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Three hours of warzones - a detailed report.


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This is directed to our fantastic developers, who apparently read every single thread in this section but don't have time to answer to any of them.

This is also directed to the alarmingly high amount of players who consider the current state of PvP acceptable, just because "game is new, it will be awsum".


It's a report of the last 3 hours and a half, wich I spent doing warzones for the daily.

I'll list all the warzones I joined, one by one.


1- Civil War. Awful team, with a couple 12k hp and overall bad teamplay. We deserve the defeat.


2- Voidstar. Average HP of the team is under 13k. I leave with 1 minute left on the initial countdown.


3- Voidstar. Game already in progress with attackers stuck at the first door with less than 4 minutes to go. I stick to the end. Defeat.


4- Civil war. When the speeders spawn, we have FIVE players. I don't even bother going down and leave.


5- Civil war. Game already in progress, turrets 0-3, losing 300 - 450. I leave instantly.


6- Voidstar. Game already in progress as the defenders, with the first door already opened with 6.30 to go. I stick to the end. Defeat.


7- Voidstar. Close match, we win. Victory registered for the daily.


8- Huttball. I don't play Huttball so I'd have left anyway, but the game was already in progress, losing 0-2 with 13 minutes to go.


9- Huttball. I leave before the start.


10 - Civil war. We lose against a better team. "Better team" means they had FIVE sorcerers. Real hardcore fun for a melee class with zero gap-closing abilities. (I'm a scoundrel).


11- Huttball. I leave before the start.


12 - Huttball. See 11.


13 - Huttball. See 11 and 12.


14 - Civil war. Another close match, we win. Victory registered for the daily.


15 - Voidstar. Totally lopsided and uninteresting match. We win, but the victory is not registered for the daily.


16 - Civil War. Good match, defeat.


17 - Civil War. Game already in progress, turrets 1-2 and shutdown sequence with 60 seconds left. I leave instantly.


18 - Civil War. Totally lopsided defeat.


19 - Voidstar. Another uninteresting massacre, we win and the daily is finally over.




A few considerations.


Out of 19 warzones I joined, 5 was losing games already in progress and one started with 5 players (I didn't write down all the games started with 7, but no less than 5).


I was lucky today with the win count for the dailies, having to win only 5. Usually it's 5 or 6, with a record of 8.


Of these 19 warzones, 5 was huttball, wich I hate with a fiery passion. But we don't deserve the privilege to choose.


But the most important part is about the quality of these 19 warzones. I had a grand total of THREE interesting matches (two victories and a defeat).

The remaining 16 was somewhere between "frustrating" and "utterly disgusting".


Huttball aside, 5 of the remaining 14 games was ruined by broken game mechanics, like joining obvious defeats in progress or starting without a full team.




Is this what we should expect after what? Four years of developement with the highest budget in mmorpg history?




EDIT: for the "leavers are ruining this game" drama queens. Should I be punished for leaving games 2-4-5-8-9-11-12-13-17?

Edited by ShizuXIII
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I quit Huttball because I find it disgusting. I quit it with well over 1 minute to go on the initial countdown, so I don't hurt the team in any way.


I also quit total defeats, wich I am forced to join mid-fight.


The only game wich could be remotely debatable is n.2, but I left with over 1 minute on the initial countdown.



EDIT: seems like the first two idiots missed the point by a few miles. Let's see if it gets better.

Edited by ShizuXIII
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So you spent 3 and a half hours leaving any warzone where you thought you'd lose or didn't like and at the same time you're complaining about joining undermanned teams. Did it ever occur to you that some of those undermanned teams got that way because of people going, "Huttball with 5 sorcs? Eff that /quit"


Only thing this post makes a concrete argument for is a deserter debuff.

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I quit it with well over 1 minute to go on the initial countdown, so I don't hurt the team in any way.





Fixed an issue causing players to not receive Warzone Win mission credit upon winning a Warzone match when the first player to enter the zone leaves the zone before the match concludes.



thanks a lot bro everyone appreciates it

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EDIT: for the "leavers are ruining this game" drama queens. Should I be punished for leaving games 2-4-5-8-9-11-12-13-17?


For the drama queens, the answer is a resounding yes.


But let me ask you this - what if you couldn't leave those games? What if your only option was to semi-AFK or stop playing for 30 mins for your debuff to wear off? What would you do? I'm betting you'd quit the game, rather than put up with this nonsense. Which is something drama queens are clearly unable to even consider.

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I used to have problems getting the daily done too.


Then I got better at the game.


Below average players will have below average win rates, enough said.


Nowadays, I'm disappointed my PVP dailies get done so quickly. Today I picked up the quest, queued 3 matches, won them all, highest damage done by a mile, over 500k when the next highest didn't break 300k... then thought, damn, I can't play PVP any more for the next 24 hours /sadface/


But I agree with most of the posters here - the problem lies in the fact that there is no deserter penalty. Many players - like yourself - will quit the warzone if they think their team is weak. The actually good PVPers on your server are undoubtedly doing the same - they are zoning into the matches you're in, seeing nobody worth anything there, and zoning out.


