracks, and on offense we rallied our team to a victory. There hasn't been a single warzone more satisfying than that for me so far, and I've participated in beyond a countless number of them.


Sure, loss streaks are rough. Sure, it can be discouraging when you see half your team is undergeared/underleveled. And it's most certainly discouraging when you start the match with 5 or 6 people.


But losses can be learning experiences, people have been proving that gear/level doesn't completely determine a win/loss, and that as long as you keep your head in the game until there's an even player count anything is possible.

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First of all your mom is already on my ignore list for underperforming,second,i dont care if you dont buy my stuff since i have millions of credits already,third i dont care if you trash me in /1 since good players know me and i know them and i /care what bads think about me big time,fourth my guild isnt recruiting since our raid team is established and we have nightmare modes on farm,fifth u were saying?move along nab


Double space ur mouth breathing rants pls.

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But losses can be learning experiences, people have been proving that gear/level doesn't completely determine a win/loss, and that as long as you keep your head in the game until there's an even player count anything is possible.


Had a huttball yesterday.Got in a team with 4 bms.Run a premade with 2 of them when i was grinding for bm,played many games with and against other.After 2 minutes since start we were at enemy`s team spawning points farming them when they tryed to jump down.

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You know why you join losing games or ones that are already in progress?

That's right because people just like you whatever their reason may be, however valid or understandable it may be, left. If enough people keep doing this regularly, overall youll see more games already in progress and in most cases its already a lost game.

If you want less lost games in general, everyone needs to endure the ****** games and not just flat out leave. You'll be putting people who didnt even get a chance to participate an awfull experience straight of the bat. I don't think there was a deserter buff or anything similiar, but perhaps one might be needed. And it doesn't have to be a 15 min debuff either, 5 mins is more then enough. Perhaps make it a stacking debuff, the more often you leave the bigger it gets, with a max of 30 mins. Because I myself often stick around even if a loss is inevitable. Why? Because through medals I can still ease the pain somewhat, I need valor and I need warzones coms either way, leaving hurts myself.

Not to mention the que times can be rather high as well and thus I might as well stick a few mins around.

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There's a lot wrong with PVP, and no one likes getting put into losing WZs back to back to back. But OP is a bit out of line. However, the issue of not getting credit for wins just sucks hard, and it's still not fixed. Lol patch notes.
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You know why you join losing games or ones that are already in progress?

That's right because people just like you whatever their reason may be, however valid or understandable it may be, left. If enough people keep doing this regularly, overall youll see more games already in progress and in most cases its already a lost game.

If you want less lost games in general, everyone needs to endure the ****** games and not just flat out leave. You'll be putting people who didnt even get a chance to participate an awfull experience straight of the bat. I don't think there was a deserter buff or anything similiar, but perhaps one might be needed. And it doesn't have to be a 15 min debuff either, 5 mins is more then enough. Perhaps make it a stacking debuff, the more often you leave the bigger it gets, with a max of 30 mins. Because I myself often stick around even if a loss is inevitable. Why? Because through medals I can still ease the pain somewhat, I need valor and I need warzones coms either way, leaving hurts myself.

Not to mention the que times can be rather high as well and thus I might as well stick a few mins around.


Yep i get in 0-5 games after some1 left.il leave them instantly and see no problem with that.

No,i dont need medals and valor,i need 3 wins,so unless bioware putts in personal skill based rewards(healing/damage done,scoring and such)i will leave failed matches where ppl farm medals instead of helping team win.They dont want to help me get my daily,i dont want to help them farm their medals.

Edited by cosmov
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Geez, I'd be more upset at all of those Civil Wars. I hate that Warzone with a fiery passion. When I get it, I'm just like ">:[ FUUUU-" I'll still stay because I don't want to build a reputation of "that pansy that leaves every warzone." Then again, I'm a weirdo that likes Huttball.


Solo queueing is your problem (along with leaving before the game starts). Make friends who enjoy Pvping and queue with them, but rid yourself of that awful habit of leaving. Most GOOD pvp guilds frown upon it. :)

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So you spent 3 and a half hours leaving any warzone where you thought you'd lose or didn't like and at the same time you're complaining about joining undermanned teams. Did it ever occur to you that some of those undermanned teams got that way because of people going, "Huttball with 5 sorcs? Eff that /quit"


Only thing this post makes a concrete argument for is a deserter debuff.


yep sounds like he's contributing to the problem and then he's complaining about it that it's happening to him...

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The OP is a perfect example of why the game needs a 30min+ deserter debuff. I seriously can't believe you posted this. Were you actually expecting people to side with you? Pathetic.


The only way they are going to stop this is to implement some form of penalty for deserting. Maybe a 15 min debuff AND a loss of Valor of some kind. The problem gets tricky because BW doesn't allow people to pick which wz they want to queue for.

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"I can't stop eating.... I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I'd like to get in touch with and forgive... myself"


~Fat Bastard




"I can't stop leaving....I leave because I'm unhappy, and we all loose because I leave. It's a vicious cycle. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I'd like to get in touch with and forgive for deserting....myself"


~OP and others like him



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Your chronicle, OP - is one of a whiny child who can't hack it @ PvP. I hope I never end up with you on my team. I would literally petition to get a primadonna like you kicked from my guild.


THE FUNNIEST PART is that you are so out of touch, you actually thought that post was going to get you somewhere?




1. I didn't see an easy win, so I left. INSTANTLY! (see how fast I left?)


2. Peeps didn't have enough hitpoints. left...yes, really quickly too.


3. Didn't have any skills that could turn the tide. left...I have greatz twitch.


4. Didn't wanna wait the 5 seconds for our team to go from 6 to 8. left.


5. Defeat. But good game cause I got lotsa MVP medals. Love internet anonymity.


6. Win. Mostly because of me, but we had a good team and the other team had a low average hitpoints.


7. It wasn't my favorite map, and my Mommy knows I don't play anything unless its my favorite.


8. No easy win. left INSTANTLY SO THERE!

Edited by Fischer_King
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