If you're actually good at PVP, those same good players will zone in, see you are there, and think, damn, we won this. They'll stay and fight. Your win rate will go up dramatically. And good players start banding together. Bring 4 battlemasters to a match and your win rate goes up like crazy.


Being good at the game has a multiplicative effect - you're not only contributing more to the team, you're also ensuring the good players who zone in stay, and you're more likely to be able to play in teams with battlemasters.


Welcome to PVP.

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So you spent 3 and a half hours leaving any warzone where you thought you'd lose or didn't like and at the same time you're complaining about joining undermanned teams. Did it ever occur to you that some of those undermanned teams got that way because of people going, "Huttball with 5 sorcs? Eff that /quit"


Only thing this post makes a concrete argument for is a deserter debuff.


Are you guys in the single-digit IQ region or are you simply trolling for the sake of trolling?


If I decide to stick to a game, I finish it.

If I leave, it's either:

- way before the countdown ends. For that other idiot: not a single time I've been the first to enter the warzone.

- when I'm thrown into an obvious defeat already in progress.


About the red part. Yes, I leave huttball because I think it's a monstrosity wich should not exist in any form of pvp. I don't even check the teams or anything else. Huttball = I leave instantly. I'm not paying to play something I hate just because some amateurs decided we can't choose the warzone to queue for.




But you kids are missing the main point. It's not about leaving or staying.

It's about the staggering amount of games tainted by broken game mechanics, be it starting with less players than the other team, or getting thrown into a massacre already in progress.


But I'm starting to think a part of the community actually deserve this sorry excuse of pvp.




EDIT: I like how you turds take the single game I left because of the craptastic team (again, giving ample time to let a replacement in before the game starts), wich was an extreme case of 6/8 players under 13k hp.

But somehow you conveniently ignore all the games started with incomplete teams or similar garbage.

Edited by ShizuXIII
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>OP complains about joining undermanned teams.

>OP leaves almost half his matches.




awesome players like the OP usually do that am i rite?? :p


Anyways leaving WZ's even if you loose is the worst thing some1 can do,gaining Valor by farming Medals is better than leave and get nothing

Edited by Nerithiel
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Dood, you are leaving failed games and complaining about joining losses in progress..


It is exactly what you are doing, and the same type of doosh is doing to you.


You are reaping what you sow, by creating the problem you hate the most.



PS Huttball isn't pvp you are right, but it is fun.

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You know who likes huttball? People with knockbacks. You don't get one as a scoundral, so you don't like Huttball. I play a Sentinel, a Vanguard, and Scoundral. Sent is the only 50. I don't like Huttball either. Melee without knockback are the least fun classes to play Huttball. Spend the entire game flying off ledges. I guess you can always just not go on ledges, but then you can't carry the ball or kill the other teams runner when they are on a ledge, so you aren't helping much.


Huttball with the Van isn't terrible, but the harpoon and hold the line are the only things that make it worth it.

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If you're actually good at PVP, those same good players will zone in, see you are there, and think, damn, we won this. They'll stay and fight. Your win rate will go up dramatically. And good players start banding together. Bring 4 battlemasters to a match and your win rate goes up like crazy.


Being good at the game has a multiplicative effect - you're not only contributing more to the team, you're also ensuring the good players who zone in stay, and you're more likely to be able to play in teams with battlemasters.


Welcome to PVP.


Yep,if i get in wz and see familiar names i will stay,even if match goes sour cuz i know i am playing with good players and if we losing it means opposing team is better and we got outplayed.If i join wz and see names i dont know and many of them are under 13k hp i leave outright.


That ofter ends with bm`s getting grouped with other bm`s and then its bm`s fighting other bm`s while rest of players getting slaughtered when they try to intervene but that is another issue

Edited by cosmov
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Yep,if i get in wz and see familiar names i will stay,even if match goes sour cuz i know i am playing with good players and if we losing it means opposing team is better and we got outplayed.If i join wz and see names i dont know and many of them are under 13k hp i leave outright.


What a joke. Glad you are not on my server, though i am pretty sure your mom is.


I /ignore every quitter, and atleast on my server there aren't that many of them. Protest them on your own server the same way. Don't buy their crap, don't listen to them in region, don't join there guilds. You don't want to kno these guys anyways.


Srsly you guys..

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This guy is ridiculous. If you leave matches that are certain defeats...then you can't complain about joining matches that are certain defeats!! Insulting people's intelligence doesn't mask the fact that you have extra chromosomes.


I honestly never leave a match, but on my server, ever single match he described in which he joined ended up a defeat. I only stick to the end for credits and valor lol.

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lol..so in 3 hrs u had 19 games pop up..let me show you what i got in 6 hrs queueing yesterday


1. a civil war pops..here is 4 of us..120 sec cd kicks in..i stay til end.

2. a voidstar pops..theres 5 of us..120 sec cd kicks in ..i stay til end.


erm...thats it..that was from 2pm til 8 pm....oh...and your a scumbag for leaving games.

